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Yıl 2003, Sayı: 005, 213 - 227, 15.12.2003


Electron beam welding is an advanced welding technique used to achieve

technical features which can not be achieved by using solid state and fusion welding

methods.This advanced welding methot is used due to its lower heat entry and

welding streght features. The use of method is limited due to the high cost. An

extensive overview of this method including pros and cons, and higher features of

current use of this method will increase the use of this method.


  • [1] Lim, S. c. Gupta, M., Ren, L. and Kwok, J. K. M., The Tribological Properties of Al-Cu/SiCp Metal Matrix Composites Fabricated Using the Rheocasting Technique, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 89-90, 1999, 591-596.
  • [2] Ma, Z. Y. and Tjong, S. C; In Situ Ceramic Particle Reinforced Al Matrix Composites Fabricated by Reaction Pressing in the Ti02 (Tit- Al-B (B203) Systems, Metallurgical and Materrials Transactions A, 28A, 1997,1931-1942.
  • [3] Surappa, M. K. and Rohatgi, P. K., Preparation and Properties of Al- Ceramic Particle Composites, Journal of Materials Science, 16, 1981, 983-993.
  • [4] Rizkalla, H. L. and Abdulwahed, A., Some Mechanical Properties of Metal-Nonmetal AI-Si02 Particulate Composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 5, 1996, 398-403.
  • [5] Aghajanian, M. K., Burke, J. T., White, D. R. and Nagelberg, A. S., A New Infiltration Process for the Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites, 'Sample Quarterly, July 1989,43-46.
  • [6] Sukumaran, K., Pillai, S. G. K., Pillai, R. M., Kelukutty, V. S., Pai, B. C; Satyanarayana K. G. and Ravikumar, K. K., The Effects of Mg Additions on the Structure and Properties of AI-7Si- I OSiCp Composites, Journal of Materials Science, 30,1995, 1469-1472.
  • [7] Seo, Y. H. and Kang, C. G., The Effect of Applied Pressure on Particledispersion Characteristics and Mechanical Properties in Melt Stirring Squeeze-cast SiCp/AI composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 55,1995, 370-379.
  • [8] Kuruvilla, A. K., Prasad, K. S., Bhanuprasad, V. V. and Mahajan, Y. R., Microstructure-property Correlation in AlITiB2 (XD) Composites, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 24, 1990. 873-878,
  • [9] GOI, F., Seramik Parcacik Takviyeli Kompozltlerin Uretim Yontemleri ve Orellikleri, M. U. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 15, 1999, 101-114.
  • [10] Arsenault, R. J. and Wu, S. B., A CoMParison of PM vs. Melted SiC/AI Composites, Scripta Metallurgica, 22,1998, 767-772.
  • [11] Turker, M., Ozdemir, A. T., Ogel, B. ve Yavuz, A., AI-SiC Tozlartntn Mekanik Alasimlama Degirmeninde Ogutme Zamantntn Kompozit To; Yaptstna Etkisinin Arasttrilmast, Uluslararasi Katrhrnh 2. Ulusal Toz Metalurjisi Konferansl,1999.425-432.
  • [12] BY D. Powers and G. Schubert, Electron beam welding: A useful tool for the Automotive Industry,February 2000,p 35-38.
  • [13] ASM Handbook, Welding, brazing and soldering, 7th edition,v 6, Mat. Park,Ohio p 427, 1983,
  • [14] M B D. Ellis, Joining of aluminium based metal matrix composites, International Materials Reviews 1996, vol 41, no 2, p 41.
  • [15] S.Amk, Kaynak teknigi el kitabt yontemler ve donanimlar, Gedik holding 1991, istanbul, 47-54.
  • [16] By E.Gaydusek, Advences in non-vacuum electron beam technology, Welding journal,1980,17.
  • [17] BY D. E. Powers, Nonvacuum elektron beam welding enhances automotive manufacturing, Welding journal, Novamber 1997, p 59.
  • [18] G. M1adenov, K. Vutova and S. Wojcicki, Experimental invastigation of the weld depth and thermal efficiency during electron beam welding, Vacuum, v: 51, No:2, 1998,231.
  • [19] Z. Sun, R.Karppi, The application of electron beam welding for the joining of dissimilar meatals: an overview, Journal of materials processing technology, no 59, 1996, P 257.
  • [20] S.Tosto and F. Nenci, Electron beam welding and post-weld treatments of2219-T6, Journal of physique IV,vol 3, November 1993, p 1029.
  • [21] P S.Wel, C Y. Chang, C T. Chen, Surface ripple in electron beam welding solidification, Journal of heat transfer, vol 118, november 1996, p 960.
  • [22] By A. Munitz, C. Cotler, H. Shaham, and G.Kohn, Electron beam welding of magnesium AZ91D plates, Welding journal supplement, July 2000, p 202.
  • [23] P. Petrov, C. Georgiev and G. Petrov, Experimental investgation of pool formation in electron beam welding, Vacuum 1998, V 51, P 339.
  • [24] W A. Baeslack and F H. Froes, Joining similar and dissimilar advanced engineered materials, Journal of materials science, 1995, March, p 13.
  • [25] M C. Chaturvedi, N L. Richards, Q. XU, Electron beam welding of a Ti-4SAl-2Nb-2Mn+O.8 vol. %TiB2 XD alloy, Materials science and engineering A239-240, 1997,p 605.
  • [26] E.Koleva, G. Mladenov, K. Vutova, Calculation of weld parameters and thermal efficiency in electron beam welding, Vacuum 53, 1999,67.
  • [27] Welding Handbook, Resistance and solid-state welding and joining processes, v; 6,1980,128-136


