Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the Event of a Maritime Accident
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 19 - 69, 31.05.2021
İsmail Demir
Mustafa Başkara
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the criminalisation of seafarers in the event of a maritime accident under the rules of international maritime law. There are many cases where seafarers suffer from unfair treatment; such as detention of seafarers due to pollution of the sea and arrest of seafarers as witnesses in criminal prosecutions. Additionally, in many cases, seafarers are put into prison as scapegoats. This situation is an apparent breach of fair trial principle of law. International Maritime Organisation has amended the Guidelines on Fair Treatment of Seafarers in the event of Maritime Accident which is examined extensively. This paper has analysed critically many cases including "The Prestige" and "The Tasman Spirit" cases.
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- Bauer, P. J.: "The Maritime Labour Convention: An Adequate Guarantee of Seafarer Rights, or an Impediment to True Reforms?" Chicago Journal of International Law, 2008, Vol. 8: No. 2, Article 12.
- Couper, A.: “Implications of Maritime Globalization for the Crews of Merchant Ships”, Journal for Maritime Research, 2000, C. II, S. I, 1 - 8.
- Demir, İ.: “The Developments Regarding The Fair Treatment of Seafarers in The Events of Maritime Accident in International Law”, Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 2012, S.3, 123 - 151.
- Dimitrova, D. N. - Blanpain, R.: Seafarers' Rights in the Globalized Maritime Industry, Kluwer Law International, 2010.
- Fitzpatrick, D. - Anderson, M.: Seafarers' Rights, Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 3.
- Gold, E.: “The Fair Treatment of Seafarers”, WMU Journal Maritime Affairs, 2005, Vol. 2, Iss. 4, 129 - 130.
- Graham, C. A.: “Maritime Security and Seafarers’ Welfare: Towards Harmonization”, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 2009, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, 71 - 87.
- Kirby, S. M.: "The Criminalization of Seafarers Involved in Marine Pollution Incidents", Company of Master Mariners of Canada International Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2011.
- Kyriaki, M.: "Employment of Seafarers in the EU Context: Challenges and Opportunities.", Marine Policy, 2008, Vol. 32, Iss. 6, 1043 - 1049.
- Murray, O.: “Fair Treatment of Seafarers - International Law and Practice”, The Journal of International Maritime Law, 2012, Vol. 18, p. 150 - 164.
- Xingang, L. K - Ng, J. M.: "International Maritime Conventions: Seafarers' Safety and Human Rights", Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 2002, Vol. 33, Iss. 3, 381 - 404.
- C - 188/07 Commune de Mesquer v Total, June 24, 2008.
- EWCA, 2792 Civ., 333, [2015].
- EWHC, 3188 (Comm), [2013].
- IMO/ILO/WGFTS 1/11, February 3, 2005.
- IMO LEG 88/12, March 18, 2004.
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- IMO LEG 89/9/2, September 21, 2004.
- IMO LEG 89/9, August 20, 2004.
- IMO LEG 90/7, February 9, 2005.
- IMO LEG 92/6/1, July 25, 2006.
- IMO LEG 92/6/4, September 15, 2006.
- IMO LEG 97/INF/3, September 10, 2010.
- IMO LEG 101/4/1, March 14, 2014.
- IMO LEG 102/4, March 2, 2015.
- IMO LEG 106/15, Jan 22, 2019.
- Resolution A.788(19) (2016) ISM.
- <https://www.ilo.org/global/standards/subjects - covered - by - international - labour - standards/seafarers/lang - - en/index.htm >, (accessed on: 3 July 2016).
- International Group of Protection and Indemnity 'IGP&I' (Igpandi.org, 2016), <http://www.igpandi.org> (accessed on Dec 21, 2019).
- Seafarers’ Rights International, SRI Survey on Fair Treatment of Seafarers, December 2018 (accessed on Dec 19, 2019), < http://ftp.elabor8. co.uk/sri/pdf/SRI - Survey - web.pdf>.
- “The Criminalization of Seafarers - From master mariner to master criminal”, Gard News - Insight, Feb 1, 2005, S. 177, < http://www. gard.no/web/updates/content/53568/the - criminalisation - of - seafarers - from - master - mariner - to - master - criminal> (accessed on 14 Dec, 2019).
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, Article 230 (2016). <http://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/ unclos/ unclos_e.pdf> (accessed on Dec 9, 2019).
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Review of Maritime Transport, 2015. <http://unctad.org/en/pages/ PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=1374> (accessed on Dec 13, 2019).
