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Yıl 2008, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 21 - 28, 01.03.2008


Çalýþma, üreme sezonu dýþýnda laktasyondaki Kýl keçilerinde flourogestone acetat (FGA) içeren vaginal süngerlerle östrüslerinuyarýlmasý ve süngerlerin çýkartýlmasýndan 48 saat sonra GnRH ve hCG uygulamalarýnýn dölverimi üzerine etkisini belirlemek amacýyladüzenlendi.Çalýþmada kullanýlan 60 baþ Kýl keçisi tesadüfi örnekleme yöntemi ile üç gruba ayrýldý. Gruplarýn tamamýna 30 mg FGA içeren vaginalsüngerler 14 gün süreyle uygulandý. Süngerlerin çýkartýlmasýndan 48 saat önce keçilere 500 IU PMSG ve 0.075 mg cloprostenol kasiçi enjekte edildi.Süngerler çýkartýldýktan 12 saat sonra, sürüye 9 baþ fertil teke katýlarak günde iki defa östrüsler tespit edildi ve aþýmlar gerçekleþtirildi.Süngerler çýkartýldýktan 48 saat sonra, GnRH grubuna (n=18) 5 mcg buserelin acetate, hCG grubuna (n=19) 500 IU human chorionicgonadotropin kas içi enjekte edildi, kontrol grubuna (n=18) ise hiçbir uygulama yapýlmadý.GnRH, hCG ve kontrol gruplarýnda östrüs oraný % 100 olarak belirlendi. Östrüsler, süngerlerin çýkartýlmasýndan 17 saat sonra baþladýve 48. saatlerde sona erdi. Keçilerin östrüs daðýlýmlarý süngerlerin çýkarýlmasýndan sonraki 17-24. saatler arasýnda % 51, 25-36. saatlerarasýnda % 11 ve 37-48. saatler arasýnda % 38 olarak saptandý. Gebelik oranlarý GnRH, hCG ve kontrol gruplarýnda sýrasýyla % 38.9,% 36.8 ve % 33.3 olarak belirlendi.Sonuç olarak; üreme sezonu dýþýnda laktasyondaki Kýl keçilerinde FGA,PMSG ve PGF2a kombinasyonunun östrüslerin uyarýlmasý vesenkronizasyonunda etkili bir yöntem olduðu, ancak süngerlerin uzaklaþtýrýlmasýndan 48 saat sonraki GnRH ve hCG uygulamalarýnýndöl verimini etkilemediði tespit edildi


