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Yıl 2017, , 657 - 690, 29.09.2017


Pazarlama iletişiminin bir parçası olan reklam iletişimi,
hedef kitleye, ürün/marka hakkında bilgi verme, ürüne/markaya değer katma,
çağrışım yapma ve ikna etme fonksiyonlarını yerine getirmekte önemli bir yere
sahiptir. Yapılan araştırmalar reklam tutumunun marka tutumunu etkilediğini ve
reklam tutumunun satın alma davranışında ise kısmen belirleyici olduğunu
göstermektedir. Reklam ve marka tutumu oluşumunda reklamı beğenme ya da itici
bulma duygusal ve bilişsel tutum unsurlarını şekillendirmektedir. Reklama maruz
kalan hedef kitle beğendiği reklamlardan etkilenmekte, ürün ya da marka
hakkında bilgi edinmek istemekte, o reklam ve marka hafızasında yer etmekte ve
belki satın alıp deneme davranışında bulunmaktadır. Reklamın beğenilmesinde
bireyden kaynaklanan kişisel faktörler bir tarafa, bireyin içinde bulunduğu
kültürel kalıplar, ait olduğu ülke faktörü özellikle küresel reklamlarda
verilmek istenen mesajın algılanması ve yorumlamasında önem kazanmaktadır.

Yapılan çalışmada cinsel çekicilik içeren reklamlar ve
reklamda yer alan marka tutumuna kültürel farklılıkların etkisini ortaya koymak
amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmada reklamlarda hiç, orta ve yüksek düzeyde cinsel
çekicilik kullanımı ve katılımcıların ülkesi bağımsız değişken, reklama karşı
tutum (Aad) ve markaya karşı tutum (Ab) bağımlı değişken ve Hofstede’in
kültürel boyutları ara (ortalayıcı) değişken olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada
öncüller arasında en büyük etkinin cinsellik seviyesi olduğu ve ülke faktörünün
ikinci sırada geldiği görülmüştür. 
Çalışmanın uluslararası pazarda yer edinmek isteyen küresel markalar
için kaynak teşkil edeceği, ayrıca 
akademik çalışmalar için katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. 


  • AAKER, Jennifer L. ve WİLLİAMS, Patti (1998). "Empathy versus Pride: The Influence of Emotional Appeals across Cultures", Journal of Consumer Research, 25, s.241-260. ALEXANDER, M. Wayne ve JUDD Jr., Ben. (1979). "Do Nudes In Advertising Enhance Brand Recall?", Journal of Advertising Research, 18 (1), s.47-50.
  • ALBERS-MİLLER, Nancy D. ve Gelb, Betsy D. (1996). "Business Advertising Appeals as a Mirror of Cultural Dimensions: A Study of Eleven Countries", Journal of Advertising, 25(4), s.57-70.
  • AL- JARRAH, Najah Ibrahim, (2012). Arab and American Cultural Values: A Comparison of Television and Magazine Advertising, Doktora Tezi, San Siego, USA: Alliant International University.
  • ARSLANTÜRK, Zeki, (2004), Sosyal Bilimciler İçin Araştırma Metod ve Teknikleri, (6. Baskı). İstanbul: Çamlıca Yayınları.
  • BAKER, Michael CHURCHİLL Jr., Gilbert A.(1977). "The Impact of Physically Attractive Models on Advertising Evaluations", Journal of Marketing Research, 14, s.538-555.
  • BEARD, Fred K. (2008)." Advertising and Audience Offense: The Role of Intentional Humor", Journal of Marketing Communications, 14(1), s.1–17.
  • BELLO, Daniel G.; PİTTS, Robert. E. ve ETZEL, Michael. J. (1983). "The Communication Effects of Controversial Sexual Content in Television Programs and Commericals", Journal of Retailing,3(12), s.32-47.
  • BERG, Eron and LİPPMAN, Louis G. (2000). "Does Humon in Radio Advertising Affect Recognition of Novel Product Brand Names", The Journal of General Psychology, 1 (28), s.194-205.
  • BRADLEY, Frank, (2002). Uluslar arası Pazarlama Stratejisi, (Çeviren: İçlem Er). İstanbul: Bilim Teknik Yayınevi.
