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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 29 - 34, 01.03.2008


Bu çalýþma, koyunlarda transabdominal ve transrektal ultrasonografi kullanarak gebelik süresince plasentom geliþimini belirlemek,plasentom çaplarý ile gebelik yaþý arasýndaki iliþkiyi tespit etmek amacýyla yapýlmýþtýr. Çalýþmada B Mode, linear array, 5,0-7,5 MHzrektal transduceri olan ultrason kullanýldý. Muayenelere çiftleþme sonrasýndaki 26 ile 28. günlerde baþlandý. Gebe olan 50 koyun çalýþmayadahil edildi. Bu koyunlarda ultrasonografik incelemeler birer hafta arayla olmak üzere doðuma kadar tekrarlandý. Haftalýk olarak tekrarlananmuayenelerde 5 plasentomun çapý ölçülerek kaydedildi ve ortalamasý hesaplandý. Gebe olarak tespit edilen 50 koyundan 44 tanesitekiz, 6 tanesi ikiz gebeliðe sahipti. Plasentomlar gebeliðin 4. haftasýndan itibaren görülmeye baþlandý. Plasentomlar gebeliðin ilkhaftalarýnda hýzlý bir þekilde geliþti ve gebeliðin 11. haftasýnda en büyük çapa (3,41±0,04 cm) ulaþtý. Plasentom çaplarý gebeliðin ilkyarýsýnda artarken gebeliðin ikinci yarýsýnda tedricen azalmaya baþladý ve doðuma yakýn dönemde 1,73±0,18 cmye kadar küçüldü.Koyunlarda gebelik yaþý ve plasentom çapý arasýnda zayýf bir iliþki bulundu (regression katsayýsý, r = 0,540). Plasentom çaplarý bakýmýndantekiz ve ikiz gebeliðe sahip koyunlar arasýnda herhangi bir fark tespit edilmedi (P > 0,05). Sonuç olarak, koyunlarda plasentom geliþiminingebeliðin 4. haftasýndan doðuma kadarki döneme kadar ultrasonografik muayenelerle kolaylýkla takip edilebileceði, bununla birliktekoyunlarda plasentom çapý ve gebelik yaþý arasýndaki zayýf iliþkiden dolayý plasentom çaplarýna göre gebelik yaþýnýn belirlenemeyeceðikanýsýna varýldý


