Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye'deki tüketicilerin otomobil markalarına yönelik
tercihlerinin araştırılmasıdır. Tüketicilerin otomobil marka tercihlerini belirlemek için,
tüketicllerin tercih değerlendirmelerini çok boyutlu bir yapılandırma için geometrik
uzaklıklara çeviren Çok Boyutlu Ölçekleme Algoritmalarından ALSCAL ve diğer
tamamlayıcı teknikler olan PREFMAP ve PROFIT uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın
örneklemini otomobil sahibi olan veya otomobil kullanma şansına sahip olan veya oto
galerilerine giden tüketiciler oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın temel sonuçları şu şekildedir:
1) Tüketicilerin otomobil markası tercihlerinde önemli olan iki özellik güvenlik ve
reklam kampanyalarıdır 2) Mercedes bu her iki boyutta da iyi olarak algılanmıştır ve
analiz sonucunda elde edilen ideal nokta da Mercedes markasına işaret etmektedir.
Allyn, B. and V.R. Rao (1972), Applied Multidimensional Scaling: A Comparisonof
Approaches and Algoritlıms. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Cooper, L.G. (1983), "A Review of Multidimensional Scaling in Marketing Research," Applied Psychological Measurement, 7 (4), 427-50.
Carroll, J. D. and Paul E. Green (1997), "Psychometric Methods in Marketing Research: Part 11, Multidimensional Scaling," Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (May), 193-204.
Chang, II and Carroll, lD. (1989a), "How to Use PREFMAP - A Program that Relates Preference Data to Multidimensional Scaling Solutions," in P.E. Green, F.J. Carmone, and S.M. Smith (eds.), Multidimensional Scaling: Concepts and Applications: 303-317. Newton, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Chang, lJ (1989b), "How to Use PROFIT - A Computer Program for Property Fitting by Optimizing Nonlinear or Linear Correlation," in P.E. Green, F.l Carmone, and S.M. Smith (eds.), Multidimensional Scaling: Concepts and Applications: 318-331. Newton, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Green, P. E. (1975), "Marketing Applications of MDS: Assessment and Outlook, " Journal of Marketing, 39 (January), 24-31
Green, FJ. Carmone Jr., and S.M. Smith (1989), Multidimensional Scaling: Concepts and Applications. Boston: j
Kruskal, J.B. (1964a), "Multidimensional Scaling for Optimizing a Goodness of Fit Metric to a Nonmetric Hypothesis," Psychometrika, 29: 1-27.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the consumers' preferences towards various
automobile brands in Turkey. Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) algorithm known as
ALSCAL and a number of other complementary techniques (PREFMAP and PROFITj
is performed to transform consumers' preference evaluations into geometric distance for
a multidimensional configuration for studying the subjects' perception of automobile
brands. Subjects are sampled from consumers who use or have an opportunity to use
cars, and who goes to car galleries. The main results of this studyare summarized as
follows: (1) safety and advertising campaigns are the two important attributes in
consumers' auto brand preferences (2) Mercedes perceivedfavorably in both dimensions
and the ideal point is directed at the location of Mercedes.
Allyn, B. and V.R. Rao (1972), Applied Multidimensional Scaling: A Comparisonof
Approaches and Algoritlıms. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston Cooper, L.G. (1983), "A Review of Multidimensional Scaling in Marketing Research," Applied Psychological Measurement, 7 (4), 427-50.
Carroll, J. D. and Paul E. Green (1997), "Psychometric Methods in Marketing Research: Part 11, Multidimensional Scaling," Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (May), 193-204.
Chang, II and Carroll, lD. (1989a), "How to Use PREFMAP - A Program that Relates Preference Data to Multidimensional Scaling Solutions," in P.E. Green, F.J. Carmone, and S.M. Smith (eds.), Multidimensional Scaling: Concepts and Applications: 303-317. Newton, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Chang, lJ (1989b), "How to Use PROFIT - A Computer Program for Property Fitting by Optimizing Nonlinear or Linear Correlation," in P.E. Green, F.l Carmone, and S.M. Smith (eds.), Multidimensional Scaling: Concepts and Applications: 318-331. Newton, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Green, P. E. (1975), "Marketing Applications of MDS: Assessment and Outlook, " Journal of Marketing, 39 (January), 24-31
Green, FJ. Carmone Jr., and S.M. Smith (1989), Multidimensional Scaling: Concepts and Applications. Boston: j
Kruskal, J.B. (1964a), "Multidimensional Scaling for Optimizing a Goodness of Fit Metric to a Nonmetric Hypothesis," Psychometrika, 29: 1-27.
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