Hormonal Interaction and Sexual Behavior in Sports
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 107 - 117, 31.12.2020
Bilal Gümüş
Nurten Dinç
Pınar Güzel
This study aims to review the relationship between sexual activity and hormonal changes that shape behavior and reproductive drive in human biochemistry with sportive activity in the sphere of the current literature data. Testosterone and estrogen are sexual steroids secreted by the testicles and ovaries, respectively. Testosterone is both anabolic (tissue building) and androgenic (supportive of masculine properties) steroid in men. It stimulates protein synthesis and increases muscle mass. When the effects of training on testosterone secretion are examined, it is observed that there is an increase in testosterone levels after acute exercises, while contradictory results appear in research after chronic exercises, and these contradictory results are due to the athlete's fitness level, training volume and intensity and excessive training status. Besides, long-term use of anabolic-androgenic steroids, which are banned from outside use to increase performance, causes many medical problems. Larger patient groups and parameters are needed for gender changes and association of sportive activity. Young sports scientists will contribute to science by carrying out new studies in these areas by considering the traditional judicial values of the society in which they live. It should be noted that the risk coefficient of medium and low intensity sports is low for the health and sports association to be sustainable.
- Bahrke, M. S. ve Yesalis, C. E. (2004). Abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids and related substances in sport and exercise. Current opinion in pharmacology, 4(6), 614-620. Doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2004.05.006.
- Bhasin, S., Woodhouse, L., Casaburi, R., Singh, A. B., Bhasin, D., Berman, N., ... ve Dzekov, J. (2001). Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 281(6), 1172-1181. Doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.2001.281.6.E1172.
- Blazevich, A. J., ve Giorgi, A. (2001). Effect of testosterone administration and weight training on muscle architecture. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(10), 1688-1693. Doi: 10.1097/00005768-200110000-00012.
- Crewther, B. T., Hamilton, D., Kilduff, L. P., Drawer, S., ve Cook, C. J. (2018). The effect of oral contraceptive use on salivary testosterone concentrations and athlete performance during international field hockey matches. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 21(5), 453-456. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.09.017. Epub 2017 Sep 29.
- Cumming, D. C., Wall, S. R., Galbraith, M. A., ve Belcastro, A. N. (1987). Reproductive hormone responses to resistance exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 19(3), 234-238.
- Di Luigi, L., Romanelli, F., Sgrò, P., ve Lenzi, A. (2012). Andrological aspects of physical exercise and sport medicine. Endocrine, 42(2), 278-284.
Doi: 10.1007/s12020-012-9655-6. Epub 2012 Mar 20.
- Enns, D. L., ve Tiidus, P. M. (2010). The influence of estrogen on skeletal muscle. Sports medicine, 40(1), 41-58.
Doi: 10.2165/11319760-000000000-00000
- FitzGerald, L. Z., Robbins, W. A., Kesner, J. S., ve Xun, L. (2012). Reproductive hormones and interleukin-6 in serious leisure male athletes. European journal of applied physiology, 112(11), 3765-3773.
Doi: 10.1007/s00421-012-2356-2. Epub 2012 Mar 1.
- Frappier, J., Toupin, I., Levy, J. J., Aubertin-Leheudre, M., ve Karelis, A. D. (2013). Energy expenditure during sexual activity in young healthy couples. PLoS one, 24;8(10), e79342. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079342. eCollection 2013.
- Gooren, L. J. (2008). Olympic sports and transsexuals. Asian journal of andrology, 10(3), 427-432.
Doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7262.2008.00378.x.
- Gooren, L. J., ve Bunck, M. C. (2004). Transsexuals and competitive sports. European Journal of Endocrinology, 151(4), 425-429. Doi: 10.1530/eje.0.1510425.
- Grandys, M., Majerczak, J., Duda, K., Zapart-Bukowska, J., Kulpa, J., ve Zoladz, J. A. (2009). Endurance training of moderate intensity increases testosterone concentration in young, healthy men. International journal of sports medicine, 30(07), 489-495. Doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1202340. Epub 2009 Mar 19.
- Hackney, A. C. (2008). Effects of endurance exercise on the reproductive system of men: the “exercise-hypogonadal male condition”. Journal of endocrinological investigation, 31(10), 932-938.
Doi: 10.1007/BF03346444.
- Jones, B. A., Arcelus, J., Bouman, W. P., ve Haycraft, E. (2017). Sport and transgender people: A systematic review of the literature relating to sport participation and competitive sport policies. Sports Medicine, 47(4), 701-716.