  • Aiumlamai, S., Fredriksson, G., Nilsfors, L. (1992). Real-time ultrasonography for determining the gestational age of ewes. Vet. Rec., 131, 560-562. Ali, A., Hayder, M. (2007). Ultrasonographic assessment of embryonic, fetal and placental development in Ossimi sheep. Small Rum. Res., 73, 277-282.
  • Bhattacharyya, B.K., Mazunder, B.K., Mazunder, A., Luktuke, S.N. (1983). A note on morphological characteristics of foetal membrane in Pashmina goats. Indian Vet. J., 60, 457-458.
  • Bretzlaff, K., Edwards, J., Forrest, D., Nuti, L. (1993). Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet. Med., 88, 12-24.
  • Buckrell, B.C. (1988). Application of ultrasonography in reproduction in sheep and goats. Theriogenology, 29, 71-83.
  • Buckrell, B.C., Bonnett, B.N., Johnson, W.H. (1986). The use of real-time ultrasound rectally for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep. Theriogenology, 25, 665-673.
  • Doize, F., Vaillancourt, D., Carabin, H., Belanger, D. (1997). Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats using transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentomes. Theriogenology, 48, 449-460.
  • Garcia, A., Neary, M.K., Kelly, G.R., Pierson, R.A. (1993). Accuracy of ultrasonography in early pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. Theriogenology, 39, 847-861.
  • Goel, A.K., Agrawal, K.P. (1992). A review of pregnancy diagnosis techniques in sheep and goats. Small Rumin. Res., 9, 255-264.
  • Gonzalez de Bulnes, A., Santiago Moreno, J., Lopez Sebastian, A. (1998). Estimation of fetal development in Manchega dairy ewes by transrectal ultrasonographic measurements. Small Rumin. Res., 27, 243-250.
  • Grazul-Bilska, A.T., Pant, D., Luther, J.S., Borowicz, P.P., Navanukraw, C., Caton, J.S., Ward, M.A., Redmer, D.A., Reynolds, L.P. (2006). Pregnancy rates and gravid uterine parameters in single, twin and triplet pregnancies in naturally bred ewes and ewes after transfer of in vitro produced embryos. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 92, 268-283.
  • Grunert, E. (1986). Etiology and Pathogenesis of Retained Bovine Placenta. In “Current Therapy in Theriogenology”, Ed. Morrow, D.A., W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • Haibel, G.K. (1988). Real-time ultrasonic fetal head measurement and gestational age in dairy goats. Theriogenology, 30, 1053-1057.
  • Haibel, G.K. (1990). Use of ultrasonography in reproductive management of sheep and goat herds. Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim. Pract., 6, 597-613. Haibel, G.K., Perkins, N.R. (1989). Real-time ultrasonic biparietal diameter of second trimester Suffolk and Finn sheep fetuses and prediction of gestational age. Theriogenology, 32, 863-869.
  • Hradecky, P., Mossman, H.W., Stott, G.G. (1988). Comparative development of ruminant placentomes. Theriogenology, 29, 715-729.
  • Jenkinson, C.M.C., Peterson, S.W., Mackenzie, D.D.S., McCutcheon, S.N. (1994). The effects of season on placental development and fetal growth. Proc. NZ. Soc. Anim. Prod., 54, 227-230. Jenkinson, C.M.C., Peterson, S.W., Mackenzie, D.D.S., McDonald, M.F., McCutcheon, S.N. (1995). Seasonal effects on birth weight in sheep are associated with changes in placental development. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 38, 337-345.
  • Kahn, W. (1994). “Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography”. Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei GmbH Co., Hannover.
  • Karen, A., Kovacs, P., Beckers, J.F., Szenci, O. (2001). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep: Review of the most practical methods. Acta. Vet. Brno., 70, 115-126. Kaulfuss, K.H., Uhlich, K., Gille, U. (1998). Ultrasonographic examination of the placentoma development in pregnant sheep. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 105, 4, 162-167.
  • Lee, Y., Lee, O., Cho, J., Shin, H., Choý, Y., Shim, Y., Choý, W., Shin, H., Lee, D., Lee, G., Shin, S. (2005). Ultrasonic measurement of fetal parameters for estimation of gestational age in Korean Black goats. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 67, 497-502.
  • Medan, M., Watanabe, G., Absy, G., Sasaki, K., Sharawy, S., Taya, K. (2004). Early pregnancy diagnosis by means of ultrasonography as a method of ýmproving reproductive efficiency in goats. J. Reprod. Dev., 50, 391-397.
  • Metcalfe, J., Stock, M.K., Barron, D.H. (1988). Maternal physiology during gestation. In “The Physiology of Reproduction”, Ed. Knobile, E., Neill, J., Ewing, L.L., Greenwald, G.S., Marker, T., Pfaff, D.W., Raven Pres Ltd, New York.
  • Padilla-Rivas, G.R., Sohnrey, B., Holtz, W. (2005). Early pregnancy detection by real-time ultrasonography in Boer goats. Small Rum. Res., 58, 87-92.
  • Reichle , J.K., Haibel, G.K. (1991). Ultrasonic biparietal diameter of second trimester pygmy goat fetuses. Theriogenology, 35, 689-695.
  • Schrick, F.N., Inskeep, E.K. (1993). Determination of early pregnancy in ewes utilizing transrectal ultrasonography. Theriogenology, 40, 295-306. Sergeev, L., Kleeman, D.O., Walker, S.K., Smith, D.H., Grosser, T.I., Mann, T., Seamark, R.F. (1990). Real-time ultrasound imaging for predicting ovine fetal age. Theriogenology, 34, 593-601. White, I.R., Russel, A.J.F., Fowler, D.G. (1984). Real- time ultrasonic scanning in the diagnosis of pregnancy and the determination of fetal numbers in sheep. Vet. Rec., 115, 140-143.

Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 29 - 34, 01.03.2008


The objective of this study was to determine the placentome development during pregnancy and the correlation betweenplacentome diameter and gestational age using transabdominal and transrectal ultrasonography in ewes. A B-mode, linear array,ultrasonography with 5,0-7,5 MHz rectal transducer was used in this study. Examinations were commenced at days 26 to 28 post mating.In this study, fifty pregnant ewes were used. Ultrasonographic examination was performed weekly until birth. Diameters of five placentomeswere measured in weekly examinations and then mean diameter was calculated. Among the fifty pregnant ewes, 44 had single pregnancywhile six ewes had twin pregnancy. Placentomes were seen since 4th week of pregnancy. Placentomes developed fast in the first weeksof pregnancy and reached maximum diameter in 11th week (3,41±0,04 cm). Diameter of placentomes increased during the first weeksof pregnancy but decreased in the second half and decreased to 1,73±0,18 cm before birth. A weak correlation was found betweengestational age and diameter of placentome in ewes (regression coefficient, r = 0,540). There was no difference between placentomediameters between single and twin pregnancies (P > 0,05). As a result, placentome development in ewes during pregnancy can easilybe determined from 4th week of gestation to birth. Besides, because of weak correlation between placentome diameter and gestationalage in ewes, it is concluded that, gestational age cannot be determined from diameter of placentome


  • Aiumlamai, S., Fredriksson, G., Nilsfors, L. (1992). Real-time ultrasonography for determining the gestational age of ewes. Vet. Rec., 131, 560-562. Ali, A., Hayder, M. (2007). Ultrasonographic assessment of embryonic, fetal and placental development in Ossimi sheep. Small Rum. Res., 73, 277-282.
  • Bhattacharyya, B.K., Mazunder, B.K., Mazunder, A., Luktuke, S.N. (1983). A note on morphological characteristics of foetal membrane in Pashmina goats. Indian Vet. J., 60, 457-458.
  • Bretzlaff, K., Edwards, J., Forrest, D., Nuti, L. (1993). Ultrasonographic determination of pregnancy in small ruminants. Vet. Med., 88, 12-24.
  • Buckrell, B.C. (1988). Application of ultrasonography in reproduction in sheep and goats. Theriogenology, 29, 71-83.
  • Buckrell, B.C., Bonnett, B.N., Johnson, W.H. (1986). The use of real-time ultrasound rectally for early pregnancy diagnosis in sheep. Theriogenology, 25, 665-673.
  • Doize, F., Vaillancourt, D., Carabin, H., Belanger, D. (1997). Determination of gestational age in sheep and goats using transrectal ultrasonographic measurement of placentomes. Theriogenology, 48, 449-460.
  • Garcia, A., Neary, M.K., Kelly, G.R., Pierson, R.A. (1993). Accuracy of ultrasonography in early pregnancy diagnosis in the ewe. Theriogenology, 39, 847-861.
  • Goel, A.K., Agrawal, K.P. (1992). A review of pregnancy diagnosis techniques in sheep and goats. Small Rumin. Res., 9, 255-264.
  • Gonzalez de Bulnes, A., Santiago Moreno, J., Lopez Sebastian, A. (1998). Estimation of fetal development in Manchega dairy ewes by transrectal ultrasonographic measurements. Small Rumin. Res., 27, 243-250.
  • Grazul-Bilska, A.T., Pant, D., Luther, J.S., Borowicz, P.P., Navanukraw, C., Caton, J.S., Ward, M.A., Redmer, D.A., Reynolds, L.P. (2006). Pregnancy rates and gravid uterine parameters in single, twin and triplet pregnancies in naturally bred ewes and ewes after transfer of in vitro produced embryos. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 92, 268-283.
  • Grunert, E. (1986). Etiology and Pathogenesis of Retained Bovine Placenta. In “Current Therapy in Theriogenology”, Ed. Morrow, D.A., W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia.
  • Haibel, G.K. (1988). Real-time ultrasonic fetal head measurement and gestational age in dairy goats. Theriogenology, 30, 1053-1057.
  • Haibel, G.K. (1990). Use of ultrasonography in reproductive management of sheep and goat herds. Vet. Clin. North Am. Food Anim. Pract., 6, 597-613. Haibel, G.K., Perkins, N.R. (1989). Real-time ultrasonic biparietal diameter of second trimester Suffolk and Finn sheep fetuses and prediction of gestational age. Theriogenology, 32, 863-869.
  • Hradecky, P., Mossman, H.W., Stott, G.G. (1988). Comparative development of ruminant placentomes. Theriogenology, 29, 715-729.
  • Jenkinson, C.M.C., Peterson, S.W., Mackenzie, D.D.S., McCutcheon, S.N. (1994). The effects of season on placental development and fetal growth. Proc. NZ. Soc. Anim. Prod., 54, 227-230. Jenkinson, C.M.C., Peterson, S.W., Mackenzie, D.D.S., McDonald, M.F., McCutcheon, S.N. (1995). Seasonal effects on birth weight in sheep are associated with changes in placental development. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 38, 337-345.
  • Kahn, W. (1994). “Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography”. Schlütersche Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei GmbH Co., Hannover.
  • Karen, A., Kovacs, P., Beckers, J.F., Szenci, O. (2001). Pregnancy diagnosis in sheep: Review of the most practical methods. Acta. Vet. Brno., 70, 115-126. Kaulfuss, K.H., Uhlich, K., Gille, U. (1998). Ultrasonographic examination of the placentoma development in pregnant sheep. Dtsch. Tierarztl. Wochenschr., 105, 4, 162-167.
  • Lee, Y., Lee, O., Cho, J., Shin, H., Choý, Y., Shim, Y., Choý, W., Shin, H., Lee, D., Lee, G., Shin, S. (2005). Ultrasonic measurement of fetal parameters for estimation of gestational age in Korean Black goats. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 67, 497-502.
  • Medan, M., Watanabe, G., Absy, G., Sasaki, K., Sharawy, S., Taya, K. (2004). Early pregnancy diagnosis by means of ultrasonography as a method of ýmproving reproductive efficiency in goats. J. Reprod. Dev., 50, 391-397.
  • Metcalfe, J., Stock, M.K., Barron, D.H. (1988). Maternal physiology during gestation. In “The Physiology of Reproduction”, Ed. Knobile, E., Neill, J., Ewing, L.L., Greenwald, G.S., Marker, T., Pfaff, D.W., Raven Pres Ltd, New York.
  • Padilla-Rivas, G.R., Sohnrey, B., Holtz, W. (2005). Early pregnancy detection by real-time ultrasonography in Boer goats. Small Rum. Res., 58, 87-92.
  • Reichle , J.K., Haibel, G.K. (1991). Ultrasonic biparietal diameter of second trimester pygmy goat fetuses. Theriogenology, 35, 689-695.
  • Schrick, F.N., Inskeep, E.K. (1993). Determination of early pregnancy in ewes utilizing transrectal ultrasonography. Theriogenology, 40, 295-306. Sergeev, L., Kleeman, D.O., Walker, S.K., Smith, D.H., Grosser, T.I., Mann, T., Seamark, R.F. (1990). Real-time ultrasound imaging for predicting ovine fetal age. Theriogenology, 34, 593-601. White, I.R., Russel, A.J.F., Fowler, D.G. (1984). Real- time ultrasonic scanning in the diagnosis of pregnancy and the determination of fetal numbers in sheep. Vet. Rec., 115, 140-143.
Toplam 23 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69TY96AP
Bölüm Araştırma

