Algılanan Örgütsel Destek ve Şirkete Bağlılık: Örgüt Temelli Öz-Saygının Rolü
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 25 Sayı: 2 - Cilt: 25 Sayı: 2, 85 - 105, 25.07.2016
Doğan Uçar
Ayşe Begüm Ötken
148 beyaz yakalı çalışanın katıldığı bu çalışma, algılanan örgütsel destek ile örgütsel
bağlılık arasında ilişkiyi ve ayrıca bu değişkenler arasında örgüt temelli özsaygının ara
değişken olarak rolünü incelemektedir. Sonuçlar algılanan örgütsel destek ve duygusal
bağlılık ve normative bağlılık arasında anlamlı pozitif bir ilişkinin olduğunu ancak
devam bağlılığı ile negatif bir ilişkinin olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Örgüt temelli
özsaygının ise algılanan örgütsel destek ile duygusal bağlılık arasında kısmi, algılanan
örgütsel destek ve devam bağlılığı arasında ise tam olarak ara değişken rolü gördüğü
saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları örgüt temelli özsaygının normatif bağlılık açısından
herhangi bir ara değişken rolü olmadığını göstermiştir.
- Aube, C., V. Rousseau, and Estelle M. Morin (2007). “Perceived organizational support and organizational commitment. The moderating effect of locus of control and work autonomy”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(5), 479-495.
- Blau, P.M. (1964). Exchange and power in social life, New York: Wiley.
- Brutus, S., M. N. Ruderman, P. J. Ohlott, , and Cynthia D. Mccauley (2000), “Developing from job experiences: The role of organization-based self- esteem”, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11(4), 367-380.
- Chattopadhyay, P. (1999), “Beyond direct and symmetrical effects: The influence of demographic similarity on organizational citizenship behavior”, Academy of Management Journal, 43, 273-287.
- Chen, Z. X., S. Aryee, and C. Lee (2005), “Test of a Mediation Model of Perceived Organizational Support”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 457- 470.
- Çakar, N. D. and S. Yıldız (2009), “The Effects of Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction: Is “Perceived Organizational Support” A Mediator?”, Electronic Journal of Soial Sciences, 8 (28), 68-90.
- Eisenberger, R., R. Huntington, S. Hutchison and Debora Sowa (1986), “Perceived organizational support”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 500- 507.
- Eisenberger, R., P. Fasola and V. Lamastro-Davis (1990), “Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Diligence, Commitment and Innovation”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 51-59.
- Eisenberger, R., J. Cummings, S. Armeli and P. Lynch (2004), “Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Diligence, Commitment, and Innovation”, Journal of Applied Psychology,75, 51-59.
- Fuller, J.B., T. Barnett, K. Hester and C. Relyea. (2003), “A Social Identity Perspective on the Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 143 (6), 789- 791.
- Gardner, D. G., J. L. Pierce, L. Van Dyne and Larry L. Cummings (2000), “Relationships Between Pay Level, Employee Stock Ownership, Self-Esteem and Performance”, Academy of Management Proceedings, Sydney, Australia.
- Gardner, D. G., L. Van Dyne and J. L. Pierce (2004), “The effects of pay level on organization-based self-esteem and performance: A field study”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77, 307-322.
- George, J. M. and A. P. Brief (1992), “Feeling Good–Doing Good: A Conceptual Analysis of the Mood at Work–Organizational Spontaneity Relationship. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 310–329.
- Gould, S. (1979), “An equity-exchange model of organizational involvement”, Academy of Management Review, 4 (1), 53-62.
- Guzzo, R. A., K. A.Noonan and E. Elron (1994), “Expatriate managers and the psychological contract”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 617–626.
- Hewitt, J. P. (1997), Self and Society: A symbolic Interactionist Social Psychology, (7th ed.). London: Allyn and Bacon.
- Hughes, L. W. and D. K. Palmer (2007), “An Investigation of the Effects of Psychological Contract and Organization-Based Self-Esteem Organizational Commitment in a Sample of Permanent and Contingent Workers”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 14 (2), 143-156.
- Korman, A. K. (1966), “Self-esteem Variable in Vocational Choice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 50, 479-486.
- Korman, A. K. (1970), “Toward a Hypothesis of Work Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 54, 31-34.
