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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 133 - 152, 01.05.2007


The study investigates the innovation and creativity terms which is studied in micro organization theory and takes in to consideration in individual, group and organizational context. The similarities and dissimilarities are determined by the literature survey. According to the findings of the survey, the propositions are projected as these concepts must be evaluated together


  • ABRAHAMSON, E., (1991): “Managerial Fads and Fashions: The Diffusion and Rejection of Innovations”, Academy of Management Review, 18(3):487-517.
  • AMABILE, Teresa M., “What Does a Theory of Creativity Require?”. Psychological Inquiry, 4(2):179-237
  • AMABILE, Teresa M., (1995): “Attributions of Creativity: What Are the Consequences?”. Creativity Research Journal, 4, 423-426.
  • AMABILE, Teresa M., Hadley, Constance N., (2002): “Creativity Under the Gun”.
  • Harvard Business Review, 80(8): 45-67. ANDRIOPOULOS, C., (2001): “Determinants of Organizational Creativity; A
  • Literature Review”. Management Decision, 39(10): 834-840. ARENOFSKY, J., “How to Put Creativity into Your Work Life”. Career World, (1):24-29
  • BHARADWAJ S., ve MENON, A., (2000): “Making Innovation Happen in
  • Organizations: Individual Creativity Mechanisms, Organizational Creativity Mechanisms or Both?”. Journal of Production Innovation Making, 17, 424-434. BAJER, J., (2003): “How to Make Innovation a “Way of Being”. Knowledge
  • Management Review, 6(1):8-10. CLARK, K. (1999): “Justice and Positive and Negative Creativity”. Creativity
  • Research Journal, 12 (3), 311-321. DAMANPOUR, F., ve GOPALAKRIHNAN, S., (2001): “The Dynamics of Adoption of
  • Product and Process of Innovations”. Journal of Management Studies, 38(1):45-65
  • DRUCKER, P. (2002): “The Discipline of Innovation”. Harvard Business Review, 80 (8), 95-102.
  • EISENBERG, J. (1999): “How Individualism-Collectivism Moderates the Effects of
  • Rewards on Innovation and Innovation: A Comparative Review of Practices in Japan and the US”. Creativity and Innovation Management, 8 (4): 251-262. FLORIDA, R., CUHSING G., GATES G. (2002): “When Social Capitalism Stifles
  • Innovation”. Harvard Business Review, 80 (8):20. GELADE, G. A., (2002): “Creative Style, Personality, and Artistic Endeavor”.
  • Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs, 128 (3): 213-235. GOLDSMITH, R. E., MATHERLY, T. A. (1987): “Adaption-Innovation and Self
  • Esteem”. Journal of Social Psychology, 127(3): 20-23. HIGGINS, M., MORGAN J. (2000): “The Role of Creativity in Planning: The ‘Creative
  • Practitioner’”. Planning Practice & Research, 15 (1/2):117-128. HORIBE, F. (2003): “Innovation, Creativity, and Improvement". Canadian Manager, (2): 20-23.
  • HUBER, G. (1998): “Synergies between Organizational Learning and Creativity &
  • Innovation”. Creativity and Innovation Management, 7 (1): 3-9. HARNARD, S. (Bt)., “Creativity: Method or Magic?”, web: /~harnard/Hyper-mail/Foundations.Cognitive.Science2000/0012.html., (18.07.2003)
  • JAMES, K., CLARK, K., CROPANZANO, R., (1999): “Positive and Negative
  • Creativity in Groups, Institutions and Organizations: A Model and Theoretical Extension”. Creativity Research Journal, 12(3):211-226. KIRTON, M., BAILEY, A. (1991): “Adaptors and Innovators: Preference for
  • Educational Procedures”. Journal of Psychology, 125 (4). LEVITT, T. (2002): “Creativity is not Enough”. Harvard Business Review, 80 (8), 137
  • MAHAJAN, V., MULLER M., BASS, Frank M. (1990): “New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing: A Review and Directions for Research.” The Journal of Marketing, 14, 26
  • MILLER, M. (2001): “Break down Barriers to Innovation & Creativity”. Credit Union Magazine, 67 (9): 22-24.