Doi: 10.1007/s40279-016-0621-y.
- Kraemer, W. J., Fleck, S. J. ve Deschenes, M. R. (2011). Exercise physiology: Integrating theory and application. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.p. 217-218.
- Kraemer, W. J., ve Ratamess, N. A. (2005). Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training. Sports medicine, 35(4), 339-361. Doi: 10.2165/00007256-200535040-00004.
- Krieger, L. (1997). Scoring before a big event. Winning, 1, 88-89.
- Kuyper, L., ve Wijsen, C. (2014). Gender identities and gender dysphoria in the Netherlands. Archives of sexual behavior, 43(2), 377-385. Doi: 10.1007/s10508-013-0140-y. Epub 2013 Jul 16.
- Lapauw, B., Taes, Y., Simoens, S., Van Caenegem, E., Weyers, S., Goemaere, S., ... ve T'Sjoen, G. G. (2008). Body composition, volumetric and areal bone parameters in male-to-female transsexual persons. Bone, 43(6), 1016-1021. Doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2008.09.001. Epub 2008 Sep 16.
- Ljungqvist, A., ve Genel, M. (2005). Essay: Transsexual athletes—when is competition fair?. The Lancet, 366, S42-S43. Doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67844-0.
- Nindl, B. C., Kraemer, W. J., Gotshalk, L. A., Marx, J. O., Volek, J. S., Bush, J. A., ... ve Fleck, S. J. (2001). Testosterone responses after resistance exercise in women: influence of regional fat distribution. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 11(4), 451-465. Doi: 10.1123/ijsnem.11.4.451.
- Powers, S. K., ve Howley, E. T. (2018). Exercise physiology: Theory and application to fitness and performance (10. baskı). New York, NJ: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. s:108
- Reeser, J. C. (2005). Gender identity and sport: is the playing field level?. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(10), 695-699. Doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.018119.
- Safarinejad, M. R., Azma, K., ve Kolahi, A. A. (2009). The effects of intensive, long-term treadmill running on reproductive hormones, hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis, and semen quality: a randomized controlled study. Journal of Endocrinology, 200(3), 259.
Doi: 10.1677/JOE-08-0477. Epub 2008 Dec 9.
- Sansone, A., Sansone, M., Vaamonde, D., Sgrò, P., Salzano, C., Romanelli, F., ... ve Di Luigi, L. (2018). Sport, doping and male fertility. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 16(1), 114. Doi: 10.1186/s12958-018-0435-x.
- Sokoloff, N. C., Misra, M., ve Ackerman, K. E. (2016). Exercise, training, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in men and women. Front Horm Res, 47:27–43. Doi: 10.1159/000445154.
- Stefani, L., Galanti, G., Padulo, J., Bragazzi, N. L., ve Maffulli, N. (2016). Sexual activity before sports competition: a systematic review. Frontiers in physiology, 7, 246. Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00246.
- Turek JP. (2014). Campbell-Walsh Üroloji. Yaman Ö. (ed), Erkek reprodüktif fizyolojisi. (1. Baskı). Ankara. Güneş Kitabevi,. s.591-615.
- Wood, R. I., ve Stanton, S. J. (2012). Testosterone and sport: current perspectives. Hormones and behavior, 61(1), 147-155. Doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.09.010. Epub 2011 Oct 1.
- Velders, M., ve Diel, P. (2013). How sex hormones promote skeletal muscle regeneration. Sports medicine, 43(11), 1089-1100. Doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0081-6.
- Zavorsky, G. S., ve Newton, W. L. (2018). Effects of sexual activity on several measures of physical performance in young adult males. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 59(7), 1102-1109.
- Zitzmann, M., ve Nieschlag, E. (2003). Effects of androgen replacement on metabolism and physical performances in male hypogonadism. Journal of endocrinological investigation, 26(9), 886-892.
Doi: 10.1007/BF03345240.
