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Yıl 2003, Sayı: 005, 47 - 59, 15.12.2003


Biology is a conceptual science. Because of its conceptual feature, misconceptions

appear in higher degree in biology than the other sciences. As a learning subject cell division

has long been recognized as one of the most important and difficult component of the basic

biology curriculum. In this study it was aimed to determine misconceptions about mitosis and

meiosis cell divisions.

This study was applied first year students (total 200) in eight different faculties of four

universities (AtatUrk University, Selcuk University, Gazi Osman Pasa University, Mustafa

Kemal University).


  • [1] Osborne, R., Wittrock, M.,1993. Learning science: A generative process, Sci. Educ., 6767,4,489-508. [ 2 ] Geban, G., 1996. Fen Bilgisi Ogretiminde Kullarulan yontern ve Teknikler, ilkogrerim Okullannda fen Ogretirni ve Sorunlari, TUrk Egitirn Dernegi 14. Ogretim Toplannsi, Safak Matbaasi, Ankara. [ 3] Stewart, J., Van Kirk, J., 1990. Understanding and problem- solving in classical genetics. international Journal of Science Education, 12,575-588 [4] Smith. U and Sims. S. 0., 1992. Cognitive Development, Genetic Problem Solving and Genetic instruction: A Critical Review. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, 4. S.55-67 [ 5 ] Pashley, M., 1994. A-Level Students; Their Problems with gene and allele. Journal of Biological Education. 28, 2.53-57. [ 6 ] Kindfield,A.C., 1994. Understanding A Basical Biological Process; Expert and Novice. Models of Meiosis. Science Education 78, 3, 255-283. [7] Staeck, L.,1995. Perspectives for biological education challenge for biology instruction at the and of the 20. Century, Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim FakUltesi Dergisi, 11,29-35. [ 8] Lucas, A.M.,1995. Playing the notes but ignoring the tune: The Narrowness of Biology Research, J.Bio!.Educ., 29, 3,195-199. [ 9 ] Eseroglu, M., 1998. Konya Merkez ve ilcelerinde Ortaogretim kururnlarmda Biyoloji derslerindeki Morfoloji ve Anatomi Egitimi, Y.L. tezi, s.u Fen Bi!. Ens. Kenya. [10] Oztas, H., Oztas, F., 1998. Farkh seviyelerdeki Ogrencilerin Bazi Temel Biyolojik Terimleri Kavrama Yetenekleri ile ilgili Bir Arasnrrna. III. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Egitimi Sempozyumu, K.T.O., Trabzon. [ 11] Brown, C.R., 1990. Some misconceptions in meiosis shown by students responding to advanced level practical examination in biology. Journal of Biological Education. 24,4 , 182-186. [12] Stewart, J., Hafner, B., and Dale, M.,1990. Students' alternative views of meiosis. American Biology Teacher, 52, 4, 228-232. [ 13] Smith, M.U., 1991. Teaching cell division: Student difficulties and teaching recommendation. Journal of College Science Teaching, 21, I, 28-33. [ 14] Stewart, J. and Dale, M.,1989. High School students' understanding and teaching of chromosome/ gene behavior during meiosis. Science Education. 73, 4, 501- 522. [ 15 ] Markham, K., Mintzes, J and Jones, G., 1994. The concept map as research and evalution tool: Further evidence of validity view. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.McClelland, lA.G., 1984. Alternative frameworks: Tnterpretation of evidence. European journal of Science education, 6,1 , 1-6. [ 16] Paton, R.C.,1996.0n an apparently simple modelling problem in biology, Int.J. Sci.Educ., 18,1,55-64. [ 17] 1 Ruiz- Primo, M. And Shavelson, R, 1996. Problems and issues in the use of concept maps in science assesrnent, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33, 6, 569- 600. [ 18] Pearsall, R., Skipper, J., and Mintzes, J., 1997. Knowledge restructuring in the life sciences: A longitudinal study of conceptual change in biology. Science Education, 81,193-215. [19] Oztas H., Gurbuz, H., Temelli, A., Oztas, F., Yesilyurt, Si.Krvrak, E.,1999. Bazi gen terimlerinin farkh seviyelerdeki ogrenciler rarafmdan yorumlanmasi ile ilgili bir arastirma. Erzincan Egitirn Fak. Dergisi, 2, 165-167.


Yıl 2003, Sayı: 005, 47 - 59, 15.12.2003


Biyoloji kavramsal bir bilirn dahdir, Bu yuzden biyolojideki yanhs kavrarna

oldukca fazla gorulmektedir. Hucre bolunmesi ise ternel biyoloji

mufredatinm en onernli ve en zor ogrenilen konusu olarak bilinir, Bu

cahsrnada universite I. SIl1I!' ogrencilerinin mitoz vi: mayoz bolunmc

konularmdaki yanhs kavrarnalanrun tespit edilmesi amaclanrrusnr.

