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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 6 - 23, 30.08.2020



  • Abou-Heilah, A. N., Kasionalsim M. Y. & Khaliel, A. S. 1987. Chemical Composition of the Fruiting Bodies of Agaricus bisporus, International Journal of Experimental Botany,47, 64-68. Alemu F. 2014. Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus on Grevillea robusta Leaves at Dilla University, Ethiopia, Journal of yeast and Fungal Research, 5(6), 74-83.
  • Alemu F. 2014. Cultivation of Lentinus edodes on Teff Straw (Agricultural Residue) at Dilla University, Ethiopia, Applied Microbiology, 1(3), 49-59.
  • Alemu, F. 2015. Cultivation of Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes) on Teff Straw (Agricultural Residue) at Dilla University, Ethiopia, Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 3(2), 63-70.
  • Alam N., Khan A. Hossain M. S., Amin S. M. R., & Khan L. A. 2007. Nutritional Analysis of Dietary Mushroom- Pleurotus florida Eger and Pleurotus sajur-caju (Fr) Singer, Bangladesh Journal of Mushroom, 1(2), 1-7.
  • Anon, Y. 2007. Zeri Regional Project for Africa. Annual Report 2005.
  • Atkinson C. F. 1961. Studies of American Fungi Mushrooms Edible, Poisonous, Hafner publishing Co, New York, pp. 322.
  • Ashagrie Z., Woldegiorgis D. A. Haki G. D. & Ziegler, G. R. 2015. Proximate and Amino Acid Composition of Wild and Cultivated Edible Mushrooms Collected from Ethiopia, Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 3(2), 48-55.
  • Bao H. N., Osako K. & Ohshima T. 2010. Value Added use of Mushroom Ergothioneine as a Colour Stabilizer in Processed Fish Meats, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90, 1634-1641.
  • Bano Z. & Rajarathanam, S. 1982. Pleurotus Mushrooms as a Nutritious Food. In: Tropical Mushrooms –Biological Nature and Cultivation Methods, (Chang ST, Quimio, TH, eds.) The Chinese University press, Hongkong, pp. 363-382.
  • Barros L., Cruz T., Baptista P., Estevinho L. M., & Ferreira, I. C. 2008. Wild and Commercial Mushrooms as Source of Nutrients and Nutraceuticals, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46(8), 2742-2747.
  • Barros L., Correia D. M., Ferreira I. C. F. R., Baptista P. & Santos-Buelga C. 2008. Optimization of the Determination of Agaricus sp. Edible Mushrooms by a Normal Phase Liquid Chromatographic Method, Food Chemistry, 110(4), 1046- 1050.
  • Bano, Z. 1976. Nutritive Value of Indian Mushrooms and Medicinal Practices, Economic Botany, 31, 367-371.
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  • Bano Z., Srinivasan K. S. & Srivastava H. C. 1963. Amino Acid Composition of the Protein from a Mushroom (Pleurotus flabellatus), Applied Microbiology, 11, 184-187.
  • Bilal A., Wani R., Bodha H. & Wani A. H. 2010. Nutritional and Medicinal Importance of Mushrooms, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, India, J. Med. Plant Res.4(24), 2598-2604.
  • Buller A. H. R. 1915. The Fungus Lore of the Greeks and Romans, Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 5, 21-26.
  • Balakumar R., Sivaprakasam E., Kavitha D., Sridhar D. & Kumar J. S. 2011. Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Fruit Bodies of Phellinus Mushroom Extract, International Journal of Bioscience, 1(3), 72-77.
  • Cooke, R. C. 1977. Fungi, Man, and his Environment, Largman, London, New York, pp. 144.
  • Crisan E. W., & Sands. 1978. A Nutritional Value. In: Chang ST and Hayes WA (eds.). The Biology and Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms. Academic press, New York, pp. 172-189.
  • Chen J., & Seviour R. 2007. Medicinal Importance of Fungal Beta-(1->3) (1->6)-Glucans, Mycol. Res. 111(Pt 6), 635-652.
  • Chang R. 1996. Functional Properties of Mushrooms, Nutrition Reviews, 54, 91-93. Chung H., Lee J. & Kwon O. 2004. Bread Properties Utilizing Extracts of Ganoderma lucidum (GL), Journal of Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 33, 1201- 1205.
  • Chun S., Chambers E. I. V. & Chambers D. 2005. Perception of Pork Patties with Shiitake (Lentinus edode P.) Mushroom Powder and Sodium Tripolyphosphate as Measured by Korean and United States Consumers, Journal of Sensory Studies, 20, 156-166.
  • Cha M. H., Heo J. Y., Lee C., Lo Y. M. & Moon B. K. 2013. Quality and Sensory Characterization of White Jelly Mushroom (Tremella fuciformis) as a Meat Substitute in Pork Patty Formulation, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38, 1018-1023.
  • Chadha K. L., & Sharmam, S. R. 1995. Mushroom Research in India-history, Infrastructure and Achievements. In KL Chadha (Eds.). Advances in Horticulture. New Delhi: MPH (Malhotra Publishing House): pp. 1-8.
  • Chihara, G. 1992. Immunopharmacology of Lentinan, A Polysaccharide Isolated from Lentinus edodes: Its Applications as a Host Defence Potentiator, International Journal of Oriental Medicine, 17(5), 57-77.
  • Chang S. T. & Miles P. G. 2004. Mushrooms: Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect, and Environmental Impact. (2nd edtn), CRC Press, USA.
  • Chang S. T. & Buswell J. A. 1996. Mushroom Nutraceuticals, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 12(5), 473-476.
  • Daba A. S., Kabeil S. S., Botros W. A., & El-Saadani, M. A. 2008. Production of Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in Egypt as Source of Nutritional and Medicinal Food, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 4(5), 630-634.
  • Florezak J., Karmnska A. & Wedzisz A. 2004. Comparision of the Chemical Contents of the Selected Wild Growing Mushrooms, Bromatologia i Chemia Toksykologiczna, 37, 365-371.
  • Guillamón E., García-Lafuente A., Lozano M., D'Arrigo M., Rostagno M. A., Villares A. & Martínez J. A. 2010. Edible Mushrooms: Role in the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Fitoterapia, 81(7), 715-723.
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Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 6 - 23, 30.08.2020


