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2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 1 - 18, 25.12.2015


Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de 2000li yıllarda turizm yanlı büyüme hipotezinin geçerliliğini yapısal kırılmaları dikkate alan ekonometrik yöntemlerle analiz etmektir. Çalışmanın literatüre iki açıdan katkısı bulunmaktadır. Birincisi, çalışma, Türkiye için en güncel çeyreklik verilerle turizm yanlı büyüme analizini yapmaktadır. İkincisi, bu çalışma, söz konusu hipotezin geçerliliğini yapısal kırılmalı eşbütünleşme yöntemiyle analiz eden ilk çalışma olma özelliğine sahiptir. Bu bağlamda, ayrıntılı bir giriş bölümünün ardından, çalışmada kullanılan model ve veri seti açıklanmaktadır. Takip eden bölümde, yöntem ve ampirik sonuçlar verilmekte ve son olarak da sonuç kısmında ampirik bulgular yorumlanmaktadır.


  • ALBALADEJO, I. P., GONZALEZ-MARTINEZ, M. I., MARTINEZ-GARCIA, M. P. (2014), “Quality and Endogenous Tourism: An Empirical Approach”, Tourism Management, 41, 141-147.
  • ASLAN, A. (2014), “Tourism Development and Economic Growth in the Mediterranean Countries: Evidence from Panel Granger Causality Tests”, Current Issues in Tourism, 17(4), 363 - 372.
  • ARSLANTÜRK, Y., ATAN, S. (2012), “Dynamic Relation Between Economic Growth, Foreign Exchange and Tourism Incomes: An Econometric Perspective on Turkey”, Journal of Business, Economics & Finance, 1(1), 30-37.
  • ARSLANTURK, Y., BALCILAR, M., OZDEMIR, Z. A. (2011), “Time-varying Linkages Between Tourism Receipts and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy”, Economic Modelling, 28, 664-671.
  • BALAGUER, L., CANTAVELLA-JORDA, M. (2002), “Tourism as a Long-Run Economic Growth Factor: The Spanish Case”, Applied Economics. 34, 877-884.
  • BELLOUMI, M. (2010), “The Relationship Between Tourism Receipts, Real Effective Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Tunisia”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 550-560.
  • BOUZAHZAH, M., EL MENYARI, Y. (2013), “The Relationship Between International Tourism and Economic Growth: The Case of Morocco and Tunisia”, MPRA. Paper No 44102.
  • BRIDA, J. G., BIBIANA, L., PEREYRA, J. S., PIZZOLON, F. (2013), “A Nonlinear Approach to the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis: The Case of the MERCOSUR”, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI number: 10.1080/13683500.2013.802765.
  • BRIDA, J. G., RISSO, W. A., LANZILOTTA, B., LIONETTI, S. (2010), “The Tourism-Led-Growth Hypothesis for Uruguay”, Tourism Economics, 16(3), 765- 771.
  • BRIDA, J. G., CARRERA, E. J. S., RISSO, W. A. (2008), “Tourism`s Impact on Long-Run Mexican Economic Growth”, Economics Bulletin, 3(21), 1-8.
  • ÇAĞLAYAN, E., SAK, N., KARYMSHAKOV, K. (2012), “Relationhip Between Tourism and Economic Growth: A Panel Granger Causality Approach”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(5), 591-602.
  • CAMPOS, J., ERICSSON, N.R., HENDRY, D.F. (1996), “Cointegration Tests in the Presence of Structural Breaks”, Journal of Econometrics, 70, 187-220.
  • CORTES-JIMENEZ, I., PULIA, M. (2006), “Tourism and Growth: Evidence for Spain and Italy”, 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 30 August-3 September 2006, University of Tessali, Yunanistan.
  • DAVIDSON, R., MACKINNON, J.G. (1993), Estimation and Inference in Econometrics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • DEMİRÖZ, D. M., ONGAN, S. (2005), “The Contribution of Tourism to the Long-Run Turkish Economic Growth”, Journal of Economics, 09, 880-894.
  • GHALI, M. A. (1976), “Tourism and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 24(3), 527-538.
