Yüz Cerrahi Maskelerinin Üniversite Öğretim Elemanları ve Çalışanlarının Ses Üretimine Etkisi
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 280 - 284, 29.11.2023
Berkay Arslan
Müge Müzeyyen Ciyiltepe
Yüz Cerrahi Maskelerinin Üniversite Öğretim Elemanları ve Çalışanlarının Ses Üretimine Etkisi
Arka plan: Yüz maskesi kullanımı, pandeminin başlangıcından bu yana yeni bir alışkanlık haline geldi. Bu yeni alışkanlık, insanları gerçek hayattaki iletişimde zorluklarla karşılaşmaya itebilir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, cerrahi maskelerin Üniversite öğretim üyeleri (Akademik Personel) ve üniversite çalışanları (Akademik Personel) üzerindeki olası etkilerini karşılaştırmaktır.
Yöntem: Araştırmaya özel bir üniversitenin Akademik Personeli ve Akademik Personeli katılımcı olarak seçilmiştir. Ses kullanımı ve maske kullanımı ile ilgili anketler sunuldu ve akustik ses analizi yapıldı.
Bulgular: Her iki grupta da sadece HNR oranı ve solunum ve ses koordinasyonunda anlamlı fark gözlendi. Diğer parametreler önemli ölçüde farklı değildi
- 1. Kemaloğlu YK. Vocal outcomes after COVID-19
infection: acoustic voice analyses, durational
measurements, self-reported findings, and auditoryperceptual evaluations. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022
Jun 6:1–9.
- 2. Karcıoğlu Ö. Coronavirüs Nedir, Nasıl Korunabiliriz?
Phoenix Medical Journal. 2020: 2:70.
- 3. Ribeiro VV, Dassie-Leite AP, Pereira EC, Santos
ADN, Martins P, Irineu RA. Effect of Wearing a Face
Mask on Vocal Self-Perception during a Pandemic. J
Voice. 1997:30356-8.
- 4. McKenna VS, Patel TH, Kendall CL, Howell RJ,
Gustin RL. Voice Acoustics and Vocal Effort in MaskWearing Healthcare Professionals: A Comparison Preand Post-Workday. J Voice. 2023; 37: 802.e15-802.e23.
- 5. Goldin A, Weinstein B, Shiman N. How do medical
masks degrade speech perception? Hear Rev. 2020. 27:
- 6. Balata PMM, Silva HJ, Pernambuco LA, et al.
Electrical activity of extrinsic laryngeal muscles in
subjects with and without dysphonia. J Voice. 2015. 29:
- 7. Redenbaugh MA, Reich AR. Surface EMG and
related measures in normal and vocally hiperfunctional
speakers. J Speech Hear Disord. 1989. 54: 68–73.
- 8. Hocevar-Boltezar I, Janko M, Zargi M. Role of
surface EMG in diagnostics and treatment of muscle
tension dysphonia. Acta Otolaryngol. 1998.118: 739-43.
- 9. Behlau M, Zambon F, Moreti F, et al. Voice selfassessment protocols: different trends among organic
and behavioral dysphonias. J Voice. 2017;31:112.e13-
- 10. Kubbe S, Paltura C and Söylemez E. Maske
Kullanımının Ses Akustiğine Etkisi. KBB Forum. 2022.
- 11. Cavallaro G, Di Nicola V, Quaranta N, et al. Acoustic
voice analysis in the COVID-19 era. Acta
Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2021. 41:1.
- 12. Magee M, Lewis C, Noffs G, et al. Effects of face
masks on acoustic analysis and speech perception:
Implications for peri-pandemic protocols. J Acoust Soc
Am. 2020. 148: 3562-68.
- 13. Fiorella ML, Cavallaro G, Di Nicola V, Quaranta N.
Voice Differences When Wearing and Not Wearing a
Surgical Mask. J Voice. 2023; 37: 467.e1-467.e7.
- 14. Astolfi A, Puglisi GE, Shtrepi L, et al. Effects of Face
Masks on Physiological Parameters and Voice
Production during Cycling Activity. Int. J. Environ. Res.
Public Health 2022. 19: 6491.
- 15. Karagkouni O. The Effects of the Use of Protective
Face Mask on the Voice and Its Relation to SelfPerceived Voice Changes. J Voice. 2023;37(5):802e11-
- 16. Shekaraiah S, Suresh K. Effect of Face Mask on
Voice Production During COVID-19 Pandemic: A
Systematic Review. J Voice. 2021; S0892-1997: 00327-
- 17. Abou-Rafée M, Zambon F, Badaro F, et al. Vocal
fatigue in dys- phonic teachers who seek treatment.
CoDAS. 2019; 31: 2-7.