- Kostova, T., M. E. Latham, L. L. Cummings and D. Hollingworth (1997), Organization-based self-esteem: Theoretical and empirical analyses of mediated and moderated effects on organizational commitment. Working paper, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
- Lee, J. and R. Peccei (2007), “Perceived Organizational Support and Affective Commitment: The Mediating Role of Organization Based Self- Esteem in the Context of Job Insecurity”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28 (6), 661-685.
- Levinson, H. (1965), “Reciprocation: The Relationship Between Man and Organization”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 9 (4), 370-390.
- Loi, R., N. Hang-Yue and S. FOLEY (2006), “Linking Employee Justice Perceptions to Organizational Commitment and Intention to Leave: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 79, 101-120.
- Meyer, J. P. and N. J. Allen (1991), “A Three-Component Conceptualization of Organizational Commitment”, Human Resource Management Review, 1 (1), 61-89.
- Meyer, J. P., D. J. Stanley, L. Herscovitch and L. Topolnytsky (2002), Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: a Meta-Analysis of Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61 (1), 20-52.
- Mowday, R. T., L. W. Porter and R. M. Steers (1982), Employee- Organization Linkages: The Psychology of Commitment, Absenteeism, and Turnover, San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
- O’Driscoll, M. P. and D. M. Randall (1999). “Perceived Organizational Support, Satisfaction with Rewards, Employee Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 48 (2), 197-209.
- Orpen, C. (1994), “The Effects of Exchange Ideology on the Relatıonship Between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Performance”, Journal of Social Psychology, 134 (3), 407-408.
- Osca, A., B. Urien, G. Gonzalez-Camino, D. M. Martinez-Perez and Nuria Martinez-Perez (2005), “Organizational Support and Group Efficacy: A Longitudinal Study of Main and Buffer Effects”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20 (3-4), 292-311.
- Phillips, G. M. and R. J. Hall (2001), Perceived organizational support: The mediating role of self-structures. Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA.
- Pierce, J. L., D. G. Gardner, L. L. Cummings and Randall B. Dunham (1989), “Organization Based Self-Esteem: Construct Definition Measurement and Validation. Academy of Management Journal, 36, 271-288.
- Pierce, J. L. and D. G. Gardner (2004), “Self-Esteem within the Work and Organizational Context: A Review of the Organization-Based Self-Esteem Literature”, Journal of Management, 30 (5), 591-622.
- Podsakoff, P.M., S. B. Mackenzie, J. Y. Lee and N.P. Podsakoff (2003), “Common Method Biases in Behavioral Research: A Critical Review of the Literature and Recommended Remedies”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88 (5), 879-903.
- Randall, D. (1993), “Cross-cultural research on organizational commitment: A review and application of Hofstede's value survey module”, Joumal of Business Research, 26, 91-110.
- Rhoades, L. and R. Eisenberger (2002), “Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of the Literature”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 698-714.
- Rousseau, D. M. (1989), “Psychological and Implied Contracts in Organizations”, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2, 121-139.
- Rousseau, D. M. (1998), “Why workers still identify with organizations”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19, 217–233.
- Shore, L. M. and T. H. Shore (1995), “Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Justice. In R.S. Cropanzano, and K.M. Kacmar (Eds.), Organizational Politics, Justice, and Support: Managing Thesocial Climate of the Workplace, London: Quorum Books.
- Tansky, W. J. and D.J. Cohen (2001), “The Relationship Between Organizational Support, Employee Development, and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study”, Human Resource Development Quartely, 12 (3), 285-300.
- Tyler, T. R. (1999), “Why People Cooperate with Organizations: An Identity Based Perspective. In R.I. Sutton and B.M. Staw (eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
- Van Dyne, L., D. Vandewalle, T. Kostova, M. E. Latham and L. L. Cummings (2000), “Collectivism, Propensity to Trust, and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship in a Non-Work Setting”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21 (1), 3-23.
- Van Dyne, L. and J. L. Pierce (2003), “Psychological Ownership: Feelings of Possession and Workplace Attitudes and Behavior”, Working paper, Eli Broad School of Management, Michigan State University.
- Wasti, S. A. (2000), “Örgütsel bağlılığı belirleyen evrensel ve kültürel etmenler: Türk kültürüne bir bakış. Türkiye’de yönetim liderlik ve insan kaynakları Uygulamaları, Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, No 21.
- Wasti, S.A. (2003), “Organizational Commitment, turnover intentions and the influence of cultural values”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 76, 303-321.
