Yıl 2018,
, 249 - 277, 26.12.2018
Burcu İşgüden Kılıç
Alper Kılıç
Levent Bilgili
Deniz taşımacılığından elde edilen
sera gazı (GHG) miktarı, toplam insan kaynaklı salımlar arasında çok düşük
olmasına rağmen, nakliye ile ilgili hava kaynaklı salımların azaltılması, son yıllarda
politika yapıcılar için önemli bir konu haline gelmiştir. Kyoto Protokolü'nün
uygulamaya koyduğu Salım Ticareti Planı (ETS), ekonomik rekabet gücünü
artırarak GHG'leri azaltmak için kullanılan bir salım üst sınırı ve ticareti
sistemidir. ETS politikaları, deniz taşımacılığını içermeli ve karmaşıklığı
için dikkate değer finansal araçların uygulanabilirliğini artırmak için
finansal raporlama standartları çerçevesinde muhasebe yaklaşımları
geliştirmelidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, ETS politikalarının Türk denizcilik
sektörüne uygulanabilirliğini ve ETS'nin finansal raporlama üzerindeki etkisini
incelemektir. Literatüre dayalı kapsamlı bir gözden geçirme, uluslararası
sektörler için uluslararası standartları göz önünde bulundurarak salım
ticaretinin uygulanmasının gerekli olduğunu ve ulusal ekonomilerde baskı
faktörlerini önlemek ve finansal raporlamada uluslararası uyumdan kaçınmamak
için ulusal politikaları hazırlamak için önemli olduğunu göstermiştir.
- Aatola, P., Ollikainen, M., and Toppinen, A. (2013). Price Determi-nation in the EU ETS Market: Theory and Econometric Analysis with Market Fundamentals. Energy Economics, 36, 380-395.
- Agusdinata, D. B. (2013). System Design Framework for Equity/ Fairness among Actors. Procedia Computer Science, 16, 1122-1131.
- Altınbay, A. and Golagan, M. (2016). Küresel Isınma Sorununa Mu-hasebecilerin Bakışı: Karbon Muhasebesi. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(7), 2106-2119.
- Babiker, M. (2000). The Kyoto Protocol and Developing Countries. Energy Policy, 28(8), 525-536.
- Bode, S. (2006). Abatement Costs vs. Compliance Costs in Multi-Period Emissions Trading – The Firms’ Perspective, in R. Antes, B. Hansjürgens, and P. Letmathe (Eds.), Emissions Trading and Busi-ness, pp. 11-25. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
- Buhaug, Ø., Corbett, J. J., Endresen, Ø., Eyring, V., Faber, J., Ha-nayama, S., and Mjelde, A. (2009). Second IMO GHG Study 2009. International Maritime Organization (IMO) London, UK.
- Çankaya, F. and Şeker, Y. (2013). Karbon Sertifikalarının Türkiye Muhasebe Standartlarına Göre Muhasebeleştirilmesi. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 15(4), 105-134.
- Commission of the European Communities (2009). Strategic Goals and Recommendations for the EU’s Maritime Transport Policy Until 2018. Brussels.
- Cook, A. (2009). Emission Rights: From Costless Activity to Market Operations, Accounting. Organizations and Society, 34, 456-468.
- COS (2009). A Global Cap-and-Trade System to Reduce Carbon Emissions from International Shipping. The Chamber of Shipping, London.
- Curtis, F. (2009). Peak Globalization: Climate Change, Oil Depletion and Global Trade. Ecological Economics, 69, 427-434.
- Deac, M. (2013). A Case Study of the Accounting Models for the Participants in an Emissions Trading Scheme. ActaUniversitatisDan-ubius. Œconomica, 9(5), 40-49.
- Dedes, E. K., Hudson, D. A., and Turnock, S. R. (2012). Assessing The Potential of Hybrid Energy Technology to Reduce Exhaust Emissions from Global Shipping. Energy Policy, 40, 204-218.
