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The effect of intravenously given dexketoprofen trometamol on postoperative pain in ovariohysterectomized dogs

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1, 5 - 10, 01.03.2014


Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the postoperative analgesic effect of dexketoprofen trometamol in dogs subjected to ovariohysterectomy.Materials and Methods: Seventeen adult bitches were randomly allocated to two groups. Dexketoprofen trometamol (n=10, 1 mg/kg, IV) was administered to DEX group after recovery of anaesthesia, while those assigned to the control (C) group (n=7) were not given any analgesic after recovery of anesthesia. The ovariohysterectomy procedure was performed on all dogs by the same researcher using a median laparotomy access. Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (RR) and body temperature were measured during the postoperative period. Pain level was assessed by two researchers 0, 1, 4 and 6 hours after surgery. A modified University of Melbourne Pain Scale (UMPS) was used to evaluate pain in both groups. Results: According to modified UMPS test, postoperative first hour pain score decreased statistically significant (P<0.05) in the DEX group. Although at 6th hour pain scale is lower in DEX group, no significant difference was (P>0.05) determined at other measurement times.Conclusions: The presence of stable vital signs of dexketoprofen administration is a promising finding. Dexketoprofen may used for postoperative pain management in dogs due to its clinical advantage shown by the pain scale.


  • Deneuche AJ, Dufayet C, Goby L, Fayolle P, Desbois C, 2004. Analgesic comparison of meloxicam or ketoprofen for orthopedic surgery in dogs. Vet Surg, 33, 650-660.
  • Grisneaux E, Pibarot P, Dupuis J, Blais D 1999. Comparison of ketoprofen and carprofen administered prior to orthopedics surgery for control of postoperative pain in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 215, 1105-1110.
  • Hanna MH, Elliott KM, Stuart-Taylor ME, Roberts DR, Buggy D, Arthurs GJ, 2003. Comparative study of analgesic efficacy and morphine-sparing effect of intramuscular dexketoprofen trometamol with ketoprofen or placebo after major orthopedic surgery. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 55, 126-33.
  • Iohom G, Walsh M, Higgins G, Shorten G, 2002. Effect of perioperative administration of dexketoprofen on opioid requirements and inflammatory response following elective hip arthroplasty. Br J Anaesth, 88, 520-526.
  • Jamdade PT, Porwal A, Shinde JV, Erram SS, Kamat VV, Karmarkar PS, Bhagtani K, 2011. Efficacy and tolerability of intramuscular dexketoprofen in postoperative pain management following hernia repair surgery. Anesthesiol Res Pract, 12, 1-5.
  • Kara I, Tuncer S, Erol A, Reis R, 2011. The effects of preemptive dexketoprofen use on postoperative pain relief and tramadol consumption. Agri, 23, 18-21.
  • Lamont LA, Mathews KA, 2007. Opiods, nonsteroidal antiinflammatories and analgesic adjuvants. In: Lumb and Jones´ Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, Eds; Tranquilli WJ, Thurmon JC, Grimm KA, Blackwell Publishing, Iowa, USA, pp: 241-272.
  • Leman P, Kapadia Y, Herington J, 2003. Randomised controlled trial of the onset of analgesic efficacy of dexketoprofen and diclofenac in lower limb. Emerg Med J, 20, 511-513.
  • Lemke KA, Runyon CL, Horney BS, 2002. Effects of preoperative administration of ketoprofen on anesthetic requirements and signs of postoperative pain in dogs undergoing elective ovariohyterectomy. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 221, 1268-1275.
  • Luna SP, Basílio AC, Steagall PV, Machado LP, Moutinho FQ, Takahira RK, Brandão CV, 2007. Evaluation of adverse effects of long-term oral administration of carprofen, etodolac, flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen, and meloxicam in dogs. Am J Vet Res, 68, 258-264.
  • Mathews KA, 2000. Pain assessment and general approach to management. Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract, 30, 729-755.
  • Mauleon D, Artigas R, García ML, Carganico G, 1996. Preclinical and clinical development of dexketoprofen. Drugs, 52, 24-45.
  • Moll X, Fresno L, Garcia F, Prandi D, Andaluz A, 2011. Comparison of Subcutaneous and transdermal administration of buprenorphine for pre-emptive analgesia in dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy. Vet J, 187, 124-128.
  • Morgaz J, Navarrete R, Munoz-Rascon P, Dominguez JM, Fernandez-Sarmiento JA, 2013. Postoperative analgesic effects of dexketoprofen, burenorphine and tramadol in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Res Vet Sci, 95, 278-282.
  • Neirinckx E, Croubels S, De Boever S, Remon JP, Bosmans T, Daminet S, De Backer P, Vervaet C, 2011. Species comparison of enantioselective oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen. Res Vet Sci, 91, 415-421.
  • Odette O, Lesley J S, 2013. A comparison of epidural analgesia provided by bupivacaine alone, bupivacaine + morphine or bupivacaine + dexmedetomidine for pelvic orthopedic surgery in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg, 40, 527-536.
  • Pascoe PJ, 2000. Perioperative pain management. Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract, 30, 917-932.
  • Pekcan Z, Koç B, 2010. The post-operative analgesic effects of epidurally administered morphine and transdermal fentanyl patch after ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg, 37, 557-565.
  • Piparot P, Dupuis J, Grisneaux E, Cuvelliez S, Plante J, Beauregard G, Bonneau NH, Bouffard J, Blais D, 1997. Comparison of ketoprofen, oxymorphone hydrochloride, and butorphanol in the treatment of postoperative pain in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 211, 438-444.
  • Robinson TM, Kruse-Elliott KT, Markel MD, Pluhar GE, Massa K, Bjorling DE, 1999. A comparison of transdermal fentanyl versus epidural morphine for analgesia in dogs undergoing major orthopedic surgery. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 35, 95-100.
  • Slingsby LS, Taylor PM, Murrell JC, 2011. A study to evaluate buprenorphine at 40 mcg/kg compared to 20 mcg/kg as a post-operative analgesic in the dog. Vet Anaesth Analg, 38, 584-593.
  • Streppa HK, Jones CJ, Budsberg SC, 2002. Cyclooxygenase selectivity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in canine blood. Am J Vet Res, 63, 91-94.
  • Yazar MA, Inan N, Ceyhan A, Sut E, Dikmen B, 2011. Postoperative analgesic efficacy of intravenous dexketoprofen in lumbar disc surgery. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 23, 193-197.
  • Zippel H, Wagenitz A, 2006. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of intravenously administered dexketoprofen trometamol and ketoprofen in the management of pain after orthopaedic surgery: A multicentre, double-blind, randomised, paralel-group clinical trial. Clin Drug Investig, 26, 517-528

