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Flotation and Flotation Machines

Yıl 2001, Sayı: 002, 97 - 110, 15.06.2001


This paper mainly reviews flotation processes and conventional flotation machinery used in

mineral processing applications. It also presents geometrical, mechanical ratios and

hydrodynamic properties of mechanical flotation machines.

Some desired properties of flotation machines are high capacity, low operating cost, low

energy consumption, great amounts of fine bubble creation and so on. The main

development research activities concentrate on three basic categories. Primarily, the

rehabilitation of existing flotation machinery are considered, which is most recently

popular. Secondly, innovation and design of high capacity flotation machines are

developed. Finally, research on flotation machines are carried out to reduce environmental

hazards from waste disposal and clean waste/effluent water.


  • Akar, A., 1985, “Cevher Hazırlama Tesis ve Dizaynı” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Müh.- Mim. Fak. MM/MAD-85 EY 01, İzmir, 271 s.
  • Arbiter, N., Harris, C.C., Yap, R.F., 1969, “Hydrodynamics of Flotation Cells” AIME Transactions, V:244, pp 134-148.
  • Ata S., Önder, Y.Ü., 1997, “Yeni bir Flotasyon Teknolojisi: Jameson Flotasyon Hücresi” Madencilik, C: 36, No: 4, s 21-29.
  • Atak, S., 1982, “Flotasyon İlkeleri ve Uygulamaları” İTÜ Maden Fakültesi, İstanbul, 222s.
  • Aytekin, Y., Yamık, A., İpekoğlu, Ü., 1988, “Cevher Hazırlama ve Zenginleştirmedeki Gelişmeler” Akdeniz Üniversitesi İsparta Müh. Fak. Dergisi, Maden Müh. Seksiyonu, (Ed) Yamık, S: 1, İsparta, pp 1-13.
  • Bentli, İ., 2000, “Flotasyon Makine Tasarımı” Osmangazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir, 215 s.
  • Bischofberger, C., Schubert, M., 1996, “On the Microprocesses Air Dispersion and Particle-Bubble Attachment in Flotation Machines” Aufbereitungs Technik, V:37, N:5 pp 193-202.
  • Degner, V.R., 1990, “Mechanical Flotation Machine Design”, Industrial Practice of Fine Coal Processing, SME-AIME, Ch.16, pp 135-146.
  • Gorain, B.K., Franzidis, J.P., Manlapig, E.V., 1997, “Studies on Impeller Type, Impeller Speed and Air Flow Rate in an Industrial Scale Flotation Cell: Effect of Bubble Surface Area Flux on Flotation Performans” Minerals Engineering, V:10, N:4, pp 367-379.
  • Harris, C.C., 1976, “Flotation Machines in Flotation” Gaudin Memorial Volume, SMEAIME, V:2, pp 753-815.
  • Harris, C.C., Khandrika S.M., 1985, “Flotation machine design: Impeller-Stator Interaction” Powder Technology, V:43, pp 273-278.
  • Harris, C.C., Lepetic V., 1966, “Flotation Cell Design” Society of Mining Engineering, September, pp 67-72.
  • Kaya, M., 1998, Flotasyon El Kitabı, Osmangazi Üni. Müh.-Mim. Fak. Maden Müh., Tekam Yayın No: TN98-002-MK, 4.Baskı, Eskişehir, 146 s.
  • Kaya, M., Kurama, H., 1999, “The Role of Flotation in Waste Recycling/Recovery” 8th Balkan Mineral Processing Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp 729-736.
  • Kaya, M., Laplante A.R., 1986a, “Factors influencing design, hydrodynamics, mixing, residence time distribution, scale-up, selection and sizing of mechanical flotation machines” Mineral Separation Systems, Seminar, McGill University 32 p.
  • Kaya, M., Laplante A.R., 1986b, “Investigation of Batch and Continuous Flotation Kinetics in a Modified Denver Laboratory Cell” Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, V:25 N:l, pp 1- 8.
  • Kaya, M., Laplante, A.R., 1989, “Froth washing in mechanical flotation cells” 21st Canadian Mineral Processors Meeting (CMP), pp 497-541.
  • Koivistoinen P., 1991, “High Grade Flotation Machine”, 17th International Mineral Processing Congress, Dresden, Almanya, sayfa 227-235.
  • Leskinen, T., 1998, “Large Cell Flotation Improved Beneficiation”, Industrial Minerals, July, pp 55-57.
  • Nelson M.G., Lelinski, D., 2000, “Hydrodynamic Design of Self-Aeration Flotation Machine”, Mineral Engineering, V:13, No:10-ll, pp 991-998.
  • Önal, G., Acarkan, N., Güney A., 1996, “Cevher hazırlamadaki yeni gelişmeler” 21. Yüzyıla Girerken Türkiye Madenciliği, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü, Sivas, s 157-170.
  • Öteyaka, B., Soto, H., 1992, “Modelling of negative bias column for coarse particle flotation”, Proceedings of 4th Int. Proc. Sym., (Ed.) Özbayoğlu, Antalya, Turkey, V: 1, pp 315-326.
  • Özbayoğlu, G., Hiçyılmaz, C, 1984, “Geliştirilmiş Laboratuvar Flotasyon Hücresi” Madencilik, C: 23, No: 2, s 53-56.
  • Parga, J.R., Mercado, H., Ojeda, H., Salazar, A., 1996, “New Flotation Cell for Precious Metal Recovery” Changing Scopes in Mineral Processing, (Ed) Kemal, Akar, Canbazoğlu, Printed in Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 365-370.
  • Podobnik, D.M., Dunstan, P.L., Lawrence, G.A., 1985, “Performence Characteristics of Large Flotation Mechanisms Operating in a Copper Slime Circuit” Aufbereitungs Technik, V: 11, pp 652-659.
  • Ross, V.E., 1997, “Particle-Bubble Attachment in Flotation Froths” Minerals Engineering, V:10, N:7, pp 695-706.
  • Schubert, M., Bischofberger, C., 1978, “On the Hydrodynamics of Flotation Machines” Int. Journal of Mineral Processing, 5, Elsevier, pp 131-142.
  • Terblanche, A.N., Grobler, W.A., Önal G., Güney, A., 1998, “Turbo Flotation Column with Enhanced Flotation Performance” Proceedings of 7th Int. Proc. Sym., (Eds.) Atak, Önal, Çelik, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 257-262.
  • Wills. B.A., 1988, “Mineral Processing Technology (4lh edition)” Pergamon Press, New York, 584 p.
  • Yoon R.H., 1991, “Hydrodynamic and Surface Forces in Bubble-Particle Interactions” 17th International Mineral Processing Congress, Dresden, Almanya, pp 17-31.
  • Young P., 1982, “Flotation Machines” Mining Magazines, January, pp 35-59.


