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Adli bilimlerde entomolojinin uygulanması

Yıl 2016, , 269 - 275, 15.08.2016


Böceklerin adli amaç için kullanımı olan adli entomoloji olay yeri incelemelerinde oldukça artan bir öneme sahiptir. Böcekler ölümden sonra cesede hemen ulaşırlar ve yumurtlarlar. Adli entomolog suçları çözmek için böcek bilgisini kullanır ve böcek delilleri suçun farklı yönlerine ışık tutabilirler. Bu bilim dalı gelişmiş ülkelerde önemli disiplin olarak ortaya çıkmış ve yasal soruşturmalardaki rolü yaygınlaşmıştır. Günümüzde adli entomologlar uzmanlıklarından yararlanmak, işbirliklerine başvurmak üzere adli araştırmalara çağrılmakta ve adli araştırma ekibinin önemli bir kısmını oluşturmaktadırlar. Ne yazık ki Türkiye’ de adli entomolojinin suç araştırmalarda önemli bir araç olarak kullanımı yeterince dikkat çekmemiştir. Ülkemizde adli entomolojinin uygulaması hakkında bilgi eksikliği ve tereddütlerin olmasından kaynaklanan belirsizlikler vardır. Bu çalışma adli entomoloji ilkelerini ve içeriğini tanımlamak, böcek delillerinin uygulama alanlarını, faydalarını belirlemek, böceklerin farkındalığını arttırmak ve adli tıp profesyonellerin ilgisini bu alana çekmeyi amaçlamıştır.