  • BÜLBÜL, Cenk ve GEATA Menon, (2010)."The Power of Emotionai Appeals in Advertising the Influence of Concrete Versus Abstract Affect on Time-Dependent Decisions", Jornal of Advertising Research, s.169-180.DOI: 10.2501/S0021849910091336
  • CHANG, Chun-Tuan and TSENG, Chien-Hun (2013). "Can sex sell bread?.The İmpacts of Sexual Appeal Type, Product Type and Sensation Seeking", International Journal of Advertising, 32(4), s.559–585.
  • CHEONG, Yunjae; KİMB, Kihan ve ZHENG, Lu (2010). "Advertising Appeals as a Reflection of Culture: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Food Advertising Appeals in China And The US", Asian Journal of Communication. March: 20, s.1-16.
  • CHOİ, Sejung M.; LEE, Wei-Na. ve KİM, Hee-Jung (2005). Lessons from the Rich and Famous: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising, Journal Of Advertising, 34(2), s.80-98.
  • CLOW, Kenneth E. ve BAACK, Donald (2005). "Concise Encyclopedia of Advertising Best Business Books." (Editing: Kenneth E. Clow, Donald Baack). New York, USA: The Hawort Reference Press, 5-6.
  • CUİ, Geng ve YANG, Xiaoyan(2009)." Responses of Chinese Consumers to Sex Appeals in International Advertising: A Test of Congruency Theory", Journal of Global Marketing, 22, s. 229–245.
  • ÇELİK, Candan (2006). Uluslar arası Reklamcılıkta Kültürün Etkileri. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Basım ve Yayınevi.
  • ÇOKLUK, Ömay; ŞEKERCİOĞLU, Güçlü ve BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener (2012). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok değişkenli İstatistik. (2. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
  • DEMOOİJ Marieke ve HOFSTEDE, Geert (2011). "Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior: A Reviewof Research Findings", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23,s.181–192. DEMOOİJ, Marieke (2004). "Translating Advertising Painting the Tip of an Iceberg, the Translator. 10(2), s.179-198. Erişim Tarihi:14 Aralık 2008.
  • DROGE, Cornelia (1989). "Shaping the Route to Attitude Change: Central Versus Peripheral Processing through Comparative Versus Noncomparative Advertising", Journal of Marketing Research, 26, s.193-204.
  • DUNCAN, Calvin P. ve NELSON, James E. (1985). "Effects of Humor in a Radio Advertising Experiment", Journal of Advertising, 14 (2), s. 33-40.
  • DUTLEY, Sid C. (1999). "Consumer Attitudes toward Nudity in Advertising", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practise, 7, s.89-95.
  • EDELL, Julie BURKE, Marian C. (1987)."The power of Feelings in Understanding Advertising Effects" Journal of Consumer Research, Aralık, 14, s.421-43 ELDEN, Müge ve BAKIR, Uğur (2010). Reklam Çekicilikleri –Cinsellik, Mizah, Korku. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • ELDEN, Müge (2005)."Glokal Reklam Kampanyalarında Yaratıcılığın Önemi", 32, s.65-82. Erişim Tarihi:10 Aralık 2012.
  • ELLİOTT, Rıchard And ELLİOTT, Chrıstine (2005). "Idealized Images Of The Male Body in Advertising: A Reader-Response Exploration", Journal of Marketing Communications, 11(1), s.3-19.
  • GEGEZ, Ercan; ARSLAN, Müge; CENGİZ, Emrah ve UYARICI, Mert (2003). Uluslar arası Pazarlama Çevresi, İstanbul: DR Yayınları.
  • GARCİA, Eli. (2004). The Effects of Cultural Values on International Advertising Effectiveness: A Study of Sex Appeals in Fashion Advertising, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, El Paso: The University of Texas at El Paso
  • GARCİA, Eli ve YANG, Kenneth C. C. (2006). "Consumer Responses to Sexual Appeals in Cross-Cultural Advertisements", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 19(2), s.29-52
  • HOFSTEDE, Geert (2001). Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations, (2. Baskı). London (UK): Sage Publications.
  • HOEKEN, Hans; VAN DEN BRANDT, Corine; CRİJNS, Rogier; DOMİNGUEZ, Nuria; HENDRİKS, Berna; PLANKEN,Brigitt ve STARREN, Marianne (2003). "International Advertising in Western Europe: Should Differences in Uncertainty Avoidance Be Considered When Advertising in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Spain?", The Journal of Business Communication, 40(3), s195-216.
