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Evaluation of the Use of Long Term DJ Stents in Ureteral Obstructions That Cannot Be Treated Curatively

Yıl 2024, , 64 - 69, 31.05.2024


Objective: Ureteral obstructions may develop due to intrinsic or extrinsic, benign or malignant etiology and may cause loss of renal function, pain and recurrent urinary system diseases. Curative treatments for etiology are not always possible. We aimed to evaluate the clearance and salvage of this long term DJ stent, which has effective ureteral obstruction but can not be performed with curative surgery.
Material and Methods: 131 patients who underwent long term DJ stent application due to ureteral obstruction between 2015 and 2022 were followed up and evaluated retrospectively. Demographic data of the patients, ureteral obstruction etiology, follow-up period and complications were recorded. The 4.8F-26cm, Boston Percuflex™Plus Ureteral Stent was used in the patients and was planned to be replaced once a year.
Results: Of the 131 patients included in this study, 40 (30.53%) had malignant ureteral obstruction and 91 (69.47%) had benign ureteral obstruction. The average follow-up period was found to be 35.4 months. During their follow-up, 18 (13.74%) patients had symptoms such as stent related pain and dysuria, 11 (8.39%) had recurrent urinary tract infection, 8 (6.1%) had encrusted DJ stents, 3 (2.29%) had DJ stent migration and hematuria that requiring blood transfusion was observed in 1 (0.76%) patient.
Conclusions: Our study showed that the use of long term ureteral DJ stent is a safe and effective option in malignant and benign ureteral obstructions.


  • Corrales, M., Doizi, S., Barghouthy, Y., Kamkoum, H., Somani, B., & Traxer, O. A systematic review of long-duration stents for ureteral stricture: which one to choose? World Journal of Urology, 2021; 39(9): 3197–3205.
  • Guachetá-Bomba, P. L., Echeverría-García, F., & García-Perdomo, H. A. (2021). Predictors for failure of endoscopic ureteric stenting in patients with malignant ureteric obstruction: systematic review and meta-analysis. BJU International, 2021; 127(3):292–299.
  • Yu, S. H., Ryu, J. G., Jeong, S. H., Hwang, E. C., Jang, W. S., et al. Predicting factors for stent failure-free survival in patients with a malignant ureteral obstruction managed with ureteral stents. Korean Journal of Urology, 2013; 54(5): 316–321.
  • Savin, Z., Herzberg, H., Ben-David, R., Dekalo, S., Mintz, I., et al. Long-Term Follow-Up of Yearly Replaced Double Internal Stents for Extrinsic Malignant Ureteral Obstruction. Journal of Endourology, 2021;35(1):71-76.
  • Ganatra, A. M., & Loughlin, K. R. The management of malignant ureteral obstruction treated with ureteral stents. Journal of Urology, 2005;174(6):2125-2128.
  • Shilo, Y., Modai, J., Leibovici, D., Dror, I., & Berkowitz, B. Comparative study of renal drainage with different ureteral stents subject to extrinsic ureteral obstruction using an in vitro ureter-stent model. BMC Urology,2021;21(1).
  • Joshi HB, Adams S, Obadeyi OO. Nephrostomy tube or “JJ” ureteric stent in ureteric obstruction: assessment of patient perspectives using quality-of-life survey and utility analysis. Eur Urol 2001;39:695-701,
  • Rosenberg BH, Bianco FJ Jr, Wood DP Jr, et al Stent-change therapy in advanced malignancies with ureteral obstruction. J Endourol 2005;19:63-67
  • Rosevear, H. M., Kim, S. P., Wenzler, D. L., Faerber, G. J., Roberts, W. W., & Wolf, J. S. Retrograde Ureteral Stents for Extrinsic Ureteral Obstruction: Nine Years’ Experience at University of Michigan. Urology, 2007;70(5),846-850.
  • Elsamra, S. E., Motato, H., Moreira, D. M., Waingankar, N., Friedlander, J. I., et al. Tandem ureteral stents for the decompression of malignant and benign obstructicny CHNe uropathy. Journal of Endourology, 2013;27(10):1297-1302.

Küratif Tedavi Yapılamayan Üreteral Obstrüksiyonlarda Uzun Ömürlü DJ Stent Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesi

