Primer Uterin Kist Hidatik: Olgu Sunumu
Yıl 2022,
, 308 - 311, 30.11.2022
Mehmet Olgun Ak
Merve Şahin
Çiğdem Özdemir
Dağıstan Tolga Arıöz
Kist hidatik, vücudun neredeyse her yerinde görülebilen parazitik bir hastalıktır. Vücuttaki tutulum yerlerine göre farklı semptomlar ve bulgular verebilirler. Hastalığın etkenleri ise echinococcus granulosus, echinococcus multilocularis, echinococcus oligarthrus, daha nadir olarak da echinococcus vogeli adlarındaki sestodlardır.
Ülkemizde genel cerrahi uzmanlarının çok iyi bildiği bu hastalık, ülkemizin gelişen ve değişen sosyal yapısından ve zaman zaman klinik ve radyolojik olarak malignitelerle karışabileceğinden hala sorun teşkil etmektedir.
55 yaşındaki bir kadın hasta karın ağrısı şikayetiyle, kadın doğum ve hastalıkları polikliniğine başvurdu. Özgeçmişinde kist hidatik öyküsü bulunmayan hastanın uterusunda, görüntüleme yöntemleri ile kitle saptandı. Kadın doğum ve hastalıkları servisinde malignite ön tanısıyla histerektomi ve bilateral salpingooeferektomi uygulandı. Mikroskobik olarak yapılan histopatolojik incelemede ise kist hidatik tanısı konuldu. Çalışmamızda nadir görülen primer uterin kist hidatik vakasını sunacağız.
- Durgun C, Alkan S, Durgun M, Demiray Dindar EK. Türkiye’den Kist Hidatik Konusunda Yapılmış Yayınların Analizi. Black Sea Journal of Health Science. 2022;5:45-9.
- Goyal P, Ghosh S, Sehgal S, et al. Primary multilocular hydatid cyst of neck with unique presentation: a rare case report and literature review. Head Neck Pathol. 2014;8:334-8.
- Gavidia CM, Gonzalez AE, Zhang W, et al. Diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis, central Peruvian Highlands. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008;14:260-6.
- Çobanoğlu U. Tarihçe ve Epidemiyoloji. In: Yalçinkaya İ, editor. Akciğer Hidatik Kisti. Van: Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği; 2016. p. 15.
- Ben Ismail I, Zenaidi H, Rebii S, Zoghlami A. Primary hydatic cyst of the fallopian tube. IDCases. 2020;20:e00790.
- Jafarian A, Fakhar N, Parsaei R. Hydatid cyst of fallopian tube. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2014;4:S324-5.
- Gordon FH. A case of uterine hydatids. The Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery 1847;7:9.
- Hagberg CJ, Maizels G. Solitary hydatid cyst of the uterus. S Afr Med J. 1954;28:499-500.
- Giles A. A case of hydatid of the uterus. The Lancet. 1911;177:1700.
- Kakaei F, Asvadi Kermani T, Tarvirdizade K. A case report: Primary hydatid cyst of uterus. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;42:67-9.
- Ennaceur F, Toumi D, Jaouad F, et al. Primary Echinococcus Hydatid Cyst of the Uterus: An Unusual Location. Case Rep Surg. 2021;2021:9977326.
- Loukil I, Zouari A. [Hydatid cyst of the uterus: a rare localization]. Pan Afr Med J. 2021;39:272.
- Okumus Y, Tayyar M, Patiroglu T, Aygen E. Uterine hydatid cyst. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1994;45:51-3.
- Basgul A, Kavak ZN, Gokaslan H, Kullu S. Hydatid cyst of the uterus. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2002;10:67-70.
- Koc N. Primary Hydatid Cyst Mimicking Uterine Leiomyoma. Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2017;41:57-9.
- Peker K, Ulug P, Nayki UA, et al. Primary uterine hydatid cyst: a case report. Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2013;37:302-4.
- Sultana N, Hashim TK, Jan SY, Khan Z, Malik T, Shah W. Primary cervical hydatid cyst: a rare occurrence. Diagn Pathol. 2012;7:157.
- Langley G. Primary echinococcal cyst of the uterus. British Journal of Surgery. 1943;30:278-80.
- Jamwal S, Manhas A, Manhas K. Hydatid cyst of uterus-a case report. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. 2016;5:104-5.
- Malik AH, Bashir S, Rather AA. Ruptured primary uterine serosal hydatid cyst: a rare case report. Gynecological Surgery. 2005;2:25-6.
- Dhaifalah I. Hydatid cyst of the uterine cervix. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2001;145:77-8.
- Kilinc N, Arican C. A hydatid cyst found in an uncommon site coincidentally. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 2007;23:774.
- Dziri C, Haouet K, Fingerhut A, Zaouche A. Management of cystic echinococcosis complications and dissemination: where is the evidence? World journal of surgery. 2009;33:1266-73.
- Tekin M, Osma U, Yaldiz M, Topcu I. Preauricular hydatid cyst: an unusual location for echinoccosis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2004;261:87-9.