  • HAN, Sang Pil, ve SHAVİTT, Sharon (1994). "Persuasion and Culture: Advertising Appeals in Individualistic and CoUectivistic Societies," Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 30 (4), s.326-350.
  • JONES, Michael; ALONY, Irit (2007). "The Cultural İmpact of İnformation Systems – Through the Eyes of Hofstede – A Critical Journey.", Erişim Tarihi: 12.03.2013.
  • KALAYCI, Şeref (2010). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (5. Baskı). Ankara:Asil Yayınları.
  • KARTARİ, Asker (2001). Farklılıklarla Yaşamak. Ankara: Ürün Yayınları.
  • KELLER, P. Anand ve BLOCK, L. Goldberg. (1996). Increasing the Persuasiveness of Appeals: The Effect of Arousai and Elaboration. Journal of Consumet Resourch, 22(4), 448-459.
  • KELLY, Patrick, SOLOMON, Paul J. (1975). "Humor in Television Advertising", Journal of Advertising,4(3), s.33-35.
  • KİLBOURNE, William E., PAİNTON, Scott ve RİDLEY, Danny (1985). "The Effect of Sexual Embedding on Responses to Magazine Advertisements", Journal of Advertising, 14 (2), s. 48-56.
  • KOTLER, Philip T. ve AMSTRONG, Gary, (1999). Principles of Marketing. 5. Baskı, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN, Rengin (2009). Reklam Nasıl Çözümlenir. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • LATOUR, Michael S and HENTHORNE, Tony L. (1994). "Ethical Judgments of Sexual Appeals in Print Advertising" Journal of Advertising, 23(3), s.81–90.
  • LATOUR, Michael S., PİTTS, Robert E. ve SNOOK-LUTHER, David C. (1990). "Female Nudity, Arousal, and Ad Response: An Experimental Investigation", Journal of Advertising, 19(4), s.51-62.
  • LİU, Fang; CHENG, Hong ve Lİ, Jianyao (2009). "Consumer Responses to Sex Appeal Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Study", International Marketing Review, 26(4/5), s.501-520.
  • MACINNİS, Deborah J. ve JAWORSKİ, Bernard J. (1989). "Information Processing from Advertisements: Toward an Integrated Framework", Journal of Marketing, 53(4),s 1-23.
  • MADDEN, Thomas J. ve WEİNBERGER, Marc G. (1984). "Humor in Advertising: A Practitioner View", Journal of Advertising, 24(4), s.23-29. MİTCHELL, Andrew A. ve OLSON, Jerry C. (1981). "Are Product Attribute Beliefs the Only Mediator of Advertising Effects on Brand Attiude", Journal of Merketing Research, 18, s.318-332.
  • MUEHLİNG, Darrel D. (1987). "Comparative Advertising: The Influence of Attitude Toward the Ad on Brand Evaluation", Journal of Advertising, 16 (4),s 43-49.
  • NORDON, Luciara ve STEERS, Richard M. (2013). "The Culture Theory Jungle: Divergence and Convergence in Models of National Culture. (Editing: Rabi S. Bhagat and Richard M. Steers)", Cultural Foundations. USA: Cambridge Universty, s.1-10.
  • ODABAŞI, Yavuz, GÜLFİDAN Barış (2009). Tüketici Davranışları. İstanbul: Media Cat Yayınları.
  • OYEDELE, Adesegun; MİNOR, Michael GHANEM, Salma, (2009). "Signals Of Global Advertising Appeals In Emerging Markets", International Marketing Review, 26(4/5), s.521-541.
  • PAEK, Hye-Jin; NELSON, Michelle R. ve VİLELA, Alexandra M. (2010). "Examination Of Gender-Role Portrayals in Television Advertising across Seven Countries, Sex Roles", Springer Science Business Media, 64, s.192–207.
  • PETERSON, Robert A. ve KERİN, Roger A. (1977). "The Female Role in Advertisements: Some Experimental Evidence", Jounal of Marketing, 41 (4), s.59-63
  • POLLAY, Richard W., (1983). "Measuring Cultural Values Manifest in Advertising", Current İssue and Research in Advertising, 6, s.71-92.
  • REİCHERT, Tom; CHİLDERS, Courtney C. ve LEONARD, Reid N. (2012). "How Sex in Advertising Varies by Product Category: An Analysis of Three Decades of Visual Sexual Imagery in Magazine Advertising", Journal of Current Issues & Research In Advertising, 33(1), s.1-19.
