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Yıl 2025, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 1 - 25



  • Abrahams, D. (2012). Soccer tough: Simple football psychology techniques to improve your game. Bennion Keary Limited Publishing.
  • Abrams, M. (2012). Anger management in sport: Understanding and controlling violence athletes. Human Kinetics.
  • Akkoyun, S. (2014). Türkiye’deki futbol kulüplerinin alt yapılarının yapılanması: Yönetim Biçimleri, idari yapısı ve Avrupa’daki örneklerle kıyaslanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi: İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Amorose, A. P., & Anderson, M. B. (2007). The influence of the coach on athlete development. In D. Gould, J. R. Williams, & H. A. Ford (Eds.), Advances in sport psychology (4th ed)., pp. 335-364). Human Kinetics
  • Armour, K. (2013). Sport Pedagogy: An introduction for teaching and coaching. Routledge
  • Baker, J., Horton, S., Robertson-Wilson, J., & Wall, M. (2003). Nurturing sport expertise: Factors influencing the development of elite athlete. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2, 1-9.
  • Balliauw, M., Bosmans, J., & Pauwels, D. (2022). Does the quality of a youth academy impact a football player’s market value? Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 12(3), 269–283.
  • Bardin, L. (2004). Análise de conteúdo. 3. ed. Edições
  • Beswick, B. (2016). Odak noktamız futbol: Oyun zihinde nasıl kazanılır? Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Çevik, S., & Onağ, Z. (2019). Qualitative research on reasons why Turkish football clubs are unable to train youth team players well and possible solutions. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(2), 326-343
  • Chelladurai, P. (2014). Managing organizations for sport and physical activity: A systems perspective (4th ed.). Routledge.
  • Côté, J., & Gilbert, W. (2014). Talent is nurtured: Implications for sport policy. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 6(4), 575-593
  • Côté, J., Erickson, K., & Duffy, P. (2013). Developing the expert performance coach. In D. Farrow, J. Baker, C. MacMahon (Eds.), Developing elite sport performance: Lesson from theory and practice (pp. 17-28; 2nd edition). Routledge
  • Côté, J., Murphy-Mills, J., & Abernethy, B. (2012). The development of skill in sport. In: Hodges, N., and Williams A.M. (eds) Skill acquisition in sport: Research, theory and practice (pp.269–286). Routledge
  • Coutinho, P., Ribeiro, J., da Silva, S.M., Fonseca, A.M., and Mesquita, I. (2021). The Influence of Parents, Coaches, and Peers in the Long-Term Development of Highly Skilled and Less Skilled Volleyball Players. Front. Psychol., 12, Article 667542.
  • Coyle, D. (2009). The talent code. Random House.
  • Cumming, S. P., Lloyd, R. S., Oliver, J. L., Eisenmann, J. C., & Malina, R. M. (2017). Bio-banding in sport: applications to competition, talent identification, and strength and conditioning of youth athletes. Strength Condition J., 39, 34–47.
  • Cushion, C. J., Ford, P. R., & Williams, A. M. (2012). Coach behaviors and practice structures in youth soccer: Implications for talent development. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(15), 1631–1641
  • Cushion, C.J., & Jones, R.L. (2006). Power, discourse, and symbolic violence in professional youth soccer: The case of Albion football club. Sociology of Sport Journal, 23,142–161.
  • Erdal, R., (2017). Sporda Yönetişim & Organizasyon: Spor organizasyonları planlama ve yönetimi. Spor Yayınevi
  • Ericsson, K. A. (2003). How the expert performance approach differs from traditional approaches to expertise in sport: In search of a shared theoretical framework for studying expert performance. In K. A. Ericsson & J. Starkes (Eds.), Expert performance in sport: Advances in research on sport expertise. (pp. 371–402). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
  • Farrow, D., Baker J., & MacMahon, C. (2013). Developing sport expertise: Researchers and coaches put theory into practice. Routledge
  • Freeman, R. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gallahue, D.L., Ozmun, J.C. and Goodway, J. (2012). Understanding motor development: Infants, children, adolescents, adults. McGraw-Hill.
  • Gulbin, J., Weissensteiner, J., Oldenziel, K., & Gagné, F. (2013). Patterns of performance development in elite athletes. European Journal of Sport Science, 13, 605-614.
  • Haugaasen, M., Toering, T., & Jordet, G. (2014). From childhood to senior professional football: A multi-level approach to elite youth football players’ engagement in football-specific activities. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 336-344.
