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Unutulmuş Üreteral Stentlere Yaklaşım: 49 vakalık Üçüncü Basamak Tek Merkez Deneyimi

Yıl 2024, , 58 - 63, 31.05.2024


Amaç: Double J (DJ) stentler üroloji pratiğinde sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Çıkarılması unutulan DJ stentler ciddi komplikasyonlara neden olabilir. Bu çalışmada kliniğimizde opere edilen 49 unutulmuş üreteral stent vakalarıyla ilgili deneyimlerimizi paylaşmayı amaçladık.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Kliniğimizde 2013-2023 yılları arasında unutulmuş üreteral stent nedeniyle opere edilen hastaların verileri retrospektif olarak toplandı. Yaş, cinsiyet, taraf, başvuru şikayeti, stent kalış süresi, stent endikasyonu, uygulanan cerrahi, komplikasyon, ek girişim ve taşsızlık durumu kaydedildi.
Bulgular: Unutulmuş stent nedeniyle opere edilen 49 hastanın 19’u (%38,8) kadın, 30’u (%61,2) erkekti. Hastaların ortalama yaşı 47,06±14,11 (min:18/max:79) idi. Ortalama stent kalış süresi 16,2±21,1 (min:3/max:120) aydı. Otuz hastaya taş cerrahisi nedeniyle stent takılırken, 9 hastaya profilaktik, iki hastaya üreter yaralanması ve 8 hastaya da hidronefroz nedeniyle takılmıştı. Hastaların 9’una sistolitotripsi, 26’sına üreteroskopi (flexible üreterorenoskopi dahil), birine perkütan nefrolitotomi, 11’ine endoskopik kombine tedavi, ikisine ise açık cerrahi uygulandı.
Sonuç: Unutulmuş üreteral stentler ciddi komplikasyonlara neden olabilmektedir. DJ stent takılan hastalar unutulmuş stentlere bağlı komplikasyonlar hakkında bilgilendirilmelidir.


  • Al-Hajjaj M, Alam OA, Abu-Hussein B, Al Husein HM. Forgotten Double-J ureteral stent: An analysis of 25 cases in a tertiary hospital. Ann Med Surg (Lond) 2022;31:80:104223.
  • Adanur S, Ozkaya F. Challenges in treatment and diagnosis of forgotten/encrusted double-J ureteral stents: the largest single-center experience. Ren Fail 2016;38:920-6.
  • Miranda AMA, Milner J, Turk TMT. The FECal Double-J: a simplified approach in the management of encrusted and retained ureteral stents. J Endourol 2009;23:409-15.
  • Mulay A, Kapoor R, Sharma S, Asabe S, Belagali H, et al. Strategy to track double-J stents placed during COVID-19 using smartphone-based stent tracker application to prevent forgotten double-J stent in a high-volume centre: a smart solution. Afr J Urol 2021;27:110.
  • Sohrab A, Aneesh S, Sureka SK, Varun M, Nitesh P, et al. Forgotten Reminders: an Experience with Managing 28 Forgotten Double-J Stents and Management of Related Complications. Indian J Surg 2015;77:1165-71.
  • Jones PJ, Pietropaolo A, Æsøy MS, Ulvik O, Beisland C, et al. Endourological management of encrusted ureteral stents: an up-to-date guide and treatment algorithm on behalf of the European Association of Urology Young Academic Urology Urolithiasis Group. Cent European J Urol 2021;74:571-578.
  • Arenas JL, Shen JK, Keheila M, Abourbih SR, Lee A, et al. Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder (KUB): A Novel Grading System for Encrusted Ureteral Stents. Urology 2016;97:51-55.
  • El-Tatawy H, El-Abd AS, Gameel TA, Ramadan AR, Farha MOA, et al. Management of ‘forgotten’ encrusted JJ stents using extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy: A single-centre experience. Arab J Urol 2019;17:132-137.
  • Singh V, Srinivastava A, Kapoor R, Kumar A. Can the complicated forgotten indwelling ureteric stents be lethal? Int Urol Nephrol. 2005;37:541–546.
  • Geavlete P, Georgescu D, Mulțescu R, Stanescu F, Cozma C, et al. Ureteral stent complications - experience on 50,000 procedures. J Med Life 2021;14:769-775.
  • Soyupek S, Oksay T, Kosar A. Fragmentation of a forgotten double J stent and excreted with urine: case report. Int Urol Nephrol 2003;35:91–2.
  • El-Faqih SR, Shamsuddin AB, Chakrabarti A, Atassi R, Kardar AH, et al. Polyurethane internal ureteral stents in treatment of stone patients: morbidity related to indwelling times. J Urol 1991;146:1487-91.
  • Cicione A, Stira J, Tema G, Franco A, Ghezzo N, et al. Ureteral stent encrustation: evaluation of available scores as predictors of a complex surgery. Minerva Urol Nephrol 2023;75:359-365.
  • Manzo BO, Alarcon P, Lozada E, Ojeda J, Morales C, et al. A Novel Visual Grading for Ureteral Encrusted Stent Classification to Help Decide the Endourologic Treatment. J Endourol 2021;35:1314–9.
  • Weedin JW, Coburn M, Link RE. The impact of proximal stone burden on the management of encrusted and retained ureteral stents. J Urol 2011;185(2):542-7.