  • REİCHERT, Tom (2004). Reklamcılığın Erotik Tarihi. (Çeviren: Vahit Bora). İstanbul: Güncel Yayıncılık.
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  • SEVERN, Jessica; BELCH, George E. ve BELCH, Michael A. (1990). "The Effects of Sexual and Non-sexual Advertising Appeals and Information Level on Cognitive Processing and Communication Effectiveness", Journal of Advertising, 19(1), s.14-22.
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  • (


Yıl 2017, , 657 - 690, 29.09.2017


advertising, as a part of marketing communication, has a crucial role in
several functions such as informing the target audience about a product/brand,
promoting the product/brand, making connotations for consumers and persuading
the public. The conducted studies point out that the attitudes toward the ads
directly affect attitudes towards the brand and they are also partially determinant
on purchase. Favoring an advertisement or finding it unfavorable shape
perceptional and cognitive factors on the formation of ad and brand attitudes. The
target audience seeing the advertisement are affected by the ads they favor,
they are also more eager to get information about the product or the brand, and
they may even buy and try the product. When it comes to favor an advertisement,
country and culture factors to which the audience belongs as well individual
factors as play a highly important role.

In the present study,
it is aimed to determine the effects of cultural differences of the
advertisements with a sex appeal and the attitudes towards the brand in that
advertisement. In the study, none, mild and overt sex appeal ads and
nationality as independent variables; consumers’ attitudes toward the ads (Aad)
and attitudes toward the brand (Ab)   as dependent
variables; Hofstede’s cultural dimensions are determined as medium variables. In
research, sex appeal level has the biggest impact and country differences come
as a second. It is considered that the current study can provide a resource for
the global brands in the international market, and it can also contribute to
the studies in the academic area.


  • AAKER, Jennifer L. ve WİLLİAMS, Patti (1998). "Empathy versus Pride: The Influence of Emotional Appeals across Cultures", Journal of Consumer Research, 25, s.241-260. ALEXANDER, M. Wayne ve JUDD Jr., Ben. (1979). "Do Nudes In Advertising Enhance Brand Recall?", Journal of Advertising Research, 18 (1), s.47-50.
  • ALBERS-MİLLER, Nancy D. ve Gelb, Betsy D. (1996). "Business Advertising Appeals as a Mirror of Cultural Dimensions: A Study of Eleven Countries", Journal of Advertising, 25(4), s.57-70.
  • AL- JARRAH, Najah Ibrahim, (2012). Arab and American Cultural Values: A Comparison of Television and Magazine Advertising, Doktora Tezi, San Siego, USA: Alliant International University.
  • ARSLANTÜRK, Zeki, (2004), Sosyal Bilimciler İçin Araştırma Metod ve Teknikleri, (6. Baskı). İstanbul: Çamlıca Yayınları.
  • BAKER, Michael CHURCHİLL Jr., Gilbert A.(1977). "The Impact of Physically Attractive Models on Advertising Evaluations", Journal of Marketing Research, 14, s.538-555.
  • BEARD, Fred K. (2008)." Advertising and Audience Offense: The Role of Intentional Humor", Journal of Marketing Communications, 14(1), s.1–17.
  • BELLO, Daniel G.; PİTTS, Robert. E. ve ETZEL, Michael. J. (1983). "The Communication Effects of Controversial Sexual Content in Television Programs and Commericals", Journal of Retailing,3(12), s.32-47.
  • BERG, Eron and LİPPMAN, Louis G. (2000). "Does Humon in Radio Advertising Affect Recognition of Novel Product Brand Names", The Journal of General Psychology, 1 (28), s.194-205.
  • BRADLEY, Frank, (2002). Uluslar arası Pazarlama Stratejisi, (Çeviren: İçlem Er). İstanbul: Bilim Teknik Yayınevi.
  • BÜLBÜL, Cenk ve GEATA Menon, (2010)."The Power of Emotionai Appeals in Advertising the Influence of Concrete Versus Abstract Affect on Time-Dependent Decisions", Jornal of Advertising Research, s.169-180.DOI: 10.2501/S0021849910091336
  • CHANG, Chun-Tuan and TSENG, Chien-Hun (2013). "Can sex sell bread?.The İmpacts of Sexual Appeal Type, Product Type and Sensation Seeking", International Journal of Advertising, 32(4), s.559–585.