  • MITSUFUJI, T. (2001): “How an Innavation is Formed: A Case Study of Japanese
  • Word Processors”, Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation, Holland. MUMFORD, M. D. (2000): “Managing Creative People: Strategies and Tactics for
  • Innovation”. Human Resource Management Review. 10 (3):313-352. MUMFORD, M. D. (2002): “Social Innovation: Ten Cases from Benjamin Franklin”.
  • Creativity Research Journal, 14 (2): 253-267. PATTON, J. D. (2002): “The Role of Pioneers in Creative Innovation”. Creativity
  • Research Journal, 14 (1): 111-127. PAULUS, P. B. (2000): “Groups, Teams, and Creativity: The Creative Potential of
  • Idea Generating Groups”. Applied Psychology, 49 (2): 237-263. PERRY-SMITH, J. E., SHALLEY, C. E. (2003): ”The Social Side of Creativity: A
  • Static and Dynamic Social Network Perspective”. Academy of Management Review, (1): 89-107. RUSCIO, A. M., AMABILE T. M. (1999): “Effects of Instructional Style on Problem
  • Solving Creativity”. Creativity Research Journal, 12 (4): 251-267. ROGERS, Everett M. (1995): Diffusion of Innovations, Free Pres, New York.
  • ROGERS, Everett M., SCOTT, Karilyn L. (1997): “The Diffusion of Innovations model and National Network of Libraries of Medicine to Native American
  • Communities”, Paper Presented in National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Seattle-Usa. SADLER-SMITH, E., BADGER, B. (1998): “Cognitive Style, Learning, and Innovation”. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 10 (2): 247-266.
  • SCOTT, A. (1997): “Creative? Who, me?”. Des Moines Record, 93 (10), 8.
  • SEBELL, M. H. (2002). “Nine Myths Kill Innovation”. Executive Excellence, 19 (4):
  • SKINNER, Nicholas F., DRAKE, Jillian M., (2003): “Behavioral Implications of
  • Adaption-Innovation: III. Adaption-Innovation, Achievement Motivation, and Academic Performance”, Social Behavior & Personality, Vol. 31(1):101-106. SUTTON, R. I. (2002): “Why Innovation Happens When Happy People Fight?.” Ivey
  • Business Journal, 67 (2): 1-7. THOMPSON, V. (1965): “Bureaucracy and Innovation.”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 10(1):1-21.
  • TORRANCE, E. Paul., (1993): “Understanding Creativity: Where to Start?”.
  • WEJNERT, B., (2002): “Integrating Models of Diffusion of Innovations: A Conceptual Framework”. Annual Review of Sociology, 28:297-326.
  • WRIGHT, M. & CHARLETT, D (1995): “New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing: An Assesment of two Approaches”, Marketing Bulletin, 6:32-41.


Yıl 2007, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 133 - 152, 01.05.2007


Çalışma, mikro örgüt kuramlarının incelediği yenilik ve yaratıcılık kavramlarını, birey, grup ve örgüt bağlamında ele almıştır. Yenilik ve yaratıcılık kavramlarının kendine has özellikleri ve birbirleri arasındaki benzerlikler ve farklılıklar yazın taraması yoluyla belirlenmiştir. Benzerlik ve farklılıklardan yola çıkarak farklı önerilerde bulunulmuş ve bu iki kavramın farklı bağlamlarda da ayrı ayrı olarak değil bir arada ele alınmasının gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır


  • ABRAHAMSON, E., (1991): “Managerial Fads and Fashions: The Diffusion and Rejection of Innovations”, Academy of Management Review, 18(3):487-517.
  • AMABILE, Teresa M., “What Does a Theory of Creativity Require?”. Psychological Inquiry, 4(2):179-237
  • AMABILE, Teresa M., (1995): “Attributions of Creativity: What Are the Consequences?”. Creativity Research Journal, 4, 423-426.
