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Yıl 2021, , 113 - 128, 24.12.2021


Siber teknolojinin terörist kullanımının ve siber terörizmin yarattığı risk, politikacılar, karar vericiler ve güvenlik görevlileri için büyük endişe kaynağı olmuştur. Bu makale, siber terörizm tarihi ile birlikte siber teknoloji ve siber terörizmin terörist kullanımını incelemektedir. Ayrıca siber suç, siber terörizm, siber savaş ve bilgisayar korsanlığı gibi kavramlar da incelenecektir. Ayrıca, uluslararası kuruluşların siber terörizmle mücadelede karşılaştıkları zorluklar tartışılacak; Siber terörizm muamelelerini ele almak için bazı ülkelerde alınan önlemler ve siber terörizm ve siber teknolojinin terörist kullanımının getirdiği mevcut ve gelecekteki muamele üzerine tartışmalar sunulmaktadır.


  • [1] Öğün MN. Terrorist Use of Internet: Possible Suggestions to Prevent the Usage for Terrorist Purposes. Journal of Applied Security Research, 2012;7(2), 203-217.
  • [2] Garrison A Terrorism: The nature of its history. Criminal Justice Studies, 2003; 16(1), 39-52.
  • [3] Hudson R. The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why? Federal Research Devision. Library of Congress. Retrieved from, 1999.
  • [4] Collin B Future of Cyberterrorism: The Physical and Virtual Worlds Converge. Crime and Justice International, 1997; 13(2), 15-18.
  • [5] Conway M. Reality Check: Assessing the (Un)Likelihood of Cyberterrorism. In J. L. Chen T. (Ed.), Cyberterrorism; pp. 103-121. New York, NY: Springer, 2014.
  • [6] Denning D. Cyberterrorism. Testimony before the Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism Committee on Armed Services U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved from; 2000
  • [7] Ambos K. Responsabilidad penal internacional en el ciberespacio. Retrieved from; 2015.
  • [8] Yannakogeorgos P. Rethinking the Threat of Cyberterrorism. In T. J. En Chen (Ed.), Cyberterrorism; pp. 43-62. New York: Springer, 2014.
  • [9] Melzer N. Cyberwarfare and International Law. Unidir Resources. Retrieved from, 2011.
  • [10] UNODC. The use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes. New York: United Nations. Retrieved from; 2012.
  • [11] Öğün MN, Kaya A. Siber Güvenliğin Milli Güvenlik Açısından Önemi ve Alınabilecek Tedbirle, Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 2013; Volume 9, Issue 18, ss.145-181.
  • [12] Weimann G. Cyberterrorism: The Sum of All Fears. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 2005; 28(2), 129-1. doi:/abs/10.1080/10576100590905110.
  • [13] Jarvis G. Comprehensive Survey of Cyber-Terrorism. Retrieved from; 2011.
  • [14] Terrorism C. o. (Ed.). Responses to Cyber Terrorism (1 ed., Vol. 34). Ankara, Turkey: IOS Press., 2008.
  • [15] Goodman S, Kirk J, Kirk M Cyberspace as a medium for terrorists. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2007; 74(2), 193-210. Retrieved from 10.1016/j.techfore.2006.07.007.
  • [16] Villegas DM. Contribuciones para un concepto de terrorismo en el derecho penal chileno. Política Criminal, 2016; 11(21). Retrieved from 10.4067/S0718-33992016000100006.
  • [17] Cancio MM. El delito de pertenencia a una organización terrorista en el código penal español. Revista de Estudios de la Justicia, 2010; (12), 147-164. Retrieved from 10.5354/0718-4735.2011.15233.
  • [18] Mañalich J. El terrorismo ante el derecho penal: la propuesta legislativa del gobierno como retroceso. Anuario de Derecho Público UDP, 2015; 154-171.
  • [19] Gillespie A. Cybercrime: Key Issues and Debates. London : Routledge 2016.
  • [20] Jones A. Cyber Terrorism: Fact or Fiction. Computer Fraud and Security(6), 4-7. Retrieved from 10.1016/S1361-3723(05)70220-7. 2005.
  • [21] Laura ML. Retrieved September 22, 2019, from google:
  • [22] Crenshaw M.. The Causes of Terrorism. Comparative Politics, 1981; 13(4), 379-399.
  • [23] González CE. Los estudios sobre terrorismo: Balance de los últimos 25 años. Espacio Abierto, Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología, 2016; 25(4), 61-76. Retrieved from
  • [24] Carnevali R. El derecho penal frente al terrorismo: Hacia un modelo punitivo particular y sobre el tratamiento de la tortura. Revista de Derecho, 2010; 109-145.
  • [25] Gibbs J. Conceptualization of Terrorism. American Sociological Review, 1989; 54(3), 329-340.
  • [26] Ganor B. Defining Terrorism: Is One Man’s Terrorist another Man’s Freedom Fighter? Police Practice and Research, 2002; 3(4), 287-304.
  • [27] Boeckmann R. Turpin-Petrosino C. Understanding the Harm of Hate Crime. Journal of Social Issues, 2002; 58(2), 207-225.
  • [28] Poveda Criado, M. Torrente Barredo, Opción B. Redes sociales y ciberterrorismo: Las TIC como herramienta terrorista, 2016; 32(8), 509-518.
  • [29] Clough J. Principles of Cybercrime. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • [30] D’Aiuto, G. En Levita, L. I reati informatici. Milan: Giuffrè, 2012.
  • [31] Alexander DC. Cyber Threats Against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Selected Responses, 2014. Retrieved 10 31, 2019, from
  • [32] Brenner SW. Cybercrime, cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare. Revue internationale de droit pénal, 2006; 77, 453-471.
  • [33] littl3field. Cyber Terrorism: understanding and preventing acts of terror within our cyber space, 2011. Retrieved from
  • [34] Öğün MN. et all Information Technologies and Reaching to Information Society. Revista Electrónica de Investigación en Ciencias Económicas, 2020; Vol. 8, No. 16, pp:412-448.


