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Yıl 2005, Sayı: 008, 211 - 228, 15.07.2005


In this study, epilithic algae of Akcay were investigated between June 2001 and September 2002. for each preparation, approximately 200 diatom valves were caunted, according to their dominance values, these species were utilized by method of [1]. Thus, if the species were found in the preparations, but was not encountered, it was given an accepted value of "0,1". Then the percentage of each species in the community was calculated. After then, if frequency of the species was more than % 10, named as "dominant"; if this value was between % 1 and % 10, named as "present" and if it was less than % 1, as "exist". Also in our study, if dominance value of the species was between % 5 and % 10 % 10; it was named as "present" and if it was more than % 10, as "dominant". As a result, 75 diatom taxa were totally determinated. Among of these taxa, Cymbella affinis Kutzing (% 17,40) and Achnanthes minutissima Kutzing (% 16,06) were found as "dominant" , Denticula elegans Kutzing (% 9,82), Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbya) Ktitzing (% 9,04), Diatome vulgare Bory (% 7,20), Meridion circulare var. constricta Van Heurck (% 5,76), Gomphonema parvulum Kutzing (% 5,44), Synedra ulna (Nitszh) Ehrenberg (% 5,24), Navicula exigua (Greg) Muller (% 5,19) were found as "present". On the other hand, it was found that, dominance value of these taxa were % 81,15 in all taxa in this study.