  • CHEONG, Yunjae; KİMB, Kihan ve ZHENG, Lu (2010). "Advertising Appeals as a Reflection of Culture: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Food Advertising Appeals in China And The US", Asian Journal of Communication. March: 20, s.1-16.
  • CHOİ, Sejung M.; LEE, Wei-Na. ve KİM, Hee-Jung (2005). Lessons from the Rich and Famous: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising, Journal Of Advertising, 34(2), s.80-98.
  • CLOW, Kenneth E. ve BAACK, Donald (2005). "Concise Encyclopedia of Advertising Best Business Books." (Editing: Kenneth E. Clow, Donald Baack). New York, USA: The Hawort Reference Press, 5-6.
  • CUİ, Geng ve YANG, Xiaoyan(2009)." Responses of Chinese Consumers to Sex Appeals in International Advertising: A Test of Congruency Theory", Journal of Global Marketing, 22, s. 229–245.
  • ÇELİK, Candan (2006). Uluslar arası Reklamcılıkta Kültürün Etkileri. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Basım ve Yayınevi.
  • ÇOKLUK, Ömay; ŞEKERCİOĞLU, Güçlü ve BÜYÜKÖZTÜRK, Şener (2012). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok değişkenli İstatistik. (2. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
  • DEMOOİJ Marieke ve HOFSTEDE, Geert (2011). "Cross-Cultural Consumer Behavior: A Reviewof Research Findings", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 23,s.181–192. DEMOOİJ, Marieke (2004). "Translating Advertising Painting the Tip of an Iceberg, the Translator. 10(2), s.179-198. Erişim Tarihi:14 Aralık 2008.
  • DROGE, Cornelia (1989). "Shaping the Route to Attitude Change: Central Versus Peripheral Processing through Comparative Versus Noncomparative Advertising", Journal of Marketing Research, 26, s.193-204.
  • DUNCAN, Calvin P. ve NELSON, James E. (1985). "Effects of Humor in a Radio Advertising Experiment", Journal of Advertising, 14 (2), s. 33-40.
  • DUTLEY, Sid C. (1999). "Consumer Attitudes toward Nudity in Advertising", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practise, 7, s.89-95.
  • EDELL, Julie BURKE, Marian C. (1987)."The power of Feelings in Understanding Advertising Effects" Journal of Consumer Research, Aralık, 14, s.421-43 ELDEN, Müge ve BAKIR, Uğur (2010). Reklam Çekicilikleri –Cinsellik, Mizah, Korku. İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
  • ELDEN, Müge (2005)."Glokal Reklam Kampanyalarında Yaratıcılığın Önemi", 32, s.65-82. Erişim Tarihi:10 Aralık 2012.
  • ELLİOTT, Rıchard And ELLİOTT, Chrıstine (2005). "Idealized Images Of The Male Body in Advertising: A Reader-Response Exploration", Journal of Marketing Communications, 11(1), s.3-19.
  • GEGEZ, Ercan; ARSLAN, Müge; CENGİZ, Emrah ve UYARICI, Mert (2003). Uluslar arası Pazarlama Çevresi, İstanbul: DR Yayınları.
  • GARCİA, Eli. (2004). The Effects of Cultural Values on International Advertising Effectiveness: A Study of Sex Appeals in Fashion Advertising, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, El Paso: The University of Texas at El Paso
  • GARCİA, Eli ve YANG, Kenneth C. C. (2006). "Consumer Responses to Sexual Appeals in Cross-Cultural Advertisements", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, Vol. 19(2), s.29-52
  • HOFSTEDE, Geert (2001). Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations, (2. Baskı). London (UK): Sage Publications.
  • HOEKEN, Hans; VAN DEN BRANDT, Corine; CRİJNS, Rogier; DOMİNGUEZ, Nuria; HENDRİKS, Berna; PLANKEN,Brigitt ve STARREN, Marianne (2003). "International Advertising in Western Europe: Should Differences in Uncertainty Avoidance Be Considered When Advertising in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Spain?", The Journal of Business Communication, 40(3), s195-216.
  • HAN, Sang Pil, ve SHAVİTT, Sharon (1994). "Persuasion and Culture: Advertising Appeals in Individualistic and CoUectivistic Societies," Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 30 (4), s.326-350.
