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Spor ve Organik Tarım Arasindaki İlişki

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 133 - 143, 30.09.2022


Tarım, insan yaşamının devamının sağlanması açısından vazgeçilmez bir ekonomik faaliyettir. Spor ise insan yaşamının fiziksel ve zihinsel olarak iyi kalitede olmasını sağlamak için yapılan bir aktivitedir. Her ikisinin de temel amacı, insan varlığını ve sağlığını korumak ve geliştirmektir. Tarım ve spor her ikisi de doğal ortamda yapılmakta ve doğal dengeyi etkilemektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, çevre ve insan dostu bir üretim sistemi öneren organik tarım ile insan sağlığını korumaya hizmet eden spor faaliyetleri arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaktır. Bu bağlamda akademik yayınlar, yetkili kurum ve kuruluşların açıklamaları gibi ikincil veri kaynakları kullanılarak tarım ve spor arasındaki ilişki açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma bulgularımız, tarım ve spor faaliyetlerinin birçok yönden yakından ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Buna göre, spor ve tarım her ikisinin doğal ortamda yapılması, insan sağlığını korumayı, geliştirmeyi ve sürdürmeyi amaçlaması nedenlerinden dolayı her ikisinin de doğal denge gözetilerek yapılması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası





  • [1] Sayğı, H., (2020). Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture: An Evaluation of Fruit and Honey Bee Farming. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 10(1), pp. 504–514.
  • [2] Nicolopoulou-Stamati, P., Maipas, S., Kotampasi, C., Stamatis, P., Hens, L., (2016). Chemical Pesticides and Human Health: The Urgent Need for a New Concept in Agriculture. Frontiers in Public Health. 2016; Volume 4.
  • [3] Cretaux J-F, Letolle R, Bergé-Nguyen M., (2013) History of Aral Sea level variability and current scientific debates Global and Planetary Change 110 (A), 99-113
  • [4] Xu, H., (2017). The Study on Eco-environmental Issue of Aral Sea from the Perspective of Sustainable Development of Silk Road Economic Belt. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science Volume 57(1):012060.
  • [5] WHO, (2017). Physical inactivity. The Global Health Observatory. [Accessed 14 May 2022]
  • [6] Mustafaoğlu R, Zirek E, Yasacı Z, Özdinçler, AR., (2018). The negative effects of digital technology usage on children’s development and health. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions. 5, 227–247.
  • [7] Chu EW, Karr JR., (2017). Environmental Impact: Concept, Consequences, Measurement. Reference Module in Life Sciences. B978-0-12-809633-8.02380-3.
  • [8] Hoehe MR, Thibaut F., (2020). Going digital: how technology use may influence human brains and behavior. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience. 22(2), 93–97.
  • [9] Carlson SA, Fulton JE, Pratt M, Yang Z, E. Kathleen Adams EK., (2015). Inadequate Physical Activity and Health Care Expenditures in the United States. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 57(4), 315-323.
  • [10] NCBI, (2013). Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School. Ed. Kohl, H.W. III., Cook, H.D. Institute of Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
  • [11] Ghildiyal R., (2015). Role of sports in the development of an individual and role of psychology in sports. Mens sana monographs. 13(1), 165–170.
  • [12] WHO, (2018). Health and Well-Being. [Accessed 14 May 2022]
  • [13] Dalmida SG., (2006). Spirituality, mental health, physical health, and health-related quality of life among women with HIV/AIDS: integrating spirituality into mental health care. Issues in mental health nursing. 27(2), 185–198.
  • [14] Calogiuri G, Chroni S., (2014). The impact of the natural environment on the promotion of active living: An integrative systematic review. BMC Public Health 14, 873.
  • [15] Gao, Z, Lee, J.E., (2019). Emerging Technology in Promoting Physical Activity and Health: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8(11), 1830.
  • [16] Woessner MN, Alexander T, Ariella L-L, Parker, AG, Levinger P, Levinger I., (2021).The Evolution of Technology and Physical Inactivity: The Good, the Bad, and the Way Forward. Frontiers in Public Health. 9.
  • [17] worldometers, (2022). World Population. [Accessed 14 May 2022]
  • [18] Kramer, A., Gollhofer, A., Armbrecht, G., Felsenberg D., Gruber, M., (2017). How to prevent the detrimental effects of two months of bed-rest on muscle, bone and cardiovascular system: an RCT. Sci Rep. Volume 7, 13177.
  • [19] Myers, J., (2003). Exercise and Cardiovascular Health. Circulation. 107:e2–e5.
  • [20] Smith J.W., Holmes M.E., McAllister. M.J., (2015). Nutritional Considerations for Performance in Young Athletes. J Sports Med (Hindawi Publ Corp). 2015;2015:734649.
  • [21] Pramuková, B., Szabadosová, V., Soltésová, A., (2011). Current knowledge about sports nutrition. The Australasian medical journal, 4(3), 107–110.
