Conference Paper
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Technology in Teaching, as an Empowerment of Innovative Education

Year 2021, , 70 - 81, 31.12.2021


The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the importance of teaching competencies, achieved through use of technology, so that the learning process is perceived as one of the pleasures offered during the process of education. Nowadays, in the pandemic conditions, education is facing great challenges. The education of students from online learning is another challenge, which puts in dilemma the teaching and learning process. We live in an era where teaching process is going through rapid changes, information sources have a wider scope of action and certainly the effects are visible. The implementation of technological innovations in education sector is a new challenge for students and teachers. Transitioning the teaching and learning process from the auditorium to home environment requires professionalism and dedication from the teachers, who should use a different approach to continue developing their academic preparation. Based on this point of view, we have treated the role of education in shaping the student and the society as well, considering the process in the new context, re-dimensioning the relationship between students and teachers, in the new conditions of subjects and inter-subjects' integration, bringing not only a new “face” of the curricula, but also the new role of the teacher in our schools. The global information we face every day is reflected in everyone's language and communication. The purpose of education is to prepare students to understand and actively participate in the process of critical and creative thinking. This study is based on a methodology that includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects. Quantitative, because this research has been extended to several schools in the city of Tirana, through surveys and questionnaires, to emphasize how much these technological innovations are being used in elementary, middle and high education. Qualitatively, the information is summarized through tables and charts.


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  • Sivakova, D. (2007). The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Learning Improvement. Bitola.
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  • Curriculum development guide (2018). Curriculum and Training Institute.
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  • Ismaili, Xh. (2011). Efektet Stresuese Të Mësimdhënies Dhe Ecuritë E Reduktimit Të Tyre. Shblsh.
  • Musai, B. (2004). Metodologji E Mësimdhënies. Pegi.
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  • Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by Design. ASCD.
  • Gardner, H. (2003). Uneducated Mind ISP. Erik publishing house.
  • Angela, P. (2005). Da Zero A Tre Anni. Mondadori.
  • Memushaj, R. (2003). Gramatika gjenerative transformuese, në “Gjuhësia gjenerative”. SHBLU.
  • Tahiri, A. (2012). Mësimi I Gjuhës Shqipe Në Shkollë Përmes Risive Dhe Ndryshimeve Kurrikulare. Ombra gvg.
  • Musai, B. (2004). Metodologji E Mësimdhënies. Pegi..
  • Osmani, F. (2008). Teknikat Dhe Teknologjitë Mësimore. Tetova.
  • Prensky Marc (2016). Unleashing The Power Of Our 21st Century Kids. Teachers College Press.
  • Tahiri, A., & Shegani, K. (2017). Politikat Në Arsim Dhe Fuqia E Gjuhës, (Third Module “Teknologjia Në Mësimdhënie”. OMSCA.
  • Garo, S., (2011). Mësimdhënia Bashkëkohore. U.F.O. Press.
Year 2021, , 70 - 81, 31.12.2021



  • Adell, J. (1997). Tendencias en educación en la sociedad de las tecnologías de la información. EDUTEC: Revista electrónica de tecnología educative (7), ISSN: 1135-9250.
  • Cabero, J. (2020). Tecnología educativa (Didáctica y organización escolar nº 1. Spanish edition, 7(1), 4-18.
  • Cabero, J. A., & Martínez Sánchez, J., & Salinas Ibáñez, F. (1999). Prácticas Fundamentales de Tecnología Educative. Paperback
  • Gjokutaj, M. (2009). Didaktika E Gjuhës Shqipe. SHBLU.
  • Marazzini, C. (2001). Il perfetto parlare: la retorica in Italia da Dante a Internet (Vol. 351). Carocci.
  • Prensky, M. (2001). On the Horizon. MCB University Press, Vol. 9, No. 5.
  • Ismaili, Xh. (2011). Efektet Stresuese Të Mësimdhënies Dhe Ecuritë E Reduktimit Të Tyre. Shblsh,
  • Luhmann, N. (1995) The Reality of the Mass Media. Stanford University Press,.
  • Konica, F. (1995). Pedagogjia e përgjithshme. Publishing House, ISP.
  • Musai, B. (2004). Metodologji E Mësimdhënies. Pegi.
  • Robert F., & Bihehler J. S. (2004). Psikologjia e zbatuar në mësimdhënie. ISP printing ”Nënë Tereza”,.
  • Sivakova, D. (2007). The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Learning Improvement. Bitola.
  • Tahiri, A. (2012). Mësimi I Gjuhës Shqipe Në Shkollë Përmes Risive Dhe Ndryshimeve Kurrikulare. Ombra gvg.
  • Curriculum development guide (2018). Curriculum and Training Institute.
  • Beijaard, D., Verloop, N., & Vermunt J.D. (2000). Teacher’s perceptions of professional identity: an exploratory study from a personal knowledge perspective. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16, 749-764.
  • Fullani .M (2001). Kuptimi i Ri i Ndryshimit në arsim. Third edition, Edualba.
  • Garo, S. (2011). Mësimdhënia bashkëkohore. U.F.O. Press.
  • Ismaili, Xh. (2011). Efektet Stresuese Të Mësimdhënies Dhe Ecuritë E Reduktimit Të Tyre. Shblsh.
  • Musai, B. (2004). Metodologji E Mësimdhënies. Pegi.
  • Marzano, R. (2003). Classroom Management That Works. ASCD.
  • Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by Design. ASCD.
  • Gardner, H. (2003). Uneducated Mind ISP. Erik publishing house.
  • Angela, P. (2005). Da Zero A Tre Anni. Mondadori.
  • Memushaj, R. (2003). Gramatika gjenerative transformuese, në “Gjuhësia gjenerative”. SHBLU.
  • Tahiri, A. (2012). Mësimi I Gjuhës Shqipe Në Shkollë Përmes Risive Dhe Ndryshimeve Kurrikulare. Ombra gvg.
  • Musai, B. (2004). Metodologji E Mësimdhënies. Pegi..
  • Osmani, F. (2008). Teknikat Dhe Teknologjitë Mësimore. Tetova.
  • Prensky Marc (2016). Unleashing The Power Of Our 21st Century Kids. Teachers College Press.
  • Tahiri, A., & Shegani, K. (2017). Politikat Në Arsim Dhe Fuqia E Gjuhës, (Third Module “Teknologjia Në Mësimdhënie”. OMSCA.
  • Garo, S., (2011). Mësimdhënia Bashkëkohore. U.F.O. Press.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Albana Tahırı This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Tahırı, A. (2021). Technology in Teaching, as an Empowerment of Innovative Education. The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational and Social Sciences, 20, 70-81.