Primary Uterine Hydatid Cyst: Case Report
Yıl 2022,
, 308 - 311, 30.11.2022
Mehmet Olgun Ak
Merve Şahin
Çiğdem Özdemir
Dağıstan Tolga Arıöz
Hydatid cyst is a parasitic disease that can be seen almost anywhere in the body. They can give different symptoms and signs according to the places of involvement in the body. The causative agents of the disease are cestodes called echinococcus granulosus, echinococcus multilocularis, echinococcus oligarthrus, and more rarely, echinococcus vogeli.
This disease, which is very well known by general surgery specialists in our country, still poses a problem because of the developing and changing social structure of our country and because it can sometimes be confused with malignancies clinically and radiologically.
A 55-year-old female patient was admitted to the obstetrics and gynecology outpatient clinic with the complaint of abdominal pain. There was no history of hydatid cyst in her personal history. A mass was detected in the patient's uterus by imaging methods. Hysterectomy and bilateral salpingooepherectomy were performed with the pre-diagnosis of malignancy in the obstetrics and gynecology service. In the histopathological examination performed microscopically, the diagnosis of hydatid cyst was made. In our study, we will present a rare case of primary uterine hydatid cyst.
- Durgun C, Alkan S, Durgun M, Demiray Dindar EK. Türkiye’den Kist Hidatik Konusunda Yapılmış Yayınların Analizi. Black Sea Journal of Health Science. 2022;5:45-9.
- Goyal P, Ghosh S, Sehgal S, et al. Primary multilocular hydatid cyst of neck with unique presentation: a rare case report and literature review. Head Neck Pathol. 2014;8:334-8.
- Gavidia CM, Gonzalez AE, Zhang W, et al. Diagnosis of cystic echinococcosis, central Peruvian Highlands. Emerg Infect Dis. 2008;14:260-6.
- Çobanoğlu U. Tarihçe ve Epidemiyoloji. In: Yalçinkaya İ, editor. Akciğer Hidatik Kisti. Van: Türkiye Solunum Araştırmaları Derneği; 2016. p. 15.
- Ben Ismail I, Zenaidi H, Rebii S, Zoghlami A. Primary hydatic cyst of the fallopian tube. IDCases. 2020;20:e00790.
- Jafarian A, Fakhar N, Parsaei R. Hydatid cyst of fallopian tube. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2014;4:S324-5.
- Gordon FH. A case of uterine hydatids. The Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery 1847;7:9.
- Hagberg CJ, Maizels G. Solitary hydatid cyst of the uterus. S Afr Med J. 1954;28:499-500.
- Giles A. A case of hydatid of the uterus. The Lancet. 1911;177:1700.
- Kakaei F, Asvadi Kermani T, Tarvirdizade K. A case report: Primary hydatid cyst of uterus. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2018;42:67-9.
- Ennaceur F, Toumi D, Jaouad F, et al. Primary Echinococcus Hydatid Cyst of the Uterus: An Unusual Location. Case Rep Surg. 2021;2021:9977326.
- Loukil I, Zouari A. [Hydatid cyst of the uterus: a rare localization]. Pan Afr Med J. 2021;39:272.
- Okumus Y, Tayyar M, Patiroglu T, Aygen E. Uterine hydatid cyst. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 1994;45:51-3.
- Basgul A, Kavak ZN, Gokaslan H, Kullu S. Hydatid cyst of the uterus. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2002;10:67-70.
- Koc N. Primary Hydatid Cyst Mimicking Uterine Leiomyoma. Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2017;41:57-9.
- Peker K, Ulug P, Nayki UA, et al. Primary uterine hydatid cyst: a case report. Turkiye Parazitol Derg. 2013;37:302-4.
- Sultana N, Hashim TK, Jan SY, Khan Z, Malik T, Shah W. Primary cervical hydatid cyst: a rare occurrence. Diagn Pathol. 2012;7:157.
- Langley G. Primary echinococcal cyst of the uterus. British Journal of Surgery. 1943;30:278-80.
- Jamwal S, Manhas A, Manhas K. Hydatid cyst of uterus-a case report. Indian Journal of Basic and Applied Medical Research. 2016;5:104-5.
- Malik AH, Bashir S, Rather AA. Ruptured primary uterine serosal hydatid cyst: a rare case report. Gynecological Surgery. 2005;2:25-6.
- Dhaifalah I. Hydatid cyst of the uterine cervix. Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub. 2001;145:77-8.
- Kilinc N, Arican C. A hydatid cyst found in an uncommon site coincidentally. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences. 2007;23:774.
- Dziri C, Haouet K, Fingerhut A, Zaouche A. Management of cystic echinococcosis complications and dissemination: where is the evidence? World journal of surgery. 2009;33:1266-73.
- Tekin M, Osma U, Yaldiz M, Topcu I. Preauricular hydatid cyst: an unusual location for echinoccosis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2004;261:87-9.