  • [1] Kawecka, B., 1980. Sesile Algae in European Streams: 1. The Ecological Characteristics of Communities. Acta Hydrobiol. 22 (4) : 361-420.
  • [2] Kocatas, A., 1996. Ekoloji ve Cevre Biyolojisi. Ege Universitesi, Su Urunleri Fakultesi Yaymlan No:51, Ege Universitesi Basrrnevi, izmir, 564 syf.
  • [3] Descy., J.P., 1979. A New Approach to Water Quality Estimating Using Diatoms. Nova Hedwigia 64: 305-323.
  • [4] Lange-Bertalot, H., 1979. Pollution Tolerance of Diatoms as a Criterion Water Quality Estimation. Nowa Hedwigia. Beifelt. 64: 285-303.
  • [5] Whitton, B.A., Rott, E., 1996. Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers. Proc. Internal. Symp. Innsburck, Australia 17-19 September 1995. Instil. FUr Botanik, Univ. Innsburck, 196 pp.
  • [6] Kwandrans, J., 2000. The Benthic Flora in Small Forest Streams With Different Water Trophy Level and pH Status (Pogorze Wielickie Hills, Southern Poland). Acta Hydrobiol. 42 (3/4) : 41-255.
  • [7] Whitton, B.A., Rott, E. & Friedrich, G., 1991. Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers. Proc. Internal. Symp. Dusseldorf, Germany 26-28 May 1991. Instil. FUr Botanik, Univ. Innsburck, 193 pp.
  • [8] Kelly, M.G., Whitton, B.A., 1995. The Trophic Diyatome Index: A New Index for Monitoring Eutrophication in Rivers. 1. of Applied Phycology /: 433-444.
  • [9] Prygiel, 1., Coste, M., 1996. Recent Trends in Monitoring French Rivers Using Algae, Especially Diatoms. In: Whitton BA, Rott E (eds) Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers II, Rott E, Institut fur Botanik, Universtat Innsburck, pp. 87-97.
  • [10] Sladecek, V., 1986. Diatoms as Indicators of Organic Pollution. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 14: 555-566.
  • [11] Hustedt, F., 1930. Bacillariophyceae in: Die Slisswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas. Hrsg.: A. Pascher. 2. Aufl., Heft 10. Fischer, Jena 669 pp.
  • [12] Hustedt, F., 1973. Kieselalgen (Diatomeen). 5. Auflage. Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, W. Keller & Co., Stutgart, 547 pp.
  • [13] Bourelly, P., 1966. Les Algues d'eau Douce. Tome I: Les Algues Vertes. Editions N. Boubee & Cie, Paris, 412 pp.
  • [14] Bourelly, P., 1968. Les Algues d'eau Douce. Tome II: Les Algues Janues et Brunes. Editions N. Boubee & Cie, Paris, 275 pp.
  • [15] Bourelly, P., 1970. Les Algues d'eau Douce. Tome III: Les Algues Bleues et Rouges. Editions N. Boubee & Cie, Paris, 310 pp.
  • [16] Patrick, R., Reimer, C.W., 1966. The Diatoms of The United States, Volume I. Acad. Sci. Phyladelphia 686 pp.
  • [17] Patrick, R., Reimer, C.W., 1975. The Diatoms of The United States, Volume II. Acad. Sci. Phyladelphia 212 pp.
  • [18] Cox, E.J., 1996. Identification of Freshwater Diatoms From Live Material. Chapman & Hall. First Edition, 158 pp.
  • [19] Elorenta, P., Soininen, J., 2002. Ecological Status of Some Finnish Rivers Evaluated Using Benthic Diatom Communities. Jof Applied Phycology 14: 1-7.
  • [20] Van Dam H., Surrnond, G. & Ter Braak, C.J.F., 1981. Impact of Acidification on Diatoms and Chemistry of Duch Moorland Pools. Hydrobiologia 83: 425-459.
  • [21] Kwandrans, J., 1998. The Effect of Dolomite an the Sessile Algae Communities in an Acidic Mountain Stream (Czama Wiselka). Environmental degradation of the Czama Wiselka and Biala Wiselka catchments, Western Carpathians Ed. Stanislaw Wrobel Studia Naturae 44: 125-143
  • [22] KIlm~, 1999. Tecer Irmagi AIgleri. s.D.D. Egirdir Su Urunleri Fakultesi Dergisi 6: 136-147.
  • [23] Loez, CR, Topalian, M.L., 1997. Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers in Argentina With a Special Emphasis for the Reconquista River (Region of Buenos Aires). In: Prygiel, J, Whitton, BA & Bukowska J (eds) Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers III, Agence de I'Eau Artois Picardie, Douai, France, 29 September - 1 October, pp. 72-83.
  • [24] Presscott, G.W., 1973. Algae of The Western Great Lakes Area, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers Dubugue, Iowa 977 pp.
  • [25] Lowe, R. L., 1974. Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Freshwater Diatoms. Environ. Mont. SeI'. 670/4-74 005. USEPA, Washington, DC.
  • [26] Yildiz, K., AtICI, T., 1996. Ankara Cayi Diyatomeleri. Gazi Dniv. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Dergisi, 6: 59-87.
  • [27] AtICI, T., Obah, 0., 1999. A Study on Diatoms in Upper part of Coruh River, Turkey. Gazi Dniv. Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi 12 (3): 473 - 496.
  • [28] Yildiz, K., Ozkiran, D., Cubuk C;aYI Diyatomeleri. Turkish Jr. of Botany 18: 313-329.
  • [29] Altuner, Z., Gurbuz, H., 1989. Kar5asu (FIrat) Nehri Fitoplankton Toplulugu Uzerine Bir Arastirma. i. O. SU DrUnleri Derg., 3 (1- 3) 151-176.
  • [30] Gonulol, A., Arslan, N., 1992. Samsun lncesu Deresi 'nin AIg Florasi Uzerine Arastirmalar. Turkish II'. of Botany, 16: 311-334.
  • [31] Altuner, Z., Gurbuz, H., 1991. Karasu (FIrat) Nehri'nin Epilitik ve Epifitik AIgJeri Uzerine Bir Arastirma. Doga Tr. J. of Botany, 15,253 - 267.
  • [32] YIldlz, K, Ozkiran, D., 1991. Kizihrmak Nehri Diatomeleri. Doga Tr. J. of Botany, 15: 166 - 188.
  • [33] Yrldiz, K, 1984. Meram Cayi AIg Topluluklan Uzerine Arastirmalar. Kisim II- Tas ve Cesitli Bitkiler Uzerinde Yasayan Alg Toplulugu. S. D. Fen-Edeb. Fak. Dergisi, 3: 218 - 222.
  • [34] Yildiz, K, 1987. Diatoms of the Porsuk River, Turkey. Doga Tr. J. BioI., 11 (3): 162-182.
  • [35] Atici, T., Yildiz, K, Sakarya Nehri Diyatomeleri. Turkish Jr. of Botany, 20: 119-134.
  • [36] Barlas, M., Mumcu, F., Dirican, S., Solak, C. N., 200l. Sancay (Mugla - Milas)'da Yasayan Epilitik Diatomlann Su Kalitesine Bagh Olarak incelenmesi. IV. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Cevre Kongresi Bildiri Kitabl, S: 313 - 322.
  • [37] Sahin, B., 1992. Trabzon Yoresi Tathsu Diatome Florasi Uzerine Bir Arastirma. Doga Tr. J. of Botany, 16: 104 - 116.
  • [38] Pabuccu, K, Altuner, Z., Gtir, M.a., 1999. Yesihrmak Nehri (Tokat) Bentik AIg Florasi. 1st International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23- 25th September.KtitahyaiTurkey, 115-122.
  • [39] Gomez, N., Licursi, M., 200l. The Pampean Diatome Index (PDI) for Assessment of Rivers and Streams in Argentina. Aquatic Ecology 35: 173-18l.


