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The Boom in Capital Flows to Developing Countries: Will It Go Bust Again?

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 63 - 96, 01.02.2012


This paper argues that the policy of quantitative easing and maintaining close-to-zero interest rates in advanced economies, notably the US, has been generating a surge in speculative capital flows to developing countries in search of yield and creating bubbles in foreign exchange, asset, credit and commodity markets. This latest generalized surge constitutes the fourth postwar boom in capital flows to developing countries. All previous ones ended with busts, causing serious damage to recipient countries. The conditions driving the recent boom in capital flows and commodity prices are not sustainable, and they are likely to be followed by a sharp downturn. Various scenarios that can bring them to an abrupt end are discussed. Examining the policy responses and financial and macroeconomic developments in major emerging economies, the paper concludes that deficit commodity-rich economies that have been enjoying the dual benefits of global liquidity expansion – that is, the boom in capital flows and commodity markets – are most vulnerable to a possible reversal and urges them to manage capital flows more effectively.


An earlier version was presented at a South Center workshop, “Global Economy, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development: Issues for Developing Countries,” held on 26 January 2011 in Palais des Nations, Geneva. I am grateful to Venugopal Reddy, Martin Khor, Richard Kozul-Wright, Michael Mah-Hui Lim, and the participants in a seminar held in UNDESA in New York on 1 March 2011, particularly to Rob Vos, Butch Montes, and Alex Izurieta, for their comments and suggestions, and to Xuan Zhang of the South Center for assistance with the data used in this paper. The usual caveat applies


