Distribution of CD8 and CD68 Positive Cells in Acid Corneal Burns in Rabbits
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 22 - 28, 30.06.2018
Hakan Sağsöz
Uğur Topaloğlu
Berna Güney Saruhan
M. Erdem Akbalık
M. Aydın Ketani
Semih Altan
Zeki Oğurtan
Acids are generally less
harmful than alkali substances. They cause damage by denaturing and
precipitating proteins in the tissues they contact. The coagulated proteins act
as a barrier to prevent further penetration. The one exception to this is
hydrofluoric acid (HFA), where the fluoride ion rapidly penetrates the
thickness of the cornea and causes significant anterior segment destruction.
HFA are associated with chronic, severe inflammation of the ocular surface that
occasionally lead to corneal stem cell deficiencies. The purpose of this study
is to examine the localization and distribution of CD8 and CD68 positive cells
in cornea burned with HFA in the rabbit. For this purpose, 72 mature male New
Zealand rabbits were used. Under general anesthesia, after a corneal burn was
formed by hydrofluoric acid, drug treatments of DMSO, indomethacin and
DMSO+indomethacin were performed. The animals were euthanized on the 2nd, 7th
and 14th days of the experiment and each cornea was fixed in 10% neutral formol
solution. There was no difference among the control, DMSO and DMSO+indomethacin
groups in terms of CD8 and CD68 expression. But, there were differences between
the days of application. On the 2nd and 7th days of experiments, the number of
CD8 and CD68positive cells in the corneal stroma were increased. Because
inflammation decreased in 14 days, the numbers of CD8 and CD68 positive cells
were decreased in other groups except indomethacin. In conclusion, these
findings indicate that there is no difference between the groups and CD8 and
CD68 positive cells were increased during the inflammation period.
- 1. Kılıç Müftüoglu I, Aydın Akova Y, Çetinkaya A. (2015). Korneal Yanıklarda Klinik ve Tedavi Yaklaşımımız. Turk J Ophthalmol. DOI: 10.4274 /tjo.9926.
- 2. Tuft SJ, Shortt AJ. (2009). Surgical Rehabilitation Following Severe Ocular Burns. Eye 23: 1966–1971.
- 3.Fish R, Davidson RS. (2010). Management of Ocular Thermal and Chemical Injuries, Including Amniotic Membrane Therapy. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 21(4):317-321.
- 4. Altan S, Ogurtan Z. (2017). Dimethyl Sulfoxide but not Indomethacin is Efficient for Healing of Hydrofluoric Acid Eye Burn. Burns. 43(1):232-244.
- 5. Altan S, Sağsöz H, Oğurtan Z. (2017). Topical Dimethyl Sulfoxide Inhibits Corneal Neovascularization and Stimu-lates Corneal Repair in Rabbits Following Acid Burn. Biotec Histochem. 92(8): 619-636.
- 6. Kim JW, Jeong H, Yang MS, Lim CW, Kim B. (2017). Therapeutic Effects of Zerumbone in an Alkali-Burned Corneal Wound Healing Model. Int Immunopharmacol. 48: 126-134.
- 7. Güney Saruhan B, Akbalık ME, Topaloğlu U ve ark. (2017). Tavşanlarda Hidroflorik Asit ile Oluşturulan Yanık Sonrası, DMSO ve İndometazinin Korneal Mast Hücreleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 10(2):130-137.
- 8. Chistiakov DA, Killingsworth MC, Myasoedova VA, Orekhov AN, Bobryshev YV. (2017). CD68/Macrosialin: Not Just a Histochemical Marker. Lab Invest. 97: 4-13.
- 9. Gottfried E, Kunz-Schughart LA, Weber A, et al. (2008). Expression of CD68 in Non-Myeloid Cell Types. Scand J Immunol. 67: 453-463.
- 10. Rehg JE, Bush D, Ward JM. (2012). The Utility of Immunohistochemistry for the Identification of Hemato-poietic and Lymphoid Cells in Normal Tissues and Inter-pretation of Proliferative and Inflammatory Lesions of Mice and Rats. Toxicol Pathol. 40(2): 345-374.
- 11. Amano S, Rohan R, Kuroki M, Tolentino M, Adamis AP. (1998). Requirement for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Wound-and Inflammation-Related Corneal Neovascularization. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 39(1): 18-22.
- 12. Balicki I. (2012). Clinical Study on the Application of Tacrolimus and DMSO in the Treatment of Chronic Superficial Keratitis in Dogs. Pol J Vet Sci. 15(4): 667-676.
