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Yıl 2007, Sayı: 013, 85 - 96, 15.06.2007


this present study, energy flow balances of parallel flow precalciner four levelled cement production systems were generated. At cement production systems, energy flow balances can be considered as either integrated or separately for preheater, calcinator, rotary kiln and cooler unit. Fundamental of this modelling is energy balance of plant units such as precalciner, calcinator, rotary kiln and grate coolers. Amount of energy of solid and gases at the input and output of rotary kiln, calcinator and parallel flow preheater siclones, can be calculated with this modeling.


  • [1] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for the Cement Clinker Burning Process Part I:Reactions and UnitOperations", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vo1.55, No:l, pp. 29-37, 2002
  • [2] KHURANA, S., BANERJEE, GAiTONDE, U.", Energy Balance and Cogeneration for a Cement Plant", Aplied Thermal Engineering, Vo1.22, pp.485-494, 2002.
  • [3] ERKOV AN, t, "Cimento Uretiminde Enerji Tasarrufu", T<;MB, No:230, 1986
  • [4] ELKJAER, H.P.,<;eviren OKBA~, Y., "Matematiksel Model Uygulayarak Dort Kademeli Siklonlu Omsmcida lSI Harcamasirun Tayini", T<;MB, No:241, 1987
  • [5] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 3:Rotary Kiln", ZKGINTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:3, pp.68-80, 2002
  • [6] KOLjp, A., "Cimento Uretiminde Enetji ve Eksetji Analizi", Doktora Tezi, YIldiz Teknik UniversitesiFen. Bil. Enstitiisii, 1993
  • [7] SAVAS, A.F. "Mathematical modelling of mass balance of different proportion in a cement factory"Energetikarun Problernleri, No:2, pp.91-101, 2004
  • [8] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 4: Great Cooler" ,ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:2, pp.46-58,2002
  • [9] LOCHER, G."Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 2:Preheater, Calciner and Bypass", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:1, pp.39-50, 2002
  • [10] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 3:Rotary Kiln", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:3, pp.68-80, 2002
  • [11] GARDEIK, H.O., LUDWIG, H. And STEINBIB, E., "Calculation of Heat Loss Trough the Walls of Rotary Kiln and Mills:Part I", ZKG, No:2, 1980
  • [12] GARDEIK, H.O., LUDWIG, H. "Calculation of Heat Loss Trough the Walls of Rotary Kiln and Mills:Part If', ZKG, No:5, 1985
  • [13] ONISSI, T.R., "Some Considerations on Heat Transfer in The Rotary Kiln", ZKG, No:8, 1970
  • [14] SCHEUER, A., ELLERBROCK, H.,G., "Possible ways of saving energy in cement production", ZKG, No:7, pp.175-182, 1992
  • [15] MiROLLi, M.D., "The Kalma Cycle For Cement Kiln Waste Heat Recovery Poyer Plants", IEEE, pp.330-336, 2005
  • [16] GARDEiK, H.O., "Fuel Energy Consumption in Cement Burning With Precalcining", ZKG, No:12,pp.611-617,1981
  • [17] LABAHN, 0., "Cement Engineers Handbook", Fourth Ediation, 1983
  • [18] CENGEL, Y., A., "Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer", 1997
  • [19] BUYUKTURK, A., R., "Termodinarnik Cilt I Termodinamigin Temel Yasalan", Uludag Unv. BasimEvi,1982 .
  • [20] BEKER, H., HAMILTOM, M., Cev. KATNAS, F., " Onkalsinator ve Fmnlar", T<;MB, Cilt.9, Sayi 96,s. 41-44,1997
  • [21] PERAY, E., K., "Cement Manufacturers Handbook", Chemical publishing Co. Inc., 1979, USA
  • [22] GARDEiK, H.O., ROSEMAN, H. And STEINBACH, V., Ceviren TURKER, P., "Klinker Sogutuculannm Termal Olarak Degerlendirilmesi'', T<;MA, Cilt.25, SaY1.253,ss.13-31, 1988
  • [23] STEINBACH, V., MUJUMDAR, K.S., GANESH, K.V., KULKARNi, S.B., RADANE, Vivek V. "Rotary Cement Kiln Simulator (RoCKS): Integrated Modeling of Pre-heater, Calciner, Kiln and Clinker Cooler", Chemical Engineering Science, Vo1.62, pp.2590-2607, 2007
  • [24] KREFr, W., GUNNEWiG, L. "Possibilities for Energy Saving in the Clinker Burning Process byOptimization of rotary Coolers and Planetary Coolers", ZKG, No: 1, pp.12-1989
  • [25] GOCER, C., "Doner Finn Muhendisligi.Adana Cimento Sanayii T.A.S. Yaymlan, No.2, Ocak-2001
  • [26] CARVALHO, M., MODiv ATE, De O. "Theoretical Energy Requirement for Burning Clinker", Cement and Concrete Research, Vo1.29, pp.695-698, 1999
  • [27] CHAKRABARTi, B.K., "Investigations on Heat Loss Trough the Kiln Shell in Magnesite Dead Burning Process: A Case Study", Ablied Thermal Engineering, Vo1.22, pp.1339-1345, 2002
  • [28] MRATINS, M.A., OLIVEIRA, L.S., FRANCA, A.S., "Modelling and Simulation of Limestone Calcination in Rotary Kilns Part 1: pilot kiln", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:4, pp.76-85, 2002
  • [29] FiDAROS,D.K., BAXEV ANOU, c.x., VLACHOS Dritselis and N.S., "Numerical Modelling of Flow and Transport Processes in a Calciner for Cement Production ", Powder Technology, VoLl71, No.2, pp.81- 95,2007
  • [30] HARDER, J., "Development of Precalcining Technology in the Cement Industry", ZKG INTERNATIONAL, Vo1.55, No:lO, pp.34-39,2002
  • [31] GARDEiK, H.O., and ROSEMANN, H., "Fuel Energy Consumption and Fuel Energy Apportionment in the Precalcining Process", ZKG, No:9, pp.435-444, 1981
  • [32] OKBAS, Y., "Klinker Uretim Prosesinde Hava Kacaklan ve Bedeli", Cimento Sanayiinde Enerji Tasarrufu Semineri Tebligleri, 1989