Yıl 2005, Sayı: 008, 211 - 228, 15.07.2005


Bu cahsrnada Akcay'da tespit edilen epilitik diyatomelerin mevsimsel degisimleri Haziran 2001 ile Eylul 2002 tarihleri arasmda incelenrnistir. Her preparat uzerinde yaklasik 200 kabuk sayrlrrus, materyallerin baskmlik degeri acismdan tanimlanmasi [I] tarafmdan verilen metoda gore yapilrrusnr. Buna gore, bir takson orneklernede var, ancak sayrrnda crkrnarrus ise "0, I" degerini alrrusnr. Daha soma komunitede yer alan herbir turun yilzdesi hesaplanrrustir. Komunitede bir turun sikhk degeri % IO dan fazla ise "dominant", % I - IO arasmda ise "mevcut" ve % 1 den az ise "bulunur" olarak isimlendirilrnistir. Bu cahsmada da taksoni arm baskmlik degeri % 5 - IO arasmda ise "rnevcut" ve % IO dan fazla ise "dominant" olarak tarumlanrrustir.Yapilan arasnrrna sonucunda toplam 75 diyatome taksonu tespit edilmistir. Bu taksonlardan sirasiyla; Cymbella affinis Kutzing (% 17,40) ve Achnanthes minutissima Kutzing (% 16,06) run populasyonda "dominant" , Denticula elegans Kutzing (% 9,82), Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbya) Kutzing (% 9,04), Diatome vulgare Bory (% 7,20), Meridion circulare var. constricta Van Heurck (% 5,76), Gomphonema parvulum Kutzing (% 5,44), Synedra ulna (Nitszh) Ehrenberg (% 5,24), Navicula exigua (Greg) Miiller (% 5,19) run ise "mevcut" durumda oldugu ve bu taksonlann toplam baskmligmm % 81,15 oldugu tespit edilmistir.


