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Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Enerji Tüketiminin Bir Analizi (2003-2014)

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 1 - 48, 08.03.2024


Bu çalışmada, Türkiye imalat sanayinde enerji talebindeki değişimin itici faktörleri ve bu faktörlerin enerji tüketimi ile üretim artışı arasındaki ayrışmaya katkıları 2003-2014 dönemi için LMDI-I ve Tapio ayrıştırma endeksi ile analiz edilmektedir. Çalışmada, üretim artışı ile ölçülen aktivite etkisinin, enerji tüketimindeki artışın temel itici gücü olduğu bulunurken, enerji yoğun sektörlerin sektörel payları ve enerji yoğunluklarındaki değişimlerin de enerji talebini önemli ölçüde etkileyebildiği görülmüştür. Bu bağlamda, alt sektörlerin çoğunun payı artmış olmasına karşın, net yapısal etki, enerji talebini azaltıcı yönde olmuştur. Yoğunluk etkisine bakıldığında ise çoğu imalat sanayinde farklı düzeylerde iyileşmeler olduğu ve enerji verimliliğindeki bu iyileşmelerin toplam enerji talebi üzerindeki nihai etkisinin her sektör için farklı olduğu görülmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, sektörel payları ve enerji yoğunluklarındaki değişimlerin toplam enerji talebini en fazla etkilediği ilk altı sektör ana metaller, kimyasallar ve kimyasal ürünler, tekstil, diğer metalik olmayan mineral ürünler, gıda ve kauçuk olmuştur. Ayrışma analizinde ise, güçlü ayrışmanın olduğu tek alt sektörün fabrikasyon metal ürünleri olduğu görülmektedir. Ayrıca imalat sanayinde ayrışmanın geçici ve çok sınırlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ancak üç yılda (2005, 2008 ve 2013), tam bir ayrışma gerçekleşmiş olup, enerji verimliliğindeki iyileşmeler ve sektörel dağılımdaki değişiklikler buna ana katkı sağlamıştır.


  • Akcay, Ü., & Güngen, A. R. (2019). The Making of Turkey’s 2018-2019 Economic Crisis (120/2019; IPE Working Papers).
  • Akyürek, Z. (2020). LMDI Decomposition Analysis of Energy Consumption of Turkish Manufacturing Industry: 2005–2014. Energy Efficiency, 13(4), 649–663.
  • Ang, B. W. (2004a). Decomposition Analysis Applied to Energy. In C. J. Cleveland & R. U. Ayres (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Energy: Vol. I (pp. 761–769). Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Ang, B. W. (2004b). Decomposition Analysis for Policymaking in Energy: Which is the Preferred Method? Energy Policy, 32(9), 1131–1139.
  • Ang, B. W. (2005). The LMDI Approach to Decomposition Analysis: A Practical Guide. Energy Policy, 33(7), 867–871.
  • Ang, B. W. (2015). LMDI Decomposition Approach: A Guide for Implementation. Energy Policy, 86, 233–238.
  • Ang, B. W., & Choi, K.-H. (1997). Decomposition of Aggregate Energy and Gas Emission Intensities for Industry: A Refined Divisia Index Method. The Energy Journal, 18(3), 59–73.
  • Ang, B. W., & Goh, T. (2019). Index Decomposition Analysis for Comparing Emission Scenarios: Applications and Challenges. Energy Economics, 83, 74–87.
  • Ang, B. W., Huang, H. C., & Mu, A. R. (2009). Properties and Linkages of Some Index Decomposition Analysis Methods. Energy Policy, 37(11), 4624–4632.
  • Ang, B. W., & Liu, F. L. (2001). A New Energy Decomposition Method: Perfect in Decomposition and Consistent in Aggregation. Energy, 26(6), 537–548.
  • Ang, B. W., Liu, F. L., & Chew, E. P. (2003). Perfect Decomposition Techniques in Energy and Environmental Analysis. Energy Policy, 31(14), 1561–1566.