  • Ahmed, M.M., Makwi, S.E., Jabura, A.S. (1998). Synchronisation of oestrus in Nubian goats. Small Rumin. Res., 30, 113–120.
  • Amarantidis, I., Karagiannidis, A., Saratsis, P.H., Brikas, P. (2004) Efficiency of methods used for strous synchronization in indigenous Greek goats Small Rumin. Res., 52, 247–252.
  • Baldassarre, H. and Karatzas, C.N. (2004). Advanced assisted reproduction technologies (ART) in goats, Anim. Reprod. Sci., 82–83, 255–266. 4.Blaszczyk, B., Uda, J., Gaczarzewicz, D. (2004). Changes in estradiol, progesterone, melatonin, prolactin and thyroxine concentrations in blood plasma of goats following induced estrus in and outside the natural breeding season, Small Rumin. Res., 51, 209–219.
  • Cameron, A.W.N., Battye, K.M., Trounson, A.O. (1988). Time of ovulation in goats (Capra hircus) induced to superovulate with PMSG. J. Reprod. Fertil. 83 , 747–752.
  • Carnevali, F., Schino, G., Diverio, S., Misiti, S. (1997). Oestrus induction and synchronisation during anoestrus in cashmere goats using hormonal treatment in association with "male effect"European Fine Fibre Network, Occasional Publication No. 6 7.Chemineau P., Pelletier J., Guérin Y., Colas G., Ravault P., Touré G., Almeida G., Thimonier J., Ortavant R (1988). Photoperiodic and Melatonin in Sheep and Goats. Reprod. Nutr. Dévolop, 28 (2B), 409-422.
  • Corteel, J.M., Leboeuf B., Baril, G. (1988). Artificial breeding of adult goats and kids induced with hormones to ovulates outside the breeding season. Small Rumin. Res. 1, 19–35.
  • Dhindsa, D.S., Hoversland, A.S., Metcalfe, J. (1971). Reproductive performance in goats treated with progestagen impregnated sponges and gonadotropins. J. Anim. Sci. 32, 301–305.
  • Dogan Ý., Nur Z., Gunay, Ü., Sagýrkaya, H., Soylu, M.K., Sonmez, C. (2005) Estrous synchronization during the natural breeding season in Anatolian Black does. Vet. Med. – Czech, 50, 33–38.
  • Freitas, V.J.F., Baril, G., Saumande J (1997). Estrus synchronization in dairy goats: use of fluorogestone acetate vaginal sponges or norgestomet ear implants. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 46, 237-244.
  • Fonseca, J.F., Bruschi, J.H., Santos, I.C.C., Viana, J.H.M., Magalhães, A.C.M. (2005). Induction of estrus in non-lactating dairy goats with different estrous synchrony protocols. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 85, 117–124. 13.Gordon, I. (1997). Controlled reproduction in sheep and goats, Universty College Dublin Ireland, 53-109. 14.Greyling, J.P.C., Van Niekerk, C.H. (1990). Effect of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) and route of administration after progestagen treatment on estrus an LH secretion in the Boer goat. Small Rumin. Res., 3, 511–516.
  • Greyling, J.P.C., Van Niekerk, C.H. (1991). Different synchronization techniques in Boer goat does outside the normal breeding season, .,, 233-241. 16.Husein, M.Q., Kridli, R.T. (2003), Effect of progesterone prior to GnRH-PGF2alpha treatment on induction of oestrus and pregnancy in anoestrous Awassi ewes, Reprod. Domest. Anim. Jun,38(3):228- 32.
  • Kalkan, C., Horoz, H. (2002). Pubertas ve seksüel sikluslar. Ed: E Alaçam, Evcil hayvanlarda doðum ve infertilite.4. Baský, Ankara: Medisan 25–42. 18. Knight, C.H., Wilde, C.J., McLeod, B.J., Haresign, W. (1988). Exogenous GnRH induces ovulation in seasonally anoestrous lactating goats (Capra hircus). , 83(2), 679-86.
  • Leboeuf, B., Forgerit, Y., Bernelas, D., Pougnard, J.L., Senty, E., Driancourt, M.A. (2003), Efficacy of two types of vaginal sponges to control onset of oestrus, time of preovulatory LH peak and kidding rate in goats inseminated with variable numbers of spermatozoa. Theriogenology., 15,1371-1378. 20.Maeda, K.I., Mori, Y., Kano, Y. (1988). Involvement of melatonin in the seasonal changes of the gonadal function and prolactine secretion in female goats. Nutr. Dévolop., 28 (2B), 487-497.
  • Mani, A.U., McKelvey, W.A.C., Watson, E.D. (1992). The effects of low level of feeding on response to synchronization of oestrus, ovulation rate and embryo loss in goats. Theriogenology., 38, 1013–1022. 22.Medan, M., Shalaby, A.H., Sharawy, S., Watanabe, G., Taya, K. (2002). Induction of estrus during the non-breding season in Egyptian Baladi Goats. J. Vet. Med. Sci, 64(1), 83-85.
  • Pierson, J.T., Baldassarre, H., Kefe, C.L., Downey, B.R. (2001). Seasonal varýatýon in preovulatory events assocýated wýth synchronýzatýon of estrus in Dwarf goats, Theriogenology., 56, 759-769.
  • Pierson JT, Baldassarre H, Keefer CL, Downey BR (2003) Influence of GnRH administration on timing of the LH surge and ovulation in dwarf goats, Theriogenology, 60, 397–406.
  • Regueiro, M., Pérez Clariget, R., Ganzábalb, A., Aba, M., Forsberg, M. (1999). Effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate and eCG treatment on the reproductive performance of dairy goats, Small Rumin. Res., 33, 223-230.
  • Reyna, J., Thomson, P.C., Evans, G., Maxwell, W.M.C. (2007). Synchrony of Ovulation and Follicular Dynamics in Merino Ewes Treated with GnRH in the Breeding and Non-breeding Seasons, Reprod. Domest. Anim., 42, 410–417.
  • Rhind, S.M.., Robinson, J.J., Chesworth, J.M., Crofts, R.M. (1980). Effects of season, lactation and plane of nutrition on prolactin concentrations in ovine plasma and the role of prolactin in the control of ewe fertility. J. Reprod. Fertil., 58,145-152.
  • Romano, J.E. (2004). Synchronization of estrus using CIDR, FGA or MAP intravaginal pessaries during the breeding season in Nubian goats, Small Rumin. Res., 55, 15–19.
  • Tamanini, C., Bono, G., Cairoli, F., Chiesa, F. (1985). Endocrine responses induced in anestrous goats by the administration of different hormones after a fluorogestone acetate treatment. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 9, 357–364.
  • Tekin, N., Muyan, M. (1985), Keçilerde baþlýca dölerme özellikleri, Doða Bilim Dergisi, 9(2), 208-219. 31.Thiéry, J.C., Chemineau, P., Hernandez, X., Migaud M., Malpaux, B. (2002). Neuroendocrine interactions and seasonality. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 23, 87–100
  • Walkden-Brown S.W., Restall B.J., Norton B.W. & Scaramuzzi R.J. (1994). The “female effect” in Australian casmere goats: effect of season and quality of diet on the LH and testosterone response of bucks to oestrous does. J. Reprod. Fertil., 100: 521-531. 33.Wildeus, S. (2000). Current concepts in synchronization of estrus Sheep and goats1,2, Agricultural Research Station, Virginia State University, Petersburg 23806, American Society of Animal Science.
  • Wuliji, T., Litherland, A., Goetsch, A.L., Sahlu, T., Puchala, R., Dawson, LJ., Gipson, T. (2003). Evaluation of melatonin and bromocryptine administration in Spanish goats I. Effects on the out of season breeding performance in spring, kidding rate and fleece weight of does. Small Rumin. Res. 49, 31–40.
  • Yalçýn, B. C. (1990) Keçi Yetiþtiriciliði, içinde, Koyun-Keçi Hastalýklarý ve Yetiþtiriciliði, 450-468, Tüm-Vet Yayýncýlýk, Bursa.
  • Zarkawi, M., Al-Merestani MR., Wardeh MF (1999) Induction of synchronized oestrus in Damascus goats outside the breeding season. Small Rumin. Res. 33, 193–197.

Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and hCG Applications on Fertility

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1, 21 - 28, 01.03.2008


This study was carried out to determine the effect of FGA impregnated intravaginal sponges on the estrous induction andthe effect of GnRH anh hCG injections applied 48 h after sponge withdrawal on the reproductive preformance of the hair goats inanestrous season.Sixty lactating hair goats were randomly assigned to three groups and 30 mg FGA impreganted intravaginal sponges were inserted tothe vagina for 14 days. Fourty eight hours before sponge withdrawal, goats recieved 500 IU PMSG and 0.075 mg cloprostenolintramuscularly.Twelve hours after sponge withdrawal twice daily, the estrous was detected and the matings were carried out by 9 fertile bucks. Fourtyeight hours after sponge withdrawal; the GnRH group (n=18) recieved 5 mcg buserelin acetate, hCG group (n=19) recieved 500 IUhuman chorionic gonadotropin intramuscularly and no application was carried out in the control group (n=18).The estrous rate was found to be 100 % in all groups. The estrous initiated 17 h after sponge withdrawal and ended nearly 48 hours.The distribution of estrous in goats were detected to be 51% (17-24 hours), 11% (25-36 hours) and 38% (37-48 hours) after spongewithdrawal. The pregnancy rates in GnRH, hCG and control groups were 38.9%, 36.8 % and 33.3% respectivelyIt was concluded that FGA, PMSG and PGF2a combination was an effective method in the induction of estrous in lactating hair goatsin anestrous season but GnRH and hCG injection applied 48 hours after sponge withdrawal did not affect fertility parameters


