Appel , M.J. (1988 ) Ooes canine coronavirus augmenl the eue cte ol subsequenl carvcwus inlection? vet . Med., 83, 36Q.366.
Binn, L.N., Lazar, E.C., Kenan, K P., Huxsoll, O.L., Marchwicki. RH., Strano, A.J . (1974 ) Recovery And Cheractensaticn Of A rc vıru s From Millitary Dogs With Diarrhea. Proc. US Anim . Health. Assoc., 78, 359-366.
Buonavoglia, C., Decarc. N., Martella, V., Ella, G., Campeto, M., Desario, C., Casıagnar M., Tempesta, M. (2006) Canine ccrcnavhus highly palhogenic IOf dogs. Emerg. ınrect OIS., 12, 3, 492·494.
Carmichael , L.E., Binn, L.N. (1981 ) New enterlc viruses in the dog. Adv . v et . Sci. Comp. Med., 25, 1-35.
Erles, K., Toomey, C., Brooks, H.W., Brownlie, J. (2003) Detecticn ol a Group 2 Corooavirus in Oogs with Canine infeclious spiraıory Disease. Virology, 310, 216·223.
Greene, C.E. (1990) Ganine coronaviral enterilis . In: ıntıou s diseases ol the dog and cal (CE Greene ed.I, W.B. Saundera, Pnnaceıonıa 281-283.
Martin, H.D., Zeidner N.S. (1992) Concominant crvctosporidia, coronavirus and parvovirus inleclion in a reccoon. J. Wildl. OIS., 28, 113-11 5.
Mochizuki, M., Sugiura, R, Akuzawa, M. (1987) MicroNe uırans euc r est With Can ine Coronavirus lor Oetection ol Ooronavirus Antibodies in Oogs and Cats. Jpn . J. ve t. Sci., 49, 563-565 .
Moch izuki, M., Hashimoıo, M., Ishida, T. (200 1) Recent epidemiological status ol ca nine viral entenc lntecnons and Giardia inleetion in Japan. J. Vet. Med. seı, 63, S, 573-57 5.
Naylor, M.J., Monckıon RP., Lehrbach, P.R, Deane, E.M. (2001) Canine Ooronavirus in Australian 009S. Aust. VeI. J., 79,116'119.
Pratelli, A., 'remoesta. M., Roperto, P., Sagazio. P., Carmichael, L., Buonavoglia, C. (1999) Fatal Coronavir us Inleetion in Puppies Following Canin e Parvovirus 2b Intccttcn J. Vet . Diagn. lnvest., 11,550·553.
Pralelli, A., Mart ella, V., Elia, G., r errceste. M., Guarda, F., Capucchio, M.T., Carmichael, L.E., Buonavoglia C. (2001) Severe entenc diseas e in an animal sheuer associaled wilh cuat ın ecucne by canine aden evirus lype 1 and canine coronavirus. J. vet. Med., 48, S, 385.
Prate lli, A., Elia, G., Martetla, V., Palmi eri, A., Cirone, F.. Tinelli , A., Corrente, M., Buona voglia, C. (2002) Prevalance of canine Oorcnavirua Anlibodies by an Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay in Dogs in The Souıh of ltaly. J. Virol. Melh., 102.67·71 .
Rimelzwaan, G.F., Groen , J., Egberink, H.. acrst, G.H., Uytdehaag, F.G., stertı aus, A.D. (1991) The Use ol Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay Systems lor Serology and Antigen Detecton in Parvcvirus, Coronavirus and Rolavirus ıntecucn in Doçs in The Netherlands. Vet. Microbiol., 26, 25-40.
Tennant, B.J., Gask ell, R M., Jones, s.c.. Gas kell, C.J. (1993 ) Studies on the Epizoobology of Canine Corenavirus. v et. Rec ., 132,7-11 .
'rucnıya. K, Henmeto. T., Azeteka, M., Takahashi, E., Konishi, S. (1991) Enzyme·linked immunosorbenl Assay lor the Deıecucn ol Canine Coronavirus and its Antibody in Oogs. Vet. Microbiol., 26, 41-51,
Yasoshima, A., Fujinami, F., Doi, K. (1983) Case report on mıxed tectıc of canine pervcvnue and canine corenavirus. Jpn . J. Vet. ScL, 45, 217-225.
Yeşilbağ K., Yılmaz, Y., Torun, S., PraleUi, A. (2004) canine Ccrcnavtrus Inlection in Turkish Doç Population. J. Vet. Med., 51, 353·355.
Case report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus presence in a dog shelter
Appel , M.J. (1988 ) Ooes canine coronavirus augmenl the eue cte ol subsequenl carvcwus inlection? vet . Med., 83, 36Q.366.
Binn, L.N., Lazar, E.C., Kenan, K P., Huxsoll, O.L., Marchwicki. RH., Strano, A.J . (1974 ) Recovery And Cheractensaticn Of A rc vıru s From Millitary Dogs With Diarrhea. Proc. US Anim . Health. Assoc., 78, 359-366.
