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Yıl 2008, Sayı: 015, 65 - 74, 15.04.2008


Shape memory alloys (SMA) are the metallic materials
which can recover their original
shapes or dimensions when heat treated or mechanically processed. In this
study, Mn-Cu alloys which contain more than 60wt.%Mn are investigated. These
alloys have two-way shape memory properties. This shape memory effect (SME) and
transformation temperatures are increased with the increasing amount of Mn.
Mn-Cu alloys are transformed in to Mn-rich γ1 and Cu-rich γ2
regions and as well to α-Mn phase as a result of aging at 400-450°C. This decomposition (γ1
and γ2) results in increasing of transformation temperature and
tetragonality degrees of crystal structure of face centered tetragonal (FCT)
formed as a result of quenching after aging. The increase in tetragonality
degree results in increasing of shape memory effect properties of these alloys.


  • [1] Baksan Bedri, 2004, “Bakır Alüminyum Alaşımlarından Hızlı Soğutma Yöntemi ile Şekil Bellekli Malzeme Üretimi”, Doktora Tezi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir
  • [2] Hansen J., 1988, “Shape Memory Alloys”, Material Science (Çev. Görgülü F.,“Hatırlayan Metaller” Bilim Teknik Dergisi)
  • [3] Selımbeyoğlu E., 1992, “Design of Shape Memory Alloys Actuators” , Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
  • [4] Fındık F., Oğur A., Karadeniz E., Genel K., Özgirgin M.C., 1995, “Hafızalı Malzemeler Ve Üretimi”, 6. Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu.
  • [5] Barnes Clive, Copper Development Association, New York, A.B.D., CDA yayınları websitesi,
  • [6] Tsuchiya K., Sato H., Edo S., v.d., “Correlation between fcc-fct transformation behavior and spinodal decomposition in  - MnCu alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering, AA273-275, (1999), 181-185
  • [7] Cunyi X., Lide Z. and Litian W., “Non-linear internal friction and resonance in manganese – copper alloys”, Journal of Materials Science, 29 (1994), pp 3813-3816.
  • [8] Bashchenko G.A., Vintaikin E.Z., Nosova G.I., v.d., “Effect of chromium and nickel on microstructure and properties of shape memory Mn-Cu alloys”, The Physics of metals and Metallography, Vol.77, No.5, 1994, pp.522-526 (Translate: 1994 Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie)
  • [9] QingchaoT., Fuxing Y., Takuya S., Kotobu N., 2006, “Reverse Transformation Behavior of a Prestrained MnCu Alloy”, Acta Materialia, 54 (2006), 1805-1813.
  • [10] Vintaikin E.Z. and Nosova G.I., “Plastic Deformation of Structurally Inhomogeneous Martensite in -Manganese Alloys after FCC–FCT Transformation”, Doklady Physics, Vol.45, No.2, 2000, pp. 58-61, ( Translate : DokladyAkademii Nauk, Vol. 370, No.4, 2000, pp. 469–472.)
  • [11] Vintaikin E.Z., Nosova G.I., v.d., “Effect of strength on the thermodeformational characteristics of the Mn-Cu alloys having reversible shape memory”, The Physics of metals and Metallography, Vol. 84, No.3, 1997, pp.316–319, (Translate: 1997 Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie).
  • [12] Yin, F., Ohsawa, Y., Sato, A., Kawahara, K., 2000, “Phase Decomposition of The γ Phase in a Mn-30 at.% Cu Alloy During Aging”, Acta Materilia, v.48, pp.1273-1282.
  • [13] Vintaikin E.Z., Udovenko V.A., Litvin D.F., Makushev S.Yu., Dmitriev V.B., “Shape Memory Effect in Antiferromagnetik γ – Manganese Alloys”, Fizika, No.5, pp.104-117, May, 1985.
  • [14] Rakhshtadt A.G., Favstov Yu.K. and Kochetkova L.P., “Structural Transformations in Mn-Cu Alloys with High Damping Capacity”, Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No.2, pp.19-23, February, 1973.
  • [15] Kochetkova, L.P., Favstov, Y.K., 1976, “Physicomechanical properties of Mn-Cu Structural Alloys”, Kirov polytechnical Institute, Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No.2, pp.39-40.
  • [16] Vintaikin E.Z. and Nosova G.I., “Reversible shape memory effect in alloys of the Mn-Cu system”, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol.38, Nos. 9-10, 1996. ( Translate : Metallovedenie Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No.9, pp. 34–37, Septemper 1996. )
  • [17] Udovenko V.A., Vintaykin Ye.Z., v.d., “The Mechanism of Formation of The Damping Properties of  - Mn-Cu Alloys With FCT Structure”, Phys.Met.Metall., Vol.70, No.5, pp.125-132, 1990. (Fiz.Metal.Metalloved., No.11, 128-134, 1990.)