Yıl 2003, Sayı: 005, 213 - 227, 15.12.2003


Elektron ism kaynak yonterni ergitme ve kau hal kaynak yonternleri ile elde

edilemeyen mekanik ve mikroyapi ozelliklerin elde edilmesi icin kullarulan bir ileri

kaynak teknolojisidir. Elektron ism kaynak teknolojisinde dusuk lSI girdisi ve elde

edilen kaynak mukavemetleri dikkatleri bu kaynak yonterninin kullamrmna

yoneltrnistir. Yontemin pahah olmasi endustrideki kullarnrn alanlanm

krsitlamaktadrr, Bu yontemin daha iyi tamnlmasr, avantaj ve dezavantajlannm

bilinmesi, mevcut kullarum alanlanmn artrnasma yardimci olacaknr,


  • [1] Lim, S. c. Gupta, M., Ren, L. and Kwok, J. K. M., The Tribological Properties of Al-Cu/SiCp Metal Matrix Composites Fabricated Using the Rheocasting Technique, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 89-90, 1999, 591-596.
  • [2] Ma, Z. Y. and Tjong, S. C; In Situ Ceramic Particle Reinforced Al Matrix Composites Fabricated by Reaction Pressing in the Ti02 (Tit- Al-B (B203) Systems, Metallurgical and Materrials Transactions A, 28A, 1997,1931-1942.
  • [3] Surappa, M. K. and Rohatgi, P. K., Preparation and Properties of Al- Ceramic Particle Composites, Journal of Materials Science, 16, 1981, 983-993.
  • [4] Rizkalla, H. L. and Abdulwahed, A., Some Mechanical Properties of Metal-Nonmetal AI-Si02 Particulate Composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 5, 1996, 398-403.
  • [5] Aghajanian, M. K., Burke, J. T., White, D. R. and Nagelberg, A. S., A New Infiltration Process for the Fabrication of Metal Matrix Composites, 'Sample Quarterly, July 1989,43-46.
  • [6] Sukumaran, K., Pillai, S. G. K., Pillai, R. M., Kelukutty, V. S., Pai, B. C; Satyanarayana K. G. and Ravikumar, K. K., The Effects of Mg Additions on the Structure and Properties of AI-7Si- I OSiCp Composites, Journal of Materials Science, 30,1995, 1469-1472.
  • [7] Seo, Y. H. and Kang, C. G., The Effect of Applied Pressure on Particledispersion Characteristics and Mechanical Properties in Melt Stirring Squeeze-cast SiCp/AI composites, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 55,1995, 370-379.
  • [8] Kuruvilla, A. K., Prasad, K. S., Bhanuprasad, V. V. and Mahajan, Y. R., Microstructure-property Correlation in AlITiB2 (XD) Composites, Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 24, 1990. 873-878,
  • [9] GOI, F., Seramik Parcacik Takviyeli Kompozltlerin Uretim Yontemleri ve Orellikleri, M. U. Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 15, 1999, 101-114.
  • [10] Arsenault, R. J. and Wu, S. B., A CoMParison of PM vs. Melted SiC/AI Composites, Scripta Metallurgica, 22,1998, 767-772.
