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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 67 - 72, 01.06.2007


  • Altunok. V.• izamlıoğlu, M.• Erguven, A.• Togan, I. (1999). Red blood cell enzyme biochemieal polymorphism in Anatolian shepherd dog. Rev. Med. vet.. 150,7,625·628.
  • AntürX. M.E. (1983). vei Hayvanların Genetiği". 2. Bas ı. A.Ü. Bastmevi, Ankara.
  • Ayaıa F.J. (1982). "Population and Evolutionary Genetice: A Primer". The BenjaminlCummings Publishing Company, Ine, c enrcmre.
  • Crozier, V.W., Ferguson, A. (1986). Electrophcretic examinalion ol the population slrueture ol Brown Trout, Salmo ırutt L, trom tne Lough Neagh öatctvnent Ncrtnem eıarc J. Fish sıcı. 28:459·477.
  • Deza , C., Perez, G.T.. Gardenal, C.N., varete. L, vınar M., Rubiales, S., Barioglio, C. (2000). Protein polymoıphism in neuve goals Irom central Argentina. Smail Ruminant Res., 35, 195-201.
  • Oüzgune ş. O., Ekingen, H.R. (1983). "Geneıik". 2.Baskl, A.Ü Ziraat Fak. Yayın ları 555.A.Ü Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Elma C., Asal, S. (1998). Ankara Keçilerinde Translerrin (Bela-Globulin) Pclimcrfizmi. Tr. J. ol Veterinary and Anımal Sciences., 22:321·323.
  • Fesus. L. , Varkonji, J., Ats. A.(1983). Biochemical poJy' mcrphism in goals with seeeter reterence lo the Hungarian Natıve breed. Anim. BloOO Grps. Genel, 14:1-6.
  • Grunbaum, B.M., Crim, M.D.Ph. (1981). "Handbook for Forensic fndividuaüzetlcn of Human BloOO and Bloocstaln". Published by Harward Calilornia U.S.A.
  • Harris, H., Hopkinson DA (1976). "Hadbook of Enzyme Electrcphcresis in Human Genetics". EIsevier Publishing Company tnc., New York.
  • Igarashi, M.L.S.P., Maehado, T.M., Ferre. JA, ccntet. E.P.B. (2000). Structure and çeneuc reraucnsbc among arannan naturaıizeo and lrnported goal breecs. Biocem. Genel., 38, 11\12.353-365.
  • Menrad, M., Sner, C.H., Geldermann , H., Gall, C.F. (2002). A study on Changlhangi pashmina and the Bakeıwali goat breeds in Kashmir i. Analysis ol blood proteln polymorphisms and genetic variabilify within and bel· ween the populalions. Smail Ruminant Res., 43, 3-14.
  • Mızrak G. (1997). OnsOz In "Latahan araş tnma enstnüs üooe yayınlanan Ankara keçisi ile ilgili aştır özetleri (1953-1997)". Lalahan Arş Ensl. Ya ın No: 67, Ankara.
  • Nyamsamba, O., Nemura, K., Nozawa, K., vckcneme. M., Zagdsuren. K.Y., Amano, T. (2003). Genetic relainship by boold protein po tym oıphism Smail Ruminan! Res.,37,171-18"
  • Seixas, D., Arnaud H., Queinnec, G., Queinnee. B. (1988). Approche du polymoıphisme blcchcmlque des enzymes erythrocytaires etplasmaliqes du etiren domesuque. Rev. Mel vet., 139(3): 285-291-
  • Tocker, E.M., Clarke, S.W. (1980). ccmparanve aspects of bıocnemlcal polymoıphism in the blood ol Caprinae species and their hybrids. Animal Blood Groups Biochem. eeeeı., 11, 163-183.
  • Tucker, E.M.. Clarke, S.W., Osterholl, D.R, Groenewald, J. (1983). An invesligation of liye genetic lee! conlr olling pcümcrphc variants in the red cens ol goats. Anim. Blood Groups Biochem üenet. 14(4): 269-2n.
  • Tunon, M.J., Gonzales, P. and Vallejo, M. (1989). Geneuc relationships between 14 naliye spanish breecs of goal. Animal Genelie, 20:205-212.
  • Uğrar, E., Erkoç, F.Ü., Kalkandelen, G.(1986). Identificalion of Transferrin Types in Blood ol Angora Goal. Do{ıa Tr. J. Vet. eı 10 (2) :193·203.
  • Yaman, K. (1980). Ankara Keçilerinde Transferrin tipleriyle bazı liflik özellikleri arasındaki bağınıl. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 27 (3-4) : 373-379.

Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2, 67 - 72, 01.06.2007


  • Altunok. V.• izamlıoğlu, M.• Erguven, A.• Togan, I. (1999). Red blood cell enzyme biochemieal polymorphism in Anatolian shepherd dog. Rev. Med. vet.. 150,7,625·628.
  • AntürX. M.E. (1983). vei Hayvanların Genetiği". 2. Bas ı. A.Ü. Bastmevi, Ankara.
  • Ayaıa F.J. (1982). "Population and Evolutionary Genetice: A Primer". The BenjaminlCummings Publishing Company, Ine, c enrcmre.
  • Crozier, V.W., Ferguson, A. (1986). Electrophcretic examinalion ol the population slrueture ol Brown Trout, Salmo ırutt L, trom tne Lough Neagh öatctvnent Ncrtnem eıarc J. Fish sıcı. 28:459·477.
  • Deza , C., Perez, G.T.. Gardenal, C.N., varete. L, vınar M., Rubiales, S., Barioglio, C. (2000). Protein polymoıphism in neuve goals Irom central Argentina. Smail Ruminant Res., 35, 195-201.
  • Oüzgune ş. O., Ekingen, H.R. (1983). "Geneıik". 2.Baskl, A.Ü Ziraat Fak. Yayın ları 555.A.Ü Basımevi, Ankara.
  • Elma C., Asal, S. (1998). Ankara Keçilerinde Translerrin (Bela-Globulin) Pclimcrfizmi. Tr. J. ol Veterinary and Anımal Sciences., 22:321·323.
  • Fesus. L. , Varkonji, J., Ats. A.(1983). Biochemical poJy' mcrphism in goals with seeeter reterence lo the Hungarian Natıve breed. Anim. BloOO Grps. Genel, 14:1-6.
  • Grunbaum, B.M., Crim, M.D.Ph. (1981). "Handbook for Forensic fndividuaüzetlcn of Human BloOO and Bloocstaln". Published by Harward Calilornia U.S.A.
  • Harris, H., Hopkinson DA (1976). "Hadbook of Enzyme Electrcphcresis in Human Genetics". EIsevier Publishing Company tnc., New York.
  • Igarashi, M.L.S.P., Maehado, T.M., Ferre. JA, ccntet. E.P.B. (2000). Structure and çeneuc reraucnsbc among arannan naturaıizeo and lrnported goal breecs. Biocem. Genel., 38, 11\12.353-365.
  • Menrad, M., Sner, C.H., Geldermann , H., Gall, C.F. (2002). A study on Changlhangi pashmina and the Bakeıwali goat breeds in Kashmir i. Analysis ol blood proteln polymorphisms and genetic variabilify within and bel· ween the populalions. Smail Ruminant Res., 43, 3-14.
  • Mızrak G. (1997). OnsOz In "Latahan araş tnma enstnüs üooe yayınlanan Ankara keçisi ile ilgili aştır özetleri (1953-1997)". Lalahan Arş Ensl. Ya ın No: 67, Ankara.
  • Nyamsamba, O., Nemura, K., Nozawa, K., vckcneme. M., Zagdsuren. K.Y., Amano, T. (2003). Genetic relainship by boold protein po tym oıphism Smail Ruminan! Res.,37,171-18"
  • Seixas, D., Arnaud H., Queinnec, G., Queinnee. B. (1988). Approche du polymoıphisme blcchcmlque des enzymes erythrocytaires etplasmaliqes du etiren domesuque. Rev. Mel vet., 139(3): 285-291-
  • Tocker, E.M., Clarke, S.W. (1980). ccmparanve aspects of bıocnemlcal polymoıphism in the blood ol Caprinae species and their hybrids. Animal Blood Groups Biochem. eeeeı., 11, 163-183.
  • Tucker, E.M.. Clarke, S.W., Osterholl, D.R, Groenewald, J. (1983). An invesligation of liye genetic lee! conlr olling pcümcrphc variants in the red cens ol goats. Anim. Blood Groups Biochem üenet. 14(4): 269-2n.
  • Tunon, M.J., Gonzales, P. and Vallejo, M. (1989). Geneuc relationships between 14 naliye spanish breecs of goal. Animal Genelie, 20:205-212.
  • Uğrar, E., Erkoç, F.Ü., Kalkandelen, G.(1986). Identificalion of Transferrin Types in Blood ol Angora Goal. Do{ıa Tr. J. Vet. eı 10 (2) :193·203.
  • Yaman, K. (1980). Ankara Keçilerinde Transferrin tipleriyle bazı liflik özellikleri arasındaki bağınıl. A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg., 27 (3-4) : 373-379.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69VT85VJ
Bölüm Araştırma

Vahdettin Altunok Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Nizamlıoğlu Bu kişi benim

Zafer Bulut Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Altunok, V., Nizamlıoğlu, M., & Bulut, Z. (2007). Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(2), 67-72.
AMA Altunok V, Nizamlıoğlu M, Bulut Z. Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Haziran 2007;23(2):67-72.
Chicago Altunok, Vahdettin, Mehmet Nizamlıoğlu, ve Zafer Bulut. “Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, sy. 2 (Haziran 2007): 67-72.
EndNote Altunok V, Nizamlıoğlu M, Bulut Z (01 Haziran 2007) Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 2 67–72.
IEEE V. Altunok, M. Nizamlıoğlu, ve Z. Bulut, “Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 23, sy. 2, ss. 67–72, 2007.
ISNAD Altunok, Vahdettin vd. “Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/2 (Haziran 2007), 67-72.
JAMA Altunok V, Nizamlıoğlu M, Bulut Z. Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:67–72.
MLA Altunok, Vahdettin vd. “Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 23, sy. 2, 2007, ss. 67-72.
Vancouver Altunok V, Nizamlıoğlu M, Bulut Z. Investigation of Genetic Structure of Angora Goat By Using Starch Gel Electrophoretic Method. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(2):67-72.