- Dessens, O., Anger, A., Barker, T. and Pyle, J. (2014). Effects of decarbonising international shipping and aviation on climate mitiga-tion and air pollution. Environmental Science & Policy, 44, 1-10.
- Durgut, M. (2015). Karbon Ticaretinin Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartlarına Göre Muhasebeleştirilmesi. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yöne-tim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3 (2), 23-40.
- Egenhofer, C. (2007). The Making of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Status, Prospects and Implications for Business. European Management Journal, 25(6), 453-463.
- Eguino, M. G. (2011). The Importance of the Design of Market-Based Instruments for CO2 Mitigation: An AGE Analysis for Spain. Ecological Economics,70, 2292-2302.
- Ernst and Young (2009). Accounting for Emission Reductions and Other Incentive Schemes. UK: EYGM Limited.
- Ertimur, Y., Francis, J., Gonzales, A. and Schipper, K. (2010). Fi-nancial Reporting for Cap-and-Trade Emissions Reduction Pro-grams. Duke University, Durham, NC.
European Parliament (2017). Key Issues at Stake at the 71st Session of the MEPC. European Union.
- Fitzgerald, J., Keeney, M., and Scott, S. (2009). Assessing Vulnera-bility of Selected Sectors Under Environmental Tax Reform: The Issue of Pricing Power. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 52(3), 413-433.
- Fornaro, J.M., Winkelman, K.A., and Glodstein, D. (2009). Account-ing for Emissions: Emerging Issues and The Need for Global Ac-counting Standards. Journal of Accountancy, July, 40-47.
- Fowlie, M. (2004). Emissions Trading in Theory and Practice. UC Berkeley, California.
- Gibson, K. (1996). The Problem with Reporting Pollution Allowanc-es: Reporting Is Not the Problem. Critical Perspectives on Account-ing, 7(6): 655-665.
- Gilbert, P. and Bows, A. (2012). Exploring the Scope for Comple-mentary Sub-Global Policy to Mitigate CO2 from Shipping. Energy Policy, 50, 613-622.
- Giner, B. (2014). Accounting for Emission Trading Schemes: A Still Open Debate. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 34(1), 45-51.
- Grubb, M. and Neuhoff, K. (2006). Allocation and Competitiveness in The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Policy Overview, Emissions Trading and Competitiveness. London.
- Haites, E. (2009). Linking Emissions Trading Schemes for Interna-tional Aviation and Shipping Emissions. Climate Policy, 9(4), 415-430.
- Hansjürgens, B. (2005). Emissions Trading for Climate Policy. Cam-bridge University Press.
- Haupt, M. and Ismer, R. (2011). Emissions Trading Schemes under IFRS-Towards a “true and fair view”, Carbon Pricing for Low-Carbon Investment Project, Climate Policy Initiative/ University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- Heitmann, N., and Khalilian, S. (2011). Accounting for Carbon Diox-ide Emissions from International Shipping: Burden Sharing Under Different UNFCCC Allocation Options and Regime Scenarios. Ma-rine Policy, 35, 682-691.
- Hermeling, C., Klement, J.H., Koesler, S., Köhler J. and Klement, D. (2015). Sailing into a Dilemma-An Economic and Legal Analysis of an EU Trading Scheme for Maritime Emissions. Transportation Re-search Part A, 78, 34-53.
- Howitt, O. J., Revol, V. G., Smith, I. J. and Rodger, C. J. (2010). Carbon Emissions from International Cruise Ship Passengers’ Travel to and from New Zealand. Energy Policy, 38, 2552-2560.
- Hull, J. C. (2012). Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 8th Ed. Pearson Education Limited.
- IMO (2018). Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships. Resolution MEPC.304(72), UK.
- Islam, D. M., Meier, J. F., Aditjandra, P. T., Zunder, T. H. and Pace, G. (2013). Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Research in Transportation Economics, 41, 3-16.
- Karakoç, M. (2012). Karbon Emisyon Muhasebesi ve Türkiye’de Uygulanabilirliği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Afyon.
