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Osteoarthritis Prevention

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 96 - 100, 27.04.2015


Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic joint disease causing substantial pain, functional limitations and disability in the world. Although several factors such as mechanic stress, biochemical and genetic factors are involved in the etiology and development of this condition, the exact cause is unknown. Osteoarthritis is among the major causes of disability. Impaired ability to perform daily activities such as walking, ascending or descending stairs, sitting and standing due to hip and knee osteoarthritis occurs more often than those caused by other chronic diseases. Osteoarthritis affects more than half of persons over the age of 65 years and 80% of those older than 75 years old. As the population ages, osteoarthritis will become one of the most important health-care challenges of the future. Since there is no cure for osteoarthritis, prevention and reducing the risk factors are very important. In this review, we will address awareness of the risk factors and some prevention methods.


  • Felson DT: The epidemiology of osteoarthritis. The re- sults from the Framingham Osteoarthritis Study. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1990;20:42.
  • Kallman DA, Wigley FM, Scott WW. New radiographic grading scales for ostoearthritis of the hand: reliability for determining prevalance and progression. Arthritis Rheum 1989; 32:1584-591.
  • World Health Organisation and the Bone and Joint Decade 2001. Available at
  • Superio-Cabuslay E, Ward MM, Orig KR. Patient educa- tion interventions in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid ar- thritis: a meta-analytic comprarison with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug treathment. Arthritis Care Res 1996;9:292-301.
  • Hochberg MC, Lethbridge-Cejku M, Scott WW Jr. The association of body weight, fatness and body fat dis- tribution with osteoarthritis of the knee: J Rheumatol 1995;22:488-93.
  • Felson DT, Anderson JJ, Naimack A. Obesity and symptom- atic knee osteoarthritis: Results from the Framingham Study. Arthritis Rheum 1987;30:S130.
  • Bray GA, Jordan HA, Sims EA. Evaluation of the obese patient: An algorithm. JAMA 1976; 235:1487-91.
  • Felson DT, Zhang Y, Anthony JM. Weight loss reduces the risk for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in women. Ann Intern Med 1992;117:535.
  • Bendele AM, Hulman JF. Effects of body weight restriction on the development and progression of spontaneous os- teoarthritis in guinea pigs. Arthritis Rheum 1991;34: 1180.
  • Mazzuca SA, Brandt KD, Lane KA. Knee pain reduces joint space width in conventional standing anteroposte- rior radiographs of osteoarthritic knees. Arthritis Rheum 2002;46:1223-37.
  • Reginster J, Derosity R, Rovati L. Long term effects of glu- cosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression. Lancer 2001;357:252-6
  • Herrero-Beaumont G, Ivorra JA, Del Carmen TM, et al. Glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of knee osteoar- thritis symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled study using acetaminophen as a side compara- tor. Arthritis Rheum 2007;56(2):555–67.
  • Bruyere O, Pavelka K, Rovati LC, et al. Total joint re- placement after glucosamine sulphate treatment in knee osteoarthritis: results of a mean 8-year observation of patients from two previous 3-year, randomised, placebo- controlled trials. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2008;16(2), 254–60.
  • Towheed TE, Maxwell L, Anastassiades TP, et al. Glucosamine therapy for treating osteoarthritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005;2:CD002946.
  • Reichenbach S, Sterchi R, Scherer M, et al. Metaanalysis: chondroitin for osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. Ann Intern Med 2007;146(8):580–90.
  • Hochberg MC. Structure-modifying effects of chondroitin sulfate in knee osteoarthritis: an updated metaanalysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials of 2-year dura- tion. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2010;18(Suppl 1):S28–31.
  • Sawitzke AD, Shi H, Finco MF, et al. Clinical efficacy and safety of glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, their combi- nation, celecoxib or placebo taken to treat osteoarthri- tis of the knee: 2-year results from GAIT. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69(8).1459–64.
  • Soeken KL, Lee WL, Bausell RB, Agelli M, Berman BM. Safety and efficacy of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) for osteoarthritis. J Fam Pract 2002;51(5):425–30.
  • Usha PR, Naidu MU. Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel, Placebo-Controlled Study of Oral Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane and their Combination in Osteoarthritis. Clin Drug Investig 2004;24(6):353–63.
  • Kim LS, Axelrod LJ, Howard P, Buratovich N, Waters RF. Efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in osteoarthri- tis pain of the knee: a pilot clinical trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2006;14(3).286–94.
  • Gruenwald J, Petzold E, Busch R, Petzold HP, Graubaum HJ. Effect of glucosamine sulfate with or without ome- ga-3 fatty acids in patients with osteoarthritis. Adv Ther 2009;26(9):858–71.
  • Christensen R, Bliddal H. Is Phytalgic(R) a goldmine for osteoarthritis patients or is there something fishy about this nutraceutical? A summary of findings and risk-of-bias assessment Arthritis Res Ther 12010;2(1):105.
  • Christensen R, Bartels EM, Astrup A, Bliddal H. Symptomatic efficacy of avocado-soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) in osteoarthritis (OA) patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2008;16(4):399–408.
  • Little CV, Parsons T. Herbal therapy for treating osteoar- thritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001;(1):CD002947.
  • Yasuda K, Sasaki T. The mechanics of treathment of the osteoarthritic knee with a wedged insole. Clin Orthop 1985; 215:162.
  • Neumann DA. Biomechanical analysis of selected principles of hip joint protection. Arthritis Care Res 1980;80:163-68.
  • Kirkley A. The effect of bracing on varus gonarthrosis. J Bone Joint Surg 1999;80:163-68.
  • Hicks JE, Gerber LH. Rehabilitation in the management of patient with osteoarthritis. Moskowitz R, Howell D, Goldberg V, Mankin H (Ed.): Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and medical/surgical management. WB Saunders, Philedelphia, 1992, S.427-64
  • Cushnaghan J, McCarthy C, Dieppe P. Taping the patella medially: A new treatment for ostearthritis of the knee joint? BMJ 1994; 318:753.
  • Bateni H, Maki BE. Assistive devices for balance and mo- bility: benefits, demands, and adverse consequences. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2005;86:134-45.
  • Dan K R, Mary ER. Unloader Braces for Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis. Sports Health. 2009;1:416-26.
  • Hennessey WJ. Lower limb orthosis. In: Braddom RL, editor. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc; 2007. p.343-67.
  • Hassan BS, Mockett S, Doherty M. Influence of elas- tic bandage on knee pain, proprioception, and postural sway in subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2002;61:24-28.

