Determination of Chemical Tanker Selection Criteria for Shipping Companies
Yıl 2022,
, 209 - 233, 28.12.2022
Ozan Hikmet Arıcan
Esma Gül Emecen Kara
Chemical tanker ships are one of the most used types of tanker ships in the maritime market. The use of chemical tankers in national and international waters is increasing day by day. Maritime businesses and shipowners prefer to lease the ships that are active in the market for some time instead of building and owning new ships. Due to the increase in preferences, it has been seen that it is an important issue to determine the selection of ships to carry this type of chemical cargo in different criteria. Many different criteria and methods are used to choose the most ideal of these chemical tankers based on the temporal charter of the maritime enterprises. In this regard, this study is aimed to determine the criteria that should be used for the selection of chemical tankers and to group these criteria. For this purpose, a survey study was conducted. 85 different chemical tanker selection criteria and the best 23 distinguishing criteria were determined using the Delphi method. It is envisaged that these 23 criteria will allow the authorized personnel of the company to choose the most ideal alternative chemical tanker.
- Andersson, J., Gustafsson, R., Eslamdoost, A., & Bensow, R. E. (2021). On the Selection of Optimal Propeller Diameter for a 120-m Cargo Vessel. Journal of Ship Research, 65(02), 153-166.
- Arican, O. H., Dugenci, I., Kara, G., & Unal, A. U. (2020). Transportation of Chemical Cargoes by Tanker Ships. In Handbook of Research on the Applications of International Transportation and Logistics for World Trade (pp. 288-309). IGI Global.
- Balmat F., Lafont F., Maifret R., Pessel N.,2009, Maritime risk assessment (MARISA), a fuzzy approach to define an individual ship risk factor, Ocean Engineering, 36, 1278-1286.
- Balakrishnan, A., & Karsten, C. V. (2017). Container shipping service selection and cargo routing with transshipment limits. European Journal of Operational Research, 263(2), 652-663.
- Dalkey, N.C., Helmer, O., 1963. An experimental application of the Delphi Method to the use of experts. Management Science 9, 458–467.
- DTO, (2021), Denizcilik Sektör Raporu, Deniz Ticaret Odası, İstanbul.
- Dugenci, I., Arican, O. H., Kara, G., & Unal, A. U. (2020). Operational Process in Lpg and Lng Gas Ships in Maritime Transportation Logistics. In Handbook of Research on the Applications of International Transportation and Logistics for World Trade (pp. 310-329). IGI Global.
- Ffooks, R. C. (1995). Some Important Factors in LNG Tanker Design Selection. In Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (pp. 269-275). Springer, Boston, MA.
- Hasson, F., Keeney, S., & McKenna, H., 2000, Research Guidelines for the Delphi Survey Technique. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(4), 1008-1015.
- Keeney, S., McKenna, H., & Hasson, F., 2011, The Delphi technique in nursing and health research. John Wiley & Sons.
Linstone, A. H., & Turoff, M., 2002, The Delphi Method: Techniques and Application.
- Malaksiano, M. О., & Melnyk, O. М. (2020). Vessel selection prospects and suitability assessment for oversized cargo transportation. Scientific Notes of Taurida National VI Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 31 (70), 1, 135-140.
- Ndour, B., Force, J.E., McLaughlin, W.J., 1992. Using the Delphi method for determining criteria in agroforestry research planning in developing countries, Agrofo. Syst., 19, 119–129.
- Panayides P. M., Cullinane K., 2002, The Vertical Disintegration of Ship Management: Choice Criteria for Third Party Selection and Evaluation, Maritime Policy & Management, 29, 45-64,
- Pham, V. V., Hoang, A. T., & Do, H. C. (2020, May). Analysis and evaluation of database for the selection of propulsion systems for tankers. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2235, No. 1, p. 020034). AIP Publishing LLC.
- Sellars, F. H., & Martin, J. P. (1992). Selection and evaluation of ship roll stabilization systems. Marine Technology and SNAME News, 29(02), 84-101.
- Woudenberg, F., 1991, An evaluation of Delphi. Technological forecasting and social change, 40(2), 131-150.
Xie, X., Xu, D. L., Yang, J. B., Wang, J., Ren, J., & Yu, S. (2008). Ship selection using a multiple-criteria synthesis approach. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 13(1), 50-62.
- Yakut, E. Ö. (2004). Bulanık mantık ile Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri'nin gereksinimine uygun gemi seçimi.
Yan, R., Wang, S., & Peng, C. (2022). Ship selection in port state control: status and perspectives. Maritime Policy & Management, 49(4), 600-615.
- Yan, R., Wang, S., & Peng, C. (2021). An artificial intelligence model considering data imbalance for ship selection in port state control based on detention probabilities. Journal of Computational Science, 48, 101257.
- Yang, Z. L., Bonsall, S., & Wang, J. (2011). Approximate TOPSIS for vessel selection under uncertain environment. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(12), 14523-14534.
- Yang, Z. L., Mastralis, L., Bonsall, S., & Wang, J. (2009). Incorporating uncertainty and multiple criteria in vessel selection. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 223(2), 177-188.
- Zeliff, N. D. ve Heldenbrand, S. S., 1993, What Has Being Done In The International Business Curriculum ?. Business Education Forum, 48 (I),23-2S.