  • Amendt, J., R. Zehner & R. Krettek, 2004. Forensic entomology. Naturwissenschaften, 91: 51–65.
  • Amendt, J., C.P. Campobosso, E. Gaudry, C. Reiter, H.N. Le Blanc & M.J.R. Hall, 2006. Best practice in Forensic entomology – standards and guidelines. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 121: 90‐104.
  • Amendt, J., M.L. Goff, P. Carlo & C.M. Grassberger, 2010. Cuticular Hydrocarbons: A New Tool in Forensic Entomology. In: Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology, (Eds: F.P. Drijfhoutz,). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, New York, 369 p.
  • Amendt, J., C.S. Richards, C.P. Campobasso, R. Zehner & M.J.R. Hall, 2011. Forensic entomology: applications and limitations. Forensic Science Medical Pathology, 7: 379–392.
  • Ames, C., B. Turner & B. Daniel, 2006. Estimating the post-mortem interval (II): The use of differential temporal gene expression to determine the age of blowfly pupae. International Congress Serial, 1288: 861–863.
  • Anderson G.S. & V.J. Cervenka, 2001. Insects associated with the body: their use and analyses. In: Advances in Forensic Taphonomy (Eds Haglund W & M. Sorg). New York: CRC Press; 514 p.
  • Anderson, G.S. & N.R. Hobischak, 2004. Decomposition of carrion in the marine environment in British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 118(4): 206-209.
  • Anderson, G.S. & S.L. VanLaerhoven, 1996. Initial studies on insect succession on carrion in southwestern British Columbia. Journal of Forensic Science, 41: 617–625.
  • Anderson, G.S., 2015. Forensic Entomology: The Use of Insects in Death Investigations. (Web page: (Date accessed: June 2015).
  • Anderson, G.S. & N.R. Huitson, 2004. Myiasis in pet animals in British Columbia: the potential of forensic entomology for determining duration of possible neglect. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 45(12): 993-998.
  • Carvalho, L.M.L. & X.L. Linhares, 2001. Seasonality of insect succession and pig carcass decomposition in a natural forest area in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Forensic Science, 46: 604–608.
  • Catts, E.P. & M.L. Goff, 1992. Forensic entomology in criminal investigations. Annual Review of Entomology, 37: 253‐272.
  • Dayananda, R. & J. Kiran, 2013. Entomotoxicology. International Journal of Medical Toxicological Forensic Medicine, 3(2): 71-74.
  • El Samad, L.M., Z.A. El Moaty & H.M. Makemer, 2011. Effects of tramadol on the development of Lucilla sericata (Diptera;Calliphoridae) and detection of the drug concentration in posmortem rabbit tissues and larvae. Journal of Entomology, 8(4): 353-364.
  • George K.A., M.S. Archer, L.M Green, X.A. Conlan, T. Toop, 2009. Effect of morphine on the growth rate of Calliphora stygia (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and possible implications for forensic entomology. Forensic Science International; 193: 21–25.
  • Goff, M., A.I. Omori & J.R. Goodbrod, 1989. The effect of cocain in tissues on the development of Boettcherisca pregrina (Diptera:Sarcophagida). Journal of Medical Entomology, 26: 91-93.
  • Goff, M.L. & M.M. Flynn, 1991. Determination of postmortem interval by arthropod succession: a case study from the Hawaiian Island. Journal of Forensic Science, 36: 607–614.
  • Goff, M.L., W.A. Brown & A.I. Omori, 1992. Preliminary observations of the effect of methamphetamine in decomposing tissues on the development of Parasarcophaga ruficornis (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and implications of this effect on the estimations of postmortem intervals. Journal of Forensic Science, 37: 867-872.
  • Goff, M.L. & W.D. Lord, 2001. Entomotoxicology: insects as toxicological indicators and the impact of drugs and toxins on insect development. In: Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. (Eds. Byrd, J.H., & J.L. Castner). Boca Raton, CRC Fla,: 651p.
  • Greenberg, B., 1991. Flies as forensic indicators. Journal of Medical Entomology; 28: 565‐577.
  • Gunatilake, K. & M.L. Goff, 1989. Detection of organophosphate poisoning in a putrefying body by analyzing arthropod larvae. Journal of Forensic Science, 34: 714–716.
  • Hall, R.D., 2001. Perceptions and status of forensic entomology In: Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, (Eds: Byrd, J.H. & J.L. Castner) CRC, Boca Raton, Florida, 651p.