Osteoarthritis Prevention

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1, 96 - 100, 27.04.2015


Osteoartrit en sık rastlanan kronik eklem hastalığıdır. Önemli derecede ağrı, fonksiyonel kısıtlılık ve sakatlığa neden olur. Etiyolojide mekanik stress, biyokimyasal ve genetik faktörler suçlansa da sebebi tam olarak bilinmemektedir. Osteoartrit en sık sakatlık nedenleri arasında yer alır. Kalça ve diz osteoartritinde yürüme, merdiven inip çıkma, oturma ve kalkma gibi günlük yaşam aktivitelerini gerçekleştirmeki kayıp diğer kronik hastalıkların neden olduğundan daha fazladır. Altmış beş yaş üzeri nüfusun yarıdan fazlası, 75 yaş üzerindekilerin ise % 80’I osteoartritten etkilenir. Gelecekte nüfus yaşlandıkça osteoartrit en önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri olacaktır. Kesin bir tedavisi olmadığı için hastalığın önlenmesi ve risk faktörlerinin azaltılması önem arz etmektedir. Bu derlemede risk faktörlerinin farkına varılması ve bazı önleyici yaklaşımlar üzerinde durulacaktır


  • Felson DT: The epidemiology of osteoarthritis. The re- sults from the Framingham Osteoarthritis Study. Semin Arthritis Rheum 1990;20:42.
  • Kallman DA, Wigley FM, Scott WW. New radiographic grading scales for ostoearthritis of the hand: reliability for determining prevalance and progression. Arthritis Rheum 1989; 32:1584-591.
  • World Health Organisation and the Bone and Joint Decade 2001. Available at
  • Superio-Cabuslay E, Ward MM, Orig KR. Patient educa- tion interventions in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid ar- thritis: a meta-analytic comprarison with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug treathment. Arthritis Care Res 1996;9:292-301.
  • Hochberg MC, Lethbridge-Cejku M, Scott WW Jr. The association of body weight, fatness and body fat dis- tribution with osteoarthritis of the knee: J Rheumatol 1995;22:488-93.
  • Felson DT, Anderson JJ, Naimack A. Obesity and symptom- atic knee osteoarthritis: Results from the Framingham Study. Arthritis Rheum 1987;30:S130.
  • Bray GA, Jordan HA, Sims EA. Evaluation of the obese patient: An algorithm. JAMA 1976; 235:1487-91.
  • Felson DT, Zhang Y, Anthony JM. Weight loss reduces the risk for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in women. Ann Intern Med 1992;117:535.
  • Bendele AM, Hulman JF. Effects of body weight restriction on the development and progression of spontaneous os- teoarthritis in guinea pigs. Arthritis Rheum 1991;34: 1180.
  • Mazzuca SA, Brandt KD, Lane KA. Knee pain reduces joint space width in conventional standing anteroposte- rior radiographs of osteoarthritic knees. Arthritis Rheum 2002;46:1223-37.
  • Reginster J, Derosity R, Rovati L. Long term effects of glu- cosamine sulphate on osteoarthritis progression. Lancer 2001;357:252-6
  • Herrero-Beaumont G, Ivorra JA, Del Carmen TM, et al. Glucosamine sulfate in the treatment of knee osteoar- thritis symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo- controlled study using acetaminophen as a side compara- tor. Arthritis Rheum 2007;56(2):555–67.
  • Bruyere O, Pavelka K, Rovati LC, et al. Total joint re- placement after glucosamine sulphate treatment in knee osteoarthritis: results of a mean 8-year observation of patients from two previous 3-year, randomised, placebo- controlled trials. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2008;16(2), 254–60.
  • Towheed TE, Maxwell L, Anastassiades TP, et al. Glucosamine therapy for treating osteoarthritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2005;2:CD002946.
