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Yıl 2020, , 179 - 189, 30.07.2020


Cardioselective β-adrenergic blocker metoprolol tartrate, is used in the treatment of different diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, heart failure, angina pectoris, migraine, and hyperthyroidism. Beside dosage forms of the parenteral ampoule and conventional tablets of different manufacturers, there are extended release tablets of metoprolol tartrate in the Turkish Drug Market. In this research work, comparative quality control studies of metoprolol tartrate extended release tablets (original and generic) produced by two different pharmaceutical companies in the Turkey were carried out and evaluated according to the related guidelines. Thickness and diameter, hardness, weight variation, friability, content uniformity and dissolution rate were examined as quality control parameters. A new validated HPLC method for the quantification of metoprolol tartrate has been developed. An ACE column (C18, 5 µm, 250x4.6 mm) and acetonitrile:phosphate buffer (30:70, v/v) mobile phase were used for the determination of metoprolol tartrate. The tablets showed extended release for 8 hours (70.74% release from drug A, 76.87% from the drug B). Both products have acceptable hardness, friability and weight variation values. Content of the active ingredient of the tablets was consistent with label claim (99.45% for drug A and 96.45% for drug B). The dissolution data were evaluated by model dependent and model independent methods using DDSolver program. The obtained results showed that release kinetics of both drugs were well fitted with the Korsmeyer-Peppas model.


Ayse Gencer was supported by TUBITAK 2211-A grant. This study is the part of Ayşe Gencer’s graduation project.


  • [1]Haleem RM, Salem MY, Fatahallah FA, Abdelfattah LE. Quality in the pharmaceutical industry-A literature review. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 2015;23(5):463-469.
  • [2]Bonsmann C, Haefele-Abah C, Liedtke C. Supplier Auditing: A shared experience of quality assurance. Pharmalink 2010;10(1):8-10.
  • [3]Uddin MS. Quality control of pharmaceuticals: compendial standards and specifications: Scholars' Press; 2017.
  • [4]Food and Drug Administration, HHS. Current good manufacturing practices, quality control procedures, quality factors, notification requirements, and records and reports, for infant formula. Final rule. Federal register, 2014; 79(111), 33057.
  • [5]World Health Organization. Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals: A compendium of guidelines and related materials. WHO, 2004.
  • [6]ICH Guideline. Q10: Pharmaceutical quality system: Current Step 2008;4.
  • [7]Akgeyik E, Kaynak MS, Çelebier M, Altınöz S, Şahin S. Evaluation of pharmaceutical quality of conventional dosage forms containing paracetamol and caffeine available in the Turkish drug market. Dissolution Technology 2016;23(2):36-41.
  • [8]Awofisayo SO, Awofisayo OA, Eyen N, Udoh IE. Comparative assessment of the quality control measurements of multisource ofloxacin tablets marketed in Nigeria. Dissolution Technology 2010; 17:20-25.
  • [9]Dewan S, Alam A, Ahamed S. A comparative quality control study on conventional ibuprofen tablets available in Bangladeshi pharma market. International Research Journal of Pharmacy 2013;4(1):96-98.
  • [10]Feroz M, Razvi N, Ghayas S, Anjum F, Ghazal L, Siddiqui SA. Assessment of pharmaceutical quality control and equivalence of various brands of amlodipine besylate (5 mg) tablets available in the Pakistani market under biowaiver conditions. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;6(2):909-913.
  • [11]Karmakar P, Kibria MG. In vitro comparative evaluation of quality control parameters between paracetamol and paracetamol/caffeine tablets available in Bangladesh. International Current Pharmaceutical Journal 2012;1(5):103-109.
  • [12]Klein S, Dressman JB. Comparison of drug release from metoprolol modified release dosage forms in single buffer versus a pH-gradient dissolution test. Dissolution Technology 2006;13(1):6-12.
  • [13]Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for industry: waiver of in vivo bioavailability and bioequivalence studies for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms based on a biopharmaceutics classification system. FDA, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), 2017.
  • [14]Fita CA, Lupuliasa D, Hirjau V, Sala G, Karampelas O, Saramet G. The influence of formulation factors on the release of the metoprolol tartrate from extended release tablets. Farmacia 2012;60(6):905-914.
  • [15]Krishnaiah Y, Karthikeyan R, Satyanarayana V. A three-layer guar gum matrix tablet for oral controlled delivery of highly soluble metoprolol tartrate. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2002;241(2):353-366.
  • [16]ICH Guideline. Q2 (R1): Validation of Analytical Procedure: Text and Methodology. ICH: London, 2005.
  • [17]The United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary USP 32–NF 27. Rockwille, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2009.
  • [18]The United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary USP 36–NF 29. Rockwille, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2011.
  • [19]The United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary USP 26–NF 21. Rockwille, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2003.
  • [20]Yifan W, Ronald DS, Golshid K, Fernando JM. Statistical comparison of dissolution profiles. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 2015;42(5):1-12.
  • [21]Zhang Y, Huo M, Zhou J, Zou A, Li W, Yao C, Xie S. DDSolver: An add-in program for modeling and comparison of drug dissolution profiles. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal 2010;12(3):263-271.
  • [22]Costa P, Sousa Lobo JM. Modeling and comparison of dissolution profiles. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2001;13(2):123-133.
  • [23]Siswanto A, Fudholi A, Nugroho AK, Martono S. In vitro release modeling of aspirin floating tablets using DDSolver. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 2015;26(2):94-102.
  • [24]Zuo J, Gao Y, Bou-Chacra N, Löbenberg R. Evaluation of the DDSolver software applications. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2014;1-9.
  • [25]Chitlange SS, Imran M, Sakarkar DM. RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of amlodipine and metoprolol in tablet formulation. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;2(4): 232-234.
  • [26]Hussain S, Munjewar RR, Farooqui M. Development and validation of a simultaneous HPLC method for quantification of amlodipine besylate and metoprolol tartrate in tablets. Journal of PharmaSciTech 2012;1(2):1-5.
  • [27]Pencheva I, Peikova L, Tzvetkova B. Analytical study of UV-Spectrophotometric and HPLC methods for simultaneously determination of metoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide in fixed-dosage combinations. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2013;5(7):104-108.
  • [28] Prashanthi D, Raj Kumar B, Nagarajan G, Manasa K, Mufisunnisa S, Bharadwaja B. Simultaneous estimation of olmesartan medoximil and metaprolol tartarate by RP-HPLC method. Der Pharmacia Lettre 2014;6(2):17-21.
  • [29] Kupiec TC, Vu N, Branscum D. Homogeneity of dosage forms. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding 2008;12(4):340-343.
  • [30]Sayar E, Şahin S, Cevheroğlu S, Hincal AA. Comparison of dissolution profiles of two commercially available cotrimoxazole tablets. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2008; 33:87-94.
  • [31] Nasrin N, Asaduzzaman M, Mowla R, Rizwan F, Alam A. A comparative study of physical parameters of selected ketorolac tromethamine tablets available in the pharma market of Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2011;1(8):101-103.
  • [32]Podczeck F. Methods for the practical determination of the mechanical strength of tablets—From empiricism to science. International journal of pharmaceutics 2012;436(1-2):214-232.
  • [33]Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for Industry: Extended release oral dosage forms development, evaluation, and application of in vitro/in vivo correlations. FDA, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), 1997.
  • [34]Basak SC, Kumar KS, Ramalingam M. Design and release characteristics of sustained release tablet containing metformin HCl. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2008;44(3):477-483.

