The Eddy current brake (ECB) is a new technology brake system that can be used as an emergency or service brake for trains on railway lines. In this system, the main force for braking is caused by the electromagnetic interaction between the magnet assembly and the rail, independent of the adhesion between the wheel and the rail. This increases the braking performance of the train. This system is recommended as the best option for high speed trains, given the improvements in capacity, safety and maintenance costs. However, it is necessary to check the compatibility of this system with the conventional railway line and make it available under certain conditions. In this article, the compatibility between the current high-speed railway lines and its components with the Eddy-Current brake system in Turkey was evaluated with the help of theoretical calculations considering their contributions to the traffic capacity and maintenance cost of this system and proposals have been made on the implementation of the solution.
[4] Sakamoto, Y. (2009). 'Development of an Eddy Current Rail Brake Derived from Linear Motor Technology'. Railway Technology Avalanche. vol. 29. December. p. 172.
[5] Railway Gazette. (Ekim,2018). (Online) Available (20 Aralık, 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[6] Railway Gazette. (2008, Haziran). (Online) Available (20 Aralık, 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[7] Enacademic. (2011) (Online) Available. (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[8] Jang, S.-M., Jeong, S.-S. and Cha, S.-D. (2001). 'The Application of Linear Halbach Array to Eddy Current Rail Brake System'. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. vol. 37. no. 4. July. pp. 2627-2629
[9] 21 Kasım 2013 tarihinde Knorr-Bremse tarafından Cer Dairesi Başkanlığına yapılan sunum
[10] Schopf, D.M. (2008). 'Eddy Current Brake - An innovative wear-free braking system independent from wheel-rail adhesion'. Amsterdam 2008 Highspeed 6th World Congress on High Speed Rail. Amsterdam. 1-10.
[11] Kim, S., Jang, K., Lee, J. and Lee, H. (2010). 'A study on the optimal brake force distribution of a high-speed railroad'. International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies. FISITA World Automotive Congress 2010 Budapest, Hungary 30 May – 4 June 2010, Volume 1 of 5.
[12] EIM (2009). 'EIM Position Paper on The Use of Eddy Current Track Brakes'.
[13] Schofield, K. (2002). 'Overview of Magnetic Brakes'. Rail Safety & Standards Board Research Programme. no. ITLR/T11315/001.
[14] UIC 720 (2005, Mayıs). “Laying and Maintenance of CWR Track” 2. Sürüm
[15] TCDD, (2013). TCDD Hat Bakımı El Kitabı, TCDD Yol Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
[16] TSI LOC&PAS 2014 (2014), Commission Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock — locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union Text with EEA relevance OJ L 356, 12.12.2014, p. 228–393
[17] Emery, D. (2009). Reducing the headway on high-speed lines. 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference. Monte Verita / Ascona.
[18] Esveld, C. (1991). Improved Knowledge of CWR Track. Ağustos, 2011. [Online], Available: (20 Aralık, 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[19] Halcrow, S. C. (2009, June). Rail Operations and Technology- Part 2- Technology- Final Report. Brazil TAV Project, 4(TAV-HA-OPE-REP-40034-01).
[20] WP300. (2006, December 19). Feasibility Study Concerning High-Speed Railway Lines in Norway. (V. V. GmbH, Dü.) 200 602 481.
[21] TCDD Indra trafik yönetim sisteminde yer alan Siemens Velaro D teknik özellikleri
[22] Connors, P. High Speed Railway Capacity. (Aralık, 2014). (Online), (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[23] ECUC, Eddy Current brake Compatibility Project, 31 Ağustos 2015, DELIVERABLE D.6.4 Engineering Guidelines for Tracks, FP7 TRANSPORT
[24] TCDD Şebeke Bildirimi 2021, Şebekenin Teknik Özellikleri, [Online], Available (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[25] MVA/Systra (2011), HS2 Final Report, Appendix B. (October, 2011), Available. (Online) (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
Eddy Current Fren Sisteminin Türkiye’deki Yüksek Hızlı Demiryolu Hatları ile Uyumunun Analizi
Eddy-Current freni (ECB), demiryolu hatlarında trenlerin acil durum ya da servis freni olarak kullanılabilecek yeni teknoloji fren sistemidir. Bu sistemde frenlemeye esas kuvvet, tekerlek ve ray arasındaki adezyondan bağımsız olarak mıknatıs düzeneği ve ray arasındaki elektromanyetik etkileşim ile ortaya çıkmaktadır. Böylece trenin frenleme performansı artmaktadır. Bu sistem, kapasite, emniyet ve bakım maliyetlerinde sağladığı iyileştirmeler göz önüne alındığında yüksek hızlı trenler için en iyi seçenek olarak önerilmektedir. Ancak, bu sistemin, konvansiyonel demiryolu hattı ile uyumunun kontrol edilerek belirli koşullar altında kullanıma sunulması gerekmektedir. Bu makalede, Türkiye’deki mevcut yüksek hızlı demiryolu hatları ve bileşenlerinin Eddy-Current fren sistemine olan uyumu ile bu sistemin trafik kapasitesine, bakım maliyetine olan katkıları teorik hesaplamalarla değerlendirilmiş, uygulama çözümlerine ilişkin öneriler sunulmuştur.
