Yıl 2012,
Sayı: 027, 79 - 88, 16.04.2012
Asım Gökhan Yetgin
Mustafa Turan
Ali İhsan Çanakoğlu
çalışmada sincap kafesli bir asenkron motorun stator ve rotor boyunduruk ve diş
boyutlarının motor performansına etkileri sonlu elemanlar yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenmiştir.
Referans motorun stator iç çapı artırılarak (dış çap sabit) oluşturulan yeni
motor modelinden elde edilen performans değerleri, referans motordan elde
edilen değerler ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca yeni oluşturulan motor modeli
ile referans motor modelinden elde edilen manyetik alan dağılımları, nominal
çalışma noktasındaki işletme değerleri, elde edilen kayıp güç değerleri, nüve
ağırlıkları ve performans grafikleri (moment, verim) karşılaştırmalı olarak çizelge
ve grafikler halinde verilmiştir.
- [1] A. G. Yetgin, “Yarıklı Nüve Tasarımı İle Asenkron Motor Performansının İyileştirilmesi”, Doktora Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 110, (2010).
- [2] A. G. Yetgin, A. İ. Çanakoğlu, “Endüstriyel Uygulamalarda Kullanılan Çelik Sacların Asenkron Motor Performansı Üzerine Olan Etkileri ve Verimin İyileştirilmesi”, 1. Enerji Verimliliği ve Kalitesi Sempozyumu EVK’2005, 25–27, Kocaeli, (2005).
- [3] H. V. Kalankesh, M. B. B. Sharifian, M. R. Feyzi, “Multi-Objective optimization of Induction Motor Slot Design using Finite Element Eethod”, Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2003, Proceedings of the 2003 10th IEEE International Conference on 14-17 December, (3), 1308 – 1311, (2003).
- [4] J. W. Kim, B. T. Kim, B. I. Kwon, “Optimal Stator Slot Design of Inverter-fed Induction Motor in Consideration of Harmonic Losses”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41(5), 2012-2015, (2005).
- [5] M. R. Feyzi, H. V. Kalankesh, “Optimization of Induction Motor Design by Using the Finite Element Method”, Electrical and Computer Engineering Canadian Conference, (2), 845–850, 13–16 May, (2001).
- [6] M. N. Benallal, M. A. Vaganov, D. S. Pantouhov, E. Ailam, K. Hamouda, “Optimal Value of Air Gap Induction in an Induction Motor”, XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines - ICEM 2010, 1-4, Rome, (2010).
- [7] P. Pichler, P. Ebner, H. Weiss, “Comparison Analytical and Calculation Software as a Tool for Designing a High Efficient Induction Machine”, 44th International Conference Power Electronics, Intelligence Motion, Power Quality, CD-ROM Proceeding, 6, Nürnberg.
- [8] J. H. Dableh, R. D. Findlay, B. Szabados, R. Belmans, S. Lie, “Investigation of the Air Gap Influence on the Performance and Cost Optimization of a Squirrel Cage Induction Motor”, Proceeding of IEE 6th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drivers, U.K., 32-37, (1993).
- [9] T. Aho, J. Nerg, J. Pyrhönen, “Optimizing the Axial Length of the Slitted Solid Iron Rotor”, Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA2007, 2nd IEEE conference, 255-259, Harbin, (2007).
- [10] A. Boglietti, A. Cavagnino, L. Ferraris, M. Lazzari, G. Luparia, “Induction Motor Efficiency Improvements with Low Additional Production Costs”, Power Electronics, Machines and Drivers, PEMD2004, Second International Conference on 31 march-2 april, 775-780, (2004).
- [11] O. Muravleva, O. Muravlev, “Power Effective Induction Motors for Energy Saving, Science and Technology”, KORUS2005, Proceeding the 9th Russian-Korean International Symposium on 26 june-2 july, 358-362, (2005).
- [12] K. Yamazaki, “Loss Calculation of Induction Motors Considering Harmonic Electromagnetic”, Electrical Engineering in Japan, 147(2), 63-73, (2004).
- [13] S. S. Sivaraju, N. Devarajan, “Novel Design of Three Phase Induction Motor Enhancing Efficiency, Maximizing Power Factor and Minimizing Losses”, European Journal of Scientific Research, 58(3), 423-432, (2011).
- [14] S. B. Park, H. B. Lee, S. Y. Hahn, “Stator Slot Shape Design of Induction Motors for Iron Loss Reduction”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 3(3), 2004–2007, (1995).
- [15] R. D. Lorenz, D. W. Novotny, “Saturation Effects in Field-Oriented Induction Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 26(2), 283-289, (1990).
- [16] H. O. Mirzamani, A. L. Choobar, “Study of Harmonics Effects on Performance of Induction Motors”, 8th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, CSCC 2004, 487-837, Greece, (2004).
- [17] A. G. Yetgin, “Üç Fazlı Asenkron Makine Tasarımı ve Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi İle Analizi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 139, (2004).
- [18] D. Bea, D. Kim, H. K. Jung, S. Y. Hahn, C. S. Koh, “Determination of Induction Motor Parameters by using Neural Network based on FEM Results”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 33(2), 1924-1927, (1997).
- [19] K. Idir, L. Chang, H. Dai, “Improved Neural Network Model for Induction Motor Design”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 34(5), 2948-2951, (1998).
- [20], (2011).
- [21], (2011).
- [22], (2011).
- [23] I. Boldea, S. A. Nasar, “The Induction Machine Handbook”, CRC Pres LLC, Washington, D.C., 133–159, (2002).