Yıl 2007, Sayı: 013, 85 - 96, 15.06.2007


Bu cahsmada, paralel akish onkalsinatorlu dort kademeli cimento iiretim sistemlerinde enerji akirm denklikleri kurulmustur. Cimento iiretim prosesinde enerji akmu denkligi bir biitiin olarak ele ahnabilecegi gibi bu cahsrnada oldugu gibi onrsrnci, kalsinator, doner firm ve sogutucu iinite icin ayn ayn denklik olusturulabilir. Bu modelin temeli, fabrika iiniteleri omsmci, onkalsinator, doner finn ve izgarah sogutucu enerji dengesine dayanmaktadir. Bu modelleme ile doner finn, onkalsinator ve paralel akish orusrticr siklonlann her birinin giris ve crkrslanndaki kau ve gaz kiitlelerin enerji miktarlan hesaplanmaktadir,


  • [1] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for the Cement Clinker Burning Process Part I:Reactions and UnitOperations", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vo1.55, No:l, pp. 29-37, 2002
  • [2] KHURANA, S., BANERJEE, GAiTONDE, U.", Energy Balance and Cogeneration for a Cement Plant", Aplied Thermal Engineering, Vo1.22, pp.485-494, 2002.
  • [3] ERKOV AN, t, "Cimento Uretiminde Enerji Tasarrufu", T<;MB, No:230, 1986
  • [4] ELKJAER, H.P.,<;eviren OKBA~, Y., "Matematiksel Model Uygulayarak Dort Kademeli Siklonlu Omsmcida lSI Harcamasirun Tayini", T<;MB, No:241, 1987
  • [5] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 3:Rotary Kiln", ZKGINTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:3, pp.68-80, 2002
  • [6] KOLjp, A., "Cimento Uretiminde Enetji ve Eksetji Analizi", Doktora Tezi, YIldiz Teknik UniversitesiFen. Bil. Enstitiisii, 1993
  • [7] SAVAS, A.F. "Mathematical modelling of mass balance of different proportion in a cement factory"Energetikarun Problernleri, No:2, pp.91-101, 2004
  • [8] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 4: Great Cooler" ,ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:2, pp.46-58,2002
  • [9] LOCHER, G."Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 2:Preheater, Calciner and Bypass", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:1, pp.39-50, 2002
  • [10] LOCHER, G., "Mathematical Models for The Cement Clinker Burning Process Part 3:Rotary Kiln", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:3, pp.68-80, 2002
  • [11] GARDEIK, H.O., LUDWIG, H. And STEINBIB, E., "Calculation of Heat Loss Trough the Walls of Rotary Kiln and Mills:Part I", ZKG, No:2, 1980
  • [12] GARDEIK, H.O., LUDWIG, H. "Calculation of Heat Loss Trough the Walls of Rotary Kiln and Mills:Part If', ZKG, No:5, 1985
  • [13] ONISSI, T.R., "Some Considerations on Heat Transfer in The Rotary Kiln", ZKG, No:8, 1970
  • [14] SCHEUER, A., ELLERBROCK, H.,G., "Possible ways of saving energy in cement production", ZKG, No:7, pp.175-182, 1992
  • [15] MiROLLi, M.D., "The Kalma Cycle For Cement Kiln Waste Heat Recovery Poyer Plants", IEEE, pp.330-336, 2005