  • Hall, R.D., 2008. Forensic Entomology, In: Encyclopedia of Entomology, (Eds: J.L. Capinera). Springer Netherlands, 4346 p.
  • Haskell N.H, R.E. Williams, D. Catts, J. Adkins & C. Haskell, 2008. Entomology and Death: A procedural Guide. Clemson, Sc. East Park Printing. South Carolina, 216 p.
  • Introna, F., C. Lo Dico, Y.H. Caplan & J.E. Smialek, 1990. Opiate analysis in cadaveric blowfly larvae as an indicator of narcotic intoxication. Journal of Forensic Science, 35: 118–122.
  • Introna, F., C.P. Campobasso & A. Di Fazio, 1998. Three case studies in forensic entomology from Southern Italy. Journal of Forensic Science, 43: 210‐214.
  • Introna, F., C.P. Campobasso & M.L. Goff, 2001. Entomotoxicology. Forensic Science International, 120: 42-47.
  • Khimani, S. 2015. Forensic Entomology.(Web pages: forensic_ entomology.pdf), (Date accessed:June 2015).
  • Kökdener, M. 2012. Adli Entomolojide Kullanılan Sinek Türlerinin Samsunda Mevsimlere Göre Durumunun Belirlenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Adli Tıp Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, 57s.
  • Lord, W.D. & J.R. Stevenson, 1986. Directory of Forensic Entomologist, Defense Pest Management Information Analysis Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., 42 p.
  • Magni, P.A., T. Pacini, M. Pazzi, M. Vincenti & I.R. Dadour, 2014. Development of a GC–MS method for methamphetamine detection in Calliphora vomitoria L. (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Forensic Science International, 241: 96–101.
  • Mahat, N.A., Z. Zafarina & P.T. Jayaprakash, 2009. Influence of rain and malathion on the oviposition and development of blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) infesting rabbit carcasses in Kelantan, Malaysia. Forensic Science International, 192: 19–28.
  • Metcalf, J.L, L. W. Parfrey, A. Gonzalez, C.L. Lauber, D. Knights, G. Ackermann, G.C. Humphrey, M.J. Gebert, W.V. Treuren, D.B.Lyons, K. Keepers, Y. Guo, J. Bullard, N. Fierer, D.O. Carter, R. Knight, 2013. A microbial clock provides an accurate estimate of the postmortem interval in a mouse model system. eLife, 2:e01104. doi: 10.7554/eLife.01104
  • Miller, M.L, W.D. Lord, M.L. Goff, D. Donnelly, E.T. McDonough & J.C. Alexis, 1994. Isolation of amitriptyline and nortriptyline from fly pupariae (Phoridae) and beetle exuviae (Dermestidae) associated with mummified human remains. Journal of Forensic Science, 39: 1305–1313.
  • Nolte, K.B., R.D. Pinder & W.D. Lord, 1992. Insect larvae used to detect cocaine poisoning in a decomposed body. Journal of Forensic Science, 37: 1179‐1185.
  • O’Brien ,C. & B. Turner, 2004. Impact of paracetamol on the development of Calliphora vicina larval development. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 118: 188-189.
  • Payne, J.A., 1965. A summer carrion study of the baby pig Sus Scrofa Linnaeus. Ecology, 46: 592–602.
  • Schoenly, K. & W. Reid, 1987. Dynamics of heterotrophic succession in carrion arthropod assemblages: discrete series or a continuum of change? Oecologia, 73: 192–202.
  • Sharma, R., R.K. Garg & J.R. Gaur, 2013. Contribution of various measures for estimation of post mortem interval from Calliphoridae: A review Egyptian Journal of Forensic Science, 5(1): 1-12.
  • Smith, K.G.V. 1986. A Manual of Forensic Entomology. London: The Trustees, British.
  • Sukontason, K., P. Narongchai, C. Kanchai, K. Vichairat, P. Sribanditmongkol & T. Bhoopat, 2007. Forensic entomology cases in Thailand: a review of cases from 2000 to 2006. Parasitology Research, 101: 1417–23.
  • Sumodan, P.K., 2002. Insect detectives. Resonance, 7(8): 51-58.
  • Tomberlin J.K., R. Mohr, M.E. Benbow, A.M. Tarone & S. VanLaerhoven, 2011. A roadmap for bridging basic and applied research in forensic entomology. Annual Review of Entomology, 56: 401-421
  • Tomberlin, J.K., J.H Byrd, J.R. Wallace & M.E. Benbow, 2012. Assessment of decomposition studies indicates need for standardized and repeatable research methods in forensic entomology. Journal of Forensic Research, 3:5. doi:10.4172/2157-7145.1000147
  • Tullis, K. & M.L. Goff, 1987. Arthropod succession in exposed carrion in a tropical rainforest on O’ahu Island, Hawai. Journal of Medical Entomology, 24: 332–339.
  • Wolff, M., A. Uribe, A. Ortiz & P. Duque, 2001. A preliminary study of forensic entomology in Medellin, Colombia. Forensic Science International, 120: 53‐59.

