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Astronomical Activity in Medieval India in Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 6, 9 - 22, 01.12.2014


It is well known that during the medieval period of Indian history, the Sultanate (1191–1526) and Mughal (1526–1857) periods, there had been a constant stream of scholars, crafts men and artists particularly from Central Asia, who brought with them knowledge of all sciences into India. In this study, astronomical studies in the Indian astronomical studies and in the Ottoman Turks comparative studies will be discussed in astronomy


  • Abu’l Faḍl ‘Allāmī (1927–1949). Ā’īn-i Akbarī, translated into English by H. Blochmann, and H.S. Jarret, in 3 volumes, second edition. Reprint, Calcutta, Delhi (2001). Persian text lithographed, Naval Kishore, Lucknow, 1881.
  • Abu’l Faḍl ‘Allāmī ( 1872). Akbar Nāmah, edited by Maulavī Aḥmad ʻAlī, Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, Vol. 1. Another edition was published by Nawal Kishore Press, Lucknow, year not known.
  • ʻAlī Ra’īs Sayyidī (1899). The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reīs in India, Afghanistan, Central Asia and Persia during the Years 1553–1556, edited and translated by Ármin Vambéry, London, Luzac. The German translation has been done recently by H. Achmed Schmiede (2007). I refer it as Ra’īs/Vambéry.
  • Alvi, M. A. and Rahman, A. (1968). Jahāngīr: The Naturalist. National Institute of Sciences of India (presently, Indian National Science Academy), New Delhi.
  • Alvi, M. A. and Rahman, A. (2011). Fathullah Shirazi: A Sixteenth Century Indian Scientist, New Delhi. Indian National Science Academy. Monograph Series No. 2. Second print, st print in 1968.
  • Ansari, S. M. Razaullah (1985). “A supplementary Note on Jawāhar al–ʻUlūm Humāyūnī”, Studies in History of Medicine and Science (New Delhi). Vol. IX, No. 1–2, pp. 65–66.
  • Ansari, S. M. Razaullah (1995). “ On the Transmission of Arabic–Islamic Astronomy to Medieval India”, Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences,45, No. 135, pp. 273–297.
  • Khan, Mohammad A. R. (1946). “Muslim Contribution to Meteoric Astronomy”, Islamic Culture, Vol. 20, pp. 353–361.
  • Krynicki, Annie Krieger (2005). Captive Princes Zebunissa: The Daughter of Emperor Aurangzeb, translated from French by Enjum Hamid. Karachi, Oxford University Press.
  • Jahāngīr (1863-64). Tuzuk-i Jahāngīrī (Memoirs of Jahāngīr), Persian Text edited by Syud Ahmad Khan, Ghazipur and Aligarh, English translation by A. Rogers and edited by H. Beveridge, recent reprint in 2 volumes, Delhi, 1968, esp. Vol. II.
  • Khwāndamīr, Ghiyāthuddīn (1531). Qanūn-i Humāyūnī or Humāyūn Nāma. Persian text edited by Hidayat Hosain, 1940, Bibliotheca Indica No. 260, Calcutta, Royal Asiatic Society. Translated into English by Baini Prashad, entitled, Qanūn-i Humāyūnī of Khwāndamīr, A Work on the Rules and Ordinances established by the Emperor Humāyūn and on Some Buildings erected by his Order. Calcutta, 1940.
  • Monzavi, Ahmad (1983). A Comprehensive Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in Pakistan, Vol. I, Islamabad (Pakistan).
  • Nadwī, S. Sulaimān (1966). On a Celestial-Instrument Maker of Lahore, in Maqâlât-i Sulaimān, Ed. S. Shabāhuddīn ‘Abdurraḥmān, Azamgarh, Vol.1, No.7, pp. 258–271, in Urdu. On Humāyūn, see pp. 260–266. The original article was published in Urdu in the journal Maʻārif (Azamgarh), August, 1933.
  • Orthmann, Eva (2005). “Circular Motions: Private Pleasure and Public Prognostication in the Nativities of the Mughal Emperor Akbar”, in Günther Oestmann, H. Darrel Rutkin and Kocku von Stuckrad (Eds.): Horoscopes and Public Spheres: Essays on the History of Astrology, Berlin & New York, S. 101–14. [Series: Religion and Society, edited by G. Benavides and K.von Stuckrad, Vol. 42].
  • Orthmann, Eva (2008). “Sonne, Mond und Sterne, Kosmologie und Astrologie in der Inszenierung von Herrschaft unter Humāyūn”, in, L. Korn, E. Orthmann, F. Schwarz (Hrsg), Die Grenzen der Welt, Arabica et Iranica ad honorem Heinz Gaube, pp. 297– 306, Reichert Verlag, Wiebaden (Germany).
  • Orthmann, Eva (2011). “ Court Culture and Cosmology in the Mughal Empire. Humāyūn and the Foundations of the Dīn-i Ilāhī “, in Court Cultures in the Muslim World, Seventh to Nineteenth Centuries, edited by Albrecht Fuess and Jan–Peter Hartung, London, Routledge, pp. 202–220.
  • Pingree, David (1981). Jyotiḥśāstra, Astral and Mathematical Literature, Vol. 6, fasc. 4 of the Series, A History of Indian Literature, Ed. Jan Gonda, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Rampur (1996). Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts of the Raza Library, Vol.1. Published by W. H. Siddiqui. Rampur (India).
  • Riazul Islam (1970). Indo-Persian Relations: A Study of the Political and Diplomatic Relations between the Mughul Empire and Iran, published by Iran Cultural Foundation (Tehran), printed at Lahore.
  • Rosenfeld, Boris A. and Ihsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin (2003). Mathematicians, Astronomers, and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilization and their Works (7th–19th c.). Istanbul. Research Centre for Islamic History Art and Culture (IRCICA), 833 pages.
  • Sarma, S. R. (1994). “The Lahore Family of Astrolabists and their Ouvrage”, Studies in History of Medicine & Science (New Delhi), Vol. XIII, No.2, New Series, pp. 205 – 224.
  • Sarma, S. R. (2008). The Archaic and the Exotic: Studies in the History of irishtahIndian Astronomical Instruments. New Delhi, Manohar Publisher.
  • Sarma, S.R. (2011). “A Bilingual Astrolabe from the Court of Jahāngīr”, Indian Historical Quarterly, Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 77–177.
  • Storey, C. A. (1972). Persian Literature, A Bio-bibliographical Survey, Second revised edi- tion in 2 Vols., see particularly Vol. II, part1. st printed in 1958, reprinted London, Luzac & Co.
  • Van Dalen, Benno (2007). “A New Survey of Islamic Astronomical Handbooks, with Description of more than 200 Arabic and Persian Zījes”. Preliminary Draft. To be published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia.

