Yıl 2020,
, 35 - 45, 31.01.2020
Nagehan Saltan
Ayla Kaya
The genus Crenosciadium (Apiaceae) is represented by C. siifolium. which is a monotypic endemic species, in the Flora of
Turkey. In the current study, morphological, anatomical and palynological
features of C. siifolium was
described in detail. Expanded descriptions and images of C. siifolium were given. Cross-sections of stem, leaf and fruit are
examined and a detailed anatomical description is presented and supported by
photographs. Mericarps are almost is pentagonal in transverse section. Each
mericarp has 3-5 vittae on the valleculae and 6-8 vittae on the commissural.
The pollen morphology of Crenosciadium
was studied by SEM. The palynological results confirmed the stenopalynous characteristic
of the family Apiaceae, and revealed that the pollen grains of the genera is
perprolate in shape. Also fruit surface ornamentation of genera was
rugulate-striate at equator and irregular striate at poles.
- Referans 1 Guner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç MT. (Eds.) Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyigit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Arastirma Dernegi Yayını, Istanbul.
- Referans 2 Chamberlain DF. Opopanax Koch. In: Davis PH, editor. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Vol. 4. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1972. pp. 471–473.
- Referans 3 Menemen Y. Opopanax. In: Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç, MT, editors. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyigit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Arastirma Dernegi Yayini, Istanbul, 2012. pp. 70-71.
- Referans 4 Ekim T, Koyuncu M, Duman H, Aytac Z, Adiguzel N. Red Data Book of Turkish Plants Turkish Association for The Conservation of Nature. Ankara, 2000 (in Turkish).
- Referans 5 Bentham G. Umbelliferae. In: Bentham G, Hooker JD, editors. Genera Plantarum. Reeve & Co., London, 1867. pp. 859–931.
- Referans 6 Koch WDJ. Plantarum Umbelliferarum dispositio. Nova Acta physico-med 1824; 12:73-155.
- Referans 7 Boissier PE. Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium novarum. Ser. Lipsiae 1849; 1: 36.
- Referans 8 Celebioglu S, Baytop T. Bitkisel Tozların Tetkiki İçin Yeni Bir Reaktif. Farmakolog, Istanbul, 1949. pp. 301 (in Turkish).
- Referans 9 Meidner H, Mansfield TA. Physiology of Stomata. Mc Graw-Hill, Newyork, USA, 1969.
- Referans 10 Faegri K, Iversen J. Textbook of pollen analysis. 3rd edition. New York, Hafner, 1975.
- Referans 11 Punt W, Hoen PP, Blackmore S, Nilsson S, Le Thomas A. Glossary of pollen and spore terminology. Rev Palaeobot Palynol 2007; 143: 1-81.
- Referans 12 Boissier PE. Flora orientalis. H. Georg, Genève & Basel, 1872.
- Referasn 13 Cetin O, Celik M. Comparative morphological, anatomical, micromorphological, and palynological studies on the genera Opopanax and Crenosciadium (Apiaceae). Phytotaxa 2018; 372 (1): 35–50.
- Referans 14 The Plant List (2013) Version 1.1 Published on the Internet: (accessed 1 September 2018).
- Referans 15 Ajani Y, Ajani A, Cordes JM, Watson MF, Downie SR. Phylogenetic analysis of nrDNA ITS sequences reveals relationships within five groups of Iranian Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae. Taxon 2008; 57: 383–401.
- Referans 16 Metcalfe CR, Chalk L. Anatomy of the Dicotyledons., Claranden Press, Oxford, 1965.
- Referans 17 Kaya A, Baser KHC. Olymposciadium caespitosum (Umbelliferae): A monotypic endemic species from Turkey. Fl. Medit. 2002; 12: 377-387.
- Referans 18 Kaya A. The genus Astrantia L. in Turkey: Morphology and Anatomy. Acta Bot Croat 2003; 62, 89-102.
- Referans 19 Yılmaz G, Tekin M. Anatomical and Palynological Studies on Chaerophyllum astrantiae and C. aureum in Turkey. Not Bot Horti Agrobot 2013; 41: 355-360.
- Referans 20 Paksoy MY, Polat R, Cakılcıoglu U. Comparative Vegetative Anatomy and Fruit Micromorphology of the Genus Kundmannia Scop. and Their Taxonomical Significance. Bangladesh J Bot 2017; 46: 83-92.