  • GREGORY, A.W., HANSEN, B.E. (1996), “Residual-based Tests for Cointegration in Models with Regime Shifts”, Journal of Econometrics, 70, 99- 126.
  • GÜNDÜZ, L., HATEMİ - J, A. (2005), “Is the Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis Valid for Turkey?”, Applied Economics Letters, 12, 499-504.
  • HENDRY, D. F., NEALE, A. J. (1991), “A Monte Carlo Study of the Effects of Structural Breaks on Tests for Unit Roots”, Economic Structural Change: Analysis and Forecasting, (Ed. P. Hackl ve A.H. Westlund), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 95- 119.
  • HUSEIN, J., KARA, S. M. (2011), “Research Note: Re-examining the Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis for Turkey”, Tourism Economics, 17(4), 917-924.
  • HYE, Q. M. A., KHAN, R. E. A. (2013), “Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis: A Case Study of Pakistan”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 18(4), 303- 313.
  • KASMAN, A., KASMAN, S. K. (2004), “Cointegration and Causality Between Tourism Revenues and Economic Growth”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 19(220), 122-131.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. T. (2010), “International Tourism, Higher Education and Economic Growth: The Case of North Cyprus”, The World Economy, Doi:10.1111/j.1467-9701.2010.0.x.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2010), “Research note: Testing the Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis for Singapore - an Empirical Investigation from Bounds Test to Cointegration and Granger Causality Tests”, Tourism Economics, 16(4), 1095- 1101.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2009a), “Revisiting the Tourism-Led-Growth Hypothesis for Turkey Using the Bounds Test and Johansen Approach for Cointegration”, Tourism Management, 30, 17-20.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2009b), “Testing the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis: The Case of Malta”, Acta Oeconomica, 59(3), 331-343.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2009c), “Tourism, Trade and Growth: The Case of Cyprus”, Applied Economics, 41, 2741-2750.
  • LIONETTI, S., GONZALEZ, O. (2011), “On the Relationship Between Tourism and Growth in Latin America”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(1), 15-24.
  • MACKINON, J.G. (1991), “Critical Values for Cointegration Tests”, Long-Run Economic Relationships: Readings in Cointegration, (Ed. R.F. Engle ve C.W.J. Granger), Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • MCCOMBIE, J. S. L., THIRLWALL, A. P. (1994), Economic Growth and the Balance-of-Payments Constraint, Macmillan Press, Londra.
  • NISSAN, E., GALINDO, M-A., MENDEZ, M. T. (2011), “Relationship Between Tourism and Economic Growth”, The Service Industries Journal, 31(10), 1567- 1572.
  • PARRILLA, J. C., FONT, A. R., NADAL, J. R. (2007), “Tourism and Long-Term Growth: A Spanish Perspective”, Annals of Tourism Research, 34(3), 709-726.
  • PERRON, P. (1997), “Further Evidence on Breaking Trend Functions in Macroeconomic Variables”, Journal of Econometrics, 80, 355-385.
  • PERRON, P. (1989), “The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock and the Unit Root Hypothesis”, Econometrica, 57, 1361-1401.
  • PROENCA, S., SOUKIAZIS, E. (2008), “Tourism As An Economic Growth Factor: A Case Study for Southern European Countries”, Tourism Economics, 14(4), 791-806.
  • SAID, S., DICKEY, D. A. (1984), “Testing for Unit Roots in Autoregressive- Moving Average Models of Unknown Order”, Biometrika, 71, 599-607.
  • SEQUEIRA, T. N., NUNES, P. M. (2008), “Does Tourism Influence Economic Growth? A Dynamic Panel Data Approach”, Applied Economics, 40(18), 2431- 2441.
  • SEVÜKTEKİN, M., NARGELEÇEKENLER, M. (2005), Zaman Serileri Analizi, Nobel Yayıncılık, 1. Baskı, Ankara.
  • SRINIVASAN, P., SANTHOSH, P.K.K., GANESH, L. (2012), “Tourism and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach”, Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 3(2), 397-405.
  • TANG, C. F., TAN, E. C. (2013), “How Stable is the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis in Malaysia? Evidence From Disaggregated Tourism Markets”, Tourism Management, 37, 52-57.
  • THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY. “Foreign Exchange Database”,, (09.02.2015).