Yıl 2001, Sayı: 002, 97 - 110, 15.06.2001


Bu çalışmada, flotasyon yöntemi ve mevcut klasik fiotasyon makineleri kısaca anlatılmıştır.

Mekanik flotasyon makinelerinin tasarımında ve özelliklerinin belirlenmesinde kullanılan

geometrik, mekanik oranlar ve hidrodinamik numaralar ise özetlenmiştir.

Flotasyon makinelerinden yüksek kapasite, düşük maliyet, enerji tasarrufu, çok ince

kabarcık çapı vs gibi özellikler istenmektedir. Flotasyon makineleri üzerinde yapılan

çalışmalar üç temel noktada yoğunlaşmaktadır. Birincisi son yıllarda önemle üzerinde

durulan, tesiste kullanılan mekanik flotasyon makinelerinin iyileştirilmesidir. İkincisi,

büyük hacimli yeni tasarılar geliştirmektir. Sonuncusu ise çevresel problemleri azaltmak

amacıyla katı atıkların geri kazanılması ve atık suların temizlenmesinde artan bir şekilde



  • Akar, A., 1985, “Cevher Hazırlama Tesis ve Dizaynı” Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Müh.- Mim. Fak. MM/MAD-85 EY 01, İzmir, 271 s.
  • Arbiter, N., Harris, C.C., Yap, R.F., 1969, “Hydrodynamics of Flotation Cells” AIME Transactions, V:244, pp 134-148.
  • Ata S., Önder, Y.Ü., 1997, “Yeni bir Flotasyon Teknolojisi: Jameson Flotasyon Hücresi” Madencilik, C: 36, No: 4, s 21-29.
  • Atak, S., 1982, “Flotasyon İlkeleri ve Uygulamaları” İTÜ Maden Fakültesi, İstanbul, 222s.
  • Aytekin, Y., Yamık, A., İpekoğlu, Ü., 1988, “Cevher Hazırlama ve Zenginleştirmedeki Gelişmeler” Akdeniz Üniversitesi İsparta Müh. Fak. Dergisi, Maden Müh. Seksiyonu, (Ed) Yamık, S: 1, İsparta, pp 1-13.
  • Bentli, İ., 2000, “Flotasyon Makine Tasarımı” Osmangazi Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Doktora Tezi, Eskişehir, 215 s.
  • Bischofberger, C., Schubert, M., 1996, “On the Microprocesses Air Dispersion and Particle-Bubble Attachment in Flotation Machines” Aufbereitungs Technik, V:37, N:5 pp 193-202.
  • Degner, V.R., 1990, “Mechanical Flotation Machine Design”, Industrial Practice of Fine Coal Processing, SME-AIME, Ch.16, pp 135-146.
  • Gorain, B.K., Franzidis, J.P., Manlapig, E.V., 1997, “Studies on Impeller Type, Impeller Speed and Air Flow Rate in an Industrial Scale Flotation Cell: Effect of Bubble Surface Area Flux on Flotation Performans” Minerals Engineering, V:10, N:4, pp 367-379.
  • Harris, C.C., 1976, “Flotation Machines in Flotation” Gaudin Memorial Volume, SMEAIME, V:2, pp 753-815.
  • Harris, C.C., Khandrika S.M., 1985, “Flotation machine design: Impeller-Stator Interaction” Powder Technology, V:43, pp 273-278.
  • Harris, C.C., Lepetic V., 1966, “Flotation Cell Design” Society of Mining Engineering, September, pp 67-72.
  • Kaya, M., 1998, Flotasyon El Kitabı, Osmangazi Üni. Müh.-Mim. Fak. Maden Müh., Tekam Yayın No: TN98-002-MK, 4.Baskı, Eskişehir, 146 s.
  • Kaya, M., Kurama, H., 1999, “The Role of Flotation in Waste Recycling/Recovery” 8th Balkan Mineral Processing Conference, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, pp 729-736.