  • AMABILE, Teresa M., Hadley, Constance N., (2002): “Creativity Under the Gun”.
  • Harvard Business Review, 80(8): 45-67. ANDRIOPOULOS, C., (2001): “Determinants of Organizational Creativity; A
  • Literature Review”. Management Decision, 39(10): 834-840. ARENOFSKY, J., “How to Put Creativity into Your Work Life”. Career World, (1):24-29
  • BHARADWAJ S., ve MENON, A., (2000): “Making Innovation Happen in
  • Organizations: Individual Creativity Mechanisms, Organizational Creativity Mechanisms or Both?”. Journal of Production Innovation Making, 17, 424-434. BAJER, J., (2003): “How to Make Innovation a “Way of Being”. Knowledge
  • Management Review, 6(1):8-10. CLARK, K. (1999): “Justice and Positive and Negative Creativity”. Creativity
  • Research Journal, 12 (3), 311-321. DAMANPOUR, F., ve GOPALAKRIHNAN, S., (2001): “The Dynamics of Adoption of
  • Product and Process of Innovations”. Journal of Management Studies, 38(1):45-65
  • DRUCKER, P. (2002): “The Discipline of Innovation”. Harvard Business Review, 80 (8), 95-102.
  • EISENBERG, J. (1999): “How Individualism-Collectivism Moderates the Effects of
  • Rewards on Innovation and Innovation: A Comparative Review of Practices in Japan and the US”. Creativity and Innovation Management, 8 (4): 251-262. FLORIDA, R., CUHSING G., GATES G. (2002): “When Social Capitalism Stifles
  • Innovation”. Harvard Business Review, 80 (8):20. GELADE, G. A., (2002): “Creative Style, Personality, and Artistic Endeavor”.
  • Genetic, Social & General Psychology Monographs, 128 (3): 213-235. GOLDSMITH, R. E., MATHERLY, T. A. (1987): “Adaption-Innovation and Self
  • Esteem”. Journal of Social Psychology, 127(3): 20-23. HIGGINS, M., MORGAN J. (2000): “The Role of Creativity in Planning: The ‘Creative
  • Practitioner’”. Planning Practice & Research, 15 (1/2):117-128. HORIBE, F. (2003): “Innovation, Creativity, and Improvement". Canadian Manager, (2): 20-23.
  • HUBER, G. (1998): “Synergies between Organizational Learning and Creativity &
  • Innovation”. Creativity and Innovation Management, 7 (1): 3-9. HARNARD, S. (Bt)., “Creativity: Method or Magic?”, web: /~harnard/Hyper-mail/Foundations.Cognitive.Science2000/0012.html., (18.07.2003)
  • JAMES, K., CLARK, K., CROPANZANO, R., (1999): “Positive and Negative
  • Creativity in Groups, Institutions and Organizations: A Model and Theoretical Extension”. Creativity Research Journal, 12(3):211-226. KIRTON, M., BAILEY, A. (1991): “Adaptors and Innovators: Preference for
  • Educational Procedures”. Journal of Psychology, 125 (4). LEVITT, T. (2002): “Creativity is not Enough”. Harvard Business Review, 80 (8), 137
  • MAHAJAN, V., MULLER M., BASS, Frank M. (1990): “New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing: A Review and Directions for Research.” The Journal of Marketing, 14, 26
  • MILLER, M. (2001): “Break down Barriers to Innovation & Creativity”. Credit Union Magazine, 67 (9): 22-24.
  • MITSUFUJI, T. (2001): “How an Innavation is Formed: A Case Study of Japanese
  • Word Processors”, Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Technology, Policy and Innovation, Holland. MUMFORD, M. D. (2000): “Managing Creative People: Strategies and Tactics for
  • Innovation”. Human Resource Management Review. 10 (3):313-352. MUMFORD, M. D. (2002): “Social Innovation: Ten Cases from Benjamin Franklin”.