  • Reichenbach S, Sterchi R, Scherer M, et al. Metaanalysis: chondroitin for osteoarthritis of the knee or hip. Ann Intern Med 2007;146(8):580–90.
  • Hochberg MC. Structure-modifying effects of chondroitin sulfate in knee osteoarthritis: an updated metaanalysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials of 2-year dura- tion. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2010;18(Suppl 1):S28–31.
  • Sawitzke AD, Shi H, Finco MF, et al. Clinical efficacy and safety of glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, their combi- nation, celecoxib or placebo taken to treat osteoarthri- tis of the knee: 2-year results from GAIT. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69(8).1459–64.
  • Soeken KL, Lee WL, Bausell RB, Agelli M, Berman BM. Safety and efficacy of S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) for osteoarthritis. J Fam Pract 2002;51(5):425–30.
  • Usha PR, Naidu MU. Randomised, Double-Blind, Parallel, Placebo-Controlled Study of Oral Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane and their Combination in Osteoarthritis. Clin Drug Investig 2004;24(6):353–63.
  • Kim LS, Axelrod LJ, Howard P, Buratovich N, Waters RF. Efficacy of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in osteoarthri- tis pain of the knee: a pilot clinical trial. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2006;14(3).286–94.
  • Gruenwald J, Petzold E, Busch R, Petzold HP, Graubaum HJ. Effect of glucosamine sulfate with or without ome- ga-3 fatty acids in patients with osteoarthritis. Adv Ther 2009;26(9):858–71.
  • Christensen R, Bliddal H. Is Phytalgic(R) a goldmine for osteoarthritis patients or is there something fishy about this nutraceutical? A summary of findings and risk-of-bias assessment Arthritis Res Ther 12010;2(1):105.
  • Christensen R, Bartels EM, Astrup A, Bliddal H. Symptomatic efficacy of avocado-soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) in osteoarthritis (OA) patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2008;16(4):399–408.
  • Little CV, Parsons T. Herbal therapy for treating osteoar- thritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2001;(1):CD002947.
  • Yasuda K, Sasaki T. The mechanics of treathment of the osteoarthritic knee with a wedged insole. Clin Orthop 1985; 215:162.
  • Neumann DA. Biomechanical analysis of selected principles of hip joint protection. Arthritis Care Res 1980;80:163-68.
  • Kirkley A. The effect of bracing on varus gonarthrosis. J Bone Joint Surg 1999;80:163-68.
  • Hicks JE, Gerber LH. Rehabilitation in the management of patient with osteoarthritis. Moskowitz R, Howell D, Goldberg V, Mankin H (Ed.): Osteoarthritis: Diagnosis and medical/surgical management. WB Saunders, Philedelphia, 1992, S.427-64
  • Cushnaghan J, McCarthy C, Dieppe P. Taping the patella medially: A new treatment for ostearthritis of the knee joint? BMJ 1994; 318:753.
  • Bateni H, Maki BE. Assistive devices for balance and mo- bility: benefits, demands, and adverse consequences. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2005;86:134-45.
  • Dan K R, Mary ER. Unloader Braces for Medial Compartment Knee Osteoarthritis. Sports Health. 2009;1:416-26.
  • Hennessey WJ. Lower limb orthosis. In: Braddom RL, editor. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier Inc; 2007. p.343-67.
  • Hassan BS, Mockett S, Doherty M. Influence of elas- tic bandage on knee pain, proprioception, and postural sway in subjects with knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2002;61:24-28.
Toplam 33 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Derleme