  • Helsen, W, Hodges, N., J., Van Winckel, & Starkes, J. L. (2000). The roles of talent, physical precocity and practice in the development of soccer expertise. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18(9), 727-736.
  • Höner, O., & Feichtinger, P. (2016). Psychological talent predictors in early adolescence and their empirical relationship with current and future performance in soccer. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 25, 17–26.
  • Höner, O., Murr, D., Larkin, P., Schreiner, R. & Leyhr, D. (2021). Nationwide subjective and objective assessments of potential talent predictors in elite youth soccer: An Investigation of prognostic validity in a prospective study. Front. Sports Active Living, 3, Article 638227.
  • Houlihan, B., & Green, M. (2008). Comparative Elite sport development: Systems, structures and public policy. Elsevier
  • Hylton, K. (2013). Sports development: Policy, process and practice. Routledge.
  • Kaplan, T. (2016). Futbol: Antrenörlük eğitiminde kavramsal boyutlar. Palet Yayınları
  • Lapiano, D. A., & Zotos, C. (2023). Athletic director's desk reference. 2nd Revised Edition. Human Kinetics
  • Larsen, C., H., Storm, L., Sæther, S., Pyrdol, N., & Henriksen, K. (2020). A world class academy in professional football: The case of Ajax Amsterdam. Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2, 33-43.
  • Lee, G. (2021). Clarifying the complexities of qualitative research: A Book review of Phillip Adu’s a step-by-step guide to qualitative data coding. The Qualitative Report, 26(7), 2168-2170.
  • Machado, G., González-Víllora, S., & Teoldo, I. (2023). Selected soccer players are quicker and better decision- makers in elite Brazilian youth academies. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 23(2), 65–82.
  • Mannix, P., Roberts, S. J., Enright, K., & Littlewood, M. (2023). Surveying the youth-to-senior transition landscape in Major League Soccer: a new frontier. Science and Medicine in Football, 8(4), 365–373.
  • McCalman, W., Goddard, S. G., Fransen, J., Crowley-McHattan, Z. J., & Bennett, K. J. M. (2023). Experienced academy soccer coaches’ perspectives on players’ skilfulness. Science and Medicine in Football, 8(4), 386–396.
  • McGrath, J., & Bates, B. (2017). The little book of big management theories and how to use them. Pearson Business
  • McGuigan, M., Dello Iacono, A., McRobert, A., Cowan, D., & Unnithan, V. B. (2024). Facilitators and barriers associated with youth player transition to professional first-team football: A key stakeholder perspective. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 19(3), 988-998.
  • Mesquita, I., Coutinho, P., De Martin-Silva, L., Parente, B., Faria, M. & Afonso, J. (2015). The value of indirect teaching strategies in enhancing student-coaches’ learning engagement. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 14, 657–668.
  • Mills, A., Butt, J., Maynard, I., & Harwood, C. (2014). Toward an understanding of optimal development environments within elite English soccer academies. The Sport Psychologist, 28(2), 137–150.
  • Mitchell T., Gledhill A., Nesti M., Richardson D., Littlewood M. (2020). Practitioner perspectives on the barriers associated with youth-to-senior transition in elite youth soccer academy players. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7, 273–282.
  • Mohammadi, S., & Dehkordi, F. (2013). The relationship between job satisfaction and its aspects with the organizational commitment among the staffs of the youth and the sport department in Charmahal & Bakhtiari. J. Sport Science, 6(2), 77-81.
  • Moran, A., & Toner, J. (2017). A Critical introduction to sport psychology. (3rd ed.). Routledge
  • Moser, A., & Korstjens, I. (2017). Series: Practical guidance to qualitative research. Part 3: Sampling, data collection and analysis. European Journal of General Practice, 24(1), 9-18.
  • Nesti, M., & Sulley, C. (2015). Youth development in football: Lessons from the world’s best academies. Routledge
  • New, P., & Gill, W. (2010). Academy football: Stressed to the bone. SportEX Medicine, 43, 22-27
  • North, J., Lara-Bercial, S., Morgan, G., & Rongen, F. (2014). The identification of good practice principles to inform player development and coaching in European youth football – UEFA Research Project, Leeds Beckett University, UK.
  • O’Connor, D., Larkin, P., & Williams, A. M. (2017). Observations of youth football training: How do coaches structure training sessions for player development? Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(1), 39–47.
  • Patton, M. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 4th ed., SAGE Publications
  • Poli, R., Ravenel, L., & Besson, R. (2016): CIES Football Observatory Report n°19 - Retrieved at
  • Rabionet, S. E. (2011). How i learned to design and conduct semi-structured interviews: An Ongoing and continuous journey. The Qualitative Report, 16(2), 563-566.