Topical investigations on applications of mushroom their role in the food industry and as medicine and food were carried out. This present paper, review numerous considerations of edible mushrooms as a therapeutic and food source. Mushrooms as a raw material are problematic in processing in the food industry. Therefore, mushroom powder has been analysed for nutritional purpose and formulated in different products. Currently, attention has been increased in mushroom processing and cultivation because of the availability of bioactive components which own various medicinal properties (anti-viral, anti-cancer, and anti-oxidative etc). Edible Mushroom is rich in nutritional point of view with higher contents of protein, vitamin, mineral, fibres, microelements and little calories level. The biologically active components extracted from edible mushrooms may increase the immune system of human and provide quality diet as well. To increase quality features mushrooms are added to numerous products directly, and indirectly they are added to as a substitute of different functional ingredients and enzymes as well.


  • Abou-Heilah, A. N., Kasionalsim M. Y. & Khaliel, A. S. 1987. Chemical Composition of the Fruiting Bodies of Agaricus bisporus, International Journal of Experimental Botany,47, 64-68. Alemu F. 2014. Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus on Grevillea robusta Leaves at Dilla University, Ethiopia, Journal of yeast and Fungal Research, 5(6), 74-83.
  • Alemu F. 2014. Cultivation of Lentinus edodes on Teff Straw (Agricultural Residue) at Dilla University, Ethiopia, Applied Microbiology, 1(3), 49-59.
  • Alemu, F. 2015. Cultivation of Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes) on Teff Straw (Agricultural Residue) at Dilla University, Ethiopia, Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 3(2), 63-70.
  • Alam N., Khan A. Hossain M. S., Amin S. M. R., & Khan L. A. 2007. Nutritional Analysis of Dietary Mushroom- Pleurotus florida Eger and Pleurotus sajur-caju (Fr) Singer, Bangladesh Journal of Mushroom, 1(2), 1-7.
  • Anon, Y. 2007. Zeri Regional Project for Africa. Annual Report 2005.
  • Atkinson C. F. 1961. Studies of American Fungi Mushrooms Edible, Poisonous, Hafner publishing Co, New York, pp. 322.
  • Ashagrie Z., Woldegiorgis D. A. Haki G. D. & Ziegler, G. R. 2015. Proximate and Amino Acid Composition of Wild and Cultivated Edible Mushrooms Collected from Ethiopia, Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 3(2), 48-55.
  • Bao H. N., Osako K. & Ohshima T. 2010. Value Added use of Mushroom Ergothioneine as a Colour Stabilizer in Processed Fish Meats, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 90, 1634-1641.
  • Bano Z. & Rajarathanam, S. 1982. Pleurotus Mushrooms as a Nutritious Food. In: Tropical Mushrooms –Biological Nature and Cultivation Methods, (Chang ST, Quimio, TH, eds.) The Chinese University press, Hongkong, pp. 363-382.
  • Barros L., Cruz T., Baptista P., Estevinho L. M., & Ferreira, I. C. 2008. Wild and Commercial Mushrooms as Source of Nutrients and Nutraceuticals, Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46(8), 2742-2747.
  • Barros L., Correia D. M., Ferreira I. C. F. R., Baptista P. & Santos-Buelga C. 2008. Optimization of the Determination of Agaricus sp. Edible Mushrooms by a Normal Phase Liquid Chromatographic Method, Food Chemistry, 110(4), 1046- 1050.
  • Bano, Z. 1976. Nutritive Value of Indian Mushrooms and Medicinal Practices, Economic Botany, 31, 367-371.
  • Bano Z., Ahmed R. & Srivastava H. C. 1964. Amino Acids of Edible Mushrooms, Lepiota sp. and Termitomyces sp., Indian Journal of Chemistry, 2, 380-381
  • Bano Z., Srinivasan K. S. & Srivastava H. C. 1963. Amino Acid Composition of the Protein from a Mushroom (Pleurotus flabellatus), Applied Microbiology, 11, 184-187.
  • Bilal A., Wani R., Bodha H. & Wani A. H. 2010. Nutritional and Medicinal Importance of Mushrooms, Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal, Srinagar, India, J. Med. Plant Res.4(24), 2598-2604.
  • Buller A. H. R. 1915. The Fungus Lore of the Greeks and Romans, Transactions of the British Mycological Society, 5, 21-26.