  • Ahmed, M.M., Makwi, S.E., Jabura, A.S. (1998). Synchronisation of oestrus in Nubian goats. Small Rumin. Res., 30, 113–120.
  • Amarantidis, I., Karagiannidis, A., Saratsis, P.H., Brikas, P. (2004) Efficiency of methods used for strous synchronization in indigenous Greek goats Small Rumin. Res., 52, 247–252.
  • Baldassarre, H. and Karatzas, C.N. (2004). Advanced assisted reproduction technologies (ART) in goats, Anim. Reprod. Sci., 82–83, 255–266. 4.Blaszczyk, B., Uda, J., Gaczarzewicz, D. (2004). Changes in estradiol, progesterone, melatonin, prolactin and thyroxine concentrations in blood plasma of goats following induced estrus in and outside the natural breeding season, Small Rumin. Res., 51, 209–219.
  • Cameron, A.W.N., Battye, K.M., Trounson, A.O. (1988). Time of ovulation in goats (Capra hircus) induced to superovulate with PMSG. J. Reprod. Fertil. 83 , 747–752.
  • Carnevali, F., Schino, G., Diverio, S., Misiti, S. (1997). Oestrus induction and synchronisation during anoestrus in cashmere goats using hormonal treatment in association with "male effect"European Fine Fibre Network, Occasional Publication No. 6 7.Chemineau P., Pelletier J., Guérin Y., Colas G., Ravault P., Touré G., Almeida G., Thimonier J., Ortavant R (1988). Photoperiodic and Melatonin in Sheep and Goats. Reprod. Nutr. Dévolop, 28 (2B), 409-422.
  • Corteel, J.M., Leboeuf B., Baril, G. (1988). Artificial breeding of adult goats and kids induced with hormones to ovulates outside the breeding season. Small Rumin. Res. 1, 19–35.
  • Dhindsa, D.S., Hoversland, A.S., Metcalfe, J. (1971). Reproductive performance in goats treated with progestagen impregnated sponges and gonadotropins. J. Anim. Sci. 32, 301–305.
  • Dogan Ý., Nur Z., Gunay, Ü., Sagýrkaya, H., Soylu, M.K., Sonmez, C. (2005) Estrous synchronization during the natural breeding season in Anatolian Black does. Vet. Med. – Czech, 50, 33–38.
  • Freitas, V.J.F., Baril, G., Saumande J (1997). Estrus synchronization in dairy goats: use of fluorogestone acetate vaginal sponges or norgestomet ear implants. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 46, 237-244.
  • Fonseca, J.F., Bruschi, J.H., Santos, I.C.C., Viana, J.H.M., Magalhães, A.C.M. (2005). Induction of estrus in non-lactating dairy goats with different estrous synchrony protocols. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 85, 117–124. 13.Gordon, I. (1997). Controlled reproduction in sheep and goats, Universty College Dublin Ireland, 53-109. 14.Greyling, J.P.C., Van Niekerk, C.H. (1990). Effect of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) and route of administration after progestagen treatment on estrus an LH secretion in the Boer goat. Small Rumin. Res., 3, 511–516.
  • Greyling, J.P.C., Van Niekerk, C.H. (1991). Different synchronization techniques in Boer goat does outside the normal breeding season, .,, 233-241. 16.Husein, M.Q., Kridli, R.T. (2003), Effect of progesterone prior to GnRH-PGF2alpha treatment on induction of oestrus and pregnancy in anoestrous Awassi ewes, Reprod. Domest. Anim. Jun,38(3):228- 32.
  • Kalkan, C., Horoz, H. (2002). Pubertas ve seksüel sikluslar. Ed: E Alaçam, Evcil hayvanlarda doðum ve infertilite.4. Baský, Ankara: Medisan 25–42. 18. Knight, C.H., Wilde, C.J., McLeod, B.J., Haresign, W. (1988). Exogenous GnRH induces ovulation in seasonally anoestrous lactating goats (Capra hircus). , 83(2), 679-86.
  • Leboeuf, B., Forgerit, Y., Bernelas, D., Pougnard, J.L., Senty, E., Driancourt, M.A. (2003), Efficacy of two types of vaginal sponges to control onset of oestrus, time of preovulatory LH peak and kidding rate in goats inseminated with variable numbers of spermatozoa. Theriogenology., 15,1371-1378. 20.Maeda, K.I., Mori, Y., Kano, Y. (1988). Involvement of melatonin in the seasonal changes of the gonadal function and prolactine secretion in female goats. Nutr. Dévolop., 28 (2B), 487-497.
  • Mani, A.U., McKelvey, W.A.C., Watson, E.D. (1992). The effects of low level of feeding on response to synchronization of oestrus, ovulation rate and embryo loss in goats. Theriogenology., 38, 1013–1022. 22.Medan, M., Shalaby, A.H., Sharawy, S., Watanabe, G., Taya, K. (2002). Induction of estrus during the non-breding season in Egyptian Baladi Goats. J. Vet. Med. Sci, 64(1), 83-85.
  • Pierson, J.T., Baldassarre, H., Kefe, C.L., Downey, B.R. (2001). Seasonal varýatýon in preovulatory events assocýated wýth synchronýzatýon of estrus in Dwarf goats, Theriogenology., 56, 759-769.
  • Pierson JT, Baldassarre H, Keefer CL, Downey BR (2003) Influence of GnRH administration on timing of the LH surge and ovulation in dwarf goats, Theriogenology, 60, 397–406.
  • Regueiro, M., Pérez Clariget, R., Ganzábalb, A., Aba, M., Forsberg, M. (1999). Effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate and eCG treatment on the reproductive performance of dairy goats, Small Rumin. Res., 33, 223-230.
  • Reyna, J., Thomson, P.C., Evans, G., Maxwell, W.M.C. (2007). Synchrony of Ovulation and Follicular Dynamics in Merino Ewes Treated with GnRH in the Breeding and Non-breeding Seasons, Reprod. Domest. Anim., 42, 410–417.
  • Rhind, S.M.., Robinson, J.J., Chesworth, J.M., Crofts, R.M. (1980). Effects of season, lactation and plane of nutrition on prolactin concentrations in ovine plasma and the role of prolactin in the control of ewe fertility. J. Reprod. Fertil., 58,145-152.
  • Romano, J.E. (2004). Synchronization of estrus using CIDR, FGA or MAP intravaginal pessaries during the breeding season in Nubian goats, Small Rumin. Res., 55, 15–19.
  • Tamanini, C., Bono, G., Cairoli, F., Chiesa, F. (1985). Endocrine responses induced in anestrous goats by the administration of different hormones after a fluorogestone acetate treatment. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 9, 357–364.
  • Tekin, N., Muyan, M. (1985), Keçilerde baþlýca dölerme özellikleri, Doða Bilim Dergisi, 9(2), 208-219. 31.Thiéry, J.C., Chemineau, P., Hernandez, X., Migaud M., Malpaux, B. (2002). Neuroendocrine interactions and seasonality. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 23, 87–100
  • Walkden-Brown S.W., Restall B.J., Norton B.W. & Scaramuzzi R.J. (1994). The “female effect” in Australian casmere goats: effect of season and quality of diet on the LH and testosterone response of bucks to oestrous does. J. Reprod. Fertil., 100: 521-531. 33.Wildeus, S. (2000). Current concepts in synchronization of estrus Sheep and goats1,2, Agricultural Research Station, Virginia State University, Petersburg 23806, American Society of Animal Science.
  • Wuliji, T., Litherland, A., Goetsch, A.L., Sahlu, T., Puchala, R., Dawson, LJ., Gipson, T. (2003). Evaluation of melatonin and bromocryptine administration in Spanish goats I. Effects on the out of season breeding performance in spring, kidding rate and fleece weight of does. Small Rumin. Res. 49, 31–40.
  • Yalçýn, B. C. (1990) Keçi Yetiþtiriciliði, içinde, Koyun-Keçi Hastalýklarý ve Yetiþtiriciliði, 450-468, Tüm-Vet Yayýncýlýk, Bursa.
  • Zarkawi, M., Al-Merestani MR., Wardeh MF (1999) Induction of synchronized oestrus in Damascus goats outside the breeding season. Small Rumin. Res. 33, 193–197.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69TU28HP
Bölüm Araştırma