- Kilic, A. and Girit, O. (2015). Special Consumption Tax Incentive on Marine Bunkers and Cargo Shifting to Short Sea Shipping in Turkish Cabotage Routes. International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 157, 85-93.
- Koesler, S., Achtnicht, M. and Köhler, J. (2015). Course Set for a Cap? A Case Study among Ship Operators on a Maritime ETS. Transport Policy, 37, 20-30.
- Lättilä, L., Henttu, V., and Hilmola, O.P. (2013). Hinterland Opera-tions of Sea Ports Do Matter: Dry Port Usage Effects on Transporta-tion Costs and CO2 Emissions. Transportation Research Part E, 55, 23-42.
- Lee, T.-C., Chang, Y.-T., and Lee, P. T. (2013). Economy-wide Im-pact Analysis of a Carbon Tax on International Container Shipping. Transportation Research Part A, 58, 87-102.
- Liang, F.-Y., Ryvak, M., Sayeed, S., and Zhao, N. (2012). The Role of Natural Gas as A Primary Fuel in The Near Future, Including Comparisons of Acquisition, Transmission and Waste Handling Costs of as with Competitive Alternatives. Chemistry Central Journal, 6(S1), S4.
- Lovell, H., and Ascui, F. (2012). Carbon Accounting and the Con-struction of Competence. Journal of Cleaner Production, 36, 48-59.
- Lovell, H., Sales de Aguiar, T., Bebbington, J., and Larrinaga-Gonzalez, C. (2010). Accounting for Carbon. London: The Associa-tion of Chartered Certified Accountants.
- Matsuo, N. (1998). Key Elements Related to the Emissions Trading for the Kyoto Protocol. Energy Policy, 26(3), 263-273.
- Melillo, Jerry M., Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and Gary W. Yohe (2014). Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third Na-tional Climate Assessment. U.S. Global Change Research Program, United States of America.
- Miola, A., Marra, M., and Ciuffo, B. (2011). Designing A Climate Change Policy for the International Maritime Transport Sector: Mar-ket-Based Measures and Technological Options for Global and Re-gional Policy Actions. Energy Policy, 39, 5490-5498.
- Musso, A., and Rothengatter, W. (2013). Internalisation of External Costs of Transport–A Target Driven Approach with a Focus on Cli-mate Change. Transport Policy, 29, 303-314.
- Nikopoulou, Z., Cullinane, K., and Jensen, A. (2013). The Role of a Cap-and-Trade Market in Reducing NOx and SOx Emissions: Pro-spects and Benefits for Ships within the Northern European ECA. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 227(2), 136-154.
- OECD (2003). Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and Project-based Mechanisms. OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Develop-ment: Emissions Trading CATEP Country Forum. Paris.
- Öker, F. and Adıgüzel, H. (2013). Karbon Kredilerinin Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartları Kapsamında Muhasebeleştirilmesi. Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 116, 17-38.
- Pigou, A. C. (1912). Wealth and Welfare. London: MacMillan and Co. Limited.
- Schwaiger, H., Tuerk, A., Pena, N., Sijm, J., Arrasto, A. and Kettner, C. (2012). The Future European Emission Trading Scheme and Its Impact on Biomass Use. Biomass and Bioenergy, 38, 102-108.
- Unsal, E. M. (2007). Mikro İktisat. Ankara: Imaj Yayincilik.
Uyar, S. and Cengiz, E. (2011). Karbon (Sera Gazı) Muhasebesi. Ma-li Çözüm Dergisi, 105, 47-68.
- Vaillancourt, K., and Waaub, J. P. (2004). Equity in International Greenhouse Gases Abatement Scenarios: A Multicriteria Approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 153, 489-505.
- Walter, M. (2013). The Impact of Corruption on Climate Change: Threatening Emissions Trading Mechanisms?, Environmental Devel-opment, 7, 128-138.
- Wang, H., and Firestone, J. (2010). The Analysis of Country-to-Country CDM Permit Trading Using the Gravity Model in Interna-tional Trade. Energy for Sustainable Development, 14, 6-13.