- [24] D. Meeker, “Induction Motor Example”, 13, (2004).
Yıl 2012,
Sayı: 027, 79 - 88, 16.04.2012
Asım Gökhan Yetgin
Mustafa Turan
Ali İhsan Çanakoğlu
this study, the effects of stator and rotor yokes and dimensions of stator and
rotor teeth on motor performance in squirrel-cage induction motor were
investigated using finite element method. A new motor model was obtained by
means of increasing the inner stator diameter of the reference motor (taken
outer diameter fixed). The performance values obtained from new motor model
were compared with those obtained from reference motor model. In additionally,
the magnetic field distributions, operational characteristics for nominal
point, power loss values, core weights and performance graphics (such as, torque
and efficiency vs. slip) were given.
- [1] A. G. Yetgin, “Yarıklı Nüve Tasarımı İle Asenkron Motor Performansının İyileştirilmesi”, Doktora Tezi, Sakarya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 110, (2010).
- [2] A. G. Yetgin, A. İ. Çanakoğlu, “Endüstriyel Uygulamalarda Kullanılan Çelik Sacların Asenkron Motor Performansı Üzerine Olan Etkileri ve Verimin İyileştirilmesi”, 1. Enerji Verimliliği ve Kalitesi Sempozyumu EVK’2005, 25–27, Kocaeli, (2005).
- [3] H. V. Kalankesh, M. B. B. Sharifian, M. R. Feyzi, “Multi-Objective optimization of Induction Motor Slot Design using Finite Element Eethod”, Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2003, Proceedings of the 2003 10th IEEE International Conference on 14-17 December, (3), 1308 – 1311, (2003).
- [4] J. W. Kim, B. T. Kim, B. I. Kwon, “Optimal Stator Slot Design of Inverter-fed Induction Motor in Consideration of Harmonic Losses”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 41(5), 2012-2015, (2005).
- [5] M. R. Feyzi, H. V. Kalankesh, “Optimization of Induction Motor Design by Using the Finite Element Method”, Electrical and Computer Engineering Canadian Conference, (2), 845–850, 13–16 May, (2001).
- [6] M. N. Benallal, M. A. Vaganov, D. S. Pantouhov, E. Ailam, K. Hamouda, “Optimal Value of Air Gap Induction in an Induction Motor”, XIX International Conference on Electrical Machines - ICEM 2010, 1-4, Rome, (2010).
- [7] P. Pichler, P. Ebner, H. Weiss, “Comparison Analytical and Calculation Software as a Tool for Designing a High Efficient Induction Machine”, 44th International Conference Power Electronics, Intelligence Motion, Power Quality, CD-ROM Proceeding, 6, Nürnberg.
- [8] J. H. Dableh, R. D. Findlay, B. Szabados, R. Belmans, S. Lie, “Investigation of the Air Gap Influence on the Performance and Cost Optimization of a Squirrel Cage Induction Motor”, Proceeding of IEE 6th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drivers, U.K., 32-37, (1993).
- [9] T. Aho, J. Nerg, J. Pyrhönen, “Optimizing the Axial Length of the Slitted Solid Iron Rotor”, Industrial Electronics and Applications, ICIEA2007, 2nd IEEE conference, 255-259, Harbin, (2007).
- [10] A. Boglietti, A. Cavagnino, L. Ferraris, M. Lazzari, G. Luparia, “Induction Motor Efficiency Improvements with Low Additional Production Costs”, Power Electronics, Machines and Drivers, PEMD2004, Second International Conference on 31 march-2 april, 775-780, (2004).
- [11] O. Muravleva, O. Muravlev, “Power Effective Induction Motors for Energy Saving, Science and Technology”, KORUS2005, Proceeding the 9th Russian-Korean International Symposium on 26 june-2 july, 358-362, (2005).
- [12] K. Yamazaki, “Loss Calculation of Induction Motors Considering Harmonic Electromagnetic”, Electrical Engineering in Japan, 147(2), 63-73, (2004).
- [13] S. S. Sivaraju, N. Devarajan, “Novel Design of Three Phase Induction Motor Enhancing Efficiency, Maximizing Power Factor and Minimizing Losses”, European Journal of Scientific Research, 58(3), 423-432, (2011).
- [14] S. B. Park, H. B. Lee, S. Y. Hahn, “Stator Slot Shape Design of Induction Motors for Iron Loss Reduction”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 3(3), 2004–2007, (1995).
- [15] R. D. Lorenz, D. W. Novotny, “Saturation Effects in Field-Oriented Induction Machines”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 26(2), 283-289, (1990).
- [16] H. O. Mirzamani, A. L. Choobar, “Study of Harmonics Effects on Performance of Induction Motors”, 8th WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, CSCC 2004, 487-837, Greece, (2004).
- [17] A. G. Yetgin, “Üç Fazlı Asenkron Makine Tasarımı ve Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemi İle Analizi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dumlupınar Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 139, (2004).
- [18] D. Bea, D. Kim, H. K. Jung, S. Y. Hahn, C. S. Koh, “Determination of Induction Motor Parameters by using Neural Network based on FEM Results”, IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, 33(2), 1924-1927, (1997).
- [19] K. Idir, L. Chang, H. Dai, “Improved Neural Network Model for Induction Motor Design”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 34(5), 2948-2951, (1998).
- [20], (2011).
- [21], (2011).
- [22], (2011).
- [23] I. Boldea, S. A. Nasar, “The Induction Machine Handbook”, CRC Pres LLC, Washington, D.C., 133–159, (2002).
- [24] D. Meeker, “Induction Motor Example”, 13, (2004).