Yıl 2010,
Cilt: 25 Sayı: 2 - Cilt: 25 Sayı: 2, 85 - 105, 25.07.2016
Doğan Uçar
Ayşe Begüm Ötken
Present study examines the relationship between perceived organizational support (POS) and organizational commitment and the mediating role of organization based self-esteem between these variables. 148 white collared employees participated to the study. Results indicated a significant relationship between POS and affective commitment and normative commitment, but a negative relationship between POS and continuance commitment. Results reveal that organization based self-esteem (OBSE) has a partial mediating role between perceived organizational support and affective commitment and full mediating role between perceived organizational support and continuance commitment. Findings also indicate that OBSE has no mediating role between perceived organizational support and normative commitment.
- Aube, C., V. Rousseau, and Estelle M. Morin (2007). “Perceived organizational support and organizational commitment. The moderating effect of locus of control and work autonomy”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(5), 479-495.
- Blau, P.M. (1964). Exchange and power in social life, New York: Wiley.
- Brutus, S., M. N. Ruderman, P. J. Ohlott, , and Cynthia D. Mccauley (2000), “Developing from job experiences: The role of organization-based self- esteem”, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 11(4), 367-380.
- Chattopadhyay, P. (1999), “Beyond direct and symmetrical effects: The influence of demographic similarity on organizational citizenship behavior”, Academy of Management Journal, 43, 273-287.
- Chen, Z. X., S. Aryee, and C. Lee (2005), “Test of a Mediation Model of Perceived Organizational Support”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 66, 457- 470.
- Çakar, N. D. and S. Yıldız (2009), “The Effects of Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction: Is “Perceived Organizational Support” A Mediator?”, Electronic Journal of Soial Sciences, 8 (28), 68-90.
- Eisenberger, R., R. Huntington, S. Hutchison and Debora Sowa (1986), “Perceived organizational support”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 71, 500- 507.
- Eisenberger, R., P. Fasola and V. Lamastro-Davis (1990), “Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Diligence, Commitment and Innovation”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 75, 51-59.
- Eisenberger, R., J. Cummings, S. Armeli and P. Lynch (2004), “Perceived Organizational Support and Employee Diligence, Commitment, and Innovation”, Journal of Applied Psychology,75, 51-59.
- Fuller, J.B., T. Barnett, K. Hester and C. Relyea. (2003), “A Social Identity Perspective on the Relationship between Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment”, The Journal of Social Psychology, 143 (6), 789- 791.
- Gardner, D. G., J. L. Pierce, L. Van Dyne and Larry L. Cummings (2000), “Relationships Between Pay Level, Employee Stock Ownership, Self-Esteem and Performance”, Academy of Management Proceedings, Sydney, Australia.
- Gardner, D. G., L. Van Dyne and J. L. Pierce (2004), “The effects of pay level on organization-based self-esteem and performance: A field study”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 77, 307-322.
- George, J. M. and A. P. Brief (1992), “Feeling Good–Doing Good: A Conceptual Analysis of the Mood at Work–Organizational Spontaneity Relationship. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 310–329.
- Gould, S. (1979), “An equity-exchange model of organizational involvement”, Academy of Management Review, 4 (1), 53-62.
- Guzzo, R. A., K. A.Noonan and E. Elron (1994), “Expatriate managers and the psychological contract”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 617–626.
- Hewitt, J. P. (1997), Self and Society: A symbolic Interactionist Social Psychology, (7th ed.). London: Allyn and Bacon.
- Hughes, L. W. and D. K. Palmer (2007), “An Investigation of the Effects of Psychological Contract and Organization-Based Self-Esteem Organizational Commitment in a Sample of Permanent and Contingent Workers”, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 14 (2), 143-156.
- Korman, A. K. (1966), “Self-esteem Variable in Vocational Choice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 50, 479-486.
- Korman, A. K. (1970), “Toward a Hypothesis of Work Behavior”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 54, 31-34.
- Kostova, T., M. E. Latham, L. L. Cummings and D. Hollingworth (1997), Organization-based self-esteem: Theoretical and empirical analyses of mediated and moderated effects on organizational commitment. Working paper, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.
- Lee, J. and R. Peccei (2007), “Perceived Organizational Support and Affective Commitment: The Mediating Role of Organization Based Self- Esteem in the Context of Job Insecurity”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28 (6), 661-685.