Ortaçağ Dönemi’nde Hint’te Astronomi Çalışmaları

Yıl 2014, Sayı: 6, 9 - 22, 01.12.2014


16. ve 17. yüzyıllar Hint tarihinde, Saltanat ve Babür (15261857) saltanatlarının dönemleridir. Bu dönemde özellikle Orta Asya’dan getirilen el sanatları ve erkek sanatçıların ve bilginlerin sabit bir akışı olmuştu bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada, bu dönemdeki Hint astronomi çalışmaları ve Osmanlı Türklerinin astronomi çalışmaları karşılaştırılmalı olarak ele alınacaktır


  • Abu’l Faḍl ‘Allāmī (1927–1949). Ā’īn-i Akbarī, translated into English by H. Blochmann, and H.S. Jarret, in 3 volumes, second edition. Reprint, Calcutta, Delhi (2001). Persian text lithographed, Naval Kishore, Lucknow, 1881.
  • Abu’l Faḍl ‘Allāmī ( 1872). Akbar Nāmah, edited by Maulavī Aḥmad ʻAlī, Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, Vol. 1. Another edition was published by Nawal Kishore Press, Lucknow, year not known.
  • ʻAlī Ra’īs Sayyidī (1899). The Travels and Adventures of the Turkish Admiral Sidi Ali Reīs in India, Afghanistan, Central Asia and Persia during the Years 1553–1556, edited and translated by Ármin Vambéry, London, Luzac. The German translation has been done recently by H. Achmed Schmiede (2007). I refer it as Ra’īs/Vambéry.
  • Alvi, M. A. and Rahman, A. (1968). Jahāngīr: The Naturalist. National Institute of Sciences of India (presently, Indian National Science Academy), New Delhi.
  • Alvi, M. A. and Rahman, A. (2011). Fathullah Shirazi: A Sixteenth Century Indian Scientist, New Delhi. Indian National Science Academy. Monograph Series No. 2. Second print, st print in 1968.
  • Ansari, S. M. Razaullah (1985). “A supplementary Note on Jawāhar al–ʻUlūm Humāyūnī”, Studies in History of Medicine and Science (New Delhi). Vol. IX, No. 1–2, pp. 65–66.
  • Ansari, S. M. Razaullah (1995). “ On the Transmission of Arabic–Islamic Astronomy to Medieval India”, Archives Internationales d’Histoire des Sciences,45, No. 135, pp. 273–297.
  • Khan, Mohammad A. R. (1946). “Muslim Contribution to Meteoric Astronomy”, Islamic Culture, Vol. 20, pp. 353–361.
  • Krynicki, Annie Krieger (2005). Captive Princes Zebunissa: The Daughter of Emperor Aurangzeb, translated from French by Enjum Hamid. Karachi, Oxford University Press.
  • Jahāngīr (1863-64). Tuzuk-i Jahāngīrī (Memoirs of Jahāngīr), Persian Text edited by Syud Ahmad Khan, Ghazipur and Aligarh, English translation by A. Rogers and edited by H. Beveridge, recent reprint in 2 volumes, Delhi, 1968, esp. Vol. II.
  • Khwāndamīr, Ghiyāthuddīn (1531). Qanūn-i Humāyūnī or Humāyūn Nāma. Persian text edited by Hidayat Hosain, 1940, Bibliotheca Indica No. 260, Calcutta, Royal Asiatic Society. Translated into English by Baini Prashad, entitled, Qanūn-i Humāyūnī of Khwāndamīr, A Work on the Rules and Ordinances established by the Emperor Humāyūn and on Some Buildings erected by his Order. Calcutta, 1940.
  • Monzavi, Ahmad (1983). A Comprehensive Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts in Pakistan, Vol. I, Islamabad (Pakistan).