Ovariohisterektomi yapılan köpeklerde intravenöz deksketoprofen trometamol’ün postoperatif ağrı üzerine etkisi

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1, 5 - 10, 01.03.2014


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı ovariohisterektomi yapılan köpeklerde intravenöz deksketoprofen trometamolün postoperatif ağrı üzerine olan etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ergin 17 dişi köpek rastgele iki gruba ayrıldı. Deksketoprofen trametamol (DEX) grubuna (n=10, 1mg/kg, IV) anesteziden uyanma sonrası deksketoprofen trametamol uygulanırken, kontrol (C) grubuna (n=7) herhangi bir analjezik uygulanmadı. Bütün köpeklerin ovariohisterektomileri median laparatomi ile aynı araştırmacı tarafından gerçekleştirildi. Postoperatif periyod süresince kalp frekansı, solunum sayısı ve vücut ısısı ölçüldü. Operasyon sonrası 0, 1, 4 ve 6. saat ağrı düzeyleri iki araştırmacı tarafından değerlendirildi. İki grubun ağrı düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesinde modifiye Melbourne Üniversitesi ağrı skalası (UMPS) kullanıldı.Bulgular: Modifiye UMPS test sonuçlarına göre DEX grubunda postoperatif birinci saat ağrı skorunun istatistiksel olarak önemli derecede (P0.05) belirlenmedi. Öneri: Deksketoprofen uygulamasında vital bulguların stabil olması umut verici bir bulgudur. Ağrı skorunda gösterdiği klinik avantaj ile deksketoprofen köpeklerde postoperatif ağrı kontrolü için kullanım yeri bulabilir.