Approach to Forgotten Ureteral Stents: A Single Tertiary Center Experience of 49 Cases

Yıl 2024, , 58 - 63, 31.05.2024


Objective: Double J (DJ) stents are widely used in urology practice. Forgotten ureteral stents can cause serious complications. We present our experience about forgotten ureteral stents with 49 cases.
Material and Methods: The data of patients who were operated due to forgotten encrusted ureteral stents were examined retrospectively. Age, gender, side, presenting complaint, indwelling time, stent indication, surgery performed, complications, additional interventions and stone-free status were evaluated. For descriptive statistics, the mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum frequencies and percentages were used.
Results: Nineteen (38.8%) patients were female and 30 (61.2%) patients were male. The mean age of the patients was 47,06±14,11 (18-79). The mean indwelling time was 16.2±21,1 (3-120). Stents were placed in 30 patients due to stone surgery, 9 patients due to prophylactic before oncologic surgery, 8 patients due to hydronephrosis and two patients due to ureteral injury. For the treatment of the forgotten stent, ureteroscopy (including flexible ureterorenoscopy) was performed in 26 patients, endoscopic combined treatment in 11 patients, cystolithotripsy in 9 patients, open surgery in two patients and percutaneous nephrolithotomy in one patient.
Conclusion: Removal of forgotten impacted ureteral stents can cause serious complications. The patients who were placed stents should be informed about the complications associated with forgotten encrusted stents.


  • Al-Hajjaj M, Alam OA, Abu-Hussein B, Al Husein HM. Forgotten Double-J ureteral stent: An analysis of 25 cases in a tertiary hospital. Ann Med Surg (Lond) 2022;31:80:104223.
  • Adanur S, Ozkaya F. Challenges in treatment and diagnosis of forgotten/encrusted double-J ureteral stents: the largest single-center experience. Ren Fail 2016;38:920-6.
  • Miranda AMA, Milner J, Turk TMT. The FECal Double-J: a simplified approach in the management of encrusted and retained ureteral stents. J Endourol 2009;23:409-15.
  • Mulay A, Kapoor R, Sharma S, Asabe S, Belagali H, et al. Strategy to track double-J stents placed during COVID-19 using smartphone-based stent tracker application to prevent forgotten double-J stent in a high-volume centre: a smart solution. Afr J Urol 2021;27:110.
  • Sohrab A, Aneesh S, Sureka SK, Varun M, Nitesh P, et al. Forgotten Reminders: an Experience with Managing 28 Forgotten Double-J Stents and Management of Related Complications. Indian J Surg 2015;77:1165-71.
  • Jones PJ, Pietropaolo A, Æsøy MS, Ulvik O, Beisland C, et al. Endourological management of encrusted ureteral stents: an up-to-date guide and treatment algorithm on behalf of the European Association of Urology Young Academic Urology Urolithiasis Group. Cent European J Urol 2021;74:571-578.
  • Arenas JL, Shen JK, Keheila M, Abourbih SR, Lee A, et al. Kidney, Ureter, and Bladder (KUB): A Novel Grading System for Encrusted Ureteral Stents. Urology 2016;97:51-55.
  • El-Tatawy H, El-Abd AS, Gameel TA, Ramadan AR, Farha MOA, et al. Management of ‘forgotten’ encrusted JJ stents using extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy: A single-centre experience. Arab J Urol 2019;17:132-137.
  • Singh V, Srinivastava A, Kapoor R, Kumar A. Can the complicated forgotten indwelling ureteric stents be lethal? Int Urol Nephrol. 2005;37:541–546.
  • Geavlete P, Georgescu D, Mulțescu R, Stanescu F, Cozma C, et al. Ureteral stent complications - experience on 50,000 procedures. J Med Life 2021;14:769-775.
  • Soyupek S, Oksay T, Kosar A. Fragmentation of a forgotten double J stent and excreted with urine: case report. Int Urol Nephrol 2003;35:91–2.
  • El-Faqih SR, Shamsuddin AB, Chakrabarti A, Atassi R, Kardar AH, et al. Polyurethane internal ureteral stents in treatment of stone patients: morbidity related to indwelling times. J Urol 1991;146:1487-91.
  • Cicione A, Stira J, Tema G, Franco A, Ghezzo N, et al. Ureteral stent encrustation: evaluation of available scores as predictors of a complex surgery. Minerva Urol Nephrol 2023;75:359-365.
  • Manzo BO, Alarcon P, Lozada E, Ojeda J, Morales C, et al. A Novel Visual Grading for Ureteral Encrusted Stent Classification to Help Decide the Endourologic Treatment. J Endourol 2021;35:1314–9.
  • Weedin JW, Coburn M, Link RE. The impact of proximal stone burden on the management of encrusted and retained ureteral stents. J Urol 2011;185(2):542-7.
Toplam 15 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Üroloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Cengiz Canakcı 0000-0002-2654-1986

Erdinç Dinçer 0000-0002-0644-8282

Mehmet Burak Doğrusever 0009-0001-7719-307X

Mahmut Selman Mert 0009-0000-8052-5437

Orkunt Özkaptan 0000-0003-3659-1319

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 26 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Canakcı C, Dinçer E, Doğrusever MB, Mert MS, Özkaptan O. Approach to Forgotten Ureteral Stents: A Single Tertiary Center Experience of 49 Cases. Endourol Bull. 2024;16(2):58-63.