  • Balakumar R., Sivaprakasam E., Kavitha D., Sridhar D. & Kumar J. S. 2011. Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Fruit Bodies of Phellinus Mushroom Extract, International Journal of Bioscience, 1(3), 72-77.
  • Cooke, R. C. 1977. Fungi, Man, and his Environment, Largman, London, New York, pp. 144.
  • Crisan E. W., & Sands. 1978. A Nutritional Value. In: Chang ST and Hayes WA (eds.). The Biology and Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms. Academic press, New York, pp. 172-189.
  • Chen J., & Seviour R. 2007. Medicinal Importance of Fungal Beta-(1->3) (1->6)-Glucans, Mycol. Res. 111(Pt 6), 635-652.
  • Chang R. 1996. Functional Properties of Mushrooms, Nutrition Reviews, 54, 91-93. Chung H., Lee J. & Kwon O. 2004. Bread Properties Utilizing Extracts of Ganoderma lucidum (GL), Journal of Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 33, 1201- 1205.
  • Chun S., Chambers E. I. V. & Chambers D. 2005. Perception of Pork Patties with Shiitake (Lentinus edode P.) Mushroom Powder and Sodium Tripolyphosphate as Measured by Korean and United States Consumers, Journal of Sensory Studies, 20, 156-166.
  • Cha M. H., Heo J. Y., Lee C., Lo Y. M. & Moon B. K. 2013. Quality and Sensory Characterization of White Jelly Mushroom (Tremella fuciformis) as a Meat Substitute in Pork Patty Formulation, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38, 1018-1023.
  • Chadha K. L., & Sharmam, S. R. 1995. Mushroom Research in India-history, Infrastructure and Achievements. In KL Chadha (Eds.). Advances in Horticulture. New Delhi: MPH (Malhotra Publishing House): pp. 1-8.
  • Chihara, G. 1992. Immunopharmacology of Lentinan, A Polysaccharide Isolated from Lentinus edodes: Its Applications as a Host Defence Potentiator, International Journal of Oriental Medicine, 17(5), 57-77.
  • Chang S. T. & Miles P. G. 2004. Mushrooms: Cultivation, Nutritional Value, Medicinal Effect, and Environmental Impact. (2nd edtn), CRC Press, USA.
  • Chang S. T. & Buswell J. A. 1996. Mushroom Nutraceuticals, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 12(5), 473-476.
  • Daba A. S., Kabeil S. S., Botros W. A., & El-Saadani, M. A. 2008. Production of Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) in Egypt as Source of Nutritional and Medicinal Food, World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 4(5), 630-634.
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Konular Gıda Mühendisliği
Bölüm Article

Muhammad Yasir Naeem

Senay Ozgen Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-8486-9763

Sumayya Rani Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-9071-7803

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Ağustos 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Naeem, M. Y., Ozgen, S., & Rani, S. (2020). Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 4(1), 6-23.
AMA Naeem MY, Ozgen S, Rani S. Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences. EJFST. Ağustos 2020;4(1):6-23.
Chicago Naeem, Muhammad Yasir, Senay Ozgen, ve Sumayya Rani. “Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences”. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology 4, sy. 1 (Ağustos 2020): 6-23.
EndNote Naeem MY, Ozgen S, Rani S (01 Ağustos 2020) Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology 4 1 6–23.
IEEE M. Y. Naeem, S. Ozgen, ve S. Rani, “Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences”, EJFST, c. 4, sy. 1, ss. 6–23, 2020.
ISNAD Naeem, Muhammad Yasir vd. “Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences”. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology 4/1 (Ağustos 2020), 6-23.
JAMA Naeem MY, Ozgen S, Rani S. Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences. EJFST. 2020;4:6–23.
MLA Naeem, Muhammad Yasir vd. “Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences”. Eurasian Journal of Food Science and Technology, c. 4, sy. 1, 2020, ss. 6-23.
Vancouver Naeem MY, Ozgen S, Rani S. Emerging Role of Edible Mushrooms in Food Industry and Its Nutritional and Medicinal Consequences. EJFST. 2020;4(1):6-23.

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