Application of entomology in forensic sciences

Yıl 2016, , 269 - 275, 15.08.2016


Forensic entomology is the use of the insects in legal purposes is becoming increasingly more valuable in criminal investigations. Insects are attracted to the body immediately after death and lay eggs in it. Forensic entomologist use knowledge of insect to solve crimes and insect evidences may shed light on different aspects of the crimes. This science emerged as a major discipline in the developed countries and its role in criminal investigations became more widespread. Nowadays, forensic entomologists are called upon more frequently to refer their knowledge and expertise and to collaborate in criminal investigations and to become important part of forensic investigation teams. Unfortunately, it has not received much attention in Turkey as an important investigative tool. In spite of this major potential, however, the field of forensic entomology uncertain in our country, largely. There are lack of knowledge of the benefits, application and hesitation on practically in our country. This study aims to describe the principles and concept of forensic entomology, to determine the usefulness and applicability of insect evidence, to develop awareness of insect and to attract attention of forensic medicine professionals to the issue.


  • Amendt, J., R. Zehner & R. Krettek, 2004. Forensic entomology. Naturwissenschaften, 91: 51–65.
  • Amendt, J., C.P. Campobosso, E. Gaudry, C. Reiter, H.N. Le Blanc & M.J.R. Hall, 2006. Best practice in Forensic entomology – standards and guidelines. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 121: 90‐104.
  • Amendt, J., M.L. Goff, P. Carlo & C.M. Grassberger, 2010. Cuticular Hydrocarbons: A New Tool in Forensic Entomology. In: Current Concepts in Forensic Entomology, (Eds: F.P. Drijfhoutz,). Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg, New York, 369 p.
  • Amendt, J., C.S. Richards, C.P. Campobasso, R. Zehner & M.J.R. Hall, 2011. Forensic entomology: applications and limitations. Forensic Science Medical Pathology, 7: 379–392.
  • Ames, C., B. Turner & B. Daniel, 2006. Estimating the post-mortem interval (II): The use of differential temporal gene expression to determine the age of blowfly pupae. International Congress Serial, 1288: 861–863.
  • Anderson G.S. & V.J. Cervenka, 2001. Insects associated with the body: their use and analyses. In: Advances in Forensic Taphonomy (Eds Haglund W & M. Sorg). New York: CRC Press; 514 p.
  • Anderson, G.S. & N.R. Hobischak, 2004. Decomposition of carrion in the marine environment in British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 118(4): 206-209.
  • Anderson, G.S. & S.L. VanLaerhoven, 1996. Initial studies on insect succession on carrion in southwestern British Columbia. Journal of Forensic Science, 41: 617–625.
  • Anderson, G.S., 2015. Forensic Entomology: The Use of Insects in Death Investigations. (Web page: (Date accessed: June 2015).
  • Anderson, G.S. & N.R. Huitson, 2004. Myiasis in pet animals in British Columbia: the potential of forensic entomology for determining duration of possible neglect. Canadian Veterinary Journal, 45(12): 993-998.
  • Carvalho, L.M.L. & X.L. Linhares, 2001. Seasonality of insect succession and pig carcass decomposition in a natural forest area in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Forensic Science, 46: 604–608.
  • Catts, E.P. & M.L. Goff, 1992. Forensic entomology in criminal investigations. Annual Review of Entomology, 37: 253‐272.
  • Dayananda, R. & J. Kiran, 2013. Entomotoxicology. International Journal of Medical Toxicological Forensic Medicine, 3(2): 71-74.
  • El Samad, L.M., Z.A. El Moaty & H.M. Makemer, 2011. Effects of tramadol on the development of Lucilla sericata (Diptera;Calliphoridae) and detection of the drug concentration in posmortem rabbit tissues and larvae. Journal of Entomology, 8(4): 353-364.
  • George K.A., M.S. Archer, L.M Green, X.A. Conlan, T. Toop, 2009. Effect of morphine on the growth rate of Calliphora stygia (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and possible implications for forensic entomology. Forensic Science International; 193: 21–25.
  • Goff, M., A.I. Omori & J.R. Goodbrod, 1989. The effect of cocain in tissues on the development of Boettcherisca pregrina (Diptera:Sarcophagida). Journal of Medical Entomology, 26: 91-93.
  • Goff, M.L. & M.M. Flynn, 1991. Determination of postmortem interval by arthropod succession: a case study from the Hawaiian Island. Journal of Forensic Science, 36: 607–614.
  • Goff, M.L., W.A. Brown & A.I. Omori, 1992. Preliminary observations of the effect of methamphetamine in decomposing tissues on the development of Parasarcophaga ruficornis (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and implications of this effect on the estimations of postmortem intervals. Journal of Forensic Science, 37: 867-872.
  • Goff, M.L. & W.D. Lord, 2001. Entomotoxicology: insects as toxicological indicators and the impact of drugs and toxins on insect development. In: Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations. (Eds. Byrd, J.H., & J.L. Castner). Boca Raton, CRC Fla,: 651p.