  • Relvas, H., Littlewood, M., Nesti, M., Gilbourne, D., & Richardson, D. (2010). Organizational structures and working practices in elite European professional football clubs: Understanding the relationship between youth and professional domains. European Sport Management Quarterly, 10(2), 165–187.
  • Reverberi, E., D’Angelo, C., Littlewood, M.A., & Gozzoli, C.F. (2020). Youth football players’ psychological well-being: The key role of relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 11,567776.
  • Roca, A., Williams, A. M., & Ford, P. R. (2012). Developmental activities and the acquisition of superior anticipation and decision making in soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(15), 1643–1652.
  • Roynesdal, O. (2015). The transition from academy to professional football. Master Thesis presented in Sport Sciences Department of Coaching and Psychology to Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.
  • Sarmento, H., Anguera, M. T., Pereira, A., & Araújo, D. (2018). Talent Identification & Development in Male Football: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine, 48(4), 907-931.
  • Schreier, M. (2014). Qualitative content analysis. SAGE Publications.
  • Şenel, E., & Saygın, Ö. (2021). The comparison of football academy systems between Turkey and England, International Journal of Sport Culture and Science 9(4), 387-412
  • Sivrikaya, M. H. (2018). The Role of self-efficacy on performance of sports skills of football players. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(12a), 75-79.
  • Stotlar, D.K. & Wonders, A. (2006). Developing elite athletes: A content analysis of US national governing body system. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 18(2), 121-144.
  • Sunay, H., & Kaya, B. (2018). Türkiye ile Almanya futbol altyapılarının karşılaştırılması. Spormetre, 16(4), 126-139.
  • Sweeney, L., Horan, D., & MacNamara, Á. (2021). Premature professionalization or early engagement? Examining practise in football player pathways. Frontiers Sports and Active Living 3, Article 660167.
  • Topkaya, I. (2015). Futbolda Altyapı Eğitimi: Altyapıya ilişkin genel bir çerçece ve altyapı eğitiminde pedagojik yaklaşım. Paradigma Akademi Yayınları
  • Veal, A.J., & Darcy, S. (2014). Research methods in sport studies and sport management: A Practical guide (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Whiting, L. (2008). Semi-structured interviews: Guidance for novice researchers. Nursing Standard., 22, 35-40.
  • Wylleman, P., Alfermann, D., & Lavallee, D. (2004). Career transitions in sport: European perspectives. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5(1), 7–20.
  • Xiang, C., Dong, W., Kamalden, T. F. T., Ismail, N., & Luo, H. (2024). Structural analysis of environmental factors of sports talent development. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 43(7), 6516–6532.
  • Zibung, M., & Conzelmann, A. (2013). The role of specialisation in the promotion of young football talents: a person-oriented study. European J. Sport Science, 13, 452–460.

Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 1 - 25


The management of football academies is a multifaceted process that involves different influential stakeholders. Coaches, as key stakeholders, contribute significantly to the overall success of a football academy. Recognizing coaches’ pivotal role in the developmental journey of young football players, the current study employed the systems approach to explore the management practices of football academies in Turkey, with a particular emphasis on the perspective of coaches. The primary objective was to comprehend the challenges and obstacles confronted by Turkish football academies in terms of management and their implications for the overall efficiency of the academies. Furthermore, the study aimed to delineate the fundamental requirements and necessary services encompassing the input, process, feedback, output, and environmental aspects of the football academy system. Fifteen head coaches of senior teams in the top two divisions in Turkey with previous coaching experience in football academies were interviewed using a semi-structured interview. The results were analysed using qualitative content analysis. The findings indicated that management should prioritise specialised coaching approaches tailored to football academies. Training young football players in academies requires coaches specifically trained for this purpose, as it is a distinct profession from those coaching senior teams. The study proposes a solid recommendation to improve coaching education programs, both in quantity and quality, addressing specific challenges in Turkish football academies. The article ultimately emphasises the importance of adopting a systems theory approach to achieve successful football academy management while accounting for environmental factors to achieve sustainable practices in Turkey's football academies.


  • Abrahams, D. (2012). Soccer tough: Simple football psychology techniques to improve your game. Bennion Keary Limited Publishing.
  • Abrams, M. (2012). Anger management in sport: Understanding and controlling violence athletes. Human Kinetics.