- Wang, K., Fu, X. and Luo, M. (2015). Modeling the Impacts of Al-ternative Emission Trading Schemes on International Shipping. Transportation Research Part A, 77, 35-49.
- Warwick, P. and Ng, C. (2012). The ‘Cost’ of Climate Change: How Carbon Emissions Allowances Are Accounted for Amongst Europe-an Union Companies. Australian Accounting Review, 22 (1), 54-67.
- Woerdman, E. (2000). Implementing The Kyoto Protocol: Why JI and CDM Show More Promise Than International Emissions Trading. Energy Policy, 28(1), 29-38.
- Zhu, M., Yuen, K.F., Ge, J.W. and Li, K.X. (2018). Impact of Mari-time Emissions Trading System on Fleet Deployment and Mitigation of CO2 Emission. Transportation Research Part D, 62, 474-488.
- Internet References:
- Cagle, K., J. Jacobi and S. Pearman (2009). Mandatory and Volun-tary Carbon Markets, Developing Global Carbon Market Structure and Protocals., Access Date: 30.07.2016.
- Conserve Energy Future (2017). Is Global Warming Real?, Access Date: 26.01.2017.
- EC (2014a). The EU Emissions Trading System., Access Date: 01.04.2016.
- EC (2014b). International Carbon Market., Access Date: 01.04.2016.
- EFRAG (2005). Adoption of IFRIC 3 Emission Rights., Access Date: 10.03.2016.
- Environmental Economics (2014). ECON 101: Carbon Tax vs. Cap-and-Trade., Access Date: 05.05. 2016.
- IAS38 (International Accounting Standards 38) (2004). IAS 38-Intangible Assets., Access Date: 15.03.2016.
- IAS39 (International Accounting Standards 39) (2005). IAS 39 — Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement., Access Date: 15.03.2016.
- IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (2005). Interna-tional Accounting Standards Board withdraws IFRIC Interpretation on Emission Rights., Access Date: 15.03.2016.
- IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (2010). Emission Trading Schemes., Access Date: 15.03.2016.
- IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) (2015). IFRS Ap-plication Around the World Jurisdictional Profile: European Union., Access Date:15.03.2016.
- IEA (International Energy Agency) (2013). Key World Energy Statis-tics., Access Date: 20.05.2016.
- IPCC (1999). Special Report Aviation and the Global Atmosphere, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change., Access Date: 15.03.2016.
- IPCC (2008). Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report. pdf, Access Date: 15.03.2016.
- IPCC (2013). The Physical Science Basis - Summary for Policymak-ers, Observed Changes in the Climate System, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change., Access Date: 01.02.2016.
- IPCC (2016). V List of Annex I, Annex II, and Annex B Countries,, Access Date: 10.10.2016.
- Matisoff, D. C. (2010). Making Cap-And-Trade Work: Lessons from the European Union Experience, Environment., Access Date: 11.03.2016.
- UNEP (2014). The Montreal Protocol On Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer., Access Date: 11.03.2016
Yıl 2018,
, 249 - 277, 26.12.2018
Burcu İşgüden Kılıç
Alper Kılıç
Levent Bilgili
Although the amount of greenhouse gases
(GHGs) from maritime transport is very low amongst total anthropogenic
emissions, reducing shipping related airborne emissions has become an important
topic for policy-makers during last decades. Emission Trading Scheme (ETS), which
is introduced by Kyoto Protocol, is a cap & trade system used to reduce
GHGs by promoting the economic competitiveness. ETS policies should include
maritime transport and should develop accounting approaches within the
framework of financial reporting standards to increase the applicability of
financial instruments notable for their complexity. The aim of this study is to
examine the applicability of ETS policies to the Turkish maritime sector and
the impact of ETS on financial reporting. A comprehensive review based on the
literature has shown that it is necessary to implement emission trading
considering international standards for international sectors and it is
important to prepare national policies accordingly in order to avoid pressure
factors in national economies and not to avoid international harmonization in
financial reporting.