  • TODA, H.Y., YAMAMOTO, T. (1995), “Statistical Inference in Vector Autoregressions with Possibly Integrated Processes”, Journal of Econometrics, 66, 225-250.
  • TUĞCU, C. T. (2014), “Tourism and Economic Growth Revisited: A Panel Causality Analysis for the Case of the Mediterranean Region”, Tourism Management, 42, 207-212.
  • THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM. “Tourism Revenues Statistics”,, (05.02.2015).
  • TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE. “Annual GDP with Constant Prices”,, (01.02.2015).
  • WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL. (2014a), “Travel&Tourism Economic Impact 2014-Turkey”,, (02.03.2015).
  • WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL. (2014b), “Travel&Tourism Economic Impact 2014-WORLD”,, (02.03.2015).
  • YAVUZ, N. Ç. (2006), “Türkiye’de Turizm Gelirlerinin Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisinin Testi: Yapısal Kırılma ve Nedensellik Analizi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 7(2), 162-171.
  • YELDAN, E., BORATAV, K. (2006), “Turkey, 1980-2000: Financial Liberalization, Macroeconomic (In)-Stability, and Patterns of Distribution”, External Liberalization in Asia, Post-Socialist Europe and Brazil, (Ed. L. Taylor), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 417-455.
  • ZIVOT, E., ANDREWS, D.W.K. (1992), “Further Evidence on the Great Crash, the Oil-Price Shock and the Unit-Root Hypothesis”, Journal of Business&Economic Statistics, 10, 251-270.

The Empirical Analysis of the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis for Turkey in 2000s

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2, 1 - 18, 25.12.2015


This paper analyses the validity of tourism-led growth hypothesis in Turkey during 2000s. Accordingly, this study’s contributions to the related literature are twofold. Firstly, the most recent quarterly data are used for the analyses and secondly, a cointegration analysis based on a structural break is conducted for Turkey for the first time. In this context, after a brief introduction, the model and data are explained in detail. Then the methodology and empirical results are given. Lastly, in the conclusions, interpretetations of the empirical results are explained and some policy implications for Turkey are developed..


  • ALBALADEJO, I. P., GONZALEZ-MARTINEZ, M. I., MARTINEZ-GARCIA, M. P. (2014), “Quality and Endogenous Tourism: An Empirical Approach”, Tourism Management, 41, 141-147.
  • ASLAN, A. (2014), “Tourism Development and Economic Growth in the Mediterranean Countries: Evidence from Panel Granger Causality Tests”, Current Issues in Tourism, 17(4), 363 - 372.
  • ARSLANTÜRK, Y., ATAN, S. (2012), “Dynamic Relation Between Economic Growth, Foreign Exchange and Tourism Incomes: An Econometric Perspective on Turkey”, Journal of Business, Economics & Finance, 1(1), 30-37.
  • ARSLANTURK, Y., BALCILAR, M., OZDEMIR, Z. A. (2011), “Time-varying Linkages Between Tourism Receipts and Economic Growth in a Small Open Economy”, Economic Modelling, 28, 664-671.
  • BALAGUER, L., CANTAVELLA-JORDA, M. (2002), “Tourism as a Long-Run Economic Growth Factor: The Spanish Case”, Applied Economics. 34, 877-884.
  • BELLOUMI, M. (2010), “The Relationship Between Tourism Receipts, Real Effective Exchange Rate and Economic Growth in Tunisia”, International Journal of Tourism Research, 12, 550-560.
  • BOUZAHZAH, M., EL MENYARI, Y. (2013), “The Relationship Between International Tourism and Economic Growth: The Case of Morocco and Tunisia”, MPRA. Paper No 44102.
  • BRIDA, J. G., BIBIANA, L., PEREYRA, J. S., PIZZOLON, F. (2013), “A Nonlinear Approach to the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis: The Case of the MERCOSUR”, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI number: 10.1080/13683500.2013.802765.
  • BRIDA, J. G., RISSO, W. A., LANZILOTTA, B., LIONETTI, S. (2010), “The Tourism-Led-Growth Hypothesis for Uruguay”, Tourism Economics, 16(3), 765- 771.