- 13. Bock F, Onderka J, Dietrich T, et al. (2007). Bevaci-zumab as Apotent Inhibitor of Inflammatory Corneal Angiogenesis and Lymph Angiogenesis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48(6): 2545-2552.
- 14. Atley K, Ridyard E. (2015). Treatment of Hydrofluoric Acid Exposure to the Eye. Int J Ophthalmol. 8: 157-161.
- 15. Wagoner MD. (1997). Chemical Injuries of the Eye: Current Concepts in Pathophysiology and Therapy. Surv Ophthalmol. 41(4):275-313.
- 16. Prabhat KP, Sanaz AL. (2007). Ocular Emergencies. Am Fam Physician. 76(6): 829-836.
- 17. Laria C, Alio JL, Ruiz-Moreno JM. (1997). Combined Non-Steroidal Therapy in Experimental Corneal Injury. Ophthalmic Res. 29(3):145-53.
- 18. Saito T, Nishida K, Sugiyama H, et al. (2008). Abnor-mal Keratocytes and Stromal Inflammation in Chronic Phase of Severe Ocular Surface Diseases with Stem Cell Deficiency. Br J Ophthalmol. 92(3):404-410.
- 19. Beiran I, Miller B, Bentur Y. (1997). The Efficacy of Calcium Gluconate in Ocular Hydrofluoric Acid Burns. Hum & Exp Toxicol. 16(4):223-228.
- 20. Gordon DM, Kleberger KE. (1968). The effect of Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on Animal and Human Eyes. Arch Ophthal. (4):423-427.
- 21. Kuffova L, Holan V, Lumsden L, Forrester JV, Filipec M. (1999). Cell Subpopulations in Failed Human Corneal Grafts. Br J Ophthalmol. 83: 1364-1369.
Tavşanlarda Asidik Korneal Yanıklarda CD8 ve CD68 Pozitif Hücrelerin Dağılımı
Yıl 2018,
Cilt: 11 Sayı: 1, 22 - 28, 30.06.2018
Hakan Sağsöz
Uğur Topaloğlu
Berna Güney Saruhan
M. Erdem Akbalık
M. Aydın Ketani
Semih Altan
Zeki Oğurtan
genel olarak alkali maddelere göre daha az zararlıdır. Temas ettikleri
dokularda proteinleri denatüre ederek ve çökerterek hasara neden olurlar.
Pıhtılaşmış proteinler de, asidin daha fazla nüfuz etmesini önlemek için
bariyer görevi görür. İstisnai bir durum olarak, hidroflorik asitdeki (HFA)
floroid iyonlar korneanın derin katmanlarına nüfus eder ve belirgin ön segment
yıkımına neden olur. HFA, zaman zaman korneal kök hücre eksikliklerine yol
açarak oküler yüzeyde ciddi kronik yangılara neden olabilir. Bu çalışmanın
amacı, tavşanlarda HFA ile yakılan korneada CD8 ve CD68 pozitif hücrelerin
lokalizasyonunu ve dağılımını incelemektir. Bu amaçla 72 erkek Yeni Zelanda
tavşanı kullanıldı. Genel anestezi altında, HFA ile korneal yanık
oluşturulduktan sonra dimetil sülfoksit (DMSO), indometazin ve DMSO +
indometazin ilaçları ile tedavi uygulandı. Hayvanlar, uygulamaların 2., 7. ve
14. günlerinde ötenazi edildi ve her bir kornea % 10 nötral formol solüsyonunda
tespit edildi. CD8 ve CD68 ekspresyonu açısından kontrol, DMSO ve DMSO +
indometazin grupları arasında fark yoktu. Ancak, uygulama günleri arasında farklılıklar
vardı. Deneylerin 2. ve 7. günlerinde, korneal stromadaki CD8 ve CD68pozitif
hücrelerin sayısı artmıştı. Yangı 14. günde azaldığı için indometazin grubu
hariç tüm gruplarda CD8 ve CD68pozitif hücrelerin sayısı azalmıştı. Sonuç
olarak, bizim bulgularımız gruplar arasında farklılığın olmadığını, CD8 ile
CD68 pozitif hücrelerin yangının dönemlerine göre arttığını göstermiştir.
- 1. Kılıç Müftüoglu I, Aydın Akova Y, Çetinkaya A. (2015). Korneal Yanıklarda Klinik ve Tedavi Yaklaşımımız. Turk J Ophthalmol. DOI: 10.4274 /tjo.9926.