  • [1] Kawecka, B., 1980. Sesile Algae in European Streams: 1. The Ecological Characteristics of Communities. Acta Hydrobiol. 22 (4) : 361-420.
  • [2] Kocatas, A., 1996. Ekoloji ve Cevre Biyolojisi. Ege Universitesi, Su Urunleri Fakultesi Yaymlan No:51, Ege Universitesi Basrrnevi, izmir, 564 syf.
  • [3] Descy., J.P., 1979. A New Approach to Water Quality Estimating Using Diatoms. Nova Hedwigia 64: 305-323.
  • [4] Lange-Bertalot, H., 1979. Pollution Tolerance of Diatoms as a Criterion Water Quality Estimation. Nowa Hedwigia. Beifelt. 64: 285-303.
  • [5] Whitton, B.A., Rott, E., 1996. Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers. Proc. Internal. Symp. Innsburck, Australia 17-19 September 1995. Instil. FUr Botanik, Univ. Innsburck, 196 pp.
  • [6] Kwandrans, J., 2000. The Benthic Flora in Small Forest Streams With Different Water Trophy Level and pH Status (Pogorze Wielickie Hills, Southern Poland). Acta Hydrobiol. 42 (3/4) : 41-255.
  • [7] Whitton, B.A., Rott, E. & Friedrich, G., 1991. Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers. Proc. Internal. Symp. Dusseldorf, Germany 26-28 May 1991. Instil. FUr Botanik, Univ. Innsburck, 193 pp.
  • [8] Kelly, M.G., Whitton, B.A., 1995. The Trophic Diyatome Index: A New Index for Monitoring Eutrophication in Rivers. 1. of Applied Phycology /: 433-444.
  • [9] Prygiel, 1., Coste, M., 1996. Recent Trends in Monitoring French Rivers Using Algae, Especially Diatoms. In: Whitton BA, Rott E (eds) Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers II, Rott E, Institut fur Botanik, Universtat Innsburck, pp. 87-97.
  • [10] Sladecek, V., 1986. Diatoms as Indicators of Organic Pollution. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 14: 555-566.
  • [11] Hustedt, F., 1930. Bacillariophyceae in: Die Slisswasser-Flora Mitteleuropas. Hrsg.: A. Pascher. 2. Aufl., Heft 10. Fischer, Jena 669 pp.
  • [12] Hustedt, F., 1973. Kieselalgen (Diatomeen). 5. Auflage. Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung, W. Keller & Co., Stutgart, 547 pp.
  • [13] Bourelly, P., 1966. Les Algues d'eau Douce. Tome I: Les Algues Vertes. Editions N. Boubee & Cie, Paris, 412 pp.
  • [14] Bourelly, P., 1968. Les Algues d'eau Douce. Tome II: Les Algues Janues et Brunes. Editions N. Boubee & Cie, Paris, 275 pp.
  • [15] Bourelly, P., 1970. Les Algues d'eau Douce. Tome III: Les Algues Bleues et Rouges. Editions N. Boubee & Cie, Paris, 310 pp.
  • [16] Patrick, R., Reimer, C.W., 1966. The Diatoms of The United States, Volume I. Acad. Sci. Phyladelphia 686 pp.
  • [17] Patrick, R., Reimer, C.W., 1975. The Diatoms of The United States, Volume II. Acad. Sci. Phyladelphia 212 pp.
  • [18] Cox, E.J., 1996. Identification of Freshwater Diatoms From Live Material. Chapman & Hall. First Edition, 158 pp.
  • [19] Elorenta, P., Soininen, J., 2002. Ecological Status of Some Finnish Rivers Evaluated Using Benthic Diatom Communities. Jof Applied Phycology 14: 1-7.
  • [20] Van Dam H., Surrnond, G. & Ter Braak, C.J.F., 1981. Impact of Acidification on Diatoms and Chemistry of Duch Moorland Pools. Hydrobiologia 83: 425-459.
  • [21] Kwandrans, J., 1998. The Effect of Dolomite an the Sessile Algae Communities in an Acidic Mountain Stream (Czama Wiselka). Environmental degradation of the Czama Wiselka and Biala Wiselka catchments, Western Carpathians Ed. Stanislaw Wrobel Studia Naturae 44: 125-143