Mustafa Kemal Sarıbay Bu kişi benim

Gökhan Doğruer Bu kişi benim

Yaşar Ergün Bu kişi benim

Fikret Karaca Bu kişi benim

Cafer Tayyar Ateş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Sarıbay, M. K., Doğruer, G., Ergün, Y., Karaca, F., vd. (2008). Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and hCG Applications on Fertility. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 24(1), 21-28.
AMA Sarıbay MK, Doğruer G, Ergün Y, Karaca F, Ateş CT. Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and hCG Applications on Fertility. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2008;24(1):21-28.
Chicago Sarıbay, Mustafa Kemal, Gökhan Doğruer, Yaşar Ergün, Fikret Karaca, ve Cafer Tayyar Ateş. “Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and HCG Applications on Fertility”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24, sy. 1 (Mart 2008): 21-28.
EndNote Sarıbay MK, Doğruer G, Ergün Y, Karaca F, Ateş CT (01 Mart 2008) Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and hCG Applications on Fertility. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24 1 21–28.
IEEE M. K. Sarıbay, G. Doğruer, Y. Ergün, F. Karaca, ve C. T. Ateş, “Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and hCG Applications on Fertility”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 24, sy. 1, ss. 21–28, 2008.
ISNAD Sarıbay, Mustafa Kemal vd. “Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and HCG Applications on Fertility”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 24/1 (Mart 2008), 21-28.
JAMA Sarıbay MK, Doğruer G, Ergün Y, Karaca F, Ateş CT. Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and hCG Applications on Fertility. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2008;24:21–28.
MLA Sarıbay, Mustafa Kemal vd. “Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and HCG Applications on Fertility”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 24, sy. 1, 2008, ss. 21-28.
Vancouver Sarıbay MK, Doğruer G, Ergün Y, Karaca F, Ateş CT. Estrous Induction In Lactating Hair Goats Outside the Breeding Season by Flourogestone Acetat Containing Vaginal Sponges; The Effect of GnRH and hCG Applications on Fertility. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2008;24(1):21-8.