  • Ang, B. W., Liu, F. L., & Chung, H.-S. (2004). A Generalized Fisher Index Approach to Energy Decomposition Analysis. Energy Economics, 26(5), 757–763.
  • Ang, B. W., & Wang, H. (2015). Index Decomposition Analysis with Multidimensional and Multilevel Energy Data. Energy Economics, 51, 67–76.
  • Ang, B. W., & Xu, X. Y. (2013). Tracking industrial energy efficiency trends using index decomposition analysis. Energy Economics, 40, 1014–1021.
  • Ang, B. W., Zhang, F., & Choi, K. (1998). Factorizing Changes in Energy and Environmental Indicators through Decomposition. Energy, 23(6), 489–495.
  • Ang, B. W., & Zhang, F. Q. (2000). A Survey of Index Decomposition Analysis in Energy and Environmental Studies. Energy, 25(12), 1149–1176.
  • Atiyas, I., & Bakis, O. (2015). Structural Change and Industrial Policy in Turkey. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(6), 1209–1229.
  • Boyd, G. A., Hanson, D. A., & Sterner, T. (1988). Decomposition of Changes in Energy Intensity. Energy Economics, 10(4), 309–312.
  • Boyd, G. A., & Pang, J. X. (2000). Estimating the linkage between energy efficiency and productivity. Energy Policy, 28(5), 289–296.
  • Boyd G., McDonald J.F., Ross M., & Hanson D.A. (1987). Separating the Changing Composition of U.S. Manufacturing Production from Energy Efficiency Improvements: A Divisia Index Approach. The Energy Journal, 8(2), 77–96.
  • Burgaç Çil, A. (2023). Türkiye imalat sanayinde enerji yoğunluğu: Firma bazında kanıtlar. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(4), 987–998.
  • Canbaz, M. (2019). Türkiye’de 2000 Sonrası Ekonomide Teşvik Politikaları ve 2018 Döviz Kuru Dalgalanmasının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 60–79.
  • Corsatea, T. D., Román, M. V., Amores, A. F., Neuwahl, F., Velázquez Afonso, A., Rueda-Cantuche, J. M., Arto, I., & Lindner, S. (2019). World Input-Output Database Environmental Accounts. Update 2000-2016. Publications Office.
  • de Boer, P., & Rodrigues, J. F. D. (2020). Decomposition Analysis: when to use which method? Economic Systems Research, 32(1), 1–28.
  • Diakoulaki, D., & Mandaraka, M. (2007). Decomposition Analysis for Assessing the Progress in Decoupling Industrial Growth from CO2 Emissions in the EU Manufacturing Sector. Energy Economics, 29(4), 636–664.
  • Engo, J. (2021). Driving Forces and Decoupling Indicators for Carbon Emissions from the Industrial Sector in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12), 14329–14342.
  • EU. (2022). Decision (EU) 2022/591 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 April 2022 on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030. In Official Journal of the European Union (2022/591; pp. 22–26).
  • Förster, H., Schumacher, K., De Cian, E., Hübler, M., Keppo, I., Mima, S., & Sands, R. D. (2013). European Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Strategies Beyond 2030—A Sectoral Multi-Model Decomposition. Clim. Change Econ., 04(supp01), 1340004.
  • Genty, A., Arto, I., & Neuwahl, F. (2012). Final Database of Environmental Satellite Accounts: Technical Report on Their Compilation.
  • Gouma, R., Chen, W., Woltjer, P., & Timmer, M. (2016). WIOD Socio‐Economic Accounts 2016 Sources and Methods.
  • Grand, M. C. (2016). Carbon Emission Targets and Decoupling Indicators. Ecological Indicators, 67, 649–656.
  • Gül, Z. B., & Çakaloglu, M. (2017). İnşaat Sektörünün Dinamikleri: Türkiye için 2000-2014 Girdi-Çıktı Analizi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(36), 130–155.