  • Creativity Research Journal, 14 (2): 253-267. PATTON, J. D. (2002): “The Role of Pioneers in Creative Innovation”. Creativity
  • Research Journal, 14 (1): 111-127. PAULUS, P. B. (2000): “Groups, Teams, and Creativity: The Creative Potential of
  • Idea Generating Groups”. Applied Psychology, 49 (2): 237-263. PERRY-SMITH, J. E., SHALLEY, C. E. (2003): ”The Social Side of Creativity: A
  • Static and Dynamic Social Network Perspective”. Academy of Management Review, (1): 89-107. RUSCIO, A. M., AMABILE T. M. (1999): “Effects of Instructional Style on Problem
  • Solving Creativity”. Creativity Research Journal, 12 (4): 251-267. ROGERS, Everett M. (1995): Diffusion of Innovations, Free Pres, New York.
  • ROGERS, Everett M., SCOTT, Karilyn L. (1997): “The Diffusion of Innovations model and National Network of Libraries of Medicine to Native American
  • Communities”, Paper Presented in National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Seattle-Usa. SADLER-SMITH, E., BADGER, B. (1998): “Cognitive Style, Learning, and Innovation”. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 10 (2): 247-266.
  • SCOTT, A. (1997): “Creative? Who, me?”. Des Moines Record, 93 (10), 8.
  • SEBELL, M. H. (2002). “Nine Myths Kill Innovation”. Executive Excellence, 19 (4):
  • SKINNER, Nicholas F., DRAKE, Jillian M., (2003): “Behavioral Implications of
  • Adaption-Innovation: III. Adaption-Innovation, Achievement Motivation, and Academic Performance”, Social Behavior & Personality, Vol. 31(1):101-106. SUTTON, R. I. (2002): “Why Innovation Happens When Happy People Fight?.” Ivey
  • Business Journal, 67 (2): 1-7. THOMPSON, V. (1965): “Bureaucracy and Innovation.”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 10(1):1-21.
  • TORRANCE, E. Paul., (1993): “Understanding Creativity: Where to Start?”.
  • WEJNERT, B., (2002): “Integrating Models of Diffusion of Innovations: A Conceptual Framework”. Annual Review of Sociology, 28:297-326.
  • WRIGHT, M. & CHARLETT, D (1995): “New Product Diffusion Models in Marketing: An Assesment of two Approaches”, Marketing Bulletin, 6:32-41.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Siyaset Bilimi
Diğer ID JA83CJ79UD
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Hakkı Okan Yeloğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mayıs 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yeloğlu, H. O. (2007). ÖRGÜT, BİREY, GRUP BAĞLAMINDA YENİLİK ve YARATICILIK TARTIŞMALARI. Ege Academic Review, 7(1), 133-152.
Chicago Yeloğlu, Hakkı Okan. “ÖRGÜT, BİREY, GRUP BAĞLAMINDA YENİLİK Ve YARATICILIK TARTIŞMALARI”. Ege Academic Review 7, sy. 1 (Mayıs 2007): 133-52.
EndNote Yeloğlu HO (01 Mayıs 2007) ÖRGÜT, BİREY, GRUP BAĞLAMINDA YENİLİK ve YARATICILIK TARTIŞMALARI. Ege Academic Review 7 1 133–152.
IEEE H. O. Yeloğlu, “ÖRGÜT, BİREY, GRUP BAĞLAMINDA YENİLİK ve YARATICILIK TARTIŞMALARI”, eab, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 133–152, 2007.
ISNAD Yeloğlu, Hakkı Okan. “ÖRGÜT, BİREY, GRUP BAĞLAMINDA YENİLİK Ve YARATICILIK TARTIŞMALARI”. Ege Academic Review 7/1 (Mayıs 2007), 133-152.
MLA Yeloğlu, Hakkı Okan. “ÖRGÜT, BİREY, GRUP BAĞLAMINDA YENİLİK Ve YARATICILIK TARTIŞMALARI”. Ege Academic Review, c. 7, sy. 1, 2007, ss. 133-52.