- 18. Nguyen DD, McCabe P, Thomas D, et al. Acoustic
voice characteristics with and without wearing a
facemask. Sci Rep. 2021;11:1-11.
- 19. Knowles T abd Badh G. The impact of face masks
on spectral acoustics of speech: Effect of clear and loud
speech styles The Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America. 2022. 151; 3359.
Effect of Facial Surgical Masks on Vocal Production of University Lecturers and Workers
Yıl 2023,
Cilt: 4 Sayı: 3, 280 - 284, 29.11.2023
Berkay Arslan
Müge Müzeyyen Ciyiltepe
Background: Use of facial masks have been a new habit since the beginning of pandemic. This new habit may lead people the to face difficulties in real life communication. The objective of this study to compare the possible effect of surgical masks on University lecturers (Academic Staff) and university workers (Academic Personell)
Method: Academic Staff and Academic Personell of a private university were chosen as a participants. Questionneries about vocal use and mask using were presented and acoustic voice analysis was conducted.
Results: Only significant difference was observed in both groups was HNR ratio and breathing and vocal coordination. Other parameters were not significantly different
- 1. Kemaloğlu YK. Vocal outcomes after COVID-19
infection: acoustic voice analyses, durational
measurements, self-reported findings, and auditoryperceptual evaluations. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022
Jun 6:1–9.
- 2. Karcıoğlu Ö. Coronavirüs Nedir, Nasıl Korunabiliriz?
Phoenix Medical Journal. 2020: 2:70.
- 3. Ribeiro VV, Dassie-Leite AP, Pereira EC, Santos
ADN, Martins P, Irineu RA. Effect of Wearing a Face
Mask on Vocal Self-Perception during a Pandemic. J
Voice. 1997:30356-8.
- 4. McKenna VS, Patel TH, Kendall CL, Howell RJ,
Gustin RL. Voice Acoustics and Vocal Effort in MaskWearing Healthcare Professionals: A Comparison Preand Post-Workday. J Voice. 2023; 37: 802.e15-802.e23.
- 5. Goldin A, Weinstein B, Shiman N. How do medical
masks degrade speech perception? Hear Rev. 2020. 27:
- 6. Balata PMM, Silva HJ, Pernambuco LA, et al.
Electrical activity of extrinsic laryngeal muscles in
subjects with and without dysphonia. J Voice. 2015. 29:
- 7. Redenbaugh MA, Reich AR. Surface EMG and
related measures in normal and vocally hiperfunctional
speakers. J Speech Hear Disord. 1989. 54: 68–73.
- 8. Hocevar-Boltezar I, Janko M, Zargi M. Role of
surface EMG in diagnostics and treatment of muscle
tension dysphonia. Acta Otolaryngol. 1998.118: 739-43.
- 9. Behlau M, Zambon F, Moreti F, et al. Voice selfassessment protocols: different trends among organic
and behavioral dysphonias. J Voice. 2017;31:112.e13-
- 10. Kubbe S, Paltura C and Söylemez E. Maske
Kullanımının Ses Akustiğine Etkisi. KBB Forum. 2022.
- 11. Cavallaro G, Di Nicola V, Quaranta N, et al. Acoustic
voice analysis in the COVID-19 era. Acta
Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2021. 41:1.
- 12. Magee M, Lewis C, Noffs G, et al. Effects of face
masks on acoustic analysis and speech perception:
Implications for peri-pandemic protocols. J Acoust Soc
Am. 2020. 148: 3562-68.
- 13. Fiorella ML, Cavallaro G, Di Nicola V, Quaranta N.
Voice Differences When Wearing and Not Wearing a
Surgical Mask. J Voice. 2023; 37: 467.e1-467.e7.
- 14. Astolfi A, Puglisi GE, Shtrepi L, et al. Effects of Face
Masks on Physiological Parameters and Voice
Production during Cycling Activity. Int. J. Environ. Res.
Public Health 2022. 19: 6491.
- 15. Karagkouni O. The Effects of the Use of Protective
Face Mask on the Voice and Its Relation to SelfPerceived Voice Changes. J Voice. 2023;37(5):802e11-
- 16. Shekaraiah S, Suresh K. Effect of Face Mask on
Voice Production During COVID-19 Pandemic: A
Systematic Review. J Voice. 2021; S0892-1997: 00327-
- 17. Abou-Rafée M, Zambon F, Badaro F, et al. Vocal
fatigue in dys- phonic teachers who seek treatment.
CoDAS. 2019; 31: 2-7.
- 18. Nguyen DD, McCabe P, Thomas D, et al. Acoustic
voice characteristics with and without wearing a
facemask. Sci Rep. 2021;11:1-11.
- 19. Knowles T abd Badh G. The impact of face masks
on spectral acoustics of speech: Effect of clear and loud
speech styles The Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America. 2022. 151; 3359.