Buonavoglia, C., Decarc. N., Martella, V., Ella, G., Campeto, M., Desario, C., Casıagnar M., Tempesta, M. (2006) Canine ccrcnavhus highly palhogenic IOf dogs. Emerg. ınrect OIS., 12, 3, 492·494.
Carmichael , L.E., Binn, L.N. (1981 ) New enterlc viruses in the dog. Adv . v et . Sci. Comp. Med., 25, 1-35.
Erles, K., Toomey, C., Brooks, H.W., Brownlie, J. (2003) Detecticn ol a Group 2 Corooavirus in Oogs with Canine infeclious spiraıory Disease. Virology, 310, 216·223.
Greene, C.E. (1990) Ganine coronaviral enterilis . In: ıntıou s diseases ol the dog and cal (CE Greene ed.I, W.B. Saundera, Pnnaceıonıa 281-283.
Martin, H.D., Zeidner N.S. (1992) Concominant crvctosporidia, coronavirus and parvovirus inleclion in a reccoon. J. Wildl. OIS., 28, 113-11 5.
Mochizuki, M., Sugiura, R, Akuzawa, M. (1987) MicroNe uırans euc r est With Can ine Coronavirus lor Oetection ol Ooronavirus Antibodies in Oogs and Cats. Jpn . J. ve t. Sci., 49, 563-565 .
Moch izuki, M., Hashimoıo, M., Ishida, T. (200 1) Recent epidemiological status ol ca nine viral entenc lntecnons and Giardia inleetion in Japan. J. Vet. Med. seı, 63, S, 573-57 5.
Naylor, M.J., Monckıon RP., Lehrbach, P.R, Deane, E.M. (2001) Canine Ooronavirus in Australian 009S. Aust. VeI. J., 79,116'119.
Pratelli, A., 'remoesta. M., Roperto, P., Sagazio. P., Carmichael, L., Buonavoglia, C. (1999) Fatal Coronavir us Inleetion in Puppies Following Canin e Parvovirus 2b Intccttcn J. Vet . Diagn. lnvest., 11,550·553.
Pralelli, A., Mart ella, V., Elia, G., r errceste. M., Guarda, F., Capucchio, M.T., Carmichael, L.E., Buonavoglia C. (2001) Severe entenc diseas e in an animal sheuer associaled wilh cuat ın ecucne by canine aden evirus lype 1 and canine coronavirus. J. vet. Med., 48, S, 385.
Prate lli, A., Elia, G., Martetla, V., Palmi eri, A., Cirone, F.. Tinelli , A., Corrente, M., Buona voglia, C. (2002) Prevalance of canine Oorcnavirua Anlibodies by an Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay in Dogs in The Souıh of ltaly. J. Virol. Melh., 102.67·71 .
Rimelzwaan, G.F., Groen , J., Egberink, H.. acrst, G.H., Uytdehaag, F.G., stertı aus, A.D. (1991) The Use ol Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay Systems lor Serology and Antigen Detecton in Parvcvirus, Coronavirus and Rolavirus ıntecucn in Doçs in The Netherlands. Vet. Microbiol., 26, 25-40.
Tennant, B.J., Gask ell, R M., Jones, s.c.. Gas kell, C.J. (1993 ) Studies on the Epizoobology of Canine Corenavirus. v et. Rec ., 132,7-11 .
'rucnıya. K, Henmeto. T., Azeteka, M., Takahashi, E., Konishi, S. (1991) Enzyme·linked immunosorbenl Assay lor the Deıecucn ol Canine Coronavirus and its Antibody in Oogs. Vet. Microbiol., 26, 41-51,
Yasoshima, A., Fujinami, F., Doi, K. (1983) Case report on mıxed tectıc of canine pervcvnue and canine corenavirus. Jpn . J. Vet. ScL, 45, 217-225.
Yeşilbağ K., Yılmaz, Y., Torun, S., PraleUi, A. (2004) canine Ccrcnavtrus Inlection in Turkish Doç Population. J. Vet. Med., 51, 353·355.
Gür, S., & Civelek, T. (2007). Case report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus presence in a dog shelter. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(2), 103-106.
Gür S, Civelek T. Case report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus presence in a dog shelter. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Haziran 2007;23(2):103-106.
Gür, Sibel, ve Turan Civelek. “Case Report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus Presence in a Dog Shelter”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, sy. 2 (Haziran 2007): 103-6.
Gür S, Civelek T (01 Haziran 2007) Case report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus presence in a dog shelter. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 2 103–106.
S. Gür ve T. Civelek, “Case report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus presence in a dog shelter”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 23, sy. 2, ss. 103–106, 2007.
Gür, Sibel - Civelek, Turan. “Case Report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus Presence in a Dog Shelter”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/2 (Haziran 2007), 103-106.
Gür S, Civelek T. Case report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus presence in a dog shelter. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:103–106.
Gür, Sibel ve Turan Civelek. “Case Report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus Presence in a Dog Shelter”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 23, sy. 2, 2007, ss. 103-6.
Gür S, Civelek T. Case report: Serologic Investigation of Canine Coronavirus presence in a dog shelter. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(2):103-6.