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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 191 - 218, 06.06.2014


The 2000/2001 Turkish crisis was one of the most impressive crises that hit the emerging market economies in the late 90s. The characteristic of this crisis is not only its violence but also its suddenness. We observe two rapid crisis sequences which are different from recent financial crisis examples. The analysis of the Turkish crisis in the literature generally presents an analytical aspect that only relates the stylized facts of the crisis omitting a strong econometric basis. This paper goes further: it presents two models (OLS and Logit) which will test the implication level of the macroeconomic and financial variables in the outbreak of the crisis.


  • Abiad, A. (1999). Early Warning Systems for Currency Crises: A Markov Switching Approach with Application to Southeast Asia. Working Paper, University of Pennsylvania.
  • Abiad, A. (2003). Early Warning Systems: A Survey and a Regime Switching Approach. IMF Working Papers, 03/02.
  • Akyuz, Y. & Boratav, K. (2001). The Making of the Turkish Financial Crisis. Paper presented at the Conference on Financialization of the Global Economy, University of Massachusetts, 7-9 December.
  • Alper, E. C. & Onis, Z. (2003). The Turkish Banking System, Financial Crises and the IMF in the Age of Capital Account Liberalization: A Political Economy Perspective. Paper presented at the Fourth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, Florence Montecatini Terme, 19-23 March.
  • Arı, A. (2003). Les Récentes Crises Financières Dans les Marchés Financiers Emergents: Le Cas de la Crise Financière Turque de 2000-2001. Postgraduate Diploma Dissertation, Université du Sud, Toulon -Var, September.
  • Arı, A. & Dağtekin, R. (2006). Early Warning Signals Approach to the 2000/2001 Turkish Financial Crisis. Paper presented at the International Conference on Economics, Turkish Economic Association, Ankara, 11-13 September.
  • Arı, A. & Dağtekin, R. (2007). Les Indicateurs d’Alerte de la Crise Financière de 2000-2001 en Turquie: Elaboration d’un Modèle de Crise Jumelle. Revue Région et Développement, 26 (forthcoming).
  • Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (2002). 2001 Annual Report.
  • Banks Association of Turkey (2001). Turkish Banking System Annual Report.
  • Berg, A. & Pattillio, C. (1998). Are Currency Crises Predictable? A Test?. IMF Working Papers, 98/154.
  • Cartapanis, A., Dropsy, V., & Mametz, S. (1998). Crises de Change et Indicateurs de Vulnérabilité: Le Cas des Pays Emergents d’Amérique Latine et d’Asie. Paper presented at the Journées Internationales d'Economie Monétaire et Bancaire du GDR-CNRS Economie Monétaire et Financière, Toulouse, 4-5 June.
  • Cartapanis, A., Dropsy, V., & Mametz, S. (2002). The Asian Currency Crises: Vulnerability, Contagion or Unsustainability?. Review of International Economics, 10, pp. 79-91.
  • Cepni, E. & Kose, N. (2006). Assessing the Currency Crises in Turkey. Central Bank Review, 1, pp. 37-64.
  • Dağtekin R. (2002a). Analyse de la Crise Financière de 2000/2001 en Turquie: Elaboration d’un Early Warning System. CEFI Working Paper, September.
  • Dağtekin R. (2002b). Turbulences, Crises Financières et Nouvelle Architecture: Le Cas de la Turquie. Postgraduate Diploma Dissertation, CEFI/CNRS, September.
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A. & Detragiache, E. (1997).The Determinants of Banking Crises: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries. IMF Working Paper, 97/106.
  • Eichengreen B., Rose, A. K., & Wyplosz, C. (1994). Speculative Attacks on Pegged Exchange Rates: An Empirical Exploration with Special Reference to the European Monetary System. NBER Working Paper, 4898.
  • Eichengreen B., Rose, A. K., & Wyplosz, C. (1995). Exchange Market Mayhem: The Antecedents and Aftermath of Speculative Attacks. Economic Policy: A European Forum, 21, pp. 249-312.
  • Flood, R. & Garber, P. (1984). Collapsing Exchange Rate Regimes: Some Linear Examples. Journal of International Economics, 17, pp. 1-13.
  • Flood, R. & Marion, N. (1998). Perspectives on the Recent Currency Crisis Literature. NBER Working Paper, 6380.
  • Hendry, D. F. & Doornik, J. A. (1997). The Implications for Econometric Modelling of Forecast Failure. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 44, pp. 437-461.
  • Jeanne, O. (1997). Are currency crises self-fulfilling? A test. Journal of International Economics, 43, pp. 263-286.
  • Kaminsky, G., Lizondo S., & Reinhart, C. M. (1998). Leading Indicators of Currency Crises. IMF Staff Papers, 45, pp. 1-48.