  • [22] Folasire, O.F., Akomolafe, A.A., Sanusi, R.A., (2015). Does Nutrition Knowledge and Practice of Athletes Translate to Enhanced Athletic Performance? Cross-Sectional Study Amongst Nigerian Undergraduate Athletes. Global journal of health science. 7(5), 215–225.
  • [23] Aljaloud, S.O., (2018). Understanding the Behaviors and Attitudes of Athletes Participating in the 2016 Rio Olympics Regarding Nutritional Supplements, Energy Drinks, and Doping. Int J Sports Exerc Med 4:099.
  • [24] Aoi, W., Naito, Y., Yoshikawa, T., (2006). Exercise and functional foods. Nutr J. 5, 15.
  • [25] Williams, C., Rollo, I., (2015). Carbohydrate Nutrition and Team Sport Performance. Sports Med. 45, 13-S22.
  • [26] Saura, R.A., Rentero, M.P.Z., Hernández, J.M., (2019). Sports Nutrition and Performance. In G. Mózsik, & M. Figler (Eds.), Nutrition in Health and Disease - Our Challenges Now and Forthcoming Time. IntechOpen.
  • [27] Beck, K.L., Thomson, J.S., Swift, R.J., von Hurst, P.R., (2015). Role of nutrition in performance enhancement and postexercise recovery. Open access journal of sports medicine. 6, 259–267.
  • [28] Gil, J.M., Gracia, A., Sanchez, M., (2000). Market segmentation and willingness to pay for organic products in Spain. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 3(2): 207-226.
  • [29] Gottschalk, I., Leistner, T., (2013). Consumer reactions to the availability of organic food in discount supermarkets. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(2): 136-142.
  • [30] Sarıkaya, N., (2007). Organik Ürün Tüketimini Etkileyen Faktörler Ve Tutumlar Üzerine Bir Saha Çalışması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14: 110-125. [Accessed 25 June 2021]
  • [31] Nguyen, H.V., Nguyen, N., Nguyen, B.K., Lobo, A., Vu, P.A., (2019). Organic food purchases in an emerging market: The influence of consumers' personal factors and green marketing practices of food stores. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 16, 1037.
  • [32] Güven, S., Pekmezci, P., (2015). Tüketicilerin “organik ürünler” e bakışı ve tüketicileri organik ürünlere yönlendiren motivasyonlar. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyolojik Araştırmalar E-Dergisi, p. 1-12. [Accessed 25 June 2021]
  • [33] Karabaş, S., Gürler, A.Z., (2012). Estimation of Effective Factors on Consumer Behavior in Organic Product Preference by Logit Regression Analysis. Adıyaman University J. Social Sci. Inst. 10, 129-156,
  • [34] Chen, J., Lobo, A., (2012). Organic food products in China: Determinants of consumers' purchase intentions. The international review of retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 22(3): 293-314.
  • [35] Aertsens, J., Verbeke, W., Mondelaers, K., Van Huylenbroeck, G., (2009). Personal determinants of organic food consumption: a review. British Food J. 111(10), 1140-1167. A. D. 14.05.2022
  • [36] Nasir, A., Karakaya, F., (2014). Underlying Motivations of Organic Food PurchaseIntentions. Agribusiness, Vol. 30 (3): 290-308.
  • [37] Honkanen, P., Verplanken, B., Olsen, S.O., (2006). Ethical values and motives driving organic food choice. J. Consumer Behaviour, 5(5), 420-430.
  • [38] Padel, S., Foster, C., (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour. Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British Food Journal, 107(8), 606-625.
  • [39] Baranauskas, M., Stukas, R., Tubelis, L., Žagminas, K., Šurkienė, G., Dobrovolskij, V., Jakubauskienė, M., Giedraitis, V.R., (2015). Organic food consumption by athletes in Lithuania. Open medicine (Warsaw, Poland). 10(1), 180–187.
  • [40] Meemken, E.M., Qaim, M., (2018). Organic Agriculture, Food Security, and the Environment. Annual Review of Resource Economics. 10, 39–63.
  • [41] Foley, J.A., Ramankutty, N., Brauman, K.A., Cassidy, E.S., Gerber, J.S., et al., (2011). Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature. 478, 337-342.
  • [42] Schmidt, C.W., (2006). Dünyayı oyuna sokmak: çevre bilinci ve spor. Çevre sağlığı perspektifleri. 114(5), A286–A295.
  • [43] Hognestad, H.K., Giulianotti, R., Thorpe, H., Langseth, T., Gils, B., (2022). Editorial: Environmental Sustainability in Sports, Physical Activity and Education, and Outdoor Life. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 4, 2624-9367.
  • [44] Meyer, N., Reguant-Closa, A., (2017). "Eat as If You Could Save the Planet and Win!" Sustainability Integration into Nutrition for Exercise and Sport. Nutrients, 9(4), 412.
  • [45] Bailey, R.C., Olson J., Pepper, S.L., Porrzasz, J., Barstow, T.J., Cooper, D.M., (1995). The Levels and Tempo of Children's Physical Activities: An Observational Study. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27, 1033-1041.
  • [46] Berlin, J.A., Golditz, A.G., (1990). A Meta-Analysis of Physical Activity in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Diseases. Am. J. Epidemiol. 132, 612-628.
  • [47] Blair, S.N., Kohl, H.W., Barlow, C,E., (1989). Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, And All-Cause Mortality A Prospective Study Of Helthy Men And Women. J. Am Med Assoc, 262: 2395-2401.