  • [11] Turker, M., Ozdemir, A. T., Ogel, B. ve Yavuz, A., AI-SiC Tozlartntn Mekanik Alasimlama Degirmeninde Ogutme Zamantntn Kompozit To; Yaptstna Etkisinin Arasttrilmast, Uluslararasi Katrhrnh 2. Ulusal Toz Metalurjisi Konferansl,1999.425-432.
  • [12] BY D. Powers and G. Schubert, Electron beam welding: A useful tool for the Automotive Industry,February 2000,p 35-38.
  • [13] ASM Handbook, Welding, brazing and soldering, 7th edition,v 6, Mat. Park,Ohio p 427, 1983,
  • [14] M B D. Ellis, Joining of aluminium based metal matrix composites, International Materials Reviews 1996, vol 41, no 2, p 41.
  • [15] S.Amk, Kaynak teknigi el kitabt yontemler ve donanimlar, Gedik holding 1991, istanbul, 47-54.
  • [16] By E.Gaydusek, Advences in non-vacuum electron beam technology, Welding journal,1980,17.
  • [17] BY D. E. Powers, Nonvacuum elektron beam welding enhances automotive manufacturing, Welding journal, Novamber 1997, p 59.
  • [18] G. M1adenov, K. Vutova and S. Wojcicki, Experimental invastigation of the weld depth and thermal efficiency during electron beam welding, Vacuum, v: 51, No:2, 1998,231.
  • [19] Z. Sun, R.Karppi, The application of electron beam welding for the joining of dissimilar meatals: an overview, Journal of materials processing technology, no 59, 1996, P 257.
  • [20] S.Tosto and F. Nenci, Electron beam welding and post-weld treatments of2219-T6, Journal of physique IV,vol 3, November 1993, p 1029.
  • [21] P S.Wel, C Y. Chang, C T. Chen, Surface ripple in electron beam welding solidification, Journal of heat transfer, vol 118, november 1996, p 960.
  • [22] By A. Munitz, C. Cotler, H. Shaham, and G.Kohn, Electron beam welding of magnesium AZ91D plates, Welding journal supplement, July 2000, p 202.
  • [23] P. Petrov, C. Georgiev and G. Petrov, Experimental investgation of pool formation in electron beam welding, Vacuum 1998, V 51, P 339.
  • [24] W A. Baeslack and F H. Froes, Joining similar and dissimilar advanced engineered materials, Journal of materials science, 1995, March, p 13.
  • [25] M C. Chaturvedi, N L. Richards, Q. XU, Electron beam welding of a Ti-4SAl-2Nb-2Mn+O.8 vol. %TiB2 XD alloy, Materials science and engineering A239-240, 1997,p 605.
  • [26] E.Koleva, G. Mladenov, K. Vutova, Calculation of weld parameters and thermal efficiency in electron beam welding, Vacuum 53, 1999,67.
  • [27] Welding Handbook, Resistance and solid-state welding and joining processes, v; 6,1980,128-136
Toplam 27 adet kaynakça vardır.


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M. Aydın Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Aralık 2003
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2003 Sayı: 005

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, M. (2003). ELEKTRON IŞIN KAYNAK YONTEMi. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(005), 213-227.