  • JONES, Michael; ALONY, Irit (2007). "The Cultural İmpact of İnformation Systems – Through the Eyes of Hofstede – A Critical Journey.", Erişim Tarihi: 12.03.2013.
  • KALAYCI, Şeref (2010). SPSS Uygulamalı Çok Değişkenli İstatistik Teknikleri (5. Baskı). Ankara:Asil Yayınları.
  • KARTARİ, Asker (2001). Farklılıklarla Yaşamak. Ankara: Ürün Yayınları.
  • KELLER, P. Anand ve BLOCK, L. Goldberg. (1996). Increasing the Persuasiveness of Appeals: The Effect of Arousai and Elaboration. Journal of Consumet Resourch, 22(4), 448-459.
  • KELLY, Patrick, SOLOMON, Paul J. (1975). "Humor in Television Advertising", Journal of Advertising,4(3), s.33-35.
  • KİLBOURNE, William E., PAİNTON, Scott ve RİDLEY, Danny (1985). "The Effect of Sexual Embedding on Responses to Magazine Advertisements", Journal of Advertising, 14 (2), s. 48-56.
  • KOTLER, Philip T. ve AMSTRONG, Gary, (1999). Principles of Marketing. 5. Baskı, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • KÜÇÜKERDOĞAN, Rengin (2009). Reklam Nasıl Çözümlenir. İstanbul: Beta Yayınları.
  • LATOUR, Michael S and HENTHORNE, Tony L. (1994). "Ethical Judgments of Sexual Appeals in Print Advertising" Journal of Advertising, 23(3), s.81–90.
  • LATOUR, Michael S., PİTTS, Robert E. ve SNOOK-LUTHER, David C. (1990). "Female Nudity, Arousal, and Ad Response: An Experimental Investigation", Journal of Advertising, 19(4), s.51-62.
  • LİU, Fang; CHENG, Hong ve Lİ, Jianyao (2009). "Consumer Responses to Sex Appeal Advertising: A Cross-Cultural Study", International Marketing Review, 26(4/5), s.501-520.
  • MACINNİS, Deborah J. ve JAWORSKİ, Bernard J. (1989). "Information Processing from Advertisements: Toward an Integrated Framework", Journal of Marketing, 53(4),s 1-23.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Emine Şahin

İmran Aslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Eylül 2017
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Haziran 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahin, E., & Aslan, İ. (2017). CİNSEL ÇEKİCİLİK İÇEREN TELEVİZYON REKLAMLARINA YÖNELİK TUTUM OLUŞUMUNDA KÜLTÜREL FARKLILIKLARIN ROLÜ. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 5(2), 657-690.
Chicago Şahin, Emine, ve İmran Aslan. “CİNSEL ÇEKİCİLİK İÇEREN TELEVİZYON REKLAMLARINA YÖNELİK TUTUM OLUŞUMUNDA KÜLTÜREL FARKLILIKLARIN ROLÜ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 5, sy. 2 (Eylül 2017): 657-90.
EndNote Şahin E, Aslan İ (01 Eylül 2017) CİNSEL ÇEKİCİLİK İÇEREN TELEVİZYON REKLAMLARINA YÖNELİK TUTUM OLUŞUMUNDA KÜLTÜREL FARKLILIKLARIN ROLÜ. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 5 2 657–690.
IEEE E. Şahin ve İ. Aslan, “CİNSEL ÇEKİCİLİK İÇEREN TELEVİZYON REKLAMLARINA YÖNELİK TUTUM OLUŞUMUNDA KÜLTÜREL FARKLILIKLARIN ROLÜ”, e-gifder, c. 5, sy. 2, ss. 657–690, 2017, doi: 10.19145/e-gifder.322299.
ISNAD Şahin, Emine - Aslan, İmran. “CİNSEL ÇEKİCİLİK İÇEREN TELEVİZYON REKLAMLARINA YÖNELİK TUTUM OLUŞUMUNDA KÜLTÜREL FARKLILIKLARIN ROLÜ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 5/2 (Eylül 2017), 657-690.
MLA Şahin, Emine ve İmran Aslan. “CİNSEL ÇEKİCİLİK İÇEREN TELEVİZYON REKLAMLARINA YÖNELİK TUTUM OLUŞUMUNDA KÜLTÜREL FARKLILIKLARIN ROLÜ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, c. 5, sy. 2, 2017, ss. 657-90, doi:10.19145/e-gifder.322299.