  • Nadwī, S. Sulaimān (1966). On a Celestial-Instrument Maker of Lahore, in Maqâlât-i Sulaimān, Ed. S. Shabāhuddīn ‘Abdurraḥmān, Azamgarh, Vol.1, No.7, pp. 258–271, in Urdu. On Humāyūn, see pp. 260–266. The original article was published in Urdu in the journal Maʻārif (Azamgarh), August, 1933.
  • Orthmann, Eva (2005). “Circular Motions: Private Pleasure and Public Prognostication in the Nativities of the Mughal Emperor Akbar”, in Günther Oestmann, H. Darrel Rutkin and Kocku von Stuckrad (Eds.): Horoscopes and Public Spheres: Essays on the History of Astrology, Berlin & New York, S. 101–14. [Series: Religion and Society, edited by G. Benavides and K.von Stuckrad, Vol. 42].
  • Orthmann, Eva (2008). “Sonne, Mond und Sterne, Kosmologie und Astrologie in der Inszenierung von Herrschaft unter Humāyūn”, in, L. Korn, E. Orthmann, F. Schwarz (Hrsg), Die Grenzen der Welt, Arabica et Iranica ad honorem Heinz Gaube, pp. 297– 306, Reichert Verlag, Wiebaden (Germany).
  • Orthmann, Eva (2011). “ Court Culture and Cosmology in the Mughal Empire. Humāyūn and the Foundations of the Dīn-i Ilāhī “, in Court Cultures in the Muslim World, Seventh to Nineteenth Centuries, edited by Albrecht Fuess and Jan–Peter Hartung, London, Routledge, pp. 202–220.
  • Pingree, David (1981). Jyotiḥśāstra, Astral and Mathematical Literature, Vol. 6, fasc. 4 of the Series, A History of Indian Literature, Ed. Jan Gonda, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, Germany.
  • Rampur (1996). Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts of the Raza Library, Vol.1. Published by W. H. Siddiqui. Rampur (India).
  • Riazul Islam (1970). Indo-Persian Relations: A Study of the Political and Diplomatic Relations between the Mughul Empire and Iran, published by Iran Cultural Foundation (Tehran), printed at Lahore.
  • Rosenfeld, Boris A. and Ihsanoğlu, Ekmeleddin (2003). Mathematicians, Astronomers, and Other Scholars of Islamic Civilization and their Works (7th–19th c.). Istanbul. Research Centre for Islamic History Art and Culture (IRCICA), 833 pages.
  • Sarma, S. R. (1994). “The Lahore Family of Astrolabists and their Ouvrage”, Studies in History of Medicine & Science (New Delhi), Vol. XIII, No.2, New Series, pp. 205 – 224.
  • Sarma, S. R. (2008). The Archaic and the Exotic: Studies in the History of irishtahIndian Astronomical Instruments. New Delhi, Manohar Publisher.
  • Sarma, S.R. (2011). “A Bilingual Astrolabe from the Court of Jahāngīr”, Indian Historical Quarterly, Vol. 38, No.1, pp. 77–177.
  • Storey, C. A. (1972). Persian Literature, A Bio-bibliographical Survey, Second revised edi- tion in 2 Vols., see particularly Vol. II, part1. st printed in 1958, reprinted London, Luzac & Co.
  • Van Dalen, Benno (2007). “A New Survey of Islamic Astronomical Handbooks, with Description of more than 200 Arabic and Persian Zījes”. Preliminary Draft. To be published in the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia.
Toplam 25 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA82EF52GT
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

S.m Razaullah Ansari Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Ansari, S. R. (2014). Ortaçağ Dönemi’nde Hint’te Astronomi Çalışmaları. Dört Öge(6), 9-22.