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Yıl 2016, Sayı: 036, 13 - 24, 15.06.2016


In this research, the sulphur within the composition of alunitic kaolin of Balıkesir region was removed by calcination processes. During the experiments, three different kaolin samples were used, namely raw kaolin (K) and two types of concentrated kaolins (E and C). While K represents the raw kaolin with a particle size of -38 μm, E represents the under-sieve part which was obtained by screening through a -38 μm sieve after wetting and scrubbing operations. C is the over-sieve part of the operation. The calcination processes were carried out at a temperature range of 500°C and 1000°C. While SO3 content of calcined kaolins was reduced, the production of metakaolin and its pozzolanic properties were also investigated. The most suitable calcination temperature for metakaolin production was determined by investigating the physical, chemical and mineralogical properties of the products obtained by calcination. After the tests, the production of metakaolin by the calcination of E kaolin at 800°C was found to be higher than that of C and K kaolins. In other word, the production of metakaolin from this kaolin (E) was proven to be possible. Moreover, it was determined that the metakaolin produced (MKE-800) could be used as a pozzolanic material.


  • [1] Bundy, W.M., “The Diverse Industrial Applications of Kaolin”, In: Murray, H.H., Bundy, W.M., Harvey, C.C. (Eds.), Kaolin Genesis and Utilisation, Special Publication of the Clay Mineral Society, Colorado, USA, Vol. 1, 43–73, (1993).
  • [2] Chandrasekhar, S. and Ramaswamy, S., “Influence of mineral impurities on the properties of kaolin and its thermally treated products”, Applied Clay Science 21, 133–142, (2002).
  • [3] Gamiz, E., Melgosa, M., Sanchez-Maranon, M., Martin-Garcia, J.M and Delgado R., “Relationships between chemico-mineralogical composition and color properties in selected natural and calcined Spanish kaolins”, Applied Clay Science 28, 269–282, (2005).
  • [4] ASTM C-125, “Standard Terminology Relating to Concrete Aggregates”, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, (1994).
  • [5] ASTM C 618, “Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete” Annual Book of ASTM Standards, (1994).
  • [6] Velosa, A.L., Rocha, F. and Veiga, R., “Influence of chemical and mineralogical composition of metakaolin on mortar characteristics”, Acta Geodyn, Geomater., Vol.6. No.1 (153), 121-126, (2009).
  • [7] Erdoğan, S.T. ve Erdoğan T.Y., “Puzolanik Mineral Katkılar ve Tarihi Geçmişleri”, 2. Yapılarda Kimyasal Katkılar Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, 263-329, (2007).
  • [8] Pera, J., “Metakaolin and calcined clays”, Cement and Concrete Composites, Elsevier Science Ltd. (2001).
  • [9] Özer, E., “Niğde Yöresi Fesleğen Yayla Kaolinlerinden Metakaolin Üretilebilirliğinin Araştırılması”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Niğde Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 71 s, (2009).
  • [10] Siddique, R. and Klaus, J., “Influence of metakaolin on the properties of mortar and concrete: a review”, Applied Clay Science 43, 392-400, (2009).
  • [11] Ramezanianpour, A.A. and Jovein H.B., “Influence of metakaolin as supplementary cementing material on strength and durability of concretes”, Construction and Building Materials 30, 470–479, (2012).
  • [12] Özdemir, M., and Çetişli, H., “Extraction kinetics of alunite in sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid”, Hydrometallurgy, 76, 217-224, (2005).
  • [13] Chen,C.Y. and Tuan, W.H.,”The proccessing of kaolin powder compact”, Ceramics International 27, 795-800, (2001).
  • [14] Mohammadi, T. and Pak, A., “Effect of calcination temperature of kaolin as a support for zeolite membranes”, Seperation and Purification Technology 30, 241-249, (2003).
  • [15] Ptacek, P., Soukal, F., Opravil, T., Noskova, M., Havlica, J. and Brandstetr, J., “The kinetics of Al-Si spinel phase crystallization from calcined kaolin”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183, 2565-2569, (2010).
  • [16] Kakali, G., Perraki, T., Tsivilis, S. ve Badogiannis, E., “Thermal treatment of kaolin: the effect of mineralogy on the pozzolanic activity”, Applied Clay Science 20, 73-80, (2001).
  • [17] Genç, S., “Alunitli kaolinlerden sülfat giderilmesi ve seramik hammaddesi üretilmesi”, Doktora Tezi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. (1994).
  • [18] Gamiz, E., Melgosa, M., Sanchez-Maranon, M., Martin-Garcia, J.M and Delgado R., “Relationships between chemico-mineralogical composition and color properties in selected natural and calcined Spanish kaolins”, Applied Clay Science 28, 269– 282, (2005).
  • [19] Liu, Q., Spears, D.A. and Liu, Q., “MAS NMR study of surface-modified calcined kaolin”, Applied Clay Science 19, 89–94, (2001).
  • [20] Murray, H.H.,”Taditional and new applications for kaolin, smectite, and palygorskite: a general overview”, Applied Clay Science 17, 207-221, (2000).
  • [21] TS-25, “Doğal puzolan (tras)-çimento ve betonda kullanılan tarifler, gerekler ve uygunluk kriterleri”, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, 14, (2008).
  • [22] Güneyisi, E., Gesoğlu, M. ve Mermerdaş, K., “Metakaolin Katkılı Betonların Sülfat Dayanıklılığının İncelenmesi” 7. Beton Kongresi, İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, 259-270, (2007).
  • [23] Yılmaz, B. and Ediz, N., “An Investigation of Kaoline As a Supplementary Cementing Material” 7th Ceramic Congress With International Participation Juried Mixed Ceramic Exhibition, Afyon, (2008).
  • [24] Al-Akhras, N.M., “Durability of metakaolin concrete to sulphate attack”, Cement and Concrete Research 36, 1727–1734, (2006).