  • Deneuche AJ, Dufayet C, Goby L, Fayolle P, Desbois C, 2004. Analgesic comparison of meloxicam or ketoprofen for orthopedic surgery in dogs. Vet Surg, 33, 650-660.
  • Grisneaux E, Pibarot P, Dupuis J, Blais D 1999. Comparison of ketoprofen and carprofen administered prior to orthopedics surgery for control of postoperative pain in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 215, 1105-1110.
  • Hanna MH, Elliott KM, Stuart-Taylor ME, Roberts DR, Buggy D, Arthurs GJ, 2003. Comparative study of analgesic efficacy and morphine-sparing effect of intramuscular dexketoprofen trometamol with ketoprofen or placebo after major orthopedic surgery. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 55, 126-33.
  • Iohom G, Walsh M, Higgins G, Shorten G, 2002. Effect of perioperative administration of dexketoprofen on opioid requirements and inflammatory response following elective hip arthroplasty. Br J Anaesth, 88, 520-526.
  • Jamdade PT, Porwal A, Shinde JV, Erram SS, Kamat VV, Karmarkar PS, Bhagtani K, 2011. Efficacy and tolerability of intramuscular dexketoprofen in postoperative pain management following hernia repair surgery. Anesthesiol Res Pract, 12, 1-5.
  • Kara I, Tuncer S, Erol A, Reis R, 2011. The effects of preemptive dexketoprofen use on postoperative pain relief and tramadol consumption. Agri, 23, 18-21.
  • Lamont LA, Mathews KA, 2007. Opiods, nonsteroidal antiinflammatories and analgesic adjuvants. In: Lumb and Jones´ Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, Eds; Tranquilli WJ, Thurmon JC, Grimm KA, Blackwell Publishing, Iowa, USA, pp: 241-272.
  • Leman P, Kapadia Y, Herington J, 2003. Randomised controlled trial of the onset of analgesic efficacy of dexketoprofen and diclofenac in lower limb. Emerg Med J, 20, 511-513.
  • Lemke KA, Runyon CL, Horney BS, 2002. Effects of preoperative administration of ketoprofen on anesthetic requirements and signs of postoperative pain in dogs undergoing elective ovariohyterectomy. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 221, 1268-1275.
  • Luna SP, Basílio AC, Steagall PV, Machado LP, Moutinho FQ, Takahira RK, Brandão CV, 2007. Evaluation of adverse effects of long-term oral administration of carprofen, etodolac, flunixin meglumine, ketoprofen, and meloxicam in dogs. Am J Vet Res, 68, 258-264.
  • Mathews KA, 2000. Pain assessment and general approach to management. Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract, 30, 729-755.
  • Mauleon D, Artigas R, García ML, Carganico G, 1996. Preclinical and clinical development of dexketoprofen. Drugs, 52, 24-45.
  • Moll X, Fresno L, Garcia F, Prandi D, Andaluz A, 2011. Comparison of Subcutaneous and transdermal administration of buprenorphine for pre-emptive analgesia in dogs undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy. Vet J, 187, 124-128.
  • Morgaz J, Navarrete R, Munoz-Rascon P, Dominguez JM, Fernandez-Sarmiento JA, 2013. Postoperative analgesic effects of dexketoprofen, burenorphine and tramadol in dogs undergoing ovariohysterectomy. Res Vet Sci, 95, 278-282.
  • Neirinckx E, Croubels S, De Boever S, Remon JP, Bosmans T, Daminet S, De Backer P, Vervaet C, 2011. Species comparison of enantioselective oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen. Res Vet Sci, 91, 415-421.
  • Odette O, Lesley J S, 2013. A comparison of epidural analgesia provided by bupivacaine alone, bupivacaine + morphine or bupivacaine + dexmedetomidine for pelvic orthopedic surgery in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg, 40, 527-536.
  • Pascoe PJ, 2000. Perioperative pain management. Vet Clin North Am: Small Anim Pract, 30, 917-932.
  • Pekcan Z, Koç B, 2010. The post-operative analgesic effects of epidurally administered morphine and transdermal fentanyl patch after ovariohysterectomy in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg, 37, 557-565.
  • Piparot P, Dupuis J, Grisneaux E, Cuvelliez S, Plante J, Beauregard G, Bonneau NH, Bouffard J, Blais D, 1997. Comparison of ketoprofen, oxymorphone hydrochloride, and butorphanol in the treatment of postoperative pain in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 211, 438-444.
  • Robinson TM, Kruse-Elliott KT, Markel MD, Pluhar GE, Massa K, Bjorling DE, 1999. A comparison of transdermal fentanyl versus epidural morphine for analgesia in dogs undergoing major orthopedic surgery. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 35, 95-100.
  • Slingsby LS, Taylor PM, Murrell JC, 2011. A study to evaluate buprenorphine at 40 mcg/kg compared to 20 mcg/kg as a post-operative analgesic in the dog. Vet Anaesth Analg, 38, 584-593.
  • Streppa HK, Jones CJ, Budsberg SC, 2002. Cyclooxygenase selectivity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in canine blood. Am J Vet Res, 63, 91-94.
  • Yazar MA, Inan N, Ceyhan A, Sut E, Dikmen B, 2011. Postoperative analgesic efficacy of intravenous dexketoprofen in lumbar disc surgery. J Neurosurg Anesthesiol, 23, 193-197.
  • Zippel H, Wagenitz A, 2006. Comparison of the efficacy and safety of intravenously administered dexketoprofen trometamol and ketoprofen in the management of pain after orthopaedic surgery: A multicentre, double-blind, randomised, paralel-group clinical trial. Clin Drug Investig, 26, 517-528
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA62HC64HY
Bölüm Araştırma