  • Akkoyun, S. (2014). Türkiye’deki futbol kulüplerinin alt yapılarının yapılanması: Yönetim Biçimleri, idari yapısı ve Avrupa’daki örneklerle kıyaslanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi: İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Amorose, A. P., & Anderson, M. B. (2007). The influence of the coach on athlete development. In D. Gould, J. R. Williams, & H. A. Ford (Eds.), Advances in sport psychology (4th ed)., pp. 335-364). Human Kinetics
  • Armour, K. (2013). Sport Pedagogy: An introduction for teaching and coaching. Routledge
  • Baker, J., Horton, S., Robertson-Wilson, J., & Wall, M. (2003). Nurturing sport expertise: Factors influencing the development of elite athlete. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine 2, 1-9.
  • Balliauw, M., Bosmans, J., & Pauwels, D. (2022). Does the quality of a youth academy impact a football player’s market value? Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 12(3), 269–283.
  • Bardin, L. (2004). Análise de conteúdo. 3. ed. Edições
  • Beswick, B. (2016). Odak noktamız futbol: Oyun zihinde nasıl kazanılır? Remzi Kitabevi.
  • Çevik, S., & Onağ, Z. (2019). Qualitative research on reasons why Turkish football clubs are unable to train youth team players well and possible solutions. CBÜ Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 14(2), 326-343
  • Chelladurai, P. (2014). Managing organizations for sport and physical activity: A systems perspective (4th ed.). Routledge.
  • Côté, J., & Gilbert, W. (2014). Talent is nurtured: Implications for sport policy. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 6(4), 575-593
  • Côté, J., Erickson, K., & Duffy, P. (2013). Developing the expert performance coach. In D. Farrow, J. Baker, C. MacMahon (Eds.), Developing elite sport performance: Lesson from theory and practice (pp. 17-28; 2nd edition). Routledge
  • Côté, J., Murphy-Mills, J., & Abernethy, B. (2012). The development of skill in sport. In: Hodges, N., and Williams A.M. (eds) Skill acquisition in sport: Research, theory and practice (pp.269–286). Routledge
  • Coutinho, P., Ribeiro, J., da Silva, S.M., Fonseca, A.M., and Mesquita, I. (2021). The Influence of Parents, Coaches, and Peers in the Long-Term Development of Highly Skilled and Less Skilled Volleyball Players. Front. Psychol., 12, Article 667542.
  • Coyle, D. (2009). The talent code. Random House.
  • Cumming, S. P., Lloyd, R. S., Oliver, J. L., Eisenmann, J. C., & Malina, R. M. (2017). Bio-banding in sport: applications to competition, talent identification, and strength and conditioning of youth athletes. Strength Condition J., 39, 34–47.
  • Cushion, C. J., Ford, P. R., & Williams, A. M. (2012). Coach behaviors and practice structures in youth soccer: Implications for talent development. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(15), 1631–1641
  • Cushion, C.J., & Jones, R.L. (2006). Power, discourse, and symbolic violence in professional youth soccer: The case of Albion football club. Sociology of Sport Journal, 23,142–161.
  • Erdal, R., (2017). Sporda Yönetişim & Organizasyon: Spor organizasyonları planlama ve yönetimi. Spor Yayınevi
  • Ericsson, K. A. (2003). How the expert performance approach differs from traditional approaches to expertise in sport: In search of a shared theoretical framework for studying expert performance. In K. A. Ericsson & J. Starkes (Eds.), Expert performance in sport: Advances in research on sport expertise. (pp. 371–402). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
  • Farrow, D., Baker J., & MacMahon, C. (2013). Developing sport expertise: Researchers and coaches put theory into practice. Routledge
  • Freeman, R. (2010). Strategic management: A stakeholder approach. Cambridge University Press.
  • Gallahue, D.L., Ozmun, J.C. and Goodway, J. (2012). Understanding motor development: Infants, children, adolescents, adults. McGraw-Hill.
  • Gulbin, J., Weissensteiner, J., Oldenziel, K., & Gagné, F. (2013). Patterns of performance development in elite athletes. European Journal of Sport Science, 13, 605-614.
  • Haugaasen, M., Toering, T., & Jordet, G. (2014). From childhood to senior professional football: A multi-level approach to elite youth football players’ engagement in football-specific activities. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15(4), 336-344.
  • Helsen, W, Hodges, N., J., Van Winckel, & Starkes, J. L. (2000). The roles of talent, physical precocity and practice in the development of soccer expertise. Journal of Sports Sciences, 18(9), 727-736.