Sporda Hormonal Etkileşim ve Cinsel Davranış
Yıl 2020,
Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 107 - 117, 31.12.2020
Bilal Gümüş
Nurten Dinç
Pınar Güzel
Bu çalışmanın amacı seksüel aktivitenin ve insan biyokimyasında davranışlara yön veren ve üreme güdüsünü biçimlendiren hormonal değişimlerin sportif aktivite ile olan ilişkilerini güncel literatür verileri içerisinde gözden geçirmektir. Testosteron ve östrojen, sırasıyla testisler ve yumurtalıklar tarafından salgılanan cinsel steroidlerdir. Testosteron, erkeklerde hem anabolik (doku oluşturma) hem de androjenik (eril özelliklerin destekleyicisi) steroiddir. Protein sentezini uyararak kas kütlesi artışını sağlamaktadır. Antrenmanın testosteron sekresyonu üzerindeki etkileri incelendiğinde akut egzersizler sonrasında testosteron seviyelerinde artış görülürken kronik egzersizler sonrasında araştırmalarda çelişkili sonuçların ortaya çıktığı ve bu çelişkili sonuçların sporcunun fitness seviyesi, antrenman hacmi ve yoğunluğu ve aşırı antrenman durumundan kaynaklandığı görülmektedir. Ayrıca performansı arttırmak amacıyla dışarıdan alınan kullanımı yasaklı olan anabolik-androjenik steroidlerin uzun süreli kullanımları birçok tıbbi problem neden olmaktadır. Cinsiyet değişimleri ve sportif aktivite birlikteliği için daha geniş hasta gruplarına ve parametrelerine ihtiyaç olduğu çok açıktır. Genç spor bilimcilerin yaşadıkları toplumun geleneksel yargı değerlerini dikkate alarak bu alanlarda yeni çalışmalar yapması bilime katkı sağlayacaktır. Unutulmaması gereken sağlık ve spor birlikteliğinin sürdürebilir olması için orta ve düşük yoğunluklu sporun risk kat sayısının da düşük olduğudur.
- Bahrke, M. S. ve Yesalis, C. E. (2004). Abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids and related substances in sport and exercise. Current opinion in pharmacology, 4(6), 614-620. Doi: 10.1016/j.coph.2004.05.006.
- Bhasin, S., Woodhouse, L., Casaburi, R., Singh, A. B., Bhasin, D., Berman, N., ... ve Dzekov, J. (2001). Testosterone dose-response relationships in healthy young men. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 281(6), 1172-1181. Doi: 10.1152/ajpendo.2001.281.6.E1172.
- Blazevich, A. J., ve Giorgi, A. (2001). Effect of testosterone administration and weight training on muscle architecture. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 33(10), 1688-1693. Doi: 10.1097/00005768-200110000-00012.
- Crewther, B. T., Hamilton, D., Kilduff, L. P., Drawer, S., ve Cook, C. J. (2018). The effect of oral contraceptive use on salivary testosterone concentrations and athlete performance during international field hockey matches. Journal of science and medicine in sport, 21(5), 453-456. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsams.2017.09.017. Epub 2017 Sep 29.
- Cumming, D. C., Wall, S. R., Galbraith, M. A., ve Belcastro, A. N. (1987). Reproductive hormone responses to resistance exercise. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 19(3), 234-238.
- Di Luigi, L., Romanelli, F., Sgrò, P., ve Lenzi, A. (2012). Andrological aspects of physical exercise and sport medicine. Endocrine, 42(2), 278-284.
Doi: 10.1007/s12020-012-9655-6. Epub 2012 Mar 20.
- Enns, D. L., ve Tiidus, P. M. (2010). The influence of estrogen on skeletal muscle. Sports medicine, 40(1), 41-58.
Doi: 10.2165/11319760-000000000-00000
- FitzGerald, L. Z., Robbins, W. A., Kesner, J. S., ve Xun, L. (2012). Reproductive hormones and interleukin-6 in serious leisure male athletes. European journal of applied physiology, 112(11), 3765-3773.
Doi: 10.1007/s00421-012-2356-2. Epub 2012 Mar 1.
- Frappier, J., Toupin, I., Levy, J. J., Aubertin-Leheudre, M., ve Karelis, A. D. (2013). Energy expenditure during sexual activity in young healthy couples. PLoS one, 24;8(10), e79342. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079342. eCollection 2013.
- Gooren, L. J. (2008). Olympic sports and transsexuals. Asian journal of andrology, 10(3), 427-432.
Doi: 10.1111/j.1745-7262.2008.00378.x.
- Gooren, L. J., ve Bunck, M. C. (2004). Transsexuals and competitive sports. European Journal of Endocrinology, 151(4), 425-429. Doi: 10.1530/eje.0.1510425.
- Grandys, M., Majerczak, J., Duda, K., Zapart-Bukowska, J., Kulpa, J., ve Zoladz, J. A. (2009). Endurance training of moderate intensity increases testosterone concentration in young, healthy men. International journal of sports medicine, 30(07), 489-495. Doi: 10.1055/s-0029-1202340. Epub 2009 Mar 19.