- Aatola, P., Ollikainen, M., and Toppinen, A. (2013). Price Determi-nation in the EU ETS Market: Theory and Econometric Analysis with Market Fundamentals. Energy Economics, 36, 380-395.
- Agusdinata, D. B. (2013). System Design Framework for Equity/ Fairness among Actors. Procedia Computer Science, 16, 1122-1131.
- Altınbay, A. and Golagan, M. (2016). Küresel Isınma Sorununa Mu-hasebecilerin Bakışı: Karbon Muhasebesi. İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(7), 2106-2119.
- Babiker, M. (2000). The Kyoto Protocol and Developing Countries. Energy Policy, 28(8), 525-536.
- Bode, S. (2006). Abatement Costs vs. Compliance Costs in Multi-Period Emissions Trading – The Firms’ Perspective, in R. Antes, B. Hansjürgens, and P. Letmathe (Eds.), Emissions Trading and Busi-ness, pp. 11-25. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
- Buhaug, Ø., Corbett, J. J., Endresen, Ø., Eyring, V., Faber, J., Ha-nayama, S., and Mjelde, A. (2009). Second IMO GHG Study 2009. International Maritime Organization (IMO) London, UK.
- Çankaya, F. and Şeker, Y. (2013). Karbon Sertifikalarının Türkiye Muhasebe Standartlarına Göre Muhasebeleştirilmesi. Muhasebe Bilim Dünyası Dergisi, 15(4), 105-134.
- Commission of the European Communities (2009). Strategic Goals and Recommendations for the EU’s Maritime Transport Policy Until 2018. Brussels.
- Cook, A. (2009). Emission Rights: From Costless Activity to Market Operations, Accounting. Organizations and Society, 34, 456-468.
- COS (2009). A Global Cap-and-Trade System to Reduce Carbon Emissions from International Shipping. The Chamber of Shipping, London.
- Curtis, F. (2009). Peak Globalization: Climate Change, Oil Depletion and Global Trade. Ecological Economics, 69, 427-434.
- Deac, M. (2013). A Case Study of the Accounting Models for the Participants in an Emissions Trading Scheme. ActaUniversitatisDan-ubius. Œconomica, 9(5), 40-49.
- Dedes, E. K., Hudson, D. A., and Turnock, S. R. (2012). Assessing The Potential of Hybrid Energy Technology to Reduce Exhaust Emissions from Global Shipping. Energy Policy, 40, 204-218.
- Dessens, O., Anger, A., Barker, T. and Pyle, J. (2014). Effects of decarbonising international shipping and aviation on climate mitiga-tion and air pollution. Environmental Science & Policy, 44, 1-10.
- Durgut, M. (2015). Karbon Ticaretinin Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartlarına Göre Muhasebeleştirilmesi. Siyaset, Ekonomi ve Yöne-tim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3 (2), 23-40.
- Egenhofer, C. (2007). The Making of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Status, Prospects and Implications for Business. European Management Journal, 25(6), 453-463.
- Eguino, M. G. (2011). The Importance of the Design of Market-Based Instruments for CO2 Mitigation: An AGE Analysis for Spain. Ecological Economics,70, 2292-2302.
- Ernst and Young (2009). Accounting for Emission Reductions and Other Incentive Schemes. UK: EYGM Limited.
- Ertimur, Y., Francis, J., Gonzales, A. and Schipper, K. (2010). Fi-nancial Reporting for Cap-and-Trade Emissions Reduction Pro-grams. Duke University, Durham, NC.
European Parliament (2017). Key Issues at Stake at the 71st Session of the MEPC. European Union.
- Fitzgerald, J., Keeney, M., and Scott, S. (2009). Assessing Vulnera-bility of Selected Sectors Under Environmental Tax Reform: The Issue of Pricing Power. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 52(3), 413-433.
- Fornaro, J.M., Winkelman, K.A., and Glodstein, D. (2009). Account-ing for Emissions: Emerging Issues and The Need for Global Ac-counting Standards. Journal of Accountancy, July, 40-47.