  • [16] GARDEiK, H.O., "Fuel Energy Consumption in Cement Burning With Precalcining", ZKG, No:12,pp.611-617,1981
  • [17] LABAHN, 0., "Cement Engineers Handbook", Fourth Ediation, 1983
  • [18] CENGEL, Y., A., "Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer", 1997
  • [19] BUYUKTURK, A., R., "Termodinarnik Cilt I Termodinamigin Temel Yasalan", Uludag Unv. BasimEvi,1982 .
  • [20] BEKER, H., HAMILTOM, M., Cev. KATNAS, F., " Onkalsinator ve Fmnlar", T<;MB, Cilt.9, Sayi 96,s. 41-44,1997
  • [21] PERAY, E., K., "Cement Manufacturers Handbook", Chemical publishing Co. Inc., 1979, USA
  • [22] GARDEiK, H.O., ROSEMAN, H. And STEINBACH, V., Ceviren TURKER, P., "Klinker Sogutuculannm Termal Olarak Degerlendirilmesi'', T<;MA, Cilt.25, SaY1.253,ss.13-31, 1988
  • [23] STEINBACH, V., MUJUMDAR, K.S., GANESH, K.V., KULKARNi, S.B., RADANE, Vivek V. "Rotary Cement Kiln Simulator (RoCKS): Integrated Modeling of Pre-heater, Calciner, Kiln and Clinker Cooler", Chemical Engineering Science, Vo1.62, pp.2590-2607, 2007
  • [24] KREFr, W., GUNNEWiG, L. "Possibilities for Energy Saving in the Clinker Burning Process byOptimization of rotary Coolers and Planetary Coolers", ZKG, No: 1, pp.12-1989
  • [25] GOCER, C., "Doner Finn Muhendisligi.Adana Cimento Sanayii T.A.S. Yaymlan, No.2, Ocak-2001
  • [26] CARVALHO, M., MODiv ATE, De O. "Theoretical Energy Requirement for Burning Clinker", Cement and Concrete Research, Vo1.29, pp.695-698, 1999
  • [27] CHAKRABARTi, B.K., "Investigations on Heat Loss Trough the Kiln Shell in Magnesite Dead Burning Process: A Case Study", Ablied Thermal Engineering, Vo1.22, pp.1339-1345, 2002
  • [28] MRATINS, M.A., OLIVEIRA, L.S., FRANCA, A.S., "Modelling and Simulation of Limestone Calcination in Rotary Kilns Part 1: pilot kiln", ZKG INTERNATiONAL, Vol. 55, No:4, pp.76-85, 2002
  • [29] FiDAROS,D.K., BAXEV ANOU, c.x., VLACHOS Dritselis and N.S., "Numerical Modelling of Flow and Transport Processes in a Calciner for Cement Production ", Powder Technology, VoLl71, No.2, pp.81- 95,2007
  • [30] HARDER, J., "Development of Precalcining Technology in the Cement Industry", ZKG INTERNATIONAL, Vo1.55, No:lO, pp.34-39,2002
  • [31] GARDEiK, H.O., and ROSEMANN, H., "Fuel Energy Consumption and Fuel Energy Apportionment in the Precalcining Process", ZKG, No:9, pp.435-444, 1981
  • [32] OKBAS, Y., "Klinker Uretim Prosesinde Hava Kacaklan ve Bedeli", Cimento Sanayiinde Enerji Tasarrufu Semineri Tebligleri, 1989
Toplam 32 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Ahmet Fevzi Şavaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Sayı: 013

Kaynak Göster

APA Şavaş, A. F. (2007). DORT KADEMELi PARALEL AKI~LI ONKALSiNATORLU C;iMENTO FABRiKASINDA ENERJi AKIMLARI DENKLiKLERiNiN MODELLENMESi. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(013), 85-96.