Oral Diagnosis and Dentomaxillofacial Radiology - Section Editor
Prosthodontics and Maxillofacial Prosthetics - Section Editors
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Section Editors
Periodontology - Section Editors
Restorative Dentistry - Section Editors
Endodontics - Section Editors
Pediatric Dentistry - Section Editors
Nutrition and Dietetics - Section Editor
Statistical Consultants
Managing Editors
Scientific Advisory Board Members
Dr. Ahmed Sh. A. Lafi
Specialization: Microbiology - Medical Mycology
Position: Academic Staff
Scientific Degr .: Lecturer
Work Address: Center of Desert Studies - University of Anbar
E-mail: cds.ahmed.lafi@uoanbar.edu.iq
1- Member of the Editorial Board: Current Research in Microbiology and Infection - CRMI
2- British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy
3- The American Society for Microbiology
4- Medical Mycological Society of the Americas
5- Malaysian Society of Microbiology
6- Egyptian Association Medical Mycologists
7-Administration of the Iraqi Journal of Desert Studies
On the site of the Iraqi Academic Academic Journals
Bachelor of Biology
Department of Biology / Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Anbar, Ramadi, Iraq, 2002.
Master of Microbiology / Mycology
Faculty of Education for Pure Sciences, Anbar University, Ramadi, Iraq, 2008.
Master thesis title
The Use of Fungi Aspergillus niger In Producing Single Cell Protein by Using Local Artificial and Vegetable Wastes
Ph. D. Medical Mycology
School of Biomedical Engineering and Health Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, University Technology Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia 2019.
Doctorate thesis title
The most senior editor who has overall responsibility for the journal.
"Dünyada herşey için, medeniyet için, hayat için, başarı için en gerçek yol gösterici ilimdir, fendir. İlim ve fennin dışında yol gösterici aramak gaflettir, cahilliktir, doğru yoldan sapmaktır. Yalnız ilmin ve fenin yaşadığımız her dakikadaki safhalarının gelişimini anlamak ve ilerlemeleri zamanında takip etmek şarttır. Bin, iki bin, binlerce yıl önceki ilim ve fen lisanının koyduğu kuralları, şu kadar bin yıl sonra bugün aynen uygulamaya kalkışmak elbette ilim ve fennin içinde bulunmak değildir."