- Fowlie, M. (2004). Emissions Trading in Theory and Practice. UC Berkeley, California.
- Gibson, K. (1996). The Problem with Reporting Pollution Allowanc-es: Reporting Is Not the Problem. Critical Perspectives on Account-ing, 7(6): 655-665.
- Gilbert, P. and Bows, A. (2012). Exploring the Scope for Comple-mentary Sub-Global Policy to Mitigate CO2 from Shipping. Energy Policy, 50, 613-622.
- Giner, B. (2014). Accounting for Emission Trading Schemes: A Still Open Debate. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 34(1), 45-51.
- Grubb, M. and Neuhoff, K. (2006). Allocation and Competitiveness in The EU Emissions Trading Scheme: Policy Overview, Emissions Trading and Competitiveness. London.
- Haites, E. (2009). Linking Emissions Trading Schemes for Interna-tional Aviation and Shipping Emissions. Climate Policy, 9(4), 415-430.
- Hansjürgens, B. (2005). Emissions Trading for Climate Policy. Cam-bridge University Press.
- Haupt, M. and Ismer, R. (2011). Emissions Trading Schemes under IFRS-Towards a “true and fair view”, Carbon Pricing for Low-Carbon Investment Project, Climate Policy Initiative/ University of Erlangen-Nürnberg.
- Heitmann, N., and Khalilian, S. (2011). Accounting for Carbon Diox-ide Emissions from International Shipping: Burden Sharing Under Different UNFCCC Allocation Options and Regime Scenarios. Ma-rine Policy, 35, 682-691.
- Hermeling, C., Klement, J.H., Koesler, S., Köhler J. and Klement, D. (2015). Sailing into a Dilemma-An Economic and Legal Analysis of an EU Trading Scheme for Maritime Emissions. Transportation Re-search Part A, 78, 34-53.
- Howitt, O. J., Revol, V. G., Smith, I. J. and Rodger, C. J. (2010). Carbon Emissions from International Cruise Ship Passengers’ Travel to and from New Zealand. Energy Policy, 38, 2552-2560.
- Hull, J. C. (2012). Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, 8th Ed. Pearson Education Limited.
- IMO (2018). Initial IMO Strategy on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships. Resolution MEPC.304(72), UK.
- Islam, D. M., Meier, J. F., Aditjandra, P. T., Zunder, T. H. and Pace, G. (2013). Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Research in Transportation Economics, 41, 3-16.
- Karakoç, M. (2012). Karbon Emisyon Muhasebesi ve Türkiye’de Uygulanabilirliği, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Afyon.
- Kilic, A. and Girit, O. (2015). Special Consumption Tax Incentive on Marine Bunkers and Cargo Shifting to Short Sea Shipping in Turkish Cabotage Routes. International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 157, 85-93.
- Koesler, S., Achtnicht, M. and Köhler, J. (2015). Course Set for a Cap? A Case Study among Ship Operators on a Maritime ETS. Transport Policy, 37, 20-30.
- Lättilä, L., Henttu, V., and Hilmola, O.P. (2013). Hinterland Opera-tions of Sea Ports Do Matter: Dry Port Usage Effects on Transporta-tion Costs and CO2 Emissions. Transportation Research Part E, 55, 23-42.
- Lee, T.-C., Chang, Y.-T., and Lee, P. T. (2013). Economy-wide Im-pact Analysis of a Carbon Tax on International Container Shipping. Transportation Research Part A, 58, 87-102.
- Liang, F.-Y., Ryvak, M., Sayeed, S., and Zhao, N. (2012). The Role of Natural Gas as A Primary Fuel in The Near Future, Including Comparisons of Acquisition, Transmission and Waste Handling Costs of as with Competitive Alternatives. Chemistry Central Journal, 6(S1), S4.
- Lovell, H., and Ascui, F. (2012). Carbon Accounting and the Con-struction of Competence. Journal of Cleaner Production, 36, 48-59.
- Lovell, H., Sales de Aguiar, T., Bebbington, J., and Larrinaga-Gonzalez, C. (2010). Accounting for Carbon. London: The Associa-tion of Chartered Certified Accountants.
