Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 21.04.2023
Revita Yanuarsari
Ella Latifah
Lısnawatı Lısnawatı
Sari Rahayu
Agus Mulyanto
Ikka Kartika
Freedom to learn is freedom of thought and innovation. The Independent Learning curriculum aims to strengthen students' character education through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project program. A cross-disciplinary project that is contextual and based on community needs or problems in the academic unit environment. This study aims to (1) describe the implementation of a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students at SMP IT YPI An-Nur; (2) analyze the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the Pancasila student profile strengthening project at IT YPI An-Nur Middle School. Methods This research through descriptive research with qualitative methods. The subjects of this research were Principals, Teachers, and Students of SMP IT YPI An-Nur Grade VII SMP. The results of the study stated that in the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) activities, students experienced development after participating in the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. Some of the abilities students gain include the ability to work together, creativity, problem-solving skills, and skills to make entrepreneurial products to foster an entrepreneurial spirit in students. The supporting and inhibiting factors for the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) are implementing a character education culture, the presence of teachers who have good morals, and being in a positive environment. While the inhibiting factors are the lack of infrastructure provision and the teacher's lack of understanding of the P5 concept.
- BSKAP, KR (2022). Guide to the Development of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project.
- Cahyani, SSA, Timan, A., & Sultoni, S. (2019). Management of Entrepreneurship Training for Students in Kampoeng Kidz. Journal of Educational Administration and Management, 2(1), 001–009.
- Dewanti, W. (2015). The school's efforts in developing students' entrepreneurial spirit (a case study on boutique fashion students at SMK N 6 Semarang), Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University: Semarang.
- Dlingo, S. 1. (2022). Project Guide to Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles.
Fadillah, S., Wiwit, & Aisyah. (2022). Improving Students' Understanding of Social Arithmetic Material Through the Project Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles. Journal of Mathematics Education, 13(2), 167–176.
- Hamidah, J. (2022). Training on Project Preparation for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles for Principals and Elementary School Teachers in Banjar-South Kalimantan District. JURNAL CEMERLANG: Community Service, 4(2), 259–271.
- Jufri, M. (2022). Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. In Eureka Media Aksara.
- Maknuni, J. (2021). Elementary School Strategies in Fostering Students' Entrepreneurial Spirit Strategies for Fostering Entrepreneurship Value on Students in Elementary School. CONTEXTUAL Scientific Journal, 2(2), 9–16.
- Mery, M., Martono, M., Halidjah, S., & Hartoyo, A. (2022). Student Synergy in the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. Basic Edu Journal, 6(5), 7840–7849.
- Mulyani, E. (2012). Model of Entrepreneurship Education in Primary and Secondary Education. Journal of Economics and Education, 8(1), 1–18.
- Nisa', Z. (2022). Implementation of Independent Curriculum-Oriented 21st Century Learning Skills in Learning Projects to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles at SMP Al-Falah Deltasari Sidoarjo (pp. 1–25).
- Noviani, L., Wahida, A., & Umiatsih, ST (2022). Entrepreneurship Project Implementation Strategy at SMA Negeri 1 Sumberlawan. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 27(1), 60.\
- Nugraha, D., Wulandari, MA, Yuningsih, E., & Setiani, N. (2022). Formation of Student Character through the Entrepreneurship Program in Elementary Schools. Basicedu Journal, 6(4), 6754–6762.\
- Nurasiah, I., Marini, A., Nafiah, M., & Rachmawati, N. (2022). Value of Local Wisdom: New Paradigm Project, Mobilizing School Program to Realize Pancasila Student Profiles. Basicedu Journal, 6(3), 3639–3648.
- Rachmawati, N., Marini, A., Nafiah, M., & Nurasiah, I. (2022). Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles in the Implementation of Prototype Curriculum in Elementary Schools. Basicedu Journal, 6(3), 3613–3625.
- Rizal, Y., Deovany, M., & Andini, AS (2022). Student Confidence in the Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. SOCIAL HORIZON: Journal of Social Education, 9(1), 46–57.
- Rusmana, D., Murtini, W., & Harini, H. (2020). The Influence of 21st Century Digital Skills on Entrepreneurship Education to Improve Entrepreneurial Competence of Vocational High School Students. Journal of Educational Economics and Entrepreneurship, 8(1), 17.
- Shokib Rondli, W. (2022). Growing Entrepreneurial Value in Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles Through Project Market Learning. Journal of Prakarsa Paedagogia, 5(1), 111.
- Susilawati, E., Sarifudin, S., & Muslim, S. (2021). Internalization of Pancasila Values in Learning Through the Application of Pancasila Student Profiles Assisted by the Freedom to Teach Platform. Technodic Journal, 25(2), 155–167.
- Wahyuni, WR (2022). Planning for the Implementation of the P5 Activity Module (Entrepreneurship) in Phase B at Banjarejo Sdn. Proceedings of the Basic Scientific Conference (KID), p. 3, 1627–1634.