  • Kaya, M., Laplante A.R., 1986a, “Factors influencing design, hydrodynamics, mixing, residence time distribution, scale-up, selection and sizing of mechanical flotation machines” Mineral Separation Systems, Seminar, McGill University 32 p.
  • Kaya, M., Laplante A.R., 1986b, “Investigation of Batch and Continuous Flotation Kinetics in a Modified Denver Laboratory Cell” Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, V:25 N:l, pp 1- 8.
  • Kaya, M., Laplante, A.R., 1989, “Froth washing in mechanical flotation cells” 21st Canadian Mineral Processors Meeting (CMP), pp 497-541.
  • Koivistoinen P., 1991, “High Grade Flotation Machine”, 17th International Mineral Processing Congress, Dresden, Almanya, sayfa 227-235.
  • Leskinen, T., 1998, “Large Cell Flotation Improved Beneficiation”, Industrial Minerals, July, pp 55-57.
  • Nelson M.G., Lelinski, D., 2000, “Hydrodynamic Design of Self-Aeration Flotation Machine”, Mineral Engineering, V:13, No:10-ll, pp 991-998.
  • Önal, G., Acarkan, N., Güney A., 1996, “Cevher hazırlamadaki yeni gelişmeler” 21. Yüzyıla Girerken Türkiye Madenciliği, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Maden Mühendisliği Bölümü, Sivas, s 157-170.
  • Öteyaka, B., Soto, H., 1992, “Modelling of negative bias column for coarse particle flotation”, Proceedings of 4th Int. Proc. Sym., (Ed.) Özbayoğlu, Antalya, Turkey, V: 1, pp 315-326.
  • Özbayoğlu, G., Hiçyılmaz, C, 1984, “Geliştirilmiş Laboratuvar Flotasyon Hücresi” Madencilik, C: 23, No: 2, s 53-56.
  • Parga, J.R., Mercado, H., Ojeda, H., Salazar, A., 1996, “New Flotation Cell for Precious Metal Recovery” Changing Scopes in Mineral Processing, (Ed) Kemal, Akar, Canbazoğlu, Printed in Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 365-370.
  • Podobnik, D.M., Dunstan, P.L., Lawrence, G.A., 1985, “Performence Characteristics of Large Flotation Mechanisms Operating in a Copper Slime Circuit” Aufbereitungs Technik, V: 11, pp 652-659.
  • Ross, V.E., 1997, “Particle-Bubble Attachment in Flotation Froths” Minerals Engineering, V:10, N:7, pp 695-706.
  • Schubert, M., Bischofberger, C., 1978, “On the Hydrodynamics of Flotation Machines” Int. Journal of Mineral Processing, 5, Elsevier, pp 131-142.
  • Terblanche, A.N., Grobler, W.A., Önal G., Güney, A., 1998, “Turbo Flotation Column with Enhanced Flotation Performance” Proceedings of 7th Int. Proc. Sym., (Eds.) Atak, Önal, Çelik, Istanbul, Turkey, pp 257-262.
  • Wills. B.A., 1988, “Mineral Processing Technology (4lh edition)” Pergamon Press, New York, 584 p.
  • Yoon R.H., 1991, “Hydrodynamic and Surface Forces in Bubble-Particle Interactions” 17th International Mineral Processing Congress, Dresden, Almanya, pp 17-31.
  • Young P., 1982, “Flotation Machines” Mining Magazines, January, pp 35-59.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

İsmail Bentli Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Haziran 2001
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2001 Sayı: 002

Kaynak Göster

APA Bentli, İ. (2001). FLOTASYON ve FLOTASYON MAKİNELERİ. Journal of Science and Technology of Dumlupınar University(002), 97-110.