Türk İlaç Pazarında Mevcut Olan, Metoprlol Tartarat Uzatılmış Salımlı Tabletlerinin Salım Kinetiklerinin ve Farmasötik Kalitelerinin Değerlendirilmesi.

Yıl 2020, , 179 - 189, 30.07.2020


Kardiyoselektif β-adrenerjik bloker olan metoprolol tartrat, kardiyak aritmiler, hipertansiyon, kalp yetmezliği, anjina pektoris, migren ve hipertiroidizm gibi farklı hastalıkların tedavisinde kullanılmaktadır. Parenteral ampul formu ve farklı üreticilerin konvansiyonel tabletlerinin yanı sıra, Türkiye İlaç Pazarında uzatılmış salımlı metoprolol tartrat tabletleri bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye'de iki farklı ilaç şirketi tarafından üretilen metoprolol tartrat uzatılmış salımlı tabletlerin (orijinal ve jenerik) karşılaştırmalı kalite kontrol çalışmaları yapılmış ve ilgili kılavuzlara göre değerlendirilmiştir. Kalınlık ve çap, sertlik, ağırlık değişimi, kırılganlık, içerik tekdüzeliği ve çözünme hızı kalite kontrol parametreleri olarak incelenmiştir. Metoprolol tartaratın miktar tayini için yeni bir valide edilmiş HPLC yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. Metoprolol tartaratın miktar tayini için bir ACE kolonu (C18, 5 um, 250x4.6 mm) ve asetonitril: fosfat tamponu (30:70, v / v) mobil faz kullanılmıştır. Tabletler 8 saat boyunca uzatılmış salım göstermiştir (ilaç A'dan% 70.74 salım, ilaç B'den% 76.87). Her iki ürün de kabul edilebilir sertlik, ufalanabilirlik ve ağırlık değişim değerlerine sahiptir. Tabletlerin aktif bileşeninin içeriği, etiketlerinde belirtilen miktarlar ile tutarlıdır (ilaç A için% 99.45 ve ilaç B için% 96.45). Çözünme verileri DDSolver programı kullanılarak modele bağlı ve model bağımsız yöntemlerle değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar her iki ilacın salım kinetiğinin Korsmeyer-Peppas modeli ile iyi bir şekilde uyduğu gösterilmiştir.