Sami Küçükşen Bu kişi benim

Muhammed Şahin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 27 Nisan 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 12 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Küçükşen, S., & Şahin, M. (2015). Osteoarthritis Prevention. European Journal of General Medicine, 12(1), 96-100.
AMA Küçükşen S, Şahin M. Osteoarthritis Prevention. European Journal of General Medicine. Mart 2015;12(1):96-100. doi:10.15197/sabad.1.12.20
Chicago Küçükşen, Sami, ve Muhammed Şahin. “Osteoarthritis Prevention”. European Journal of General Medicine 12, sy. 1 (Mart 2015): 96-100.
EndNote Küçükşen S, Şahin M (01 Mart 2015) Osteoarthritis Prevention. European Journal of General Medicine 12 1 96–100.
IEEE S. Küçükşen ve M. Şahin, “Osteoarthritis Prevention”, European Journal of General Medicine, c. 12, sy. 1, ss. 96–100, 2015, doi: 10.15197/sabad.1.12.20.
ISNAD Küçükşen, Sami - Şahin, Muhammed. “Osteoarthritis Prevention”. European Journal of General Medicine 12/1 (Mart 2015), 96-100.
JAMA Küçükşen S, Şahin M. Osteoarthritis Prevention. European Journal of General Medicine. 2015;12:96–100.
MLA Küçükşen, Sami ve Muhammed Şahin. “Osteoarthritis Prevention”. European Journal of General Medicine, c. 12, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 96-100, doi:10.15197/sabad.1.12.20.
Vancouver Küçükşen S, Şahin M. Osteoarthritis Prevention. European Journal of General Medicine. 2015;12(1):96-100.