  • Greenberg, B., 1991. Flies as forensic indicators. Journal of Medical Entomology; 28: 565‐577.
  • Gunatilake, K. & M.L. Goff, 1989. Detection of organophosphate poisoning in a putrefying body by analyzing arthropod larvae. Journal of Forensic Science, 34: 714–716.
  • Hall, R.D., 2001. Perceptions and status of forensic entomology In: Forensic Entomology: The Utility of Arthropods in Legal Investigations, (Eds: Byrd, J.H. & J.L. Castner) CRC, Boca Raton, Florida, 651p.
  • Hall, R.D., 2008. Forensic Entomology, In: Encyclopedia of Entomology, (Eds: J.L. Capinera). Springer Netherlands, 4346 p.
  • Haskell N.H, R.E. Williams, D. Catts, J. Adkins & C. Haskell, 2008. Entomology and Death: A procedural Guide. Clemson, Sc. East Park Printing. South Carolina, 216 p.
  • Introna, F., C. Lo Dico, Y.H. Caplan & J.E. Smialek, 1990. Opiate analysis in cadaveric blowfly larvae as an indicator of narcotic intoxication. Journal of Forensic Science, 35: 118–122.
  • Introna, F., C.P. Campobasso & A. Di Fazio, 1998. Three case studies in forensic entomology from Southern Italy. Journal of Forensic Science, 43: 210‐214.
  • Introna, F., C.P. Campobasso & M.L. Goff, 2001. Entomotoxicology. Forensic Science International, 120: 42-47.
  • Khimani, S. 2015. Forensic Entomology.(Web pages: forensic_ entomology.pdf), (Date accessed:June 2015).
  • Kökdener, M. 2012. Adli Entomolojide Kullanılan Sinek Türlerinin Samsunda Mevsimlere Göre Durumunun Belirlenmesi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Adli Tıp Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı, Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, 57s.
  • Lord, W.D. & J.R. Stevenson, 1986. Directory of Forensic Entomologist, Defense Pest Management Information Analysis Center, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, D.C., 42 p.
  • Magni, P.A., T. Pacini, M. Pazzi, M. Vincenti & I.R. Dadour, 2014. Development of a GC–MS method for methamphetamine detection in Calliphora vomitoria L. (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Forensic Science International, 241: 96–101.
  • Mahat, N.A., Z. Zafarina & P.T. Jayaprakash, 2009. Influence of rain and malathion on the oviposition and development of blowflies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) infesting rabbit carcasses in Kelantan, Malaysia. Forensic Science International, 192: 19–28.
  • Metcalf, J.L, L. W. Parfrey, A. Gonzalez, C.L. Lauber, D. Knights, G. Ackermann, G.C. Humphrey, M.J. Gebert, W.V. Treuren, D.B.Lyons, K. Keepers, Y. Guo, J. Bullard, N. Fierer, D.O. Carter, R. Knight, 2013. A microbial clock provides an accurate estimate of the postmortem interval in a mouse model system. eLife, 2:e01104. doi: 10.7554/eLife.01104
  • Miller, M.L, W.D. Lord, M.L. Goff, D. Donnelly, E.T. McDonough & J.C. Alexis, 1994. Isolation of amitriptyline and nortriptyline from fly pupariae (Phoridae) and beetle exuviae (Dermestidae) associated with mummified human remains. Journal of Forensic Science, 39: 1305–1313.
  • Nolte, K.B., R.D. Pinder & W.D. Lord, 1992. Insect larvae used to detect cocaine poisoning in a decomposed body. Journal of Forensic Science, 37: 1179‐1185.
  • O’Brien ,C. & B. Turner, 2004. Impact of paracetamol on the development of Calliphora vicina larval development. International Journal of Legal Medicine, 118: 188-189.
  • Payne, J.A., 1965. A summer carrion study of the baby pig Sus Scrofa Linnaeus. Ecology, 46: 592–602.
  • Schoenly, K. & W. Reid, 1987. Dynamics of heterotrophic succession in carrion arthropod assemblages: discrete series or a continuum of change? Oecologia, 73: 192–202.
  • Sharma, R., R.K. Garg & J.R. Gaur, 2013. Contribution of various measures for estimation of post mortem interval from Calliphoridae: A review Egyptian Journal of Forensic Science, 5(1): 1-12.
  • Smith, K.G.V. 1986. A Manual of Forensic Entomology. London: The Trustees, British.
  • Sukontason, K., P. Narongchai, C. Kanchai, K. Vichairat, P. Sribanditmongkol & T. Bhoopat, 2007. Forensic entomology cases in Thailand: a review of cases from 2000 to 2006. Parasitology Research, 101: 1417–23.
  • Sumodan, P.K., 2002. Insect detectives. Resonance, 7(8): 51-58.
  • Tomberlin J.K., R. Mohr, M.E. Benbow, A.M. Tarone & S. VanLaerhoven, 2011. A roadmap for bridging basic and applied research in forensic entomology. Annual Review of Entomology, 56: 401-421
  • Tomberlin, J.K., J.H Byrd, J.R. Wallace & M.E. Benbow, 2012. Assessment of decomposition studies indicates need for standardized and repeatable research methods in forensic entomology. Journal of Forensic Research, 3:5. doi:10.4172/2157-7145.1000147
  • Tullis, K. & M.L. Goff, 1987. Arthropod succession in exposed carrion in a tropical rainforest on O’ahu Island, Hawai. Journal of Medical Entomology, 24: 332–339.
  • Wolff, M., A. Uribe, A. Ortiz & P. Duque, 2001. A preliminary study of forensic entomology in Medellin, Colombia. Forensic Science International, 120: 53‐59.
Toplam 46 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Derleme