  • He, H., & Myers, R. J. (2021). Log Mean Divisia Index Decomposition Analysis of the Demand for Building Materials: Application to Concrete, Dwellings, and the U.K. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(5), 2767–2778.
  • HPC. (2012). High Planning Council Decision on Energy Efficiency Strategy Paper 2012-2023. In Official Gazette.
  • IEA. (2021). Turkey 2021.
  • Karagöl, E. T., Kavaz, İ., Kaya, S., & Özdemir, B. Z. (2017). Türkiye’nin Milli Enerji ve Maden Politikası (203).
  • Karakaya, E., Bostan, A., & Özçağ, M. (2019). Decomposition and decoupling analysis of energy-related carbon emissions in Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(31), 32080–32091.
  • Karakaya, E., & Özçağ, A. G. M. (2003). Türkiye Açısından Kyoto Protokolü’nün Değerlendirilmesi ve Ayrıştırma (Decomposition) Yöntemi ile CO2 Emisyonu Belirleyicilerinin Analizi. METU International Conference in Economics VII.
  • Liu, F. L., & Ang, B. W. (2003). Eight Methods for Decomposing the Aggregate Energy-Intensity of Industry. Applied Energy, 76(1–3), 15–23.
  • Lu, Z., Wang, H., & Yue, Q. (2011). Decoupling Indicators: Quantitative Relationships between Resource Use, Waste Emission and Economic Growth. (In Chinese) Resources Science, 13(1), 2–9.
  • MENR. (2024). National Energy Balance Tables 1990-2022. In Reports of Directorate General of Energy Affairs.
  • Meyer, J. W., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83(2), 340–363.
  • ODYSSEE-MURE. (2021). ODYSSEE Decomposition Tool.
  • OECD. (2002). Sustainable Development - Indicators to measure decoupling of environmental pressure from economic growth. environment/decoupling-the-environmental- impacts-of-transport-from-economic-growth/ decoupling-indicators_9789264027138-6-en
  • OECD. (2011). Towards Green Growth. OECD.
  • Official Gazette. (2007). Law No:5627.
  • Orhangazi, Ö., & Yeldan, A. E. (2021). The Re‐making of the Turkish Crisis. Development and Change, 52(3), 460–503.
  • Orhangazi, Ö., & Yeldan, A. E. (2023). “Türkiye Modeli” - 2021 ve Sonrası: Rastgele hedefler, gerçekleşmeler ve bir bilanço. METU Studies in Development, 50(1), 171–194.
  • Ozdemir, A. C. (2023). Decomposition and decoupling analysis of carbon dioxide emissions in electricity generation by primary fossil fuels in Turkey. Energy, 273.
  • Özşahin, G. (2019). Decomposition of Industrial Energy Consumption in Turkey. Journal of Research in Economics, 3(2), 192–211.
  • Parrique, T., Barth, J., Briens, F., Kuokkanen, A., & Spangenberg, J. H. (2019). Decoupling Debunked - Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability. European Environmental Bureau.
  • Reitler, W., Rudolph, M., & Schaefer, H. (1987). Analysis of the Factors Influencing Energy Consumption in Industry. Energy Economics, 9(3), 145–148.
  • Roux, N., & Plank, B. (2022). The misinterpretation of structure effects of the LMDI and an alternative index decomposition. MethodsX, 9, 101698.
  • Shenning, Q. (2020). The Decomposition Analysis of Carbon Emissions: Theoretical Basis, Methods and Their Evaluations. Chinese Journal of Urban Environmental Studies, 08(04).
  • Song, Y., & Zhang, M. (2017). Using a New Decoupling Indicator (ZM decoupling indicator) to Study the Relationship between the Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in China. Natural Hazards, 88(2), 1013–1022.
  • SPO. (2000). 8th Five-Year Development Plan.
  • SPO. (2007). 9th Five-Year Development Plan – Industrial Policies Specialisation Commission Report.