  • Akyüz, Y., (2008), “Managing Financial Instability in Emerging Markets: A Keynesian Perspective”, METU Studies in Development, 35(1), pp. 177-208.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2009), Exchange-Rate Management, Growth, and Stability: National and Regional Policy Options in Asia, UNDP, Colombo.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2010a), “The Management of Capital Flows and Financial Vulnerability in Asia”, in S. Griffith-Jones, J.A. Ocampo, and J.E. Stiglitz eds., Time for a Visible Hand, Lessons from the 2008 World Financial Crisis, IPD, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2010b), The Global Economic Crisis and Asian Developing Countries: Impact, Policy Response, and Medium-Term Prospects, TWN Global Economy Series 27 www.twnside.org.sg/title2/ge/ge27.pdf (accessed 10 January 2011).
  • Akyüz, Y., (2010c), “Why the IMF and the International Monetary System Need More than Cosmetic Reform”, South Center Research Paper 32.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2011), “Global Economic Prospects: The Recession May Be Over But Where Next?,” Global Policy, 2(2) May.
  • Balakrishnan, R., S. Danninger, S. Elekdag, and I. Tytell, (2009), “The Transmission of Financial Stress from Advanced to Emerging Economies”, IMF Working Paper WP/09/133, Washington, DC.
  • Bernanke, B., (2009), “Four Questions about the Financial Crisis”, Speech Given at Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, April 14, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
  • Bernanke, B., (2010), “Monetary Policy Objectives and Tools in a Low- Inflation Environment”, Speech at the Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, October 15. www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bernanke20101015a.htm (accessed 14 January 2011).
  • Bernanke, B., (2011), “International Capital Flows and the Returns to Safe Assets in the United States 2003-2007”, Banque de France, Financial Stability Review, No. 15, February.
  • BIS (Bank for International Settlements), (2007), Annual Report, Basle.
  • BIS, (2009), “Capital Flows and Emerging Market Economies”, CGFS Paper 33, Basle.
  • BIS, (2010a), “The Global Crisis and Financial Intermediation in Emerging Market Economies”, BIS Papers No. 54, December, Basle.
  • BIS, (2010b), Quarterly Review, December, Basle.
  • Clement, P., (2010), “The Term “Macroprudential”: Origins and Evolution”, BIS Quarterly Review, March: 59-67.
  • Curran, E., (2011), “Emerging Risks”, The Wall Street Journal, March 2. Accessed on 2 March 2011.
  • Domanski, D. and A. Heath, (2007), “Financial Investors and Commodity Markets”, BIS Quarterly Review, March: 53-67.
  • ESCAP, (2009), Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, 2009: Year-end Update, www.unescap.org.
  • ESCAP, (2010), Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, 2010, www.unescap.org.
  • Galati, G. and R. Moessner, (2011), “Macroprudential Policy – A Literature Review. BIS Working Paper 337, February.
  • Gilbert, C.L., (2010), “Speculative Influences on Commodity Futures Prices,, 2006–2008”, UNCTAD Discussion Paper 197, March. Geneva
  • Griffith-Jones, S. and K. Gallagher, (2011), “Curbing Hot Capital Flows To Protect the Real Economy,” Economic and Political Weekly, XLI (3): 12-14
  • IATP (Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy), (2008), Commodities Markets Speculation: The Risk to Food Security and Agriculture, November. Minneapolis, Minnesota. www.iatp.org/iatp/publications.cfm?refid=104414 (accessed 22 February 2011).
  • IIF (Institute of International Finance, Various Issues), Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economies, http://www.iif.com.
  • IMF GFSR (various issues), Global Financial Stability Report, Washington, DC.
  • IMF WEO (various issues). World Economic Outlook, Washington, DC.
  • IMF, (2010). Balance of Payments and International Investment Manual, Sixth Edition. Washington, DC.
  • IMF, (2011), Global Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges, Prepared by Staff of the International Monetary Fund. Meeting of G-20 Deputies, July 9-10, Paris, France. http://www.imf.org/external/np/g20/070911.htm (accessed 4 August 2011).
  • Jara, A. and C.E. Tovar, (2008), “Monetary and Financial Stability Implications of Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean”, BIS Papers, 43.
  • Jara, A., R. Moreno, R. and C.E. Tovar, (2009), “The Global Crisis and Latin America: Financial Impact and Policy Responses”, BIS Quarterly Review, June.
  • Kohler, M., (2010), “Exchange Rates During the Crisis”, BIS Quarterly Review, March.
  • Lee, K-K., (2010), The Post-Crisis Changes in the Financial System in Korea: Problems of Neoliberal Restructuring and Financial Opening after 1997. TWN Global Economy Series 20. Financial Crisis and Asian Developing Countries. Penang, Malaysia.
  • Marshall, P., (2011), “Brazil May Be Heading for a Subprime Crisis”, Financial Times, 21 February.
  • Masters, M.W., (2008), Testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, The United States Senate, May 20.
  • Washington, DC. http://hsgac.senate.gov/public/_files/ 052008Masters.pdf (accessed 22 January 2011).
  • Masters, M.W. and A.K. White, (2009), The 2008 Commodities Bubble: Assessing the Damage to the United States and Its Citizens, www.accidentalhuntbrothers.com (accessed 22 January 2011).
  • Mayer, J., (2009), “The Growing Interdependence between Financial and Commodity Markets”, UNCTAD Discussion Paper 195.
  • McCauley, R., (2008), “Managing Recent Hot Money Flows in Asia”, ADBI Discussion Paper 99, Tokyo.
  • McCauley, R. N. and P. McGuire, (2009), “Dollar Appreciation in 2008: Safe Haven, Carry Trades, Dollar Shortage, and Overhedging”, BIS Quarterly Review, December.
  • Nissanke, M., (2011), “Commodity Markets and Excess Volatility: An Evaluation of Price Dynamics under Financialization”, Presentation made at Global Commodity Forum, UNCTAD, 31 January-1 February.
  • www.unctad.info/en/Global-Commodities-Forum-2011/Presentations (accessed 20 February 2011).
  • Nomura, (2010), Asia Special Report. The Case for Capital Controls in Asia, 1 November.
  • http://www.nomura.com/research/getpub.aspx?pid=399698 (accessed 24 January 2011).
  • Oliver Wyman, (2011), “The Financial Crisis of 2015: An Avoidable History”, State of the Financial Services Industry, www.oliverwyman.com/ow/ow_state-of-financial-services-2011.htm (accessed 3 February 2011).
  • Ostry, J.D., A.R. Ghosh, K. Habermeier, M. Chamon, M.S. Qureshi, and D.B.S. Reinhardt, (2010), “Capital Inflows: The Role of Controls”, IMF Staff Position Note SPN/10.04, February 19.
  • SAFE (State Administrator of Foreign Exchange, 2011), Monitoring Report: 2010 Cross-Border Capital Flows in China, February 7.
  • Subbarao, D., (2010), “Volatility in Capital Flows: Some Perspectives”, Comments Made at the High-Level Conference on ‘The International Monetary System,’ jointly organized by the Swiss National Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Zurich, 11 May. http://www.bis.org/review/r100517b.pdf (accessed 18 January 2011).
  • Swoboda, A.K., (1976), Capital Movements and their Control, Geneva: Sijthoff Leiden Institute, Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales.
  • Tang, K., (2011), “Financialization of Commodities”, Presentation Made at Global Commodity Forum, UNCTAD, 31 January-1 February.
  • www.unctad.info/en/Global-Commodities-Forum-2011/Presentations (accessed 22 February 2011).
  • UNCTAD TDR (Various issues), Trade and Development Report. United Nations: Geneva.
  • World Bank, (2009), Battling the Forces of Global Recession: East Asia and Pacific Update. April 15, Washington, DC.
  • World Bank, (2011a), Global Economic Prospect: Navigating Strong Currents. January, Washington, DC.
  • World Bank, (2011b), Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can It Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? Washington, DC.