Relationship Between Sports and Organic Agriculture

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2, 133 - 143, 30.09.2022


Agriculture is an indispensable economic activity in terms of ensuring the continuation of human life. Sports, on the other hand, is an activity carried out in order to ensure that human life is of good physical and mental quality. The main purpose of both is to protect and improve human existence and health. Agriculture and sports are both done in the natural environment and affect the natural balance. The aim of this study is to reveal the relationship between organic agriculture which suggests an environment and human friendly production system and sports activities that serve to protect human health. In this context, the relationship between agriculture and sports is tried to be explained by using secondary data sources such as academic publications, explanations of authorized institutions and organizations. Our study findings show that agriculture and sports activities are closely related in many ways. Accordingly, it was concluded that both sports and agriculture should be done by considering the natural balance, since they are both done in the natural environment and aim to protect, develop and maintain human health.

Proje Numarası



  • [1] Sayğı, H., (2020). Adverse Effects of Climate Change on Agriculture: An Evaluation of Fruit and Honey Bee Farming. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. 10(1), pp. 504–514.
  • [2] Nicolopoulou-Stamati, P., Maipas, S., Kotampasi, C., Stamatis, P., Hens, L., (2016). Chemical Pesticides and Human Health: The Urgent Need for a New Concept in Agriculture. Frontiers in Public Health. 2016; Volume 4.
  • [3] Cretaux J-F, Letolle R, Bergé-Nguyen M., (2013) History of Aral Sea level variability and current scientific debates Global and Planetary Change 110 (A), 99-113
  • [4] Xu, H., (2017). The Study on Eco-environmental Issue of Aral Sea from the Perspective of Sustainable Development of Silk Road Economic Belt. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science Volume 57(1):012060.
  • [5] WHO, (2017). Physical inactivity. The Global Health Observatory. [Accessed 14 May 2022]
  • [6] Mustafaoğlu R, Zirek E, Yasacı Z, Özdinçler, AR., (2018). The negative effects of digital technology usage on children’s development and health. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions. 5, 227–247.
  • [7] Chu EW, Karr JR., (2017). Environmental Impact: Concept, Consequences, Measurement. Reference Module in Life Sciences. B978-0-12-809633-8.02380-3.
  • [8] Hoehe MR, Thibaut F., (2020). Going digital: how technology use may influence human brains and behavior. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience. 22(2), 93–97.
  • [9] Carlson SA, Fulton JE, Pratt M, Yang Z, E. Kathleen Adams EK., (2015). Inadequate Physical Activity and Health Care Expenditures in the United States. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. 57(4), 315-323.
  • [10] NCBI, (2013). Educating the Student Body: Taking Physical Activity and Physical Education to School. Ed. Kohl, H.W. III., Cook, H.D. Institute of Medicine. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
  • [11] Ghildiyal R., (2015). Role of sports in the development of an individual and role of psychology in sports. Mens sana monographs. 13(1), 165–170.
  • [12] WHO, (2018). Health and Well-Being. [Accessed 14 May 2022]