  • Kaminsky, G. & Reinhart, C. M. (1999). The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and Balance-of-Payments Problems. The American Economic Review, 89/3, pp. 473-500.
  • Kibritcioglu, A. (2003). Monitoring Banking Sector Fragility. The Arab Bank Review, 5/2, pp. 51-66.
  • Krugman, P. (1979). A Model of Balance-of-Payments Crises. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 11, pp. 311-325.
  • Krugman, P. (1999). Balance Sheets, the Transfer Problem, and Financial Crises. In P. Isard, A. Razin, & A. Rose (Eds.), International Finance and Financial Crises: Essays in Honor of Robert Flood. Massachusetts: Kluwer.
  • Obstfeld, M. (1994). The Logic of Currency Crises. Cahiers Economiques et Monetaires, 43, pp. 189-213.
  • Obstfeld, M. (1997). Destabilizing effects of exchange rate escape clauses. Journal of International Economics, 40, pp. 1037-1048.
  • OECD (2001). OECD Economic Surveys – Turkey (Country Reviews). February.
  • Ozatay, F. & Sak, G. (2003). Banking Sector Fragility and Turkey’s 2000-01 Financial Crisis. The Central Bank of Republic of Turkey Research Department Discussion Paper.
  • Peria, M. M. S. (1999). A Regime Switching Approach to Studying Speculative Attacks: A Focus on European Monetary System Crises. World Bank Development Research Group Working Paper, 2132.
  • Sachs J., Tornell, A., & Velasco A. (1996). Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: The Lessons Learned From 1995. Brookings Papers on Economics Activity, 1, pp. 147-215.
  • The Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (2001). 2001 Annual Report.
  • Uygur, E. (2001). Krizden Krize Türkiye: 2000 Kasım ve Şubat Krizleri. Mimeo, Ankara University, SBF.
  • Vlaar, J. G. (2000). Currency Crises Models for Emerging Markets. De Nederlandsche Bank Staff Report, 45.
Yıl 2008, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2, 191 - 218, 06.06.2014



  • Abiad, A. (1999). Early Warning Systems for Currency Crises: A Markov Switching Approach with Application to Southeast Asia. Working Paper, University of Pennsylvania.
  • Abiad, A. (2003). Early Warning Systems: A Survey and a Regime Switching Approach. IMF Working Papers, 03/02.
  • Akyuz, Y. & Boratav, K. (2001). The Making of the Turkish Financial Crisis. Paper presented at the Conference on Financialization of the Global Economy, University of Massachusetts, 7-9 December.
  • Alper, E. C. & Onis, Z. (2003). The Turkish Banking System, Financial Crises and the IMF in the Age of Capital Account Liberalization: A Political Economy Perspective. Paper presented at the Fourth Mediterranean Social and Political Research Meeting, Florence Montecatini Terme, 19-23 March.
  • Arı, A. (2003). Les Récentes Crises Financières Dans les Marchés Financiers Emergents: Le Cas de la Crise Financière Turque de 2000-2001. Postgraduate Diploma Dissertation, Université du Sud, Toulon -Var, September.
  • Arı, A. & Dağtekin, R. (2006). Early Warning Signals Approach to the 2000/2001 Turkish Financial Crisis. Paper presented at the International Conference on Economics, Turkish Economic Association, Ankara, 11-13 September.
  • Arı, A. & Dağtekin, R. (2007). Les Indicateurs d’Alerte de la Crise Financière de 2000-2001 en Turquie: Elaboration d’un Modèle de Crise Jumelle. Revue Région et Développement, 26 (forthcoming).
  • Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (2002). 2001 Annual Report.
  • Banks Association of Turkey (2001). Turkish Banking System Annual Report.
  • Berg, A. & Pattillio, C. (1998). Are Currency Crises Predictable? A Test?. IMF Working Papers, 98/154.
  • Cartapanis, A., Dropsy, V., & Mametz, S. (1998). Crises de Change et Indicateurs de Vulnérabilité: Le Cas des Pays Emergents d’Amérique Latine et d’Asie. Paper presented at the Journées Internationales d'Economie Monétaire et Bancaire du GDR-CNRS Economie Monétaire et Financière, Toulouse, 4-5 June.
  • Cartapanis, A., Dropsy, V., & Mametz, S. (2002). The Asian Currency Crises: Vulnerability, Contagion or Unsustainability?. Review of International Economics, 10, pp. 79-91.
  • Cepni, E. & Kose, N. (2006). Assessing the Currency Crises in Turkey. Central Bank Review, 1, pp. 37-64.
  • Dağtekin R. (2002a). Analyse de la Crise Financière de 2000/2001 en Turquie: Elaboration d’un Early Warning System. CEFI Working Paper, September.