  • BRIDA, J. G., CARRERA, E. J. S., RISSO, W. A. (2008), “Tourism`s Impact on Long-Run Mexican Economic Growth”, Economics Bulletin, 3(21), 1-8.
  • ÇAĞLAYAN, E., SAK, N., KARYMSHAKOV, K. (2012), “Relationhip Between Tourism and Economic Growth: A Panel Granger Causality Approach”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2(5), 591-602.
  • CAMPOS, J., ERICSSON, N.R., HENDRY, D.F. (1996), “Cointegration Tests in the Presence of Structural Breaks”, Journal of Econometrics, 70, 187-220.
  • CORTES-JIMENEZ, I., PULIA, M. (2006), “Tourism and Growth: Evidence for Spain and Italy”, 46th Congress of the European Regional Science Association, 30 August-3 September 2006, University of Tessali, Yunanistan.
  • DAVIDSON, R., MACKINNON, J.G. (1993), Estimation and Inference in Econometrics, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • DEMİRÖZ, D. M., ONGAN, S. (2005), “The Contribution of Tourism to the Long-Run Turkish Economic Growth”, Journal of Economics, 09, 880-894.
  • GHALI, M. A. (1976), “Tourism and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 24(3), 527-538.
  • GREGORY, A.W., HANSEN, B.E. (1996), “Residual-based Tests for Cointegration in Models with Regime Shifts”, Journal of Econometrics, 70, 99- 126.
  • GÜNDÜZ, L., HATEMİ - J, A. (2005), “Is the Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis Valid for Turkey?”, Applied Economics Letters, 12, 499-504.
  • HENDRY, D. F., NEALE, A. J. (1991), “A Monte Carlo Study of the Effects of Structural Breaks on Tests for Unit Roots”, Economic Structural Change: Analysis and Forecasting, (Ed. P. Hackl ve A.H. Westlund), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 95- 119.
  • HUSEIN, J., KARA, S. M. (2011), “Research Note: Re-examining the Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis for Turkey”, Tourism Economics, 17(4), 917-924.
  • HYE, Q. M. A., KHAN, R. E. A. (2013), “Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis: A Case Study of Pakistan”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 18(4), 303- 313.
  • KASMAN, A., KASMAN, S. K. (2004), “Cointegration and Causality Between Tourism Revenues and Economic Growth”, İktisat İşletme ve Finans Dergisi, 19(220), 122-131.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. T. (2010), “International Tourism, Higher Education and Economic Growth: The Case of North Cyprus”, The World Economy, Doi:10.1111/j.1467-9701.2010.0.x.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2010), “Research note: Testing the Tourism-led Growth Hypothesis for Singapore - an Empirical Investigation from Bounds Test to Cointegration and Granger Causality Tests”, Tourism Economics, 16(4), 1095- 1101.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2009a), “Revisiting the Tourism-Led-Growth Hypothesis for Turkey Using the Bounds Test and Johansen Approach for Cointegration”, Tourism Management, 30, 17-20.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2009b), “Testing the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis: The Case of Malta”, Acta Oeconomica, 59(3), 331-343.
  • KATIRCIOĞLU, S. (2009c), “Tourism, Trade and Growth: The Case of Cyprus”, Applied Economics, 41, 2741-2750.
  • LIONETTI, S., GONZALEZ, O. (2011), “On the Relationship Between Tourism and Growth in Latin America”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 12(1), 15-24.
  • MACKINON, J.G. (1991), “Critical Values for Cointegration Tests”, Long-Run Economic Relationships: Readings in Cointegration, (Ed. R.F. Engle ve C.W.J. Granger), Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • MCCOMBIE, J. S. L., THIRLWALL, A. P. (1994), Economic Growth and the Balance-of-Payments Constraint, Macmillan Press, Londra.
  • NISSAN, E., GALINDO, M-A., MENDEZ, M. T. (2011), “Relationship Between Tourism and Economic Growth”, The Service Industries Journal, 31(10), 1567- 1572.
  • PARRILLA, J. C., FONT, A. R., NADAL, J. R. (2007), “Tourism and Long-Term Growth: A Spanish Perspective”, Annals of Tourism Research, 34(3), 709-726.
