Yıl 2007,
Sayı: 013, 45 - 53, 15.06.2007
Murat Osmaoğlu
Muhammet Kurulay
Mustafa Bayram
In this study, we have investigated solvability of the linear differential-algebraic equations with constant coefficient which ocur in most of the modelles in engineering and physical sciences. Differential transform method has been used for numerical solution. We have obtained approximate analitical solution of the given equation systems using the method and compared numerical and analitycal solutions.
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Yıl 2007,
Sayı: 013, 45 - 53, 15.06.2007
Murat Osmaoğlu
Muhammet Kurulay
Mustafa Bayram
Bu cahsmada. miihendislik ve fen bilimleri alanindaki ~ogu modellemelerde ortaya cikan sabit katsayili lineer diferensiyel cebirsel denklem sistemlerinin cozulebilirligi arastmldi. Niimerik cozum icin diferensiyel donusurn metodu kullamldi. Bu metotIa denklem sistemlerinin yaklasik analitik cozumleri bulundu ve bu cozumler tam cozumlerle karsilastrıldı.
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