  • Sun, J. W. (1998). Changes in Energy Consumption and Energy Intensity: A Complete Decomposition Model. Energy Economics, 20(1), 85–100.
  • Tapio, P. (2005). Towards a Theory of Decoupling: Degrees of Decoupling in the EU and the Case of Road Traffic in Finland between 1970 and 2001. Transport Policy, 12(2), 137–151.
  • Taştan, K. (2022). Decarbonising EU-Turkey Energy Cooperation: Challenges and Prospects (23; SWP Comment 2022 C23).
  • Taymaz, E., & Voyvoda, E. (2023). Türkiye ekonomisinde dış ticaret, cari denge ve yapısal dönüşüm. METU Studies in Development, 50(1), 29–54.
  • Timmer, M. P., Dietzenbacher, E., Los, B., Stehrer R., & de Vries, G. J. (2015). An Illustrated User Guide to the World Input–Output Database: The Case of Global Automotive Production. Review of International Economics, 23, 575–605.
  • Timmer, M. P., Los, B., Stehrer, R., & de Vries, G. J. (2016). An Anatomy of the Global Trade Slowdown based on the WIOD 2016 Release (Issue 162).
  • Türköz, K. (2021). Türkiye’de Sektörel Enerji Kullanımındaki Değişimlerin İtici Güçleri: Ayrıştırma Analizi. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1038–1052.
  • TURKSTAT. (2014). Some Basic Indicators by Economic Activity According to NACE Rev.2. In Annual Industry and Services Statistics, 2003-2009.
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  • Wang, W., Liu, R., Zhang, M., & Li, H. (2013). Decomposing the Decoupling of Energy-related CO2 Emissions and Economic Growth in Jiangsu Province. Energy for Sustainable Development, 17(1), 62–71.
  • Wang, Z., Feng, C., Chen, J., & Huang, J. (2017). The driving forces of material use in China: An index decomposition analysis. Resources Policy, 52, 336–348.
  • Xu, X. Y., & Ang, B. W. (2014). Multilevel Index Decomposition Analysis: Approaches and Application. Energy Economics, 44, 375–382.
  • Yılmaz Ataman, A. (2022). Index Decomposition Analysis and Energy Consumption of Turkey: 2000-2014. Journal of Research in Economics, 2(2), 107–134.
  • Yılmaz, A., Ürüt Kelleci, S., & Bostan, A. (2016). Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinde Enerji Tüketiminin İncelenmesi: Ayrıştırma Analizi. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(1), 205-224.
  • Zhang, M., & Wang, W. (2013). Decoupling Analysis of Electricity Consumption from Economic Growth in China. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 24(2), 57–66.
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Analysis of the Energy Consumption of Manufacturing Industry in Türkiye (2003-2014)

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1, 1 - 48, 08.03.2024


In this study, the driving forces of energy demand in Türkiye's manufacturing industry and their contribution to the decoupling between energy consumption and production increase are analysed via LMDI-I and the Tapio decoupling index between 2003 and 2014. It was seen that while the increase in production was the main driver of the rise in energy consumption, changes in the shares and energy intensities of sub-sectors also influenced energy consumption significantly. In that regard, despite the increase in most sub-sectoral shares, net structural impact contributed to reducing the energy demand. As for the intensity effect, it is seen that in most manufacturing industries, there were improvements at varying levels, and the final impact of these improvements on total energy demand was different for each sector. In this regard, the first six sectors in which changes in their sectoral shares and energy intensities had the most impact on total energy demand were found to be basic metals, chemicals and chemical products, textiles, other non-metallic mineral products, food, and rubber. Decoupling analyses showed that the fabricated metal products sector was the only sub-sector in which there was a strong decoupling. It was also found that decoupling occurred temporarily and was very limited in the manufacturing industry. However, in three years (2005, 2008 and 2013), there was a strong decoupling, with improvements in energy efficiency and changes in sectoral distribution being the main contributors.