Deniz Kazalarında Gemiadamlarına Adil Muamele Yapılması
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 3 Sayı: 1, 19 - 69, 31.05.2021
İsmail Demir
Mustafa Başkara
Bu çalışmanın amacı bir deniz kazası durumunda gemiadamlarının uluslararası deniz hukuku mevzuatı kapsamında suçlu sayılıp sayılmadıklarını incelemektir. Gemiadamlarının, deniz kirlenmesi durumunda gözaltına alınmaları ve cezai kovuşturmalarda tanık olarak tutuklanmaları gibi adil olmayan uygulamalara maruz kaldığı birçok dava bulunmaktadır. Buna ek olarak birçok davada gemiadamları günah keçisi olarak hapse atılmaktadır. Bu durum hukukta adil yargılama ilkesini açıkça ihlal etmektedir. Uluslararası Denizcilik Örgütü tarafından düzenlenen Deniz Kazalarında Gemiadamlarına Adil Muamele Yapılmasına Dair Rehber Kurallar kapsamlı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada "Prestige" ve "Tasman Spirit" davaları dahil olmak üzere birçok dava analiz edilmiştir.
- Balbaa, A.: “Protecting Seafarers’ Rights - The Need to Review the Implementation of the ISPS Code”, College of Maritime Transport and Technology Arab Academy for Science, 2005, 6th Conference, p. 1 - 10.
- Bauer, P. J.: "The Maritime Labour Convention: An Adequate Guarantee of Seafarer Rights, or an Impediment to True Reforms?" Chicago Journal of International Law, 2008, Vol. 8: No. 2, Article 12.
- Couper, A.: “Implications of Maritime Globalization for the Crews of Merchant Ships”, Journal for Maritime Research, 2000, C. II, S. I, 1 - 8.
- Demir, İ.: “The Developments Regarding The Fair Treatment of Seafarers in The Events of Maritime Accident in International Law”, Ankara Barosu Dergisi, 2012, S.3, 123 - 151.
- Dimitrova, D. N. - Blanpain, R.: Seafarers' Rights in the Globalized Maritime Industry, Kluwer Law International, 2010.
- Fitzpatrick, D. - Anderson, M.: Seafarers' Rights, Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 3.
- Gold, E.: “The Fair Treatment of Seafarers”, WMU Journal Maritime Affairs, 2005, Vol. 2, Iss. 4, 129 - 130.
- Graham, C. A.: “Maritime Security and Seafarers’ Welfare: Towards Harmonization”, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, 2009, Vol. 8, Iss. 1, 71 - 87.
- Kirby, S. M.: "The Criminalization of Seafarers Involved in Marine Pollution Incidents", Company of Master Mariners of Canada International Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2011.
- Kyriaki, M.: "Employment of Seafarers in the EU Context: Challenges and Opportunities.", Marine Policy, 2008, Vol. 32, Iss. 6, 1043 - 1049.
- Murray, O.: “Fair Treatment of Seafarers - International Law and Practice”, The Journal of International Maritime Law, 2012, Vol. 18, p. 150 - 164.
- Xingang, L. K - Ng, J. M.: "International Maritime Conventions: Seafarers' Safety and Human Rights", Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, 2002, Vol. 33, Iss. 3, 381 - 404.
- C - 188/07 Commune de Mesquer v Total, June 24, 2008.
- EWCA, 2792 Civ., 333, [2015].
- EWHC, 3188 (Comm), [2013].
- IMO/ILO/WGFTS 1/11, February 3, 2005.
- IMO LEG 88/12, March 18, 2004.
- IMO LEG 88/12/3, March 19, 2004.
- IMO LEG 89/9/2, September 21, 2004.
- IMO LEG 89/9, August 20, 2004.
- IMO LEG 90/7, February 9, 2005.
- IMO LEG 92/6/1, July 25, 2006.
- IMO LEG 92/6/4, September 15, 2006.
- IMO LEG 97/INF/3, September 10, 2010.
- IMO LEG 101/4/1, March 14, 2014.
- IMO LEG 102/4, March 2, 2015.
- IMO LEG 106/15, Jan 22, 2019.
- Resolution A.788(19) (2016) ISM.
- <https://www.ilo.org/global/standards/subjects - covered - by - international - labour - standards/seafarers/lang - - en/index.htm >, (accessed on: 3 July 2016).
- International Group of Protection and Indemnity 'IGP&I' (Igpandi.org, 2016), <http://www.igpandi.org> (accessed on Dec 21, 2019).
- Seafarers’ Rights International, SRI Survey on Fair Treatment of Seafarers, December 2018 (accessed on Dec 19, 2019), < http://ftp.elabor8. co.uk/sri/pdf/SRI - Survey - web.pdf>.
- “The Criminalization of Seafarers - From master mariner to master criminal”, Gard News - Insight, Feb 1, 2005, S. 177, < http://www. gard.no/web/updates/content/53568/the - criminalisation - of - seafarers - from - master - mariner - to - master - criminal> (accessed on 14 Dec, 2019).
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, Article 230 (2016). <http://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/ unclos/ unclos_e.pdf> (accessed on Dec 9, 2019).
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Review of Maritime Transport, 2015. <http://unctad.org/en/pages/ PublicationWebflyer.aspx?publicationid=1374> (accessed on Dec 13, 2019).