Yıl 2016, Sayı: 036, 13 - 24, 15.06.2016


Bu araştırmada Balıkesir yöresi alunitli kaolininin bünyesindeki kükürtün, kalsinasyon işlemleri ile uzaklaştırılmasına çalışılmıştır. Deneylerde, ham (K) ve zenginleştirilmiş (E ve C) olmak üzere üç farklı kaolin kullanılmıştır. K, (-38 μm) boyutundaki ham kaolindir. E, ham kaolinin suda bekletme ve mekanik karıştırıcı ile karıştırılarak 38 μm’lik elekten elenmesi sonucu elde edilen elek altı kısım, C ise elek üstü kısımdır. Kalsinasyon işlemleri 500°C ile 1000°C arasında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kalsine edilen kaolinlerin SO3 içerikleri azaltılırken, aynı zamanda metakaolin üretilebilirliği ve bunun puzolanik özelliği de araştırılmıştır. Kalsinasyon sonucu elde edilen ürünlerin fiziksel, kimyasal ve mineralojik özellikleri incelenerek, metakaolin üretimi için en uygun kalsinasyon sıcaklığı belirlenmiştir. Deneyler sonucunda E kaolininin 800°C’de kalsinasyonu ile elde edilen metakaolin oluşumunun C ve K kaolinlerine göre daha fazla olduğu, yani bu kaolinle (E) metakaolin üretiminin mümkün olabileceği saptanmıştır. Ayrıca üretilen bu metakaolinin (MKE-800), puzolanik malzeme olarak da kullanılabileceği tespit edilmiştir.