  • Akcay, Ü., & Güngen, A. R. (2019). The Making of Turkey’s 2018-2019 Economic Crisis (120/2019; IPE Working Papers).
  • Akyürek, Z. (2020). LMDI Decomposition Analysis of Energy Consumption of Turkish Manufacturing Industry: 2005–2014. Energy Efficiency, 13(4), 649–663.
  • Ang, B. W. (2004a). Decomposition Analysis Applied to Energy. In C. J. Cleveland & R. U. Ayres (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Energy: Vol. I (pp. 761–769). Elsevier Academic Press.
  • Ang, B. W. (2004b). Decomposition Analysis for Policymaking in Energy: Which is the Preferred Method? Energy Policy, 32(9), 1131–1139.
  • Ang, B. W. (2005). The LMDI Approach to Decomposition Analysis: A Practical Guide. Energy Policy, 33(7), 867–871.
  • Ang, B. W. (2015). LMDI Decomposition Approach: A Guide for Implementation. Energy Policy, 86, 233–238.
  • Ang, B. W., & Choi, K.-H. (1997). Decomposition of Aggregate Energy and Gas Emission Intensities for Industry: A Refined Divisia Index Method. The Energy Journal, 18(3), 59–73.
  • Ang, B. W., & Goh, T. (2019). Index Decomposition Analysis for Comparing Emission Scenarios: Applications and Challenges. Energy Economics, 83, 74–87.
  • Ang, B. W., Huang, H. C., & Mu, A. R. (2009). Properties and Linkages of Some Index Decomposition Analysis Methods. Energy Policy, 37(11), 4624–4632.
  • Ang, B. W., & Liu, F. L. (2001). A New Energy Decomposition Method: Perfect in Decomposition and Consistent in Aggregation. Energy, 26(6), 537–548.
  • Ang, B. W., Liu, F. L., & Chew, E. P. (2003). Perfect Decomposition Techniques in Energy and Environmental Analysis. Energy Policy, 31(14), 1561–1566.
  • Ang, B. W., Liu, F. L., & Chung, H.-S. (2004). A Generalized Fisher Index Approach to Energy Decomposition Analysis. Energy Economics, 26(5), 757–763.
  • Ang, B. W., & Wang, H. (2015). Index Decomposition Analysis with Multidimensional and Multilevel Energy Data. Energy Economics, 51, 67–76.
  • Ang, B. W., & Xu, X. Y. (2013). Tracking industrial energy efficiency trends using index decomposition analysis. Energy Economics, 40, 1014–1021.
  • Ang, B. W., Zhang, F., & Choi, K. (1998). Factorizing Changes in Energy and Environmental Indicators through Decomposition. Energy, 23(6), 489–495.
  • Ang, B. W., & Zhang, F. Q. (2000). A Survey of Index Decomposition Analysis in Energy and Environmental Studies. Energy, 25(12), 1149–1176.
  • Atiyas, I., & Bakis, O. (2015). Structural Change and Industrial Policy in Turkey. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 51(6), 1209–1229.
  • Boyd, G. A., Hanson, D. A., & Sterner, T. (1988). Decomposition of Changes in Energy Intensity. Energy Economics, 10(4), 309–312.
  • Boyd, G. A., & Pang, J. X. (2000). Estimating the linkage between energy efficiency and productivity. Energy Policy, 28(5), 289–296.
  • Boyd G., McDonald J.F., Ross M., & Hanson D.A. (1987). Separating the Changing Composition of U.S. Manufacturing Production from Energy Efficiency Improvements: A Divisia Index Approach. The Energy Journal, 8(2), 77–96.
  • Burgaç Çil, A. (2023). Türkiye imalat sanayinde enerji yoğunluğu: Firma bazında kanıtlar. Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 16(4), 987–998.
  • Canbaz, M. (2019). Türkiye’de 2000 Sonrası Ekonomide Teşvik Politikaları ve 2018 Döviz Kuru Dalgalanmasının Karşılaştırmalı Analizi. İzmir Katip Çelebi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 2(1), 60–79.