Yıl 2021, , 113 - 128, 24.12.2021


The risk posed by terrorist use of cyber technology and cyber terrorism have been of great concern to politicians, decision makers, security officials. This article studies terrorist use of cyber technology and cyber terrorism along with history of cyber-terrorism. Moreover some concepts such as between cyber-crime, cyber-terrorism, cyber-warfare and hactivism will be analysed. Furthermore, the challenges faced by international organisations in tackling cyber terrorism will be discussed; measures introduced in some countries to address cyber terrorism treats are presented as well as discussions on the present and the future treat posed by cyber terrorism and terrorist use of cyber technology.


  • [1] Öğün MN. Terrorist Use of Internet: Possible Suggestions to Prevent the Usage for Terrorist Purposes. Journal of Applied Security Research, 2012;7(2), 203-217.
  • [2] Garrison A Terrorism: The nature of its history. Criminal Justice Studies, 2003; 16(1), 39-52.
  • [3] Hudson R. The Sociology and Psychology of Terrorism: Who Becomes a Terrorist and Why? Federal Research Devision. Library of Congress. Retrieved from, 1999.
  • [4] Collin B Future of Cyberterrorism: The Physical and Virtual Worlds Converge. Crime and Justice International, 1997; 13(2), 15-18.
  • [5] Conway M. Reality Check: Assessing the (Un)Likelihood of Cyberterrorism. In J. L. Chen T. (Ed.), Cyberterrorism; pp. 103-121. New York, NY: Springer, 2014.
  • [6] Denning D. Cyberterrorism. Testimony before the Special Oversight Panel on Terrorism Committee on Armed Services U.S. House of Representatives. Retrieved from; 2000
  • [7] Ambos K. Responsabilidad penal internacional en el ciberespacio. Retrieved from; 2015.
  • [8] Yannakogeorgos P. Rethinking the Threat of Cyberterrorism. In T. J. En Chen (Ed.), Cyberterrorism; pp. 43-62. New York: Springer, 2014.
  • [9] Melzer N. Cyberwarfare and International Law. Unidir Resources. Retrieved from, 2011.
  • [10] UNODC. The use of the Internet for Terrorist Purposes. New York: United Nations. Retrieved from; 2012.
  • [11] Öğün MN, Kaya A. Siber Güvenliğin Milli Güvenlik Açısından Önemi ve Alınabilecek Tedbirle, Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi, 2013; Volume 9, Issue 18, ss.145-181.
  • [12] Weimann G. Cyberterrorism: The Sum of All Fears. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 2005; 28(2), 129-1. doi:/abs/10.1080/10576100590905110.
  • [13] Jarvis G. Comprehensive Survey of Cyber-Terrorism. Retrieved from; 2011.
  • [14] Terrorism C. o. (Ed.). Responses to Cyber Terrorism (1 ed., Vol. 34). Ankara, Turkey: IOS Press., 2008.
  • [15] Goodman S, Kirk J, Kirk M Cyberspace as a medium for terrorists. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2007; 74(2), 193-210. Retrieved from 10.1016/j.techfore.2006.07.007.
  • [16] Villegas DM. Contribuciones para un concepto de terrorismo en el derecho penal chileno. Política Criminal, 2016; 11(21). Retrieved from 10.4067/S0718-33992016000100006.
  • [17] Cancio MM. El delito de pertenencia a una organización terrorista en el código penal español. Revista de Estudios de la Justicia, 2010; (12), 147-164. Retrieved from 10.5354/0718-4735.2011.15233.
  • [18] Mañalich J. El terrorismo ante el derecho penal: la propuesta legislativa del gobierno como retroceso. Anuario de Derecho Público UDP, 2015; 154-171.
  • [19] Gillespie A. Cybercrime: Key Issues and Debates. London : Routledge 2016.
  • [20] Jones A. Cyber Terrorism: Fact or Fiction. Computer Fraud and Security(6), 4-7. Retrieved from 10.1016/S1361-3723(05)70220-7. 2005.
  • [21] Laura ML. Retrieved September 22, 2019, from google:
  • [22] Crenshaw M.. The Causes of Terrorism. Comparative Politics, 1981; 13(4), 379-399.
  • [23] González CE. Los estudios sobre terrorismo: Balance de los últimos 25 años. Espacio Abierto, Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología, 2016; 25(4), 61-76. Retrieved from
  • [24] Carnevali R. El derecho penal frente al terrorismo: Hacia un modelo punitivo particular y sobre el tratamiento de la tortura. Revista de Derecho, 2010; 109-145.
  • [25] Gibbs J. Conceptualization of Terrorism. American Sociological Review, 1989; 54(3), 329-340.
  • [26] Ganor B. Defining Terrorism: Is One Man’s Terrorist another Man’s Freedom Fighter? Police Practice and Research, 2002; 3(4), 287-304.
  • [27] Boeckmann R. Turpin-Petrosino C. Understanding the Harm of Hate Crime. Journal of Social Issues, 2002; 58(2), 207-225.
  • [28] Poveda Criado, M. Torrente Barredo, Opción B. Redes sociales y ciberterrorismo: Las TIC como herramienta terrorista, 2016; 32(8), 509-518.
  • [29] Clough J. Principles of Cybercrime. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • [30] D’Aiuto, G. En Levita, L. I reati informatici. Milan: Giuffrè, 2012.
  • [31] Alexander DC. Cyber Threats Against the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Selected Responses, 2014. Retrieved 10 31, 2019, from
  • [32] Brenner SW. Cybercrime, cyberterrorism and cyberwarfare. Revue internationale de droit pénal, 2006; 77, 453-471.
  • [33] littl3field. Cyber Terrorism: understanding and preventing acts of terror within our cyber space, 2011. Retrieved from
  • [34] Öğün MN. et all Information Technologies and Reaching to Information Society. Revista Electrónica de Investigación en Ciencias Económicas, 2020; Vol. 8, No. 16, pp:412-448.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

Mehmet Nesip Öğün 0000-0002-5866-1341

Serdar Yurtsever 0000-0003-2260-1416

Murat Aslan 0000-0002-5128-1020

Muhammed Elburası Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-2536-1174

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Öğün, M. N., Yurtsever, S., Aslan, M., Elburası, M. (2021). TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler, 9(Iconat Special Issue 2021), 113-128.
AMA Öğün MN, Yurtsever S, Aslan M, Elburası M. TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler. Aralık 2021;9(Iconat Special Issue 2021):113-128. doi:10.20290/estubtdb.1021324
Chicago Öğün, Mehmet Nesip, Serdar Yurtsever, Murat Aslan, ve Muhammed Elburası. “TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler 9, sy. Iconat Special Issue 2021 (Aralık 2021): 113-28.
EndNote Öğün MN, Yurtsever S, Aslan M, Elburası M (01 Aralık 2021) TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler 9 Iconat Special Issue 2021 113–128.
IEEE M. N. Öğün, S. Yurtsever, M. Aslan, ve M. Elburası, “TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY”, Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler, c. 9, sy. Iconat Special Issue 2021, ss. 113–128, 2021, doi: 10.20290/estubtdb.1021324.
ISNAD Öğün, Mehmet Nesip vd. “TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler 9/Iconat Special Issue 2021 (Aralık 2021), 113-128.
JAMA Öğün MN, Yurtsever S, Aslan M, Elburası M. TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler. 2021;9:113–128.
MLA Öğün, Mehmet Nesip vd. “TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler, c. 9, sy. Iconat Special Issue 2021, 2021, ss. 113-28, doi:10.20290/estubtdb.1021324.
Vancouver Öğün MN, Yurtsever S, Aslan M, Elburası M. TERRORIST USE OF CYBER TECHNOLOGY. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi B - Teorik Bilimler. 2021;9(Iconat Special Issue 2021):113-28.