Meltem Kökdener

Yayımlanma Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016

Kaynak Göster

APA Kökdener, M. (2016). Adli bilimlerde entomolojinin uygulanması. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, 6(3), 269-275.
AMA Kökdener M. Adli bilimlerde entomolojinin uygulanması. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni. Ağustos 2016;6(3):269-275. doi:10.16969/teb.90382
Chicago Kökdener, Meltem. “Adli Bilimlerde Entomolojinin Uygulanması”. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni 6, sy. 3 (Ağustos 2016): 269-75.
EndNote Kökdener M (01 Ağustos 2016) Adli bilimlerde entomolojinin uygulanması. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni 6 3 269–275.
IEEE M. Kökdener, “Adli bilimlerde entomolojinin uygulanması”, Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, c. 6, sy. 3, ss. 269–275, 2016, doi: 10.16969/teb.90382.
ISNAD Kökdener, Meltem. “Adli Bilimlerde Entomolojinin Uygulanması”. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni 6/3 (Ağustos 2016), 269-275.
JAMA Kökdener M. Adli bilimlerde entomolojinin uygulanması. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni. 2016;6:269–275.
MLA Kökdener, Meltem. “Adli Bilimlerde Entomolojinin Uygulanması”. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni, c. 6, sy. 3, 2016, ss. 269-75, doi:10.16969/teb.90382.
Vancouver Kökdener M. Adli bilimlerde entomolojinin uygulanması. Türkiye Entomoloji Bülteni. 2016;6(3):269-75.