Yıl 2024, , 64 - 69, 31.05.2024


Amaç: Üreteral obstrüksiyon intrensek veya ekstrensek ayrıca benign veya malign etyolojiye bağlı olarak gelişebilmekte ve renal fonksiyon kaybına, ağrı ve nüks üriner sistem enfeksiyonlarına sebep olabilmektedir. Etyolojiye yönelik küratif cerrahi tedaviler her zaman mümkün olmamaktadır. Bu çalışmada üreteral obstrüksiyonu olan ancak küratif cerrahi yapılamayan hastalarda uzun ömürlü DJ stent kullanımının etkinliğini ve güvenilirliğini araştırmayı amaçladık.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi Göztepe Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yalçın Şehir Hastanesi Üroloji Kliniği’nde 2015-2022 yılları arasında üreteral obstrüksiyon nedeniyle uzun ömürlü DJ stent uygulaması yapılan ve bu şekilde takip edilen 131 hasta retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Hastaların demografik verileri, üreteral obstrüksiyon etyolojisi, takip süresi ve komplikasyonları kaydedildi. Hastalara 4,8F-26cm, Boston Percuflex™Plus üreteral stent kullanıldı ve yılda bir kez değiştirilmesi planlandı.
Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 131 hastanın 40’ında (%30,53) malign üreteral obstrüksiyon, 91’inde (%69,47) ise benign üreteral obstrüksiyon mevcuttu. Ortalama takip süresi 35,4 ay olarak bulundu. Takipleri süresince 18 (%13,74) hastada stent ilişkili ağrı, dizüri gibi semptomlar, 11 (%8,39) hastada tekrarlayan üriner sistem enfeksiyonu, 8 (%6,1) hastada enkruste DJ stent, 3 (%2,29) hastada DJ stent migrasyonu ve 1 (%0,76) hastada ise kan transfüzyonu gerektiren hematüri geliştiği görülmüştür.
Sonuç: Çalışmamızda gösterilmiştir ki, uzun ömürlü üreteral DJ stent kullanımı, malign ve benign üreteral obstrüksiyonlarda güvenilir ve etkin bir seçenektir.


  • Corrales, M., Doizi, S., Barghouthy, Y., Kamkoum, H., Somani, B., & Traxer, O. A systematic review of long-duration stents for ureteral stricture: which one to choose? World Journal of Urology, 2021; 39(9): 3197–3205.
  • Guachetá-Bomba, P. L., Echeverría-García, F., & García-Perdomo, H. A. (2021). Predictors for failure of endoscopic ureteric stenting in patients with malignant ureteric obstruction: systematic review and meta-analysis. BJU International, 2021; 127(3):292–299.
  • Yu, S. H., Ryu, J. G., Jeong, S. H., Hwang, E. C., Jang, W. S., et al. Predicting factors for stent failure-free survival in patients with a malignant ureteral obstruction managed with ureteral stents. Korean Journal of Urology, 2013; 54(5): 316–321.
  • Savin, Z., Herzberg, H., Ben-David, R., Dekalo, S., Mintz, I., et al. Long-Term Follow-Up of Yearly Replaced Double Internal Stents for Extrinsic Malignant Ureteral Obstruction. Journal of Endourology, 2021;35(1):71-76.
  • Ganatra, A. M., & Loughlin, K. R. The management of malignant ureteral obstruction treated with ureteral stents. Journal of Urology, 2005;174(6):2125-2128.
  • Shilo, Y., Modai, J., Leibovici, D., Dror, I., & Berkowitz, B. Comparative study of renal drainage with different ureteral stents subject to extrinsic ureteral obstruction using an in vitro ureter-stent model. BMC Urology,2021;21(1).
  • Joshi HB, Adams S, Obadeyi OO. Nephrostomy tube or “JJ” ureteric stent in ureteric obstruction: assessment of patient perspectives using quality-of-life survey and utility analysis. Eur Urol 2001;39:695-701,
  • Rosenberg BH, Bianco FJ Jr, Wood DP Jr, et al Stent-change therapy in advanced malignancies with ureteral obstruction. J Endourol 2005;19:63-67
  • Rosevear, H. M., Kim, S. P., Wenzler, D. L., Faerber, G. J., Roberts, W. W., & Wolf, J. S. Retrograde Ureteral Stents for Extrinsic Ureteral Obstruction: Nine Years’ Experience at University of Michigan. Urology, 2007;70(5),846-850.
  • Elsamra, S. E., Motato, H., Moreira, D. M., Waingankar, N., Friedlander, J. I., et al. Tandem ureteral stents for the decompression of malignant and benign obstructicny CHNe uropathy. Journal of Endourology, 2013;27(10):1297-1302.
Toplam 10 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Üroloji
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Özgür Arıkan 0000-0001-8659-4855

Ilkın Hamıdzada 0009-0000-0550-250X

Ferhat Keser 0000-0002-2803-6481

Mustafa Kaan Akalın 0000-0003-1484-2906

Özgür Efiloğlu 0000-0003-4757-803X

Asıf Yıldırım 0000-0002-3386-971X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mayıs 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 19 Nisan 2024
Kabul Tarihi 26 Mayıs 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024

Kaynak Göster

Vancouver Arıkan Ö, Hamıdzada I, Keser F, Akalın MK, Efiloğlu Ö, Yıldırım A. Küratif Tedavi Yapılamayan Üreteral Obstrüksiyonlarda Uzun Ömürlü DJ Stent Kullanımının Değerlendirilmesi. Endourol Bull. 2024;16(2):64-9.