- Hackney, A. C. (2008). Effects of endurance exercise on the reproductive system of men: the “exercise-hypogonadal male condition”. Journal of endocrinological investigation, 31(10), 932-938.
Doi: 10.1007/BF03346444.
- Jones, B. A., Arcelus, J., Bouman, W. P., ve Haycraft, E. (2017). Sport and transgender people: A systematic review of the literature relating to sport participation and competitive sport policies. Sports Medicine, 47(4), 701-716.
Doi: 10.1007/s40279-016-0621-y.
- Kraemer, W. J., Fleck, S. J. ve Deschenes, M. R. (2011). Exercise physiology: Integrating theory and application. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.p. 217-218.
- Kraemer, W. J., ve Ratamess, N. A. (2005). Hormonal responses and adaptations to resistance exercise and training. Sports medicine, 35(4), 339-361. Doi: 10.2165/00007256-200535040-00004.
- Krieger, L. (1997). Scoring before a big event. Winning, 1, 88-89.
- Kuyper, L., ve Wijsen, C. (2014). Gender identities and gender dysphoria in the Netherlands. Archives of sexual behavior, 43(2), 377-385. Doi: 10.1007/s10508-013-0140-y. Epub 2013 Jul 16.
- Lapauw, B., Taes, Y., Simoens, S., Van Caenegem, E., Weyers, S., Goemaere, S., ... ve T'Sjoen, G. G. (2008). Body composition, volumetric and areal bone parameters in male-to-female transsexual persons. Bone, 43(6), 1016-1021. Doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2008.09.001. Epub 2008 Sep 16.
- Ljungqvist, A., ve Genel, M. (2005). Essay: Transsexual athletes—when is competition fair?. The Lancet, 366, S42-S43. Doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)67844-0.
- Nindl, B. C., Kraemer, W. J., Gotshalk, L. A., Marx, J. O., Volek, J. S., Bush, J. A., ... ve Fleck, S. J. (2001). Testosterone responses after resistance exercise in women: influence of regional fat distribution. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 11(4), 451-465. Doi: 10.1123/ijsnem.11.4.451.
- Powers, S. K., ve Howley, E. T. (2018). Exercise physiology: Theory and application to fitness and performance (10. baskı). New York, NJ: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. s:108
- Reeser, J. C. (2005). Gender identity and sport: is the playing field level?. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(10), 695-699. Doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.018119.
- Safarinejad, M. R., Azma, K., ve Kolahi, A. A. (2009). The effects of intensive, long-term treadmill running on reproductive hormones, hypothalamus-pituitary-testis axis, and semen quality: a randomized controlled study. Journal of Endocrinology, 200(3), 259.
Doi: 10.1677/JOE-08-0477. Epub 2008 Dec 9.
- Sansone, A., Sansone, M., Vaamonde, D., Sgrò, P., Salzano, C., Romanelli, F., ... ve Di Luigi, L. (2018). Sport, doping and male fertility. Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 16(1), 114. Doi: 10.1186/s12958-018-0435-x.
- Sokoloff, N. C., Misra, M., ve Ackerman, K. E. (2016). Exercise, training, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in men and women. Front Horm Res, 47:27–43. Doi: 10.1159/000445154.
- Stefani, L., Galanti, G., Padulo, J., Bragazzi, N. L., ve Maffulli, N. (2016). Sexual activity before sports competition: a systematic review. Frontiers in physiology, 7, 246. Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2016.00246.
- Turek JP. (2014). Campbell-Walsh Üroloji. Yaman Ö. (ed), Erkek reprodüktif fizyolojisi. (1. Baskı). Ankara. Güneş Kitabevi,. s.591-615.
- Wood, R. I., ve Stanton, S. J. (2012). Testosterone and sport: current perspectives. Hormones and behavior, 61(1), 147-155. Doi: 10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.09.010. Epub 2011 Oct 1.
- Velders, M., ve Diel, P. (2013). How sex hormones promote skeletal muscle regeneration. Sports medicine, 43(11), 1089-1100. Doi: 10.1007/s40279-013-0081-6.
- Zavorsky, G. S., ve Newton, W. L. (2018). Effects of sexual activity on several measures of physical performance in young adult males. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 59(7), 1102-1109.
- Zitzmann, M., ve Nieschlag, E. (2003). Effects of androgen replacement on metabolism and physical performances in male hypogonadism. Journal of endocrinological investigation, 26(9), 886-892.
Doi: 10.1007/BF03345240.