  • [1]Haleem RM, Salem MY, Fatahallah FA, Abdelfattah LE. Quality in the pharmaceutical industry-A literature review. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal 2015;23(5):463-469.
  • [2]Bonsmann C, Haefele-Abah C, Liedtke C. Supplier Auditing: A shared experience of quality assurance. Pharmalink 2010;10(1):8-10.
  • [3]Uddin MS. Quality control of pharmaceuticals: compendial standards and specifications: Scholars' Press; 2017.
  • [4]Food and Drug Administration, HHS. Current good manufacturing practices, quality control procedures, quality factors, notification requirements, and records and reports, for infant formula. Final rule. Federal register, 2014; 79(111), 33057.
  • [5]World Health Organization. Quality assurance of pharmaceuticals: A compendium of guidelines and related materials. WHO, 2004.
  • [6]ICH Guideline. Q10: Pharmaceutical quality system: Current Step 2008;4.
  • [7]Akgeyik E, Kaynak MS, Çelebier M, Altınöz S, Şahin S. Evaluation of pharmaceutical quality of conventional dosage forms containing paracetamol and caffeine available in the Turkish drug market. Dissolution Technology 2016;23(2):36-41.
  • [8]Awofisayo SO, Awofisayo OA, Eyen N, Udoh IE. Comparative assessment of the quality control measurements of multisource ofloxacin tablets marketed in Nigeria. Dissolution Technology 2010; 17:20-25.
  • [9]Dewan S, Alam A, Ahamed S. A comparative quality control study on conventional ibuprofen tablets available in Bangladeshi pharma market. International Research Journal of Pharmacy 2013;4(1):96-98.
  • [10]Feroz M, Razvi N, Ghayas S, Anjum F, Ghazal L, Siddiqui SA. Assessment of pharmaceutical quality control and equivalence of various brands of amlodipine besylate (5 mg) tablets available in the Pakistani market under biowaiver conditions. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;6(2):909-913.
  • [11]Karmakar P, Kibria MG. In vitro comparative evaluation of quality control parameters between paracetamol and paracetamol/caffeine tablets available in Bangladesh. International Current Pharmaceutical Journal 2012;1(5):103-109.
  • [12]Klein S, Dressman JB. Comparison of drug release from metoprolol modified release dosage forms in single buffer versus a pH-gradient dissolution test. Dissolution Technology 2006;13(1):6-12.
  • [13]Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for industry: waiver of in vivo bioavailability and bioequivalence studies for immediate-release solid oral dosage forms based on a biopharmaceutics classification system. FDA, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), 2017.
  • [14]Fita CA, Lupuliasa D, Hirjau V, Sala G, Karampelas O, Saramet G. The influence of formulation factors on the release of the metoprolol tartrate from extended release tablets. Farmacia 2012;60(6):905-914.
  • [15]Krishnaiah Y, Karthikeyan R, Satyanarayana V. A three-layer guar gum matrix tablet for oral controlled delivery of highly soluble metoprolol tartrate. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2002;241(2):353-366.
  • [16]ICH Guideline. Q2 (R1): Validation of Analytical Procedure: Text and Methodology. ICH: London, 2005.
  • [17]The United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary USP 32–NF 27. Rockwille, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2009.
  • [18]The United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary USP 36–NF 29. Rockwille, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2011.
  • [19]The United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary USP 26–NF 21. Rockwille, MD: The United States Pharmacopeial Convention, 2003.
  • [20]Yifan W, Ronald DS, Golshid K, Fernando JM. Statistical comparison of dissolution profiles. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy 2015;42(5):1-12.
  • [21]Zhang Y, Huo M, Zhou J, Zou A, Li W, Yao C, Xie S. DDSolver: An add-in program for modeling and comparison of drug dissolution profiles. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal 2010;12(3):263-271.
  • [22]Costa P, Sousa Lobo JM. Modeling and comparison of dissolution profiles. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2001;13(2):123-133.
  • [23]Siswanto A, Fudholi A, Nugroho AK, Martono S. In vitro release modeling of aspirin floating tablets using DDSolver. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy 2015;26(2):94-102.
  • [24]Zuo J, Gao Y, Bou-Chacra N, Löbenberg R. Evaluation of the DDSolver software applications. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 2014;1-9.
  • [25]Chitlange SS, Imran M, Sakarkar DM. RP-HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of amlodipine and metoprolol in tablet formulation. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2014;2(4): 232-234.
  • [26]Hussain S, Munjewar RR, Farooqui M. Development and validation of a simultaneous HPLC method for quantification of amlodipine besylate and metoprolol tartrate in tablets. Journal of PharmaSciTech 2012;1(2):1-5.
  • [27]Pencheva I, Peikova L, Tzvetkova B. Analytical study of UV-Spectrophotometric and HPLC methods for simultaneously determination of metoprolol and hydrochlorothiazide in fixed-dosage combinations. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research 2013;5(7):104-108.
  • [28] Prashanthi D, Raj Kumar B, Nagarajan G, Manasa K, Mufisunnisa S, Bharadwaja B. Simultaneous estimation of olmesartan medoximil and metaprolol tartarate by RP-HPLC method. Der Pharmacia Lettre 2014;6(2):17-21.
  • [29] Kupiec TC, Vu N, Branscum D. Homogeneity of dosage forms. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding 2008;12(4):340-343.
  • [30]Sayar E, Şahin S, Cevheroğlu S, Hincal AA. Comparison of dissolution profiles of two commercially available cotrimoxazole tablets. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2008; 33:87-94.
  • [31] Nasrin N, Asaduzzaman M, Mowla R, Rizwan F, Alam A. A comparative study of physical parameters of selected ketorolac tromethamine tablets available in the pharma market of Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 2011;1(8):101-103.
  • [32]Podczeck F. Methods for the practical determination of the mechanical strength of tablets—From empiricism to science. International journal of pharmaceutics 2012;436(1-2):214-232.
  • [33]Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for Industry: Extended release oral dosage forms development, evaluation, and application of in vitro/in vivo correlations. FDA, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), 1997.
  • [34]Basak SC, Kumar KS, Ramalingam M. Design and release characteristics of sustained release tablet containing metformin HCl. Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2008;44(3):477-483.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Mikrobiyoloji
Bölüm Makaleler