- Levinson, H. (1965), “Reciprocation: The Relationship Between Man and Organization”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 9 (4), 370-390.
- Loi, R., N. Hang-Yue and S. FOLEY (2006), “Linking Employee Justice Perceptions to Organizational Commitment and Intention to Leave: The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 79, 101-120.
- Meyer, J. P. and N. J. Allen (1991), “A Three-Component Conceptualization of Organizational Commitment”, Human Resource Management Review, 1 (1), 61-89.
- Meyer, J. P., D. J. Stanley, L. Herscovitch and L. Topolnytsky (2002), Affective, Continuance, and Normative Commitment to the Organization: a Meta-Analysis of Antecedents, Correlates, and Consequences”, Journal of Vocational Behavior, 61 (1), 20-52.
- Mowday, R. T., L. W. Porter and R. M. Steers (1982), Employee- Organization Linkages: The Psychology of Commitment, Absenteeism, and Turnover, San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
- O’Driscoll, M. P. and D. M. Randall (1999). “Perceived Organizational Support, Satisfaction with Rewards, Employee Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, 48 (2), 197-209.
- Orpen, C. (1994), “The Effects of Exchange Ideology on the Relatıonship Between Perceived Organizational Support and Job Performance”, Journal of Social Psychology, 134 (3), 407-408.
- Osca, A., B. Urien, G. Gonzalez-Camino, D. M. Martinez-Perez and Nuria Martinez-Perez (2005), “Organizational Support and Group Efficacy: A Longitudinal Study of Main and Buffer Effects”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 20 (3-4), 292-311.
- Phillips, G. M. and R. J. Hall (2001), Perceived organizational support: The mediating role of self-structures. Presented at the annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, San Diego, CA.
- Pierce, J. L., D. G. Gardner, L. L. Cummings and Randall B. Dunham (1989), “Organization Based Self-Esteem: Construct Definition Measurement and Validation. Academy of Management Journal, 36, 271-288.
- Pierce, J. L. and D. G. Gardner (2004), “Self-Esteem within the Work and Organizational Context: A Review of the Organization-Based Self-Esteem Literature”, Journal of Management, 30 (5), 591-622.
- Podsakoff, P.M., S. B. Mackenzie, J. Y. Lee and N.P. Podsakoff (2003), “Common Method Biases in Behavioral Research: A Critical Review of the Literature and Recommended Remedies”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 88 (5), 879-903.
- Randall, D. (1993), “Cross-cultural research on organizational commitment: A review and application of Hofstede's value survey module”, Joumal of Business Research, 26, 91-110.
- Rhoades, L. and R. Eisenberger (2002), “Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of the Literature”, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 698-714.
- Rousseau, D. M. (1989), “Psychological and Implied Contracts in Organizations”, Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2, 121-139.
- Rousseau, D. M. (1998), “Why workers still identify with organizations”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19, 217–233.
- Shore, L. M. and T. H. Shore (1995), “Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Justice. In R.S. Cropanzano, and K.M. Kacmar (Eds.), Organizational Politics, Justice, and Support: Managing Thesocial Climate of the Workplace, London: Quorum Books.
- Tansky, W. J. and D.J. Cohen (2001), “The Relationship Between Organizational Support, Employee Development, and Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study”, Human Resource Development Quartely, 12 (3), 285-300.
- Tyler, T. R. (1999), “Why People Cooperate with Organizations: An Identity Based Perspective. In R.I. Sutton and B.M. Staw (eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
- Van Dyne, L., D. Vandewalle, T. Kostova, M. E. Latham and L. L. Cummings (2000), “Collectivism, Propensity to Trust, and Self-Esteem as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship in a Non-Work Setting”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21 (1), 3-23.
- Van Dyne, L. and J. L. Pierce (2003), “Psychological Ownership: Feelings of Possession and Workplace Attitudes and Behavior”, Working paper, Eli Broad School of Management, Michigan State University.
- Wasti, S. A. (2000), “Örgütsel bağlılığı belirleyen evrensel ve kültürel etmenler: Türk kültürüne bir bakış. Türkiye’de yönetim liderlik ve insan kaynakları Uygulamaları, Ankara: Türk Psikologlar Derneği Yayınları, No 21.
- Wasti, S.A. (2003), “Organizational Commitment, turnover intentions and the influence of cultural values”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 76, 303-321.