Yıl 2008, Sayı: 015, 65 - 74, 15.04.2008


Şekil bellekli alaşımlar (ŞBA), uygun ısıl ve
mekanik işlemlere maruz kaldığında önceki şekil veya boyutuna geri dönebilen
metalik malzemelerdir.. Bu çalışmada incelenen ağırlıkça %60’dan fazla Mn
içeren Mn-Cu alaşımlarında iki yönlü şekil bellek özelliğine rastlanmaktadır.
Mn-Cu esaslı alaşımlardaki şekil bellek etkisi (ŞBE) ve dönüşüm sıcaklıkları Mn
oranı arttıkça artmaktadır, su verme işleminden sonra yaklaşık 400° – 450°C’de
belirli sürelerde yapılacak yaşlandırma işlemi sonunda,   Mn-Cu alaşımları Mn’ca zengin γ1
ve Cu’ca zengin γ2 bölgelerine ve α-Mn’a dönüşmektedir. Bu ayrışma
1 ve γ2) dönüşüm sıcaklıklarının yükselmesine, tavlama
sonrası su verme ile oluşan yüzey merkezli tetragonal (YMT) kristal yapısının
tetragonallik derecesinin artmasına, tetragonallik derecesindeki artma da
alaşımların şekil bellek etkisi özelliklerinin artmasına yol açmaktadır.


  • [1] Baksan Bedri, 2004, “Bakır Alüminyum Alaşımlarından Hızlı Soğutma Yöntemi ile Şekil Bellekli Malzeme Üretimi”, Doktora Tezi, Osmangazi Üniversitesi, Eskişehir
  • [2] Hansen J., 1988, “Shape Memory Alloys”, Material Science (Çev. Görgülü F.,“Hatırlayan Metaller” Bilim Teknik Dergisi)
  • [3] Selımbeyoğlu E., 1992, “Design of Shape Memory Alloys Actuators” , Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, Middle East Technical University.
  • [4] Fındık F., Oğur A., Karadeniz E., Genel K., Özgirgin M.C., 1995, “Hafızalı Malzemeler Ve Üretimi”, 6. Denizli Malzeme Sempozyumu.
  • [5] Barnes Clive, Copper Development Association, New York, A.B.D., CDA yayınları websitesi,
  • [6] Tsuchiya K., Sato H., Edo S., v.d., “Correlation between fcc-fct transformation behavior and spinodal decomposition in  - MnCu alloys”, Materials Science and Engineering, AA273-275, (1999), 181-185
  • [7] Cunyi X., Lide Z. and Litian W., “Non-linear internal friction and resonance in manganese – copper alloys”, Journal of Materials Science, 29 (1994), pp 3813-3816.
  • [8] Bashchenko G.A., Vintaikin E.Z., Nosova G.I., v.d., “Effect of chromium and nickel on microstructure and properties of shape memory Mn-Cu alloys”, The Physics of metals and Metallography, Vol.77, No.5, 1994, pp.522-526 (Translate: 1994 Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie)
  • [9] QingchaoT., Fuxing Y., Takuya S., Kotobu N., 2006, “Reverse Transformation Behavior of a Prestrained MnCu Alloy”, Acta Materialia, 54 (2006), 1805-1813.
  • [10] Vintaikin E.Z. and Nosova G.I., “Plastic Deformation of Structurally Inhomogeneous Martensite in -Manganese Alloys after FCC–FCT Transformation”, Doklady Physics, Vol.45, No.2, 2000, pp. 58-61, ( Translate : DokladyAkademii Nauk, Vol. 370, No.4, 2000, pp. 469–472.)
  • [11] Vintaikin E.Z., Nosova G.I., v.d., “Effect of strength on the thermodeformational characteristics of the Mn-Cu alloys having reversible shape memory”, The Physics of metals and Metallography, Vol. 84, No.3, 1997, pp.316–319, (Translate: 1997 Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie).
  • [12] Yin, F., Ohsawa, Y., Sato, A., Kawahara, K., 2000, “Phase Decomposition of The γ Phase in a Mn-30 at.% Cu Alloy During Aging”, Acta Materilia, v.48, pp.1273-1282.
  • [13] Vintaikin E.Z., Udovenko V.A., Litvin D.F., Makushev S.Yu., Dmitriev V.B., “Shape Memory Effect in Antiferromagnetik γ – Manganese Alloys”, Fizika, No.5, pp.104-117, May, 1985.
  • [14] Rakhshtadt A.G., Favstov Yu.K. and Kochetkova L.P., “Structural Transformations in Mn-Cu Alloys with High Damping Capacity”, Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No.2, pp.19-23, February, 1973.
  • [15] Kochetkova, L.P., Favstov, Y.K., 1976, “Physicomechanical properties of Mn-Cu Structural Alloys”, Kirov polytechnical Institute, Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No.2, pp.39-40.
  • [16] Vintaikin E.Z. and Nosova G.I., “Reversible shape memory effect in alloys of the Mn-Cu system”, Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Vol.38, Nos. 9-10, 1996. ( Translate : Metallovedenie Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No.9, pp. 34–37, Septemper 1996. )
  • [17] Udovenko V.A., Vintaykin Ye.Z., v.d., “The Mechanism of Formation of The Damping Properties of  - Mn-Cu Alloys With FCT Structure”, Phys.Met.Metall., Vol.70, No.5, pp.125-132, 1990. (Fiz.Metal.Metalloved., No.11, 128-134, 1990.)
Toplam 17 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Makine Mühendisliği, Malzeme Üretim Teknolojileri
Bölüm Makaleler

Agah Aygahoğlu

Remzi Gürler Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Nisan 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Sayı: 015

Kaynak Göster

APA Aygahoğlu, A., & Gürler, R. (2008). Mn-Cu ESASLI ŞEKİL BELLEKLİ ALAŞIMLAR. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(015), 65-74.