Ayşe Gençer

Emrah Akgeyik 0000-0002-6626-0150

Mustafa Sinan Kaynak 0000-0003-2917-2407

Mustafa Çelebier 0000-0001-7712-5512

Murat Sami Berkman 0000-0003-3722-4166

Selma Şahin 0000-0001-5736-5906

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Gençer, A., Akgeyik, E., Kaynak, M. S., Çelebier, M., vd. (2020). ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY AND RELEASE KINETICS OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE EXTENDED RELEASE TABLETS AVAILABLE IN TURKISH DRUG MARKET. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji, 9(2), 179-189.
AMA Gençer A, Akgeyik E, Kaynak MS, Çelebier M, Berkman MS, Şahin S. ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY AND RELEASE KINETICS OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE EXTENDED RELEASE TABLETS AVAILABLE IN TURKISH DRUG MARKET. Estuscience - Life. Temmuz 2020;9(2):179-189. doi:10.18036/estubtdc.661691
Chicago Gençer, Ayşe, Emrah Akgeyik, Mustafa Sinan Kaynak, Mustafa Çelebier, Murat Sami Berkman, ve Selma Şahin. “ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY AND RELEASE KINETICS OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE EXTENDED RELEASE TABLETS AVAILABLE IN TURKISH DRUG MARKET”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji 9, sy. 2 (Temmuz 2020): 179-89.
EndNote Gençer A, Akgeyik E, Kaynak MS, Çelebier M, Berkman MS, Şahin S (01 Temmuz 2020) ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY AND RELEASE KINETICS OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE EXTENDED RELEASE TABLETS AVAILABLE IN TURKISH DRUG MARKET. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji 9 2 179–189.
IEEE A. Gençer, E. Akgeyik, M. S. Kaynak, M. Çelebier, M. S. Berkman, ve S. Şahin, “ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY AND RELEASE KINETICS OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE EXTENDED RELEASE TABLETS AVAILABLE IN TURKISH DRUG MARKET”, Estuscience - Life, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 179–189, 2020, doi: 10.18036/estubtdc.661691.
ISNAD Gençer, Ayşe vd. “ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY AND RELEASE KINETICS OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE EXTENDED RELEASE TABLETS AVAILABLE IN TURKISH DRUG MARKET”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji 9/2 (Temmuz 2020), 179-189.
MLA Gençer, Ayşe vd. “ASSESSMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL QUALITY AND RELEASE KINETICS OF METOPROLOL TARTRATE EXTENDED RELEASE TABLETS AVAILABLE IN TURKISH DRUG MARKET”. Eskişehir Teknik Üniversitesi Bilim Ve Teknoloji Dergisi - C Yaşam Bilimleri Ve Biyoteknoloji, c. 9, sy. 2, 2020, ss. 179-8, doi:10.18036/estubtdc.661691.