  • Höner, O., & Feichtinger, P. (2016). Psychological talent predictors in early adolescence and their empirical relationship with current and future performance in soccer. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 25, 17–26.
  • Höner, O., Murr, D., Larkin, P., Schreiner, R. & Leyhr, D. (2021). Nationwide subjective and objective assessments of potential talent predictors in elite youth soccer: An Investigation of prognostic validity in a prospective study. Front. Sports Active Living, 3, Article 638227.
  • Houlihan, B., & Green, M. (2008). Comparative Elite sport development: Systems, structures and public policy. Elsevier
  • Hylton, K. (2013). Sports development: Policy, process and practice. Routledge.
  • Kaplan, T. (2016). Futbol: Antrenörlük eğitiminde kavramsal boyutlar. Palet Yayınları
  • Lapiano, D. A., & Zotos, C. (2023). Athletic director's desk reference. 2nd Revised Edition. Human Kinetics
  • Larsen, C., H., Storm, L., Sæther, S., Pyrdol, N., & Henriksen, K. (2020). A world class academy in professional football: The case of Ajax Amsterdam. Scandinavian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2, 33-43.
  • Lee, G. (2021). Clarifying the complexities of qualitative research: A Book review of Phillip Adu’s a step-by-step guide to qualitative data coding. The Qualitative Report, 26(7), 2168-2170.
  • Machado, G., González-Víllora, S., & Teoldo, I. (2023). Selected soccer players are quicker and better decision- makers in elite Brazilian youth academies. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 23(2), 65–82.
  • Mannix, P., Roberts, S. J., Enright, K., & Littlewood, M. (2023). Surveying the youth-to-senior transition landscape in Major League Soccer: a new frontier. Science and Medicine in Football, 8(4), 365–373.
  • McCalman, W., Goddard, S. G., Fransen, J., Crowley-McHattan, Z. J., & Bennett, K. J. M. (2023). Experienced academy soccer coaches’ perspectives on players’ skilfulness. Science and Medicine in Football, 8(4), 386–396.
  • McGrath, J., & Bates, B. (2017). The little book of big management theories and how to use them. Pearson Business
  • McGuigan, M., Dello Iacono, A., McRobert, A., Cowan, D., & Unnithan, V. B. (2024). Facilitators and barriers associated with youth player transition to professional first-team football: A key stakeholder perspective. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 19(3), 988-998.
  • Mesquita, I., Coutinho, P., De Martin-Silva, L., Parente, B., Faria, M. & Afonso, J. (2015). The value of indirect teaching strategies in enhancing student-coaches’ learning engagement. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 14, 657–668.
  • Mills, A., Butt, J., Maynard, I., & Harwood, C. (2014). Toward an understanding of optimal development environments within elite English soccer academies. The Sport Psychologist, 28(2), 137–150.
  • Mitchell T., Gledhill A., Nesti M., Richardson D., Littlewood M. (2020). Practitioner perspectives on the barriers associated with youth-to-senior transition in elite youth soccer academy players. International Sport Coaching Journal, 7, 273–282.
  • Mohammadi, S., & Dehkordi, F. (2013). The relationship between job satisfaction and its aspects with the organizational commitment among the staffs of the youth and the sport department in Charmahal & Bakhtiari. J. Sport Science, 6(2), 77-81.
  • Moran, A., & Toner, J. (2017). A Critical introduction to sport psychology. (3rd ed.). Routledge
  • Moser, A., & Korstjens, I. (2017). Series: Practical guidance to qualitative research. Part 3: Sampling, data collection and analysis. European Journal of General Practice, 24(1), 9-18.
  • Nesti, M., & Sulley, C. (2015). Youth development in football: Lessons from the world’s best academies. Routledge
  • New, P., & Gill, W. (2010). Academy football: Stressed to the bone. SportEX Medicine, 43, 22-27
  • North, J., Lara-Bercial, S., Morgan, G., & Rongen, F. (2014). The identification of good practice principles to inform player development and coaching in European youth football – UEFA Research Project, Leeds Beckett University, UK.
  • O’Connor, D., Larkin, P., & Williams, A. M. (2017). Observations of youth football training: How do coaches structure training sessions for player development? Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(1), 39–47.
  • Patton, M. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 4th ed., SAGE Publications
  • Poli, R., Ravenel, L., & Besson, R. (2016): CIES Football Observatory Report n°19 - Retrieved at
  • Rabionet, S. E. (2011). How i learned to design and conduct semi-structured interviews: An Ongoing and continuous journey. The Qualitative Report, 16(2), 563-566.