  • Corsatea, T. D., Román, M. V., Amores, A. F., Neuwahl, F., Velázquez Afonso, A., Rueda-Cantuche, J. M., Arto, I., & Lindner, S. (2019). World Input-Output Database Environmental Accounts. Update 2000-2016. Publications Office.
  • de Boer, P., & Rodrigues, J. F. D. (2020). Decomposition Analysis: when to use which method? Economic Systems Research, 32(1), 1–28.
  • Diakoulaki, D., & Mandaraka, M. (2007). Decomposition Analysis for Assessing the Progress in Decoupling Industrial Growth from CO2 Emissions in the EU Manufacturing Sector. Energy Economics, 29(4), 636–664.
  • Engo, J. (2021). Driving Forces and Decoupling Indicators for Carbon Emissions from the Industrial Sector in Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(12), 14329–14342.
  • EU. (2022). Decision (EU) 2022/591 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 April 2022 on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2030. In Official Journal of the European Union (2022/591; pp. 22–26).
  • Förster, H., Schumacher, K., De Cian, E., Hübler, M., Keppo, I., Mima, S., & Sands, R. D. (2013). European Energy Efficiency and Decarbonization Strategies Beyond 2030—A Sectoral Multi-Model Decomposition. Clim. Change Econ., 04(supp01), 1340004.
  • Genty, A., Arto, I., & Neuwahl, F. (2012). Final Database of Environmental Satellite Accounts: Technical Report on Their Compilation.
  • Gouma, R., Chen, W., Woltjer, P., & Timmer, M. (2016). WIOD Socio‐Economic Accounts 2016 Sources and Methods.
  • Grand, M. C. (2016). Carbon Emission Targets and Decoupling Indicators. Ecological Indicators, 67, 649–656.
  • Gül, Z. B., & Çakaloglu, M. (2017). İnşaat Sektörünün Dinamikleri: Türkiye için 2000-2014 Girdi-Çıktı Analizi. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(36), 130–155.
  • He, H., & Myers, R. J. (2021). Log Mean Divisia Index Decomposition Analysis of the Demand for Building Materials: Application to Concrete, Dwellings, and the U.K. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(5), 2767–2778.
  • HPC. (2012). High Planning Council Decision on Energy Efficiency Strategy Paper 2012-2023. In Official Gazette.
  • IEA. (2021). Turkey 2021.
  • Karagöl, E. T., Kavaz, İ., Kaya, S., & Özdemir, B. Z. (2017). Türkiye’nin Milli Enerji ve Maden Politikası (203).
  • Karakaya, E., Bostan, A., & Özçağ, M. (2019). Decomposition and decoupling analysis of energy-related carbon emissions in Turkey. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(31), 32080–32091.
  • Karakaya, E., & Özçağ, A. G. M. (2003). Türkiye Açısından Kyoto Protokolü’nün Değerlendirilmesi ve Ayrıştırma (Decomposition) Yöntemi ile CO2 Emisyonu Belirleyicilerinin Analizi. METU International Conference in Economics VII.
  • Liu, F. L., & Ang, B. W. (2003). Eight Methods for Decomposing the Aggregate Energy-Intensity of Industry. Applied Energy, 76(1–3), 15–23.
  • Lu, Z., Wang, H., & Yue, Q. (2011). Decoupling Indicators: Quantitative Relationships between Resource Use, Waste Emission and Economic Growth. (In Chinese) Resources Science, 13(1), 2–9.
  • MENR. (2024). National Energy Balance Tables 1990-2022. In Reports of Directorate General of Energy Affairs.
  • Meyer, J. W., & Rowan, B. (1977). Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony. American Journal of Sociology, 83(2), 340–363.
  • ODYSSEE-MURE. (2021). ODYSSEE Decomposition Tool.