The Boom in Capital Flows to Developing Countries: Will It Go Bust Again?

Yıl 2012, Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1, 63 - 96, 01.02.2012


This paper argues that the policy of quantitative easing and maintaining close-to-zero interest rates in advanced economies, notably the US, has been generating a surge in speculative capital flows to developing countries in search of yield and creating bubbles in foreign exchange, asset, credit and commodity markets. This latest generalized surge constitutes the fourth postwar boom in capital flows to developing countries. All previous ones ended with busts, causing serious damage to recipient countries. The conditions driving the recent boom in capital flows and commodity prices are not sustainable, and they are likely to be followed by a sharp downturn. Various scenarios that can bring them to an abrupt end are discussed. Examining the policy responses and financial and macroeconomic developments in major emerging economies, the paper concludes that deficit commodity-rich economies that have been enjoying the dual benefits of global liquidity expansion – that is, the boom in capital flows and commodity markets – are most vulnerable to a possible reversal and urges them to manage capital flows more effectively.


  • Akyüz, Y., (2008), “Managing Financial Instability in Emerging Markets: A Keynesian Perspective”, METU Studies in Development, 35(1), pp. 177-208.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2009), Exchange-Rate Management, Growth, and Stability: National and Regional Policy Options in Asia, UNDP, Colombo.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2010a), “The Management of Capital Flows and Financial Vulnerability in Asia”, in S. Griffith-Jones, J.A. Ocampo, and J.E. Stiglitz eds., Time for a Visible Hand, Lessons from the 2008 World Financial Crisis, IPD, Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2010b), The Global Economic Crisis and Asian Developing Countries: Impact, Policy Response, and Medium-Term Prospects, TWN Global Economy Series 27 www.twnside.org.sg/title2/ge/ge27.pdf (accessed 10 January 2011).
  • Akyüz, Y., (2010c), “Why the IMF and the International Monetary System Need More than Cosmetic Reform”, South Center Research Paper 32.
  • Akyüz, Y., (2011), “Global Economic Prospects: The Recession May Be Over But Where Next?,” Global Policy, 2(2) May.
  • Balakrishnan, R., S. Danninger, S. Elekdag, and I. Tytell, (2009), “The Transmission of Financial Stress from Advanced to Emerging Economies”, IMF Working Paper WP/09/133, Washington, DC.
  • Bernanke, B., (2009), “Four Questions about the Financial Crisis”, Speech Given at Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia, April 14, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
  • Bernanke, B., (2010), “Monetary Policy Objectives and Tools in a Low- Inflation Environment”, Speech at the Revisiting Monetary Policy in a Low-Inflation Environment Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, October 15. www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/speech/bernanke20101015a.htm (accessed 14 January 2011).
  • Bernanke, B., (2011), “International Capital Flows and the Returns to Safe Assets in the United States 2003-2007”, Banque de France, Financial Stability Review, No. 15, February.
  • BIS (Bank for International Settlements), (2007), Annual Report, Basle.
  • BIS, (2009), “Capital Flows and Emerging Market Economies”, CGFS Paper 33, Basle.
  • BIS, (2010a), “The Global Crisis and Financial Intermediation in Emerging Market Economies”, BIS Papers No. 54, December, Basle.
  • BIS, (2010b), Quarterly Review, December, Basle.
  • Clement, P., (2010), “The Term “Macroprudential”: Origins and Evolution”, BIS Quarterly Review, March: 59-67.
  • Curran, E., (2011), “Emerging Risks”, The Wall Street Journal, March 2. Accessed on 2 March 2011.
  • Domanski, D. and A. Heath, (2007), “Financial Investors and Commodity Markets”, BIS Quarterly Review, March: 53-67.
  • ESCAP, (2009), Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, 2009: Year-end Update, www.unescap.org.
  • ESCAP, (2010), Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific, 2010, www.unescap.org.
  • Galati, G. and R. Moessner, (2011), “Macroprudential Policy – A Literature Review. BIS Working Paper 337, February.
  • Gilbert, C.L., (2010), “Speculative Influences on Commodity Futures Prices,, 2006–2008”, UNCTAD Discussion Paper 197, March. Geneva
  • Griffith-Jones, S. and K. Gallagher, (2011), “Curbing Hot Capital Flows To Protect the Real Economy,” Economic and Political Weekly, XLI (3): 12-14
  • IATP (Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy), (2008), Commodities Markets Speculation: The Risk to Food Security and Agriculture, November. Minneapolis, Minnesota. www.iatp.org/iatp/publications.cfm?refid=104414 (accessed 22 February 2011).