- 2. Tuft SJ, Shortt AJ. (2009). Surgical Rehabilitation Following Severe Ocular Burns. Eye 23: 1966–1971.
- 3.Fish R, Davidson RS. (2010). Management of Ocular Thermal and Chemical Injuries, Including Amniotic Membrane Therapy. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 21(4):317-321.
- 4. Altan S, Ogurtan Z. (2017). Dimethyl Sulfoxide but not Indomethacin is Efficient for Healing of Hydrofluoric Acid Eye Burn. Burns. 43(1):232-244.
- 5. Altan S, Sağsöz H, Oğurtan Z. (2017). Topical Dimethyl Sulfoxide Inhibits Corneal Neovascularization and Stimu-lates Corneal Repair in Rabbits Following Acid Burn. Biotec Histochem. 92(8): 619-636.
- 6. Kim JW, Jeong H, Yang MS, Lim CW, Kim B. (2017). Therapeutic Effects of Zerumbone in an Alkali-Burned Corneal Wound Healing Model. Int Immunopharmacol. 48: 126-134.
- 7. Güney Saruhan B, Akbalık ME, Topaloğlu U ve ark. (2017). Tavşanlarda Hidroflorik Asit ile Oluşturulan Yanık Sonrası, DMSO ve İndometazinin Korneal Mast Hücreleri Üzerine Etkilerinin Araştırılması. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 10(2):130-137.
- 8. Chistiakov DA, Killingsworth MC, Myasoedova VA, Orekhov AN, Bobryshev YV. (2017). CD68/Macrosialin: Not Just a Histochemical Marker. Lab Invest. 97: 4-13.
- 9. Gottfried E, Kunz-Schughart LA, Weber A, et al. (2008). Expression of CD68 in Non-Myeloid Cell Types. Scand J Immunol. 67: 453-463.
- 10. Rehg JE, Bush D, Ward JM. (2012). The Utility of Immunohistochemistry for the Identification of Hemato-poietic and Lymphoid Cells in Normal Tissues and Inter-pretation of Proliferative and Inflammatory Lesions of Mice and Rats. Toxicol Pathol. 40(2): 345-374.
- 11. Amano S, Rohan R, Kuroki M, Tolentino M, Adamis AP. (1998). Requirement for Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Wound-and Inflammation-Related Corneal Neovascularization. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 39(1): 18-22.
- 12. Balicki I. (2012). Clinical Study on the Application of Tacrolimus and DMSO in the Treatment of Chronic Superficial Keratitis in Dogs. Pol J Vet Sci. 15(4): 667-676.
- 13. Bock F, Onderka J, Dietrich T, et al. (2007). Bevaci-zumab as Apotent Inhibitor of Inflammatory Corneal Angiogenesis and Lymph Angiogenesis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 48(6): 2545-2552.
- 14. Atley K, Ridyard E. (2015). Treatment of Hydrofluoric Acid Exposure to the Eye. Int J Ophthalmol. 8: 157-161.
- 15. Wagoner MD. (1997). Chemical Injuries of the Eye: Current Concepts in Pathophysiology and Therapy. Surv Ophthalmol. 41(4):275-313.
- 16. Prabhat KP, Sanaz AL. (2007). Ocular Emergencies. Am Fam Physician. 76(6): 829-836.
- 17. Laria C, Alio JL, Ruiz-Moreno JM. (1997). Combined Non-Steroidal Therapy in Experimental Corneal Injury. Ophthalmic Res. 29(3):145-53.
- 18. Saito T, Nishida K, Sugiyama H, et al. (2008). Abnor-mal Keratocytes and Stromal Inflammation in Chronic Phase of Severe Ocular Surface Diseases with Stem Cell Deficiency. Br J Ophthalmol. 92(3):404-410.
- 19. Beiran I, Miller B, Bentur Y. (1997). The Efficacy of Calcium Gluconate in Ocular Hydrofluoric Acid Burns. Hum & Exp Toxicol. 16(4):223-228.
- 20. Gordon DM, Kleberger KE. (1968). The effect of Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) on Animal and Human Eyes. Arch Ophthal. (4):423-427.
- 21. Kuffova L, Holan V, Lumsden L, Forrester JV, Filipec M. (1999). Cell Subpopulations in Failed Human Corneal Grafts. Br J Ophthalmol. 83: 1364-1369.