  • Dağtekin R. (2002b). Turbulences, Crises Financières et Nouvelle Architecture: Le Cas de la Turquie. Postgraduate Diploma Dissertation, CEFI/CNRS, September.
  • Demirguc-Kunt, A. & Detragiache, E. (1997).The Determinants of Banking Crises: Evidence from Developing and Developed Countries. IMF Working Paper, 97/106.
  • Eichengreen B., Rose, A. K., & Wyplosz, C. (1994). Speculative Attacks on Pegged Exchange Rates: An Empirical Exploration with Special Reference to the European Monetary System. NBER Working Paper, 4898.
  • Eichengreen B., Rose, A. K., & Wyplosz, C. (1995). Exchange Market Mayhem: The Antecedents and Aftermath of Speculative Attacks. Economic Policy: A European Forum, 21, pp. 249-312.
  • Flood, R. & Garber, P. (1984). Collapsing Exchange Rate Regimes: Some Linear Examples. Journal of International Economics, 17, pp. 1-13.
  • Flood, R. & Marion, N. (1998). Perspectives on the Recent Currency Crisis Literature. NBER Working Paper, 6380.
  • Hendry, D. F. & Doornik, J. A. (1997). The Implications for Econometric Modelling of Forecast Failure. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 44, pp. 437-461.
  • Jeanne, O. (1997). Are currency crises self-fulfilling? A test. Journal of International Economics, 43, pp. 263-286.
  • Kaminsky, G., Lizondo S., & Reinhart, C. M. (1998). Leading Indicators of Currency Crises. IMF Staff Papers, 45, pp. 1-48.
  • Kaminsky, G. & Reinhart, C. M. (1999). The Twin Crises: The Causes of Banking and Balance-of-Payments Problems. The American Economic Review, 89/3, pp. 473-500.
  • Kibritcioglu, A. (2003). Monitoring Banking Sector Fragility. The Arab Bank Review, 5/2, pp. 51-66.
  • Krugman, P. (1979). A Model of Balance-of-Payments Crises. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 11, pp. 311-325.
  • Krugman, P. (1999). Balance Sheets, the Transfer Problem, and Financial Crises. In P. Isard, A. Razin, & A. Rose (Eds.), International Finance and Financial Crises: Essays in Honor of Robert Flood. Massachusetts: Kluwer.
  • Obstfeld, M. (1994). The Logic of Currency Crises. Cahiers Economiques et Monetaires, 43, pp. 189-213.
  • Obstfeld, M. (1997). Destabilizing effects of exchange rate escape clauses. Journal of International Economics, 40, pp. 1037-1048.
  • OECD (2001). OECD Economic Surveys – Turkey (Country Reviews). February.
  • Ozatay, F. & Sak, G. (2003). Banking Sector Fragility and Turkey’s 2000-01 Financial Crisis. The Central Bank of Republic of Turkey Research Department Discussion Paper.
  • Peria, M. M. S. (1999). A Regime Switching Approach to Studying Speculative Attacks: A Focus on European Monetary System Crises. World Bank Development Research Group Working Paper, 2132.
  • Sachs J., Tornell, A., & Velasco A. (1996). Financial Crises in Emerging Markets: The Lessons Learned From 1995. Brookings Papers on Economics Activity, 1, pp. 147-215.
  • The Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (2001). 2001 Annual Report.
  • Uygur, E. (2001). Krizden Krize Türkiye: 2000 Kasım ve Şubat Krizleri. Mimeo, Ankara University, SBF.
  • Vlaar, J. G. (2000). Currency Crises Models for Emerging Markets. De Nederlandsche Bank Staff Report, 45.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Ali Arı Bu kişi benim

Rüstem Dağtekin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Haziran 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Arı, A., & Dağtekin, R. (2014). EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, 1(2), 191-218.
AMA Arı A, Dağtekin R. EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies. Haziran 2014;1(2):191-218.
Chicago Arı, Ali, ve Rüstem Dağtekin. “EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS”. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies 1, sy. 2 (Haziran 2014): 191-218.
EndNote Arı A, Dağtekin R (01 Haziran 2014) EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies 1 2 191–218.
IEEE A. Arı ve R. Dağtekin, “EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS”, International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, c. 1, sy. 2, ss. 191–218, 2014.
ISNAD Arı, Ali - Dağtekin, Rüstem. “EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS”. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies 1/2 (Haziran 2014), 191-218.
JAMA Arı A, Dağtekin R. EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies. 2014;1:191–218.
MLA Arı, Ali ve Rüstem Dağtekin. “EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS”. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies, c. 1, sy. 2, 2014, ss. 191-18.
Vancouver Arı A, Dağtekin R. EARLY WARNING SIGNALS OF THE 2000/2001 TURKISH FINANCIAL CRISIS. International Journal of Emerging and Transition Economies. 2014;1(2):191-218.