  • [13] Dalmida SG., (2006). Spirituality, mental health, physical health, and health-related quality of life among women with HIV/AIDS: integrating spirituality into mental health care. Issues in mental health nursing. 27(2), 185–198.
  • [14] Calogiuri G, Chroni S., (2014). The impact of the natural environment on the promotion of active living: An integrative systematic review. BMC Public Health 14, 873.
  • [15] Gao, Z, Lee, J.E., (2019). Emerging Technology in Promoting Physical Activity and Health: Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 8(11), 1830.
  • [16] Woessner MN, Alexander T, Ariella L-L, Parker, AG, Levinger P, Levinger I., (2021).The Evolution of Technology and Physical Inactivity: The Good, the Bad, and the Way Forward. Frontiers in Public Health. 9.
  • [17] worldometers, (2022). World Population. [Accessed 14 May 2022]
  • [18] Kramer, A., Gollhofer, A., Armbrecht, G., Felsenberg D., Gruber, M., (2017). How to prevent the detrimental effects of two months of bed-rest on muscle, bone and cardiovascular system: an RCT. Sci Rep. Volume 7, 13177.
  • [19] Myers, J., (2003). Exercise and Cardiovascular Health. Circulation. 107:e2–e5.
  • [20] Smith J.W., Holmes M.E., McAllister. M.J., (2015). Nutritional Considerations for Performance in Young Athletes. J Sports Med (Hindawi Publ Corp). 2015;2015:734649.
  • [21] Pramuková, B., Szabadosová, V., Soltésová, A., (2011). Current knowledge about sports nutrition. The Australasian medical journal, 4(3), 107–110.
  • [22] Folasire, O.F., Akomolafe, A.A., Sanusi, R.A., (2015). Does Nutrition Knowledge and Practice of Athletes Translate to Enhanced Athletic Performance? Cross-Sectional Study Amongst Nigerian Undergraduate Athletes. Global journal of health science. 7(5), 215–225.
  • [23] Aljaloud, S.O., (2018). Understanding the Behaviors and Attitudes of Athletes Participating in the 2016 Rio Olympics Regarding Nutritional Supplements, Energy Drinks, and Doping. Int J Sports Exerc Med 4:099.
  • [24] Aoi, W., Naito, Y., Yoshikawa, T., (2006). Exercise and functional foods. Nutr J. 5, 15.
  • [25] Williams, C., Rollo, I., (2015). Carbohydrate Nutrition and Team Sport Performance. Sports Med. 45, 13-S22.
  • [26] Saura, R.A., Rentero, M.P.Z., Hernández, J.M., (2019). Sports Nutrition and Performance. In G. Mózsik, & M. Figler (Eds.), Nutrition in Health and Disease - Our Challenges Now and Forthcoming Time. IntechOpen.
  • [27] Beck, K.L., Thomson, J.S., Swift, R.J., von Hurst, P.R., (2015). Role of nutrition in performance enhancement and postexercise recovery. Open access journal of sports medicine. 6, 259–267.
  • [28] Gil, J.M., Gracia, A., Sanchez, M., (2000). Market segmentation and willingness to pay for organic products in Spain. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 3(2): 207-226.
  • [29] Gottschalk, I., Leistner, T., (2013). Consumer reactions to the availability of organic food in discount supermarkets. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 37(2): 136-142.
  • [30] Sarıkaya, N., (2007). Organik Ürün Tüketimini Etkileyen Faktörler Ve Tutumlar Üzerine Bir Saha Çalışması. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 14: 110-125. [Accessed 25 June 2021]
  • [31] Nguyen, H.V., Nguyen, N., Nguyen, B.K., Lobo, A., Vu, P.A., (2019). Organic food purchases in an emerging market: The influence of consumers' personal factors and green marketing practices of food stores. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 16, 1037.