Calisma dart Universitenin (Ataturk universitesi, Selcuk universitesi, Gazi

Osman Pasa Universitesi, Mustafa kernal Universitesi) sekiz ayn

fakultesinin birinci srrnf ogrencilerine uygulanrmsur. Elde edilen veriler

cercevesinde bazi oneriler getirilmistir.


  • [1] Osborne, R., Wittrock, M.,1993. Learning science: A generative process, Sci. Educ., 6767,4,489-508. [ 2 ] Geban, G., 1996. Fen Bilgisi Ogretiminde Kullarulan yontern ve Teknikler, ilkogrerim Okullannda fen Ogretirni ve Sorunlari, TUrk Egitirn Dernegi 14. Ogretim Toplannsi, Safak Matbaasi, Ankara. [ 3] Stewart, J., Van Kirk, J., 1990. Understanding and problem- solving in classical genetics. international Journal of Science Education, 12,575-588 [4] Smith. U and Sims. S. 0., 1992. Cognitive Development, Genetic Problem Solving and Genetic instruction: A Critical Review. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29, 4. S.55-67 [ 5 ] Pashley, M., 1994. A-Level Students; Their Problems with gene and allele. Journal of Biological Education. 28, 2.53-57. [ 6 ] Kindfield,A.C., 1994. Understanding A Basical Biological Process; Expert and Novice. Models of Meiosis. Science Education 78, 3, 255-283. [7] Staeck, L.,1995. Perspectives for biological education challenge for biology instruction at the and of the 20. Century, Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim FakUltesi Dergisi, 11,29-35. [ 8] Lucas, A.M.,1995. Playing the notes but ignoring the tune: The Narrowness of Biology Research, J.Bio!.Educ., 29, 3,195-199. [ 9 ] Eseroglu, M., 1998. Konya Merkez ve ilcelerinde Ortaogretim kururnlarmda Biyoloji derslerindeki Morfoloji ve Anatomi Egitimi, Y.L. tezi, s.u Fen Bi!. Ens. Kenya. [10] Oztas, H., Oztas, F., 1998. Farkh seviyelerdeki Ogrencilerin Bazi Temel Biyolojik Terimleri Kavrama Yetenekleri ile ilgili Bir Arasnrrna. III. Ulusal Fen Bilimleri Egitimi Sempozyumu, K.T.O., Trabzon. [ 11] Brown, C.R., 1990. Some misconceptions in meiosis shown by students responding to advanced level practical examination in biology. Journal of Biological Education. 24,4 , 182-186. [12] Stewart, J., Hafner, B., and Dale, M.,1990. Students' alternative views of meiosis. American Biology Teacher, 52, 4, 228-232. [ 13] Smith, M.U., 1991. Teaching cell division: Student difficulties and teaching recommendation. Journal of College Science Teaching, 21, I, 28-33. [ 14] Stewart, J. and Dale, M.,1989. High School students' understanding and teaching of chromosome/ gene behavior during meiosis. Science Education. 73, 4, 501- 522. [ 15 ] Markham, K., Mintzes, J and Jones, G., 1994. The concept map as research and evalution tool: Further evidence of validity view. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.McClelland, lA.G., 1984. Alternative frameworks: Tnterpretation of evidence. European journal of Science education, 6,1 , 1-6. [ 16] Paton, R.C.,1996.0n an apparently simple modelling problem in biology, Int.J. Sci.Educ., 18,1,55-64. [ 17] 1 Ruiz- Primo, M. And Shavelson, R, 1996. Problems and issues in the use of concept maps in science assesrnent, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 33, 6, 569- 600. [ 18] Pearsall, R., Skipper, J., and Mintzes, J., 1997. Knowledge restructuring in the life sciences: A longitudinal study of conceptual change in biology. Science Education, 81,193-215. [19] Oztas H., Gurbuz, H., Temelli, A., Oztas, F., Yesilyurt, Si.Krvrak, E.,1999. Bazi gen terimlerinin farkh seviyelerdeki ogrenciler rarafmdan yorumlanmasi ile ilgili bir arastirma. Erzincan Egitirn Fak. Dergisi, 2, 165-167.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Çiğdem Efe Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2003
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2003 Sayı: 005

Kaynak Göster

APA Efe, Ç. (2003). UNİVERSiTE I. SINIF OGRENCiLERiNiN HUCRE BOLUNMELERi KONUSUNDAKi YANLIS KAVRAMALARI. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(005), 47-59.