  • [22] KIlm~, 1999. Tecer Irmagi AIgleri. s.D.D. Egirdir Su Urunleri Fakultesi Dergisi 6: 136-147.
  • [23] Loez, CR, Topalian, M.L., 1997. Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers in Argentina With a Special Emphasis for the Reconquista River (Region of Buenos Aires). In: Prygiel, J, Whitton, BA & Bukowska J (eds) Use of Algae for Monitoring Rivers III, Agence de I'Eau Artois Picardie, Douai, France, 29 September - 1 October, pp. 72-83.
  • [24] Presscott, G.W., 1973. Algae of The Western Great Lakes Area, WM. C. Brown Company Publishers Dubugue, Iowa 977 pp.
  • [25] Lowe, R. L., 1974. Environmental Requirements and Pollution Tolerance of Freshwater Diatoms. Environ. Mont. SeI'. 670/4-74 005. USEPA, Washington, DC.
  • [26] Yildiz, K., AtICI, T., 1996. Ankara Cayi Diyatomeleri. Gazi Dniv. Fen Bilimleri Enst. Dergisi, 6: 59-87.
  • [27] AtICI, T., Obah, 0., 1999. A Study on Diatoms in Upper part of Coruh River, Turkey. Gazi Dniv. Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu Dergisi 12 (3): 473 - 496.
  • [28] Yildiz, K., Ozkiran, D., Cubuk C;aYI Diyatomeleri. Turkish Jr. of Botany 18: 313-329.
  • [29] Altuner, Z., Gurbuz, H., 1989. Kar5asu (FIrat) Nehri Fitoplankton Toplulugu Uzerine Bir Arastirma. i. O. SU DrUnleri Derg., 3 (1- 3) 151-176.
  • [30] Gonulol, A., Arslan, N., 1992. Samsun lncesu Deresi 'nin AIg Florasi Uzerine Arastirmalar. Turkish II'. of Botany, 16: 311-334.
  • [31] Altuner, Z., Gurbuz, H., 1991. Karasu (FIrat) Nehri'nin Epilitik ve Epifitik AIgJeri Uzerine Bir Arastirma. Doga Tr. J. of Botany, 15,253 - 267.
  • [32] YIldlz, K, Ozkiran, D., 1991. Kizihrmak Nehri Diatomeleri. Doga Tr. J. of Botany, 15: 166 - 188.
  • [33] Yrldiz, K, 1984. Meram Cayi AIg Topluluklan Uzerine Arastirmalar. Kisim II- Tas ve Cesitli Bitkiler Uzerinde Yasayan Alg Toplulugu. S. D. Fen-Edeb. Fak. Dergisi, 3: 218 - 222.
  • [34] Yildiz, K, 1987. Diatoms of the Porsuk River, Turkey. Doga Tr. J. BioI., 11 (3): 162-182.
  • [35] Atici, T., Yildiz, K, Sakarya Nehri Diyatomeleri. Turkish Jr. of Botany, 20: 119-134.
  • [36] Barlas, M., Mumcu, F., Dirican, S., Solak, C. N., 200l. Sancay (Mugla - Milas)'da Yasayan Epilitik Diatomlann Su Kalitesine Bagh Olarak incelenmesi. IV. Ulusal Ekoloji ve Cevre Kongresi Bildiri Kitabl, S: 313 - 322.
  • [37] Sahin, B., 1992. Trabzon Yoresi Tathsu Diatome Florasi Uzerine Bir Arastirma. Doga Tr. J. of Botany, 16: 104 - 116.
  • [38] Pabuccu, K, Altuner, Z., Gtir, M.a., 1999. Yesihrmak Nehri (Tokat) Bentik AIg Florasi. 1st International Symposium on Protection of Natural Environment and Ehrami Karacam 23- 25th September.KtitahyaiTurkey, 115-122.
  • [39] Gomez, N., Licursi, M., 200l. The Pampean Diatome Index (PDI) for Assessment of Rivers and Streams in Argentina. Aquatic Ecology 35: 173-18l.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


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C.N. Solak Bu kişi benim

M. Barlas Bu kişi benim

K. Pabucçu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Temmuz 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Sayı: 008

Kaynak Göster

APA Solak, C., Barlas, M., & Pabucçu, K. (2005). AKCAY’DAKi (MUGLA-DENiZLi) BAZI EPiLiTiK DiYATOME TAKSONLARININ MEVsiMSEL GELiŞiMi. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(008), 211-228.