[4] Sakamoto, Y. (2009). 'Development of an Eddy Current Rail Brake Derived from Linear Motor Technology'. Railway Technology Avalanche. vol. 29. December. p. 172.
[5] Railway Gazette. (Ekim,2018). (Online) Available (20 Aralık, 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[6] Railway Gazette. (2008, Haziran). (Online) Available (20 Aralık, 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[7] Enacademic. (2011) (Online) Available. (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[8] Jang, S.-M., Jeong, S.-S. and Cha, S.-D. (2001). 'The Application of Linear Halbach Array to Eddy Current Rail Brake System'. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS. vol. 37. no. 4. July. pp. 2627-2629
[9] 21 Kasım 2013 tarihinde Knorr-Bremse tarafından Cer Dairesi Başkanlığına yapılan sunum
[10] Schopf, D.M. (2008). 'Eddy Current Brake - An innovative wear-free braking system independent from wheel-rail adhesion'. Amsterdam 2008 Highspeed 6th World Congress on High Speed Rail. Amsterdam. 1-10.
[11] Kim, S., Jang, K., Lee, J. and Lee, H. (2010). 'A study on the optimal brake force distribution of a high-speed railroad'. International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies. FISITA World Automotive Congress 2010 Budapest, Hungary 30 May – 4 June 2010, Volume 1 of 5.
[12] EIM (2009). 'EIM Position Paper on The Use of Eddy Current Track Brakes'.
[13] Schofield, K. (2002). 'Overview of Magnetic Brakes'. Rail Safety & Standards Board Research Programme. no. ITLR/T11315/001.
[14] UIC 720 (2005, Mayıs). “Laying and Maintenance of CWR Track” 2. Sürüm
[15] TCDD, (2013). TCDD Hat Bakımı El Kitabı, TCDD Yol Dairesi Başkanlığı, Ankara
[16] TSI LOC&PAS 2014 (2014), Commission Regulation (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock — locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union Text with EEA relevance OJ L 356, 12.12.2014, p. 228–393
[17] Emery, D. (2009). Reducing the headway on high-speed lines. 9th Swiss Transport Research Conference. Monte Verita / Ascona.
[18] Esveld, C. (1991). Improved Knowledge of CWR Track. Ağustos, 2011. [Online], Available: (20 Aralık, 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[19] Halcrow, S. C. (2009, June). Rail Operations and Technology- Part 2- Technology- Final Report. Brazil TAV Project, 4(TAV-HA-OPE-REP-40034-01).
[20] WP300. (2006, December 19). Feasibility Study Concerning High-Speed Railway Lines in Norway. (V. V. GmbH, Dü.) 200 602 481.
[21] TCDD Indra trafik yönetim sisteminde yer alan Siemens Velaro D teknik özellikleri
[22] Connors, P. High Speed Railway Capacity. (Aralık, 2014). (Online), (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[23] ECUC, Eddy Current brake Compatibility Project, 31 Ağustos 2015, DELIVERABLE D.6.4 Engineering Guidelines for Tracks, FP7 TRANSPORT
[24] TCDD Şebeke Bildirimi 2021, Şebekenin Teknik Özellikleri, [Online], Available (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
[25] MVA/Systra (2011), HS2 Final Report, Appendix B. (October, 2011), Available. (Online) (20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde erişildi)
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Bilimsel Yayınlar (Hakemli Araştırma ve Derleme Makaleler)
B. Işık ve A. Cebeci, “Eddy Current Fren Sisteminin Türkiye’deki Yüksek Hızlı Demiryolu Hatları ile Uyumunun Analizi”, Demiryolu Mühendisliği, sy. 11, ss. 86–97, Ocak 2020.