- Referans 21 Khajepiri M, Ghahremanninejad F, Mozaffarian V. Fruit anatomy of the genus Pimpinella L. (Apiaceae) in Iran. Flora 2010; 205: 344-356.
- Referans 22 Urusak EA, Kızılarslan C. Fruit anatomy of some Ferulago (Apiaceae) species in Turkey. Turk J Botany 2013; 37: 434-445.
- Referans 23 Erdtman G. Pollen morphology and Plant taxonomy I. Angiosperms. Almqvist & Wikshell, Stockholm, 1952.
- Referans 24 Punt W. Umbelliferae. In: Punt W, Clarke GCS, editors. The Northwest European Pollen Flora, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984.
- Referans 25 Perveen A, Qaiser M. Pollen Flora of Pakistan- XLVIII. Umbelliferae. Pak J Bot 2006; 38: 1–14.
- Referans 26 Yılmaz G, Pınar M, Koyuncu M. Pollen and Seed Morphology of Species of Heptaptera Marg.& Reuter (Umbelliferae) Growing in Turkey. Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 2009; 38: 103-116.
- Referans 27 Guner ED, Duman H, Pinar NM. Pollen morphology of the genus Seseli L. (Umbelliferae) in Turkey. Turk J Botany 2011; 35: 175-182.
- Referans 28 Kilic O. A Morphological Study On Endemic Malabaila lasiocarpa Boiss. (Apiaceae) from Bingol (Turkey). BSEU Journal of Science 2014; 1: 28-32.
- Referans 29 Mungan F, Yildiz, K, Minareci E, Kilic MA. Palynological study of the genus Smyrnium (Umbelliferae) from Turkey. J Med Plant Res 2011; 5: 997-1003.
- Referans 30 Troia A, Raimondo FM, Castellano G, Spadaro V. Morphological, karyological and taxonomic remarks on Ferulago nodosa (L.) Boiss. (Apiaceae). Plant Biosyst 2012; 146: 330–337.
Türkiye'den Endemik Crenosciadium siifolium Boiss. & Heldr. Üzerinde Morfo-Anatomik ve Palinolojik Çalışmalar
Yıl 2020,
, 35 - 45, 31.01.2020
Nagehan Saltan
Ayla Kaya
Crenosciadium (Apiaceae) cinsi C. siifolium ile temsil edilir. Türkiye Florasındaki monotipik bir endemik türdür. Bu çalışmada, C. siifolium'un morfolojik, anatomik ve palinolojik özellikleri ayrıntılı olarak açıklanmıştır. C. siifolium'un ayrıntılı açıklamaları ve görüntüleri verilmiştir. Kök, yaprak ve meyvenin kesitleri incelenip ve fotoğraflarla ayrıntılı bir anatomik açıklama sunulup ve desteklenir. Merikarplar enine kesitte neredeyse beşgendir. Her merikarp valeküllerde 3-5 vitta ve kommissuralde 6-8 vittaya sahiptir. Crenosciadium'un polen morfolojisi SEM ile çalışılmıştır. Palinolojik sonuçlar Apiaceae familyasının stenopalinöz özelliğini doğrulamış ve cinsin polen tanelerinin perprolat formunda olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca cinsin meyve yüzeyi süslemesi de ekvatorda rugulate-striat ve kutuplarda düzensiz striattır.
- Referans 1 Guner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç MT. (Eds.) Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyigit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Arastirma Dernegi Yayını, Istanbul.
- Referans 2 Chamberlain DF. Opopanax Koch. In: Davis PH, editor. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Island. Vol. 4. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 1972. pp. 471–473.
- Referans 3 Menemen Y. Opopanax. In: Güner A, Aslan S, Ekim T, Vural M, Babaç, MT, editors. Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi (Damarlı Bitkiler). Nezahat Gökyigit Botanik Bahçesi ve Flora Arastirma Dernegi Yayini, Istanbul, 2012. pp. 70-71.
- Referans 4 Ekim T, Koyuncu M, Duman H, Aytac Z, Adiguzel N. Red Data Book of Turkish Plants Turkish Association for The Conservation of Nature. Ankara, 2000 (in Turkish).
- Referans 5 Bentham G. Umbelliferae. In: Bentham G, Hooker JD, editors. Genera Plantarum. Reeve & Co., London, 1867. pp. 859–931.
- Referans 6 Koch WDJ. Plantarum Umbelliferarum dispositio. Nova Acta physico-med 1824; 12:73-155.