Denizcilik Firmaları İçin Kimyasal Tanker Seçim Kriterlerinin Belirlenmesi
Yıl 2022,
, 209 - 233, 28.12.2022
Ozan Hikmet Arıcan
Esma Gül Emecen Kara
Kimyasal tanker gemileri, denizcilik piyasasında en çok kullanılan tanker gemi tiplerinden biridir. Ulusal ve uluslararası sularda kimyasal tankerlerin kullanımı her geçen gün artmaktadır. Denizcilik işletmeleri ve armatörler, yeni gemi inşa etmek ve sahiplenmek yerine, piyasada faaliyet gösteren gemileri bir süreliğine kiralamayı tercih etmektedirler. Tercihlerin artması nedeniyle bu tip kimyasal yükleri taşıyacak gemilerin seçiminin farklı kriterlerde belirlenmesinin önemli bir konu olduğu görülmüştür. Kimyasal tankerlerin en idealini seçmek için birçok farklı kriter ve yöntem kullanılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada kimyasal tanker seçiminde kullanılması gereken kriterlerin belirlenmesi ve kriterlerin gruplandırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla bir anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Delphi yöntemi kullanılarak 85 farklı kimyasal tanker seçim kriteri ve en iyi 23 ayırt edici kriter belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen bu 23 kriterin firma yetkili personelinin en ideal alternatif kimyasal tankerini seçmesine olanak sağlayacağı öngörülmektedir.
- Andersson, J., Gustafsson, R., Eslamdoost, A., & Bensow, R. E. (2021). On the Selection of Optimal Propeller Diameter for a 120-m Cargo Vessel. Journal of Ship Research, 65(02), 153-166.
- Arican, O. H., Dugenci, I., Kara, G., & Unal, A. U. (2020). Transportation of Chemical Cargoes by Tanker Ships. In Handbook of Research on the Applications of International Transportation and Logistics for World Trade (pp. 288-309). IGI Global.
- Balmat F., Lafont F., Maifret R., Pessel N.,2009, Maritime risk assessment (MARISA), a fuzzy approach to define an individual ship risk factor, Ocean Engineering, 36, 1278-1286.
- Balakrishnan, A., & Karsten, C. V. (2017). Container shipping service selection and cargo routing with transshipment limits. European Journal of Operational Research, 263(2), 652-663.
- Dalkey, N.C., Helmer, O., 1963. An experimental application of the Delphi Method to the use of experts. Management Science 9, 458–467.
- DTO, (2021), Denizcilik Sektör Raporu, Deniz Ticaret Odası, İstanbul.
- Dugenci, I., Arican, O. H., Kara, G., & Unal, A. U. (2020). Operational Process in Lpg and Lng Gas Ships in Maritime Transportation Logistics. In Handbook of Research on the Applications of International Transportation and Logistics for World Trade (pp. 310-329). IGI Global.
- Ffooks, R. C. (1995). Some Important Factors in LNG Tanker Design Selection. In Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (pp. 269-275). Springer, Boston, MA.
- Hasson, F., Keeney, S., & McKenna, H., 2000, Research Guidelines for the Delphi Survey Technique. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(4), 1008-1015.
- Keeney, S., McKenna, H., & Hasson, F., 2011, The Delphi technique in nursing and health research. John Wiley & Sons.
Linstone, A. H., & Turoff, M., 2002, The Delphi Method: Techniques and Application.
- Malaksiano, M. О., & Melnyk, O. М. (2020). Vessel selection prospects and suitability assessment for oversized cargo transportation. Scientific Notes of Taurida National VI Vernadsky University. Series: Technical Sciences, 31 (70), 1, 135-140.
- Ndour, B., Force, J.E., McLaughlin, W.J., 1992. Using the Delphi method for determining criteria in agroforestry research planning in developing countries, Agrofo. Syst., 19, 119–129.
- Panayides P. M., Cullinane K., 2002, The Vertical Disintegration of Ship Management: Choice Criteria for Third Party Selection and Evaluation, Maritime Policy & Management, 29, 45-64,
- Pham, V. V., Hoang, A. T., & Do, H. C. (2020, May). Analysis and evaluation of database for the selection of propulsion systems for tankers. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2235, No. 1, p. 020034). AIP Publishing LLC.
- Sellars, F. H., & Martin, J. P. (1992). Selection and evaluation of ship roll stabilization systems. Marine Technology and SNAME News, 29(02), 84-101.
- Woudenberg, F., 1991, An evaluation of Delphi. Technological forecasting and social change, 40(2), 131-150.
Xie, X., Xu, D. L., Yang, J. B., Wang, J., Ren, J., & Yu, S. (2008). Ship selection using a multiple-criteria synthesis approach. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 13(1), 50-62.
- Yakut, E. Ö. (2004). Bulanık mantık ile Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri'nin gereksinimine uygun gemi seçimi.
Yan, R., Wang, S., & Peng, C. (2022). Ship selection in port state control: status and perspectives. Maritime Policy & Management, 49(4), 600-615.
- Yan, R., Wang, S., & Peng, C. (2021). An artificial intelligence model considering data imbalance for ship selection in port state control based on detention probabilities. Journal of Computational Science, 48, 101257.
- Yang, Z. L., Bonsall, S., & Wang, J. (2011). Approximate TOPSIS for vessel selection under uncertain environment. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(12), 14523-14534.
- Yang, Z. L., Mastralis, L., Bonsall, S., & Wang, J. (2009). Incorporating uncertainty and multiple criteria in vessel selection. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 223(2), 177-188.
- Zeliff, N. D. ve Heldenbrand, S. S., 1993, What Has Being Done In The International Business Curriculum ?. Business Education Forum, 48 (I),23-2S.