- Wijayanti, PS, Jamilah, F., Herawati, TR, & Kusumaningrum, RN (2022). Strengthening the Preparation of the Pancasila Student Profile Project Module at SMA Level Driving Schools. Abdimas Nusantara, 3(2), 43–49.
- Zuriah , N., & Sunaryo, H. (2022).Teacher's Handbook PPKN in Elementary Schools. Journal of Civic Law, 7(1), 71–87.
Year 2023,
Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 1 - 11, 21.04.2023
Revita Yanuarsari
Ella Latifah
Lısnawatı Lısnawatı
Sari Rahayu
Agus Mulyanto
Ikka Kartika
- BSKAP, KR (2022). Guide to the Development of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project.
- Cahyani, SSA, Timan, A., & Sultoni, S. (2019). Management of Entrepreneurship Training for Students in Kampoeng Kidz. Journal of Educational Administration and Management, 2(1), 001–009.
- Dewanti, W. (2015). The school's efforts in developing students' entrepreneurial spirit (a case study on boutique fashion students at SMK N 6 Semarang), Thesis, Faculty of Engineering, Semarang State University: Semarang.
- Dlingo, S. 1. (2022). Project Guide to Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles.
Fadillah, S., Wiwit, & Aisyah. (2022). Improving Students' Understanding of Social Arithmetic Material Through the Project Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles. Journal of Mathematics Education, 13(2), 167–176.
- Hamidah, J. (2022). Training on Project Preparation for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles for Principals and Elementary School Teachers in Banjar-South Kalimantan District. JURNAL CEMERLANG: Community Service, 4(2), 259–271.
- Jufri, M. (2022). Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. In Eureka Media Aksara.
- Maknuni, J. (2021). Elementary School Strategies in Fostering Students' Entrepreneurial Spirit Strategies for Fostering Entrepreneurship Value on Students in Elementary School. CONTEXTUAL Scientific Journal, 2(2), 9–16.
- Mery, M., Martono, M., Halidjah, S., & Hartoyo, A. (2022). Student Synergy in the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. Basic Edu Journal, 6(5), 7840–7849.
- Mulyani, E. (2012). Model of Entrepreneurship Education in Primary and Secondary Education. Journal of Economics and Education, 8(1), 1–18.
- Nisa', Z. (2022). Implementation of Independent Curriculum-Oriented 21st Century Learning Skills in Learning Projects to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles at SMP Al-Falah Deltasari Sidoarjo (pp. 1–25).
- Noviani, L., Wahida, A., & Umiatsih, ST (2022). Entrepreneurship Project Implementation Strategy at SMA Negeri 1 Sumberlawan. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business, 27(1), 60.\
- Nugraha, D., Wulandari, MA, Yuningsih, E., & Setiani, N. (2022). Formation of Student Character through the Entrepreneurship Program in Elementary Schools. Basicedu Journal, 6(4), 6754–6762.\
- Nurasiah, I., Marini, A., Nafiah, M., & Rachmawati, N. (2022). Value of Local Wisdom: New Paradigm Project, Mobilizing School Program to Realize Pancasila Student Profiles. Basicedu Journal, 6(3), 3639–3648.
- Rachmawati, N., Marini, A., Nafiah, M., & Nurasiah, I. (2022). Project for Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles in the Implementation of Prototype Curriculum in Elementary Schools. Basicedu Journal, 6(3), 3613–3625.
- Rizal, Y., Deovany, M., & Andini, AS (2022). Student Confidence in the Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project. SOCIAL HORIZON: Journal of Social Education, 9(1), 46–57.
- Rusmana, D., Murtini, W., & Harini, H. (2020). The Influence of 21st Century Digital Skills on Entrepreneurship Education to Improve Entrepreneurial Competence of Vocational High School Students. Journal of Educational Economics and Entrepreneurship, 8(1), 17.
- Shokib Rondli, W. (2022). Growing Entrepreneurial Value in Strengthening Pancasila Student Profiles Through Project Market Learning. Journal of Prakarsa Paedagogia, 5(1), 111.
- Susilawati, E., Sarifudin, S., & Muslim, S. (2021). Internalization of Pancasila Values in Learning Through the Application of Pancasila Student Profiles Assisted by the Freedom to Teach Platform. Technodic Journal, 25(2), 155–167.
- Wahyuni, WR (2022). Planning for the Implementation of the P5 Activity Module (Entrepreneurship) in Phase B at Banjarejo Sdn. Proceedings of the Basic Scientific Conference (KID), p. 3, 1627–1634.
- Wijayanti, PS, Jamilah, F., Herawati, TR, & Kusumaningrum, RN (2022). Strengthening the Preparation of the Pancasila Student Profile Project Module at SMA Level Driving Schools. Abdimas Nusantara, 3(2), 43–49.
- Zuriah , N., & Sunaryo, H. (2022).Teacher's Handbook PPKN in Elementary Schools. Journal of Civic Law, 7(1), 71–87.