- Referans 7 Boissier PE. Diagnoses Plantarum Orientalium novarum. Ser. Lipsiae 1849; 1: 36.
- Referans 8 Celebioglu S, Baytop T. Bitkisel Tozların Tetkiki İçin Yeni Bir Reaktif. Farmakolog, Istanbul, 1949. pp. 301 (in Turkish).
- Referans 9 Meidner H, Mansfield TA. Physiology of Stomata. Mc Graw-Hill, Newyork, USA, 1969.
- Referans 10 Faegri K, Iversen J. Textbook of pollen analysis. 3rd edition. New York, Hafner, 1975.
- Referans 11 Punt W, Hoen PP, Blackmore S, Nilsson S, Le Thomas A. Glossary of pollen and spore terminology. Rev Palaeobot Palynol 2007; 143: 1-81.
- Referans 12 Boissier PE. Flora orientalis. H. Georg, Genève & Basel, 1872.
- Referasn 13 Cetin O, Celik M. Comparative morphological, anatomical, micromorphological, and palynological studies on the genera Opopanax and Crenosciadium (Apiaceae). Phytotaxa 2018; 372 (1): 35–50.
- Referans 14 The Plant List (2013) Version 1.1 Published on the Internet: (accessed 1 September 2018).
- Referans 15 Ajani Y, Ajani A, Cordes JM, Watson MF, Downie SR. Phylogenetic analysis of nrDNA ITS sequences reveals relationships within five groups of Iranian Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae. Taxon 2008; 57: 383–401.
- Referans 16 Metcalfe CR, Chalk L. Anatomy of the Dicotyledons., Claranden Press, Oxford, 1965.
- Referans 17 Kaya A, Baser KHC. Olymposciadium caespitosum (Umbelliferae): A monotypic endemic species from Turkey. Fl. Medit. 2002; 12: 377-387.
- Referans 18 Kaya A. The genus Astrantia L. in Turkey: Morphology and Anatomy. Acta Bot Croat 2003; 62, 89-102.
- Referans 19 Yılmaz G, Tekin M. Anatomical and Palynological Studies on Chaerophyllum astrantiae and C. aureum in Turkey. Not Bot Horti Agrobot 2013; 41: 355-360.
- Referans 20 Paksoy MY, Polat R, Cakılcıoglu U. Comparative Vegetative Anatomy and Fruit Micromorphology of the Genus Kundmannia Scop. and Their Taxonomical Significance. Bangladesh J Bot 2017; 46: 83-92.
- Referans 21 Khajepiri M, Ghahremanninejad F, Mozaffarian V. Fruit anatomy of the genus Pimpinella L. (Apiaceae) in Iran. Flora 2010; 205: 344-356.
- Referans 22 Urusak EA, Kızılarslan C. Fruit anatomy of some Ferulago (Apiaceae) species in Turkey. Turk J Botany 2013; 37: 434-445.
- Referans 23 Erdtman G. Pollen morphology and Plant taxonomy I. Angiosperms. Almqvist & Wikshell, Stockholm, 1952.
- Referans 24 Punt W. Umbelliferae. In: Punt W, Clarke GCS, editors. The Northwest European Pollen Flora, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984.
- Referans 25 Perveen A, Qaiser M. Pollen Flora of Pakistan- XLVIII. Umbelliferae. Pak J Bot 2006; 38: 1–14.
- Referans 26 Yılmaz G, Pınar M, Koyuncu M. Pollen and Seed Morphology of Species of Heptaptera Marg.& Reuter (Umbelliferae) Growing in Turkey. Istanbul Journal of Pharmacy, 2009; 38: 103-116.
- Referans 27 Guner ED, Duman H, Pinar NM. Pollen morphology of the genus Seseli L. (Umbelliferae) in Turkey. Turk J Botany 2011; 35: 175-182.
- Referans 28 Kilic O. A Morphological Study On Endemic Malabaila lasiocarpa Boiss. (Apiaceae) from Bingol (Turkey). BSEU Journal of Science 2014; 1: 28-32.
- Referans 29 Mungan F, Yildiz, K, Minareci E, Kilic MA. Palynological study of the genus Smyrnium (Umbelliferae) from Turkey. J Med Plant Res 2011; 5: 997-1003.
- Referans 30 Troia A, Raimondo FM, Castellano G, Spadaro V. Morphological, karyological and taxonomic remarks on Ferulago nodosa (L.) Boiss. (Apiaceae). Plant Biosyst 2012; 146: 330–337.