  • [1] Bundy, W.M., “The Diverse Industrial Applications of Kaolin”, In: Murray, H.H., Bundy, W.M., Harvey, C.C. (Eds.), Kaolin Genesis and Utilisation, Special Publication of the Clay Mineral Society, Colorado, USA, Vol. 1, 43–73, (1993).
  • [2] Chandrasekhar, S. and Ramaswamy, S., “Influence of mineral impurities on the properties of kaolin and its thermally treated products”, Applied Clay Science 21, 133–142, (2002).
  • [3] Gamiz, E., Melgosa, M., Sanchez-Maranon, M., Martin-Garcia, J.M and Delgado R., “Relationships between chemico-mineralogical composition and color properties in selected natural and calcined Spanish kaolins”, Applied Clay Science 28, 269–282, (2005).
  • [4] ASTM C-125, “Standard Terminology Relating to Concrete Aggregates”, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, (1994).
  • [5] ASTM C 618, “Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a Mineral Admixture in Portland Cement Concrete” Annual Book of ASTM Standards, (1994).
  • [6] Velosa, A.L., Rocha, F. and Veiga, R., “Influence of chemical and mineralogical composition of metakaolin on mortar characteristics”, Acta Geodyn, Geomater., Vol.6. No.1 (153), 121-126, (2009).
  • [7] Erdoğan, S.T. ve Erdoğan T.Y., “Puzolanik Mineral Katkılar ve Tarihi Geçmişleri”, 2. Yapılarda Kimyasal Katkılar Sempozyumu ve Sergisi, 263-329, (2007).
  • [8] Pera, J., “Metakaolin and calcined clays”, Cement and Concrete Composites, Elsevier Science Ltd. (2001).
  • [9] Özer, E., “Niğde Yöresi Fesleğen Yayla Kaolinlerinden Metakaolin Üretilebilirliğinin Araştırılması”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Niğde Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 71 s, (2009).
  • [10] Siddique, R. and Klaus, J., “Influence of metakaolin on the properties of mortar and concrete: a review”, Applied Clay Science 43, 392-400, (2009).
  • [11] Ramezanianpour, A.A. and Jovein H.B., “Influence of metakaolin as supplementary cementing material on strength and durability of concretes”, Construction and Building Materials 30, 470–479, (2012).
  • [12] Özdemir, M., and Çetişli, H., “Extraction kinetics of alunite in sulphuric acid and hydrochloric acid”, Hydrometallurgy, 76, 217-224, (2005).
  • [13] Chen,C.Y. and Tuan, W.H.,”The proccessing of kaolin powder compact”, Ceramics International 27, 795-800, (2001).
  • [14] Mohammadi, T. and Pak, A., “Effect of calcination temperature of kaolin as a support for zeolite membranes”, Seperation and Purification Technology 30, 241-249, (2003).
  • [15] Ptacek, P., Soukal, F., Opravil, T., Noskova, M., Havlica, J. and Brandstetr, J., “The kinetics of Al-Si spinel phase crystallization from calcined kaolin”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 183, 2565-2569, (2010).
  • [16] Kakali, G., Perraki, T., Tsivilis, S. ve Badogiannis, E., “Thermal treatment of kaolin: the effect of mineralogy on the pozzolanic activity”, Applied Clay Science 20, 73-80, (2001).
  • [17] Genç, S., “Alunitli kaolinlerden sülfat giderilmesi ve seramik hammaddesi üretilmesi”, Doktora Tezi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. (1994).
  • [18] Gamiz, E., Melgosa, M., Sanchez-Maranon, M., Martin-Garcia, J.M and Delgado R., “Relationships between chemico-mineralogical composition and color properties in selected natural and calcined Spanish kaolins”, Applied Clay Science 28, 269– 282, (2005).
  • [19] Liu, Q., Spears, D.A. and Liu, Q., “MAS NMR study of surface-modified calcined kaolin”, Applied Clay Science 19, 89–94, (2001).
  • [20] Murray, H.H.,”Taditional and new applications for kaolin, smectite, and palygorskite: a general overview”, Applied Clay Science 17, 207-221, (2000).
  • [21] TS-25, “Doğal puzolan (tras)-çimento ve betonda kullanılan tarifler, gerekler ve uygunluk kriterleri”, Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, 14, (2008).
  • [22] Güneyisi, E., Gesoğlu, M. ve Mermerdaş, K., “Metakaolin Katkılı Betonların Sülfat Dayanıklılığının İncelenmesi” 7. Beton Kongresi, İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası, 259-270, (2007).
  • [23] Yılmaz, B. and Ediz, N., “An Investigation of Kaoline As a Supplementary Cementing Material” 7th Ceramic Congress With International Participation Juried Mixed Ceramic Exhibition, Afyon, (2008).
  • [24] Al-Akhras, N.M., “Durability of metakaolin concrete to sulphate attack”, Cement and Concrete Research 36, 1727–1734, (2006).
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

İlknur Tatar Bu kişi benim

Nezahat Ediz Bu kişi benim

Ahmet Aydın

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Sayı: 036

Kaynak Göster

APA Tatar, İ., Ediz, N., & Aydın, A. (2016). BALIKESİR BÖLGESİ ALUNİTLİ KAOLİNİNİN KALSİNASYON İLE ZENGİNLEŞTİRİLMESİ VE PUZOLANİK MALZEME OLARAK KULLANIMI. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(036), 13-24.