In this study, Cobalt 1II acetate was electrochemically synthesized by using granule
coke electrodes in a bipolar trickle reactor and its regeneration was researched after
using as a catalyst in the oxidation of organic compounds.
The influence of applied voltage. current and the flow rates of electrolyte on the
synthesis data. Current efficiency. time efficiency. energy consumption and volumetime
yield were calculated as a function of time.
Cobalt II acetate was obtained by %27 conversion, the product in the form of
solution was converted into powder product containing %89.2 Cobalt III acetate.
Cobalt Ill Acetate Cobalt II Acetate Synthesis Trickle reactor
Bu cahsrnada Kobalt III Asetatmm iki kutuplu darnlamah reakrorde; granul kok kornur
elektrot kullanilarak elektrokimyasal sentezi yapilrms ve organik rnaddc in
yukseltgenrnelerinde katalizor olarak kullaruldrktan sonra rejenerasyonu arasunirm,
Sentez verilerine; uygulanan gerilim, akirn elektrolit akis hrzlannm f "si
incelenmistir. Zarnanm bir fonksiyonu olarak akim verirni, zaman vcr imi. enerji,
tuketimi ve hacim zaman verirni hesaplanrrusnr.
Kobalt III asetati %27'lik bir donusurnle elde edilrnis, cozelti halindeki bu urun %89.2
Kobalt III asetau iceren toz urune donusturulmustur.
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Konular | Mühendislik |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 15 Aralık 2003 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2003 Sayı: 005 |