İbrahim Aydın Bu kişi benim

H. Ahmet Çelik Bu kişi benim

Sait Şendağ Bu kişi benim

D. Ali Dinç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Aydın, İ., Çelik, H. A., Şendağ, S., Dinç, D. A. (2008). Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 24(1), 29-34.
AMA Aydın İ, Çelik HA, Şendağ S, Dinç DA. Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2008;24(1):29-34.
Chicago Aydın, İbrahim, H. Ahmet Çelik, Sait Şendağ, ve D. Ali Dinç. “Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24, sy. 1 (Mart 2008): 29-34.
EndNote Aydın İ, Çelik HA, Şendağ S, Dinç DA (01 Mart 2008) Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24 1 29–34.
IEEE İ. Aydın, H. A. Çelik, S. Şendağ, ve D. A. Dinç, “Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 24, sy. 1, ss. 29–34, 2008.
ISNAD Aydın, İbrahim vd. “Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24/1 (Mart 2008), 29-34.
JAMA Aydın İ, Çelik HA, Şendağ S, Dinç DA. Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2008;24:29–34.
MLA Aydın, İbrahim vd. “Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 24, sy. 1, 2008, ss. 29-34.
Vancouver Aydın İ, Çelik HA, Şendağ S, Dinç DA. Determination of Placentome Development and Gestational Age by Ultrasonographic Measurement of Placentomes in Ewes. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2008;24(1):29-34.