- Matsuo, N. (1998). Key Elements Related to the Emissions Trading for the Kyoto Protocol. Energy Policy, 26(3), 263-273.
- Melillo, Jerry M., Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and Gary W. Yohe (2014). Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third Na-tional Climate Assessment. U.S. Global Change Research Program, United States of America.
- Miola, A., Marra, M., and Ciuffo, B. (2011). Designing A Climate Change Policy for the International Maritime Transport Sector: Mar-ket-Based Measures and Technological Options for Global and Re-gional Policy Actions. Energy Policy, 39, 5490-5498.
- Musso, A., and Rothengatter, W. (2013). Internalisation of External Costs of Transport–A Target Driven Approach with a Focus on Cli-mate Change. Transport Policy, 29, 303-314.
- Nikopoulou, Z., Cullinane, K., and Jensen, A. (2013). The Role of a Cap-and-Trade Market in Reducing NOx and SOx Emissions: Pro-spects and Benefits for Ships within the Northern European ECA. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 227(2), 136-154.
- OECD (2003). Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and Project-based Mechanisms. OECD Global Forum on Sustainable Develop-ment: Emissions Trading CATEP Country Forum. Paris.
- Öker, F. and Adıgüzel, H. (2013). Karbon Kredilerinin Uluslararası Muhasebe Standartları Kapsamında Muhasebeleştirilmesi. Mali Çözüm Dergisi, 116, 17-38.
- Pigou, A. C. (1912). Wealth and Welfare. London: MacMillan and Co. Limited.
- Schwaiger, H., Tuerk, A., Pena, N., Sijm, J., Arrasto, A. and Kettner, C. (2012). The Future European Emission Trading Scheme and Its Impact on Biomass Use. Biomass and Bioenergy, 38, 102-108.
- Unsal, E. M. (2007). Mikro İktisat. Ankara: Imaj Yayincilik.
Uyar, S. and Cengiz, E. (2011). Karbon (Sera Gazı) Muhasebesi. Ma-li Çözüm Dergisi, 105, 47-68.
- Vaillancourt, K., and Waaub, J. P. (2004). Equity in International Greenhouse Gases Abatement Scenarios: A Multicriteria Approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 153, 489-505.
- Walter, M. (2013). The Impact of Corruption on Climate Change: Threatening Emissions Trading Mechanisms?, Environmental Devel-opment, 7, 128-138.
- Wang, H., and Firestone, J. (2010). The Analysis of Country-to-Country CDM Permit Trading Using the Gravity Model in Interna-tional Trade. Energy for Sustainable Development, 14, 6-13.
- Wang, K., Fu, X. and Luo, M. (2015). Modeling the Impacts of Al-ternative Emission Trading Schemes on International Shipping. Transportation Research Part A, 77, 35-49.
- Warwick, P. and Ng, C. (2012). The ‘Cost’ of Climate Change: How Carbon Emissions Allowances Are Accounted for Amongst Europe-an Union Companies. Australian Accounting Review, 22 (1), 54-67.
- Woerdman, E. (2000). Implementing The Kyoto Protocol: Why JI and CDM Show More Promise Than International Emissions Trading. Energy Policy, 28(1), 29-38.
- Zhu, M., Yuen, K.F., Ge, J.W. and Li, K.X. (2018). Impact of Mari-time Emissions Trading System on Fleet Deployment and Mitigation of CO2 Emission. Transportation Research Part D, 62, 474-488.
- Internet References:
- Cagle, K., J. Jacobi and S. Pearman (2009). Mandatory and Volun-tary Carbon Markets, Developing Global Carbon Market Structure and Protocals., Access Date: 30.07.2016.
- Conserve Energy Future (2017). Is Global Warming Real?, Access Date: 26.01.2017.
- EC (2014a). The EU Emissions Trading System., Access Date: 01.04.2016.
- EC (2014b). International Carbon Market., Access Date: 01.04.2016.
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