  • IIF (Institute of International Finance, Various Issues), Capital Flows to Emerging Market Economies, http://www.iif.com.
  • IMF GFSR (various issues), Global Financial Stability Report, Washington, DC.
  • IMF WEO (various issues). World Economic Outlook, Washington, DC.
  • IMF, (2010). Balance of Payments and International Investment Manual, Sixth Edition. Washington, DC.
  • IMF, (2011), Global Economic Prospects and Policy Challenges, Prepared by Staff of the International Monetary Fund. Meeting of G-20 Deputies, July 9-10, Paris, France. http://www.imf.org/external/np/g20/070911.htm (accessed 4 August 2011).
  • Jara, A. and C.E. Tovar, (2008), “Monetary and Financial Stability Implications of Capital Flows to Latin America and the Caribbean”, BIS Papers, 43.
  • Jara, A., R. Moreno, R. and C.E. Tovar, (2009), “The Global Crisis and Latin America: Financial Impact and Policy Responses”, BIS Quarterly Review, June.
  • Kohler, M., (2010), “Exchange Rates During the Crisis”, BIS Quarterly Review, March.
  • Lee, K-K., (2010), The Post-Crisis Changes in the Financial System in Korea: Problems of Neoliberal Restructuring and Financial Opening after 1997. TWN Global Economy Series 20. Financial Crisis and Asian Developing Countries. Penang, Malaysia.
  • Marshall, P., (2011), “Brazil May Be Heading for a Subprime Crisis”, Financial Times, 21 February.
  • Masters, M.W., (2008), Testimony before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, The United States Senate, May 20.
  • Washington, DC. http://hsgac.senate.gov/public/_files/ 052008Masters.pdf (accessed 22 January 2011).
  • Masters, M.W. and A.K. White, (2009), The 2008 Commodities Bubble: Assessing the Damage to the United States and Its Citizens, www.accidentalhuntbrothers.com (accessed 22 January 2011).
  • Mayer, J., (2009), “The Growing Interdependence between Financial and Commodity Markets”, UNCTAD Discussion Paper 195.
  • McCauley, R., (2008), “Managing Recent Hot Money Flows in Asia”, ADBI Discussion Paper 99, Tokyo.
  • McCauley, R. N. and P. McGuire, (2009), “Dollar Appreciation in 2008: Safe Haven, Carry Trades, Dollar Shortage, and Overhedging”, BIS Quarterly Review, December.
  • Nissanke, M., (2011), “Commodity Markets and Excess Volatility: An Evaluation of Price Dynamics under Financialization”, Presentation made at Global Commodity Forum, UNCTAD, 31 January-1 February.
  • www.unctad.info/en/Global-Commodities-Forum-2011/Presentations (accessed 20 February 2011).
  • Nomura, (2010), Asia Special Report. The Case for Capital Controls in Asia, 1 November.
  • http://www.nomura.com/research/getpub.aspx?pid=399698 (accessed 24 January 2011).
  • Oliver Wyman, (2011), “The Financial Crisis of 2015: An Avoidable History”, State of the Financial Services Industry, www.oliverwyman.com/ow/ow_state-of-financial-services-2011.htm (accessed 3 February 2011).
  • Ostry, J.D., A.R. Ghosh, K. Habermeier, M. Chamon, M.S. Qureshi, and D.B.S. Reinhardt, (2010), “Capital Inflows: The Role of Controls”, IMF Staff Position Note SPN/10.04, February 19.
  • SAFE (State Administrator of Foreign Exchange, 2011), Monitoring Report: 2010 Cross-Border Capital Flows in China, February 7.
  • Subbarao, D., (2010), “Volatility in Capital Flows: Some Perspectives”, Comments Made at the High-Level Conference on ‘The International Monetary System,’ jointly organized by the Swiss National Bank and the International Monetary Fund, Zurich, 11 May. http://www.bis.org/review/r100517b.pdf (accessed 18 January 2011).
  • Swoboda, A.K., (1976), Capital Movements and their Control, Geneva: Sijthoff Leiden Institute, Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales.
  • Tang, K., (2011), “Financialization of Commodities”, Presentation Made at Global Commodity Forum, UNCTAD, 31 January-1 February.
  • www.unctad.info/en/Global-Commodities-Forum-2011/Presentations (accessed 22 February 2011).
  • UNCTAD TDR (Various issues), Trade and Development Report. United Nations: Geneva.
  • World Bank, (2009), Battling the Forces of Global Recession: East Asia and Pacific Update. April 15, Washington, DC.
  • World Bank, (2011a), Global Economic Prospect: Navigating Strong Currents. January, Washington, DC.
  • World Bank, (2011b), Rising Global Interest in Farmland: Can It Yield Sustainable and Equitable Benefits? Washington, DC.
Toplam 54 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Konular Ekonomi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Yılmaz Akyüz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Şubat 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 1 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akyüz, Y. (2012). The Boom in Capital Flows to Developing Countries: Will It Go Bust Again?. Ekonomi-Tek, 1(1), 63-96.