  • Relvas, H., Littlewood, M., Nesti, M., Gilbourne, D., & Richardson, D. (2010). Organizational structures and working practices in elite European professional football clubs: Understanding the relationship between youth and professional domains. European Sport Management Quarterly, 10(2), 165–187.
  • Reverberi, E., D’Angelo, C., Littlewood, M.A., & Gozzoli, C.F. (2020). Youth football players’ psychological well-being: The key role of relationships. Frontiers in Psychology, 11,567776.
  • Roca, A., Williams, A. M., & Ford, P. R. (2012). Developmental activities and the acquisition of superior anticipation and decision making in soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 30(15), 1643–1652.
  • Roynesdal, O. (2015). The transition from academy to professional football. Master Thesis presented in Sport Sciences Department of Coaching and Psychology to Norwegian School of Sport Sciences.
  • Sarmento, H., Anguera, M. T., Pereira, A., & Araújo, D. (2018). Talent Identification & Development in Male Football: A Systematic Review. Sports Medicine, 48(4), 907-931.
  • Schreier, M. (2014). Qualitative content analysis. SAGE Publications.
  • Şenel, E., & Saygın, Ö. (2021). The comparison of football academy systems between Turkey and England, International Journal of Sport Culture and Science 9(4), 387-412
  • Sivrikaya, M. H. (2018). The Role of self-efficacy on performance of sports skills of football players. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 6(12a), 75-79.
  • Stotlar, D.K. & Wonders, A. (2006). Developing elite athletes: A content analysis of US national governing body system. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 18(2), 121-144.
  • Sunay, H., & Kaya, B. (2018). Türkiye ile Almanya futbol altyapılarının karşılaştırılması. Spormetre, 16(4), 126-139.
  • Sweeney, L., Horan, D., & MacNamara, Á. (2021). Premature professionalization or early engagement? Examining practise in football player pathways. Frontiers Sports and Active Living 3, Article 660167.
  • Topkaya, I. (2015). Futbolda Altyapı Eğitimi: Altyapıya ilişkin genel bir çerçece ve altyapı eğitiminde pedagojik yaklaşım. Paradigma Akademi Yayınları
  • Veal, A.J., & Darcy, S. (2014). Research methods in sport studies and sport management: A Practical guide (1st ed.). Routledge.
  • Whiting, L. (2008). Semi-structured interviews: Guidance for novice researchers. Nursing Standard., 22, 35-40.
  • Wylleman, P., Alfermann, D., & Lavallee, D. (2004). Career transitions in sport: European perspectives. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 5(1), 7–20.
  • Xiang, C., Dong, W., Kamalden, T. F. T., Ismail, N., & Luo, H. (2024). Structural analysis of environmental factors of sports talent development. Current Psychology: A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues, 43(7), 6516–6532.
  • Zibung, M., & Conzelmann, A. (2013). The role of specialisation in the promotion of young football talents: a person-oriented study. European J. Sport Science, 13, 452–460.
Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Spor Faaliyetleri Yönetimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Gökhan Bozkurt 0009-0007-8715-0050

Claudia Dias 0000-0003-0418-0056

Maria Jose Carvalho 0000-0002-4975-0115

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 6 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Bozkurt, G., Dias, C., & Carvalho, M. J. (2025). Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education, 7(1), 1-25.
AMA Bozkurt G, Dias C, Carvalho MJ. Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective. EJSSE. Mart 2025;7(1):1-25. doi:10.47778/ejsse.1542626
Chicago Bozkurt, Gökhan, Claudia Dias, ve Maria Jose Carvalho. “Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 7, sy. 1 (Mart 2025): 1-25.
EndNote Bozkurt G, Dias C, Carvalho MJ (01 Mart 2025) Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 7 1 1–25.
IEEE G. Bozkurt, C. Dias, ve M. J. Carvalho, “Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective”, EJSSE, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 1–25, 2025, doi: 10.47778/ejsse.1542626.
ISNAD Bozkurt, Gökhan vd. “Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education 7/1 (Mart 2025), 1-25.
JAMA Bozkurt G, Dias C, Carvalho MJ. Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective. EJSSE. 2025;7:1–25.
MLA Bozkurt, Gökhan vd. “Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective”. Eurasian Journal of Sport Sciences and Education, c. 7, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 1-25, doi:10.47778/ejsse.1542626.
Vancouver Bozkurt G, Dias C, Carvalho MJ. Management of Football Academies in Turkey: The Coach Perspective. EJSSE. 2025;7(1):1-25.

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