Zulfikar Kadir Saritas Bu kişi benim

Musa Korkmaz Bu kişi benim

Oktay Yilmaz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Saritas, Z. K., Korkmaz, M., & Yilmaz, O. (2014). The effect of intravenously given dexketoprofen trometamol on postoperative pain in ovariohysterectomized dogs. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 30(1), 5-10.
AMA Saritas ZK, Korkmaz M, Yilmaz O. The effect of intravenously given dexketoprofen trometamol on postoperative pain in ovariohysterectomized dogs. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2014;30(1):5-10.
Chicago Saritas, Zulfikar Kadir, Musa Korkmaz, ve Oktay Yilmaz. “The Effect of Intravenously Given Dexketoprofen Trometamol on Postoperative Pain in Ovariohysterectomized Dogs”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 30, sy. 1 (Mart 2014): 5-10.
EndNote Saritas ZK, Korkmaz M, Yilmaz O (01 Mart 2014) The effect of intravenously given dexketoprofen trometamol on postoperative pain in ovariohysterectomized dogs. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 30 1 5–10.
IEEE Z. K. Saritas, M. Korkmaz, ve O. Yilmaz, “The effect of intravenously given dexketoprofen trometamol on postoperative pain in ovariohysterectomized dogs”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 30, sy. 1, ss. 5–10, 2014.
ISNAD Saritas, Zulfikar Kadir vd. “The Effect of Intravenously Given Dexketoprofen Trometamol on Postoperative Pain in Ovariohysterectomized Dogs”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 30/1 (Mart 2014), 5-10.
JAMA Saritas ZK, Korkmaz M, Yilmaz O. The effect of intravenously given dexketoprofen trometamol on postoperative pain in ovariohysterectomized dogs. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2014;30:5–10.
MLA Saritas, Zulfikar Kadir vd. “The Effect of Intravenously Given Dexketoprofen Trometamol on Postoperative Pain in Ovariohysterectomized Dogs”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 30, sy. 1, 2014, ss. 5-10.
Vancouver Saritas ZK, Korkmaz M, Yilmaz O. The effect of intravenously given dexketoprofen trometamol on postoperative pain in ovariohysterectomized dogs. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2014;30(1):5-10.