  • OECD. (2002). Sustainable Development - Indicators to measure decoupling of environmental pressure from economic growth. environment/decoupling-the-environmental- impacts-of-transport-from-economic-growth/ decoupling-indicators_9789264027138-6-en
  • OECD. (2011). Towards Green Growth. OECD.
  • Official Gazette. (2007). Law No:5627.
  • Orhangazi, Ö., & Yeldan, A. E. (2021). The Re‐making of the Turkish Crisis. Development and Change, 52(3), 460–503.
  • Orhangazi, Ö., & Yeldan, A. E. (2023). “Türkiye Modeli” - 2021 ve Sonrası: Rastgele hedefler, gerçekleşmeler ve bir bilanço. METU Studies in Development, 50(1), 171–194.
  • Ozdemir, A. C. (2023). Decomposition and decoupling analysis of carbon dioxide emissions in electricity generation by primary fossil fuels in Turkey. Energy, 273.
  • Özşahin, G. (2019). Decomposition of Industrial Energy Consumption in Turkey. Journal of Research in Economics, 3(2), 192–211.
  • Parrique, T., Barth, J., Briens, F., Kuokkanen, A., & Spangenberg, J. H. (2019). Decoupling Debunked - Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability. European Environmental Bureau.
  • Reitler, W., Rudolph, M., & Schaefer, H. (1987). Analysis of the Factors Influencing Energy Consumption in Industry. Energy Economics, 9(3), 145–148.
  • Roux, N., & Plank, B. (2022). The misinterpretation of structure effects of the LMDI and an alternative index decomposition. MethodsX, 9, 101698.
  • Shenning, Q. (2020). The Decomposition Analysis of Carbon Emissions: Theoretical Basis, Methods and Their Evaluations. Chinese Journal of Urban Environmental Studies, 08(04).
  • Song, Y., & Zhang, M. (2017). Using a New Decoupling Indicator (ZM decoupling indicator) to Study the Relationship between the Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in China. Natural Hazards, 88(2), 1013–1022.
  • SPO. (2000). 8th Five-Year Development Plan.
  • SPO. (2007). 9th Five-Year Development Plan – Industrial Policies Specialisation Commission Report.
  • Sun, J. W. (1998). Changes in Energy Consumption and Energy Intensity: A Complete Decomposition Model. Energy Economics, 20(1), 85–100.
  • Tapio, P. (2005). Towards a Theory of Decoupling: Degrees of Decoupling in the EU and the Case of Road Traffic in Finland between 1970 and 2001. Transport Policy, 12(2), 137–151.
  • Taştan, K. (2022). Decarbonising EU-Turkey Energy Cooperation: Challenges and Prospects (23; SWP Comment 2022 C23).
  • Taymaz, E., & Voyvoda, E. (2023). Türkiye ekonomisinde dış ticaret, cari denge ve yapısal dönüşüm. METU Studies in Development, 50(1), 29–54.
  • Timmer, M. P., Dietzenbacher, E., Los, B., Stehrer R., & de Vries, G. J. (2015). An Illustrated User Guide to the World Input–Output Database: The Case of Global Automotive Production. Review of International Economics, 23, 575–605.
  • Timmer, M. P., Los, B., Stehrer, R., & de Vries, G. J. (2016). An Anatomy of the Global Trade Slowdown based on the WIOD 2016 Release (Issue 162).
  • Türköz, K. (2021). Türkiye’de Sektörel Enerji Kullanımındaki Değişimlerin İtici Güçleri: Ayrıştırma Analizi. MANAS Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1038–1052.
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Toplam 74 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kalkınma Ekonomisi - Makro
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Aynur Yılmaz Ataman 0000-0001-6678-7908

Yayımlanma Tarihi 8 Mart 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Ocak 2024
Kabul Tarihi 22 Şubat 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 13 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz Ataman, A. (2024). Analysis of the Energy Consumption of Manufacturing Industry in Türkiye (2003-2014). Ekonomi-Tek, 13(1), 1-48.