  • [32] Güven, S., Pekmezci, P., (2015). Tüketicilerin “organik ürünler” e bakışı ve tüketicileri organik ürünlere yönlendiren motivasyonlar. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyolojik Araştırmalar E-Dergisi, p. 1-12. [Accessed 25 June 2021]
  • [33] Karabaş, S., Gürler, A.Z., (2012). Estimation of Effective Factors on Consumer Behavior in Organic Product Preference by Logit Regression Analysis. Adıyaman University J. Social Sci. Inst. 10, 129-156,
  • [34] Chen, J., Lobo, A., (2012). Organic food products in China: Determinants of consumers' purchase intentions. The international review of retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 22(3): 293-314.
  • [35] Aertsens, J., Verbeke, W., Mondelaers, K., Van Huylenbroeck, G., (2009). Personal determinants of organic food consumption: a review. British Food J. 111(10), 1140-1167. A. D. 14.05.2022
  • [36] Nasir, A., Karakaya, F., (2014). Underlying Motivations of Organic Food PurchaseIntentions. Agribusiness, Vol. 30 (3): 290-308.
  • [37] Honkanen, P., Verplanken, B., Olsen, S.O., (2006). Ethical values and motives driving organic food choice. J. Consumer Behaviour, 5(5), 420-430.
  • [38] Padel, S., Foster, C., (2005). Exploring the gap between attitudes and behaviour. Understanding why consumers buy or do not buy organic food. British Food Journal, 107(8), 606-625.
  • [39] Baranauskas, M., Stukas, R., Tubelis, L., Žagminas, K., Šurkienė, G., Dobrovolskij, V., Jakubauskienė, M., Giedraitis, V.R., (2015). Organic food consumption by athletes in Lithuania. Open medicine (Warsaw, Poland). 10(1), 180–187.
  • [40] Meemken, E.M., Qaim, M., (2018). Organic Agriculture, Food Security, and the Environment. Annual Review of Resource Economics. 10, 39–63.
  • [41] Foley, J.A., Ramankutty, N., Brauman, K.A., Cassidy, E.S., Gerber, J.S., et al., (2011). Solutions for a cultivated planet. Nature. 478, 337-342.
  • [42] Schmidt, C.W., (2006). Dünyayı oyuna sokmak: çevre bilinci ve spor. Çevre sağlığı perspektifleri. 114(5), A286–A295.
  • [43] Hognestad, H.K., Giulianotti, R., Thorpe, H., Langseth, T., Gils, B., (2022). Editorial: Environmental Sustainability in Sports, Physical Activity and Education, and Outdoor Life. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 4, 2624-9367.
  • [44] Meyer, N., Reguant-Closa, A., (2017). "Eat as If You Could Save the Planet and Win!" Sustainability Integration into Nutrition for Exercise and Sport. Nutrients, 9(4), 412.
  • [45] Bailey, R.C., Olson J., Pepper, S.L., Porrzasz, J., Barstow, T.J., Cooper, D.M., (1995). The Levels and Tempo of Children's Physical Activities: An Observational Study. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 27, 1033-1041.
  • [46] Berlin, J.A., Golditz, A.G., (1990). A Meta-Analysis of Physical Activity in the Prevention of Coronary Heart Diseases. Am. J. Epidemiol. 132, 612-628.
  • [47] Blair, S.N., Kohl, H.W., Barlow, C,E., (1989). Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, And All-Cause Mortality A Prospective Study Of Helthy Men And Women. J. Am Med Assoc, 262: 2395-2401.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Derlemeler

Hülya Sayğı 0000-0002-2327-566X

Proje Numarası yok
Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 2 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

IEEE H. Sayğı, “Relationship Between Sports and Organic Agriculture”, Etoxec, c. 2, sy. 2, ss. 133–143, 2022.