  • PERRON, P. (1997), “Further Evidence on Breaking Trend Functions in Macroeconomic Variables”, Journal of Econometrics, 80, 355-385.
  • PERRON, P. (1989), “The Great Crash, the Oil Price Shock and the Unit Root Hypothesis”, Econometrica, 57, 1361-1401.
  • PROENCA, S., SOUKIAZIS, E. (2008), “Tourism As An Economic Growth Factor: A Case Study for Southern European Countries”, Tourism Economics, 14(4), 791-806.
  • SAID, S., DICKEY, D. A. (1984), “Testing for Unit Roots in Autoregressive- Moving Average Models of Unknown Order”, Biometrika, 71, 599-607.
  • SEQUEIRA, T. N., NUNES, P. M. (2008), “Does Tourism Influence Economic Growth? A Dynamic Panel Data Approach”, Applied Economics, 40(18), 2431- 2441.
  • SEVÜKTEKİN, M., NARGELEÇEKENLER, M. (2005), Zaman Serileri Analizi, Nobel Yayıncılık, 1. Baskı, Ankara.
  • SRINIVASAN, P., SANTHOSH, P.K.K., GANESH, L. (2012), “Tourism and Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds Testing Approach”, Environment and Urbanization ASIA, 3(2), 397-405.
  • TANG, C. F., TAN, E. C. (2013), “How Stable is the Tourism-Led Growth Hypothesis in Malaysia? Evidence From Disaggregated Tourism Markets”, Tourism Management, 37, 52-57.
  • THE CENTRAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY. “Foreign Exchange Database”,, (09.02.2015).
  • TODA, H.Y., YAMAMOTO, T. (1995), “Statistical Inference in Vector Autoregressions with Possibly Integrated Processes”, Journal of Econometrics, 66, 225-250.
  • TUĞCU, C. T. (2014), “Tourism and Economic Growth Revisited: A Panel Causality Analysis for the Case of the Mediterranean Region”, Tourism Management, 42, 207-212.
  • THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND TOURISM. “Tourism Revenues Statistics”,, (05.02.2015).
  • TURKISH STATISTICAL INSTITUTE. “Annual GDP with Constant Prices”,, (01.02.2015).
  • WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL. (2014a), “Travel&Tourism Economic Impact 2014-Turkey”,, (02.03.2015).
  • WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL. (2014b), “Travel&Tourism Economic Impact 2014-WORLD”,, (02.03.2015).
  • YAVUZ, N. Ç. (2006), “Türkiye’de Turizm Gelirlerinin Ekonomik Büyümeye Etkisinin Testi: Yapısal Kırılma ve Nedensellik Analizi”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 7(2), 162-171.
  • YELDAN, E., BORATAV, K. (2006), “Turkey, 1980-2000: Financial Liberalization, Macroeconomic (In)-Stability, and Patterns of Distribution”, External Liberalization in Asia, Post-Socialist Europe and Brazil, (Ed. L. Taylor), Oxford University Press, Oxford, 417-455.
  • ZIVOT, E., ANDREWS, D.W.K. (1992), “Further Evidence on the Great Crash, the Oil-Price Shock and the Unit-Root Hypothesis”, Journal of Business&Economic Statistics, 10, 251-270.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA37VM28DY
Bölüm Makaleler

Burcu Türkcan

Yayımlanma Tarihi 25 Aralık 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Türkcan, B. (2015). 2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 30(2), 1-18.
AMA Türkcan B. 2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. Aralık 2015;30(2):1-18.
Chicago Türkcan, Burcu. “2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 30, sy. 2 (Aralık 2015): 1-18.
EndNote Türkcan B (01 Aralık 2015) 2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 30 2 1–18.
IEEE B. Türkcan, “2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 30, sy. 2, ss. 1–18, 2015.
ISNAD Türkcan, Burcu. “2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 30/2 (Aralık 2015), 1-18.
JAMA Türkcan B. 2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;30:1–18.
MLA Türkcan, Burcu. “2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi”. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 30, sy. 2, 2015, ss. 1-18.
Vancouver Türkcan B. 2000’li Yıllarda Türkiye için Turizm Yanlı Büyüme Hipotezinin Analizi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 2015;30(2):1-18.