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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 79 - 82, 01.03.2007


  • Andrews. W.H.• Hammack, 1.S. (1998). Salmone/fa In: Food and Orug Administration, Bacleriological Analytical Manual ttı Edilion (Revision A), AOAC Inlernational, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Andrews, WH., Jaeobson, A (2000). Shigella. In: Food and Drug Adminis ıratio aac encıcçıce Analytieal Manual. a1h Edition (Revision A), AQAC International, Gaithersburg, MD,
  • Anonymous. (2005). Türk ıda Kodeksi. Insani Tüketim Amaçlı Sular Ha kınd Yönetmelik. Resmi Gazete, 17.02.2005, Sa 25730 .
  • Arias, C., Sala, M,R., Dominguez, A., artokıme, R., Be· nıe. A., veetane. P" Pedrol, A , Hoyo. G. Oulbrea k Working Group. (2006). Watelborne Epidemie Oulbre ak ol Shigella sonnet Gastroenteritis in Santa Maria de Palautordera, Catalonia Spain. Epidem iol. tntect., 134, 598· 604.
  • Azanza, M.P.V., Comago, D.F. (2005). Estimation ol Human Exposure to Baeterial Pathogens in Drinking Water of Philippine Passenger Ships. Food SeL Technol. Res.. ll, 332-338.
  • CDC. Centers for Disease Control, mvrsıcn of Baeterial and Myeotie Dlseases. Salmonellosis, available at hllp :11 www.ede .gov/ne dodldbmdldiseas fOı salmonellosis_t.htm. Aeeessed March 29.
  • CDC. Centers lar Disease Control and Prevention. (1996). Shigella sonnet Outbreak Assoeiated wilh conina ed Drinking Water-Island Park, Idaho, August 1995. Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep., 45, 229-231.
  • Ceylan, A , Aeemoglu, H., Hosoglu, S., Gul, K , ncın E., Ele, M. (2003). Typhoi d Fever Epidemie in Ahmet li Village, Diyarba kir-Ergani. MikrobiyaL. BuL., 37, 41-47.
  • Chen, K.T., Ohen, C.J., Chiu, J.P. (2001). A School Wa· terborne Oulbreak Involving Both Shigella sonnet and Entamoeba histolytica. J. Environ. Health., 64, 9- 13.
  • Egoz, N., Shmilovitz, M., Kretzer, B. tucıan, M., Porat, V., Raz, A. (199 1). An Outbreak of Shigella sonnet infeciian Due to Contamination of a Munieipal Water Supply in Northem tsrael. J. nt ct., 22, 87-93.
  • Erdem, B., Ercis, S., Hascelik, G., Gur, D., Aysev, A.D. (2005). Antimicrobtal Resistance of Salmoneıla enterica Group C Strains Isolatecllrom Humans in Turkey, 2000- 2002. lnt. J. Antimicrob. Ag., 26, 33-37.
  • Ford, T.E. (1999). Microbiological Safety ol Drink ing Water: United States and Global Persoecuves. Environ. Health Pe rspect., 107 (Suppll), 191-206 .
  • 81A. (1998). Drinking Water in Developing Countries. Annu. Rev. Energy Environ., 23, 253-286.
  • Gouws, PA , vısse r, M., Brözel, V.S. (1998). A Pclymerase Chain Reaetion Procedure for the Dalection of Salmonella sp. wilh 24 Hours. . J. Focd Prctect., 61, 1039-1042.
  • Grover, P.S., Thakur, K (2001). Shima Drinking Water-A Baeteriological Analysis. J. Commun . Dis., 33, 44-52.
  • Hasoe, M., Oğur, A., Tekbaş O.F. (2002) . Anka ra II Merkezinde Bulunan Askeri Birliklerdeki Kuyu Suların ın Pohmeraz Zincir Reaksiyon Sistemi Ile Mikrobiyolojik Analizlerinin ap ıl sı Gülhane Tıp Derg., 44, 373-377.
  • Hemandez, T., Sierra, A., Rodriguez-Alvarez, C., Terres. A., Arevalo, M.P., Calvo, M., Arias, A. (2005). Salmonella emertes Serotypes Isolated from Imported Frozen Chicken Meal in the Canary sıan cs. J. Food Protect., 68, 2702-2706.
  • Ho, KC., Chow, Y.L , Yau, J.T.S. (2003). Chemical and Microbiological Qualilies of the East River (Dongjiang) Water, with Particular Reference to Drinking water Supply in Hong Kong. Chemosphere, 52, 1441·1450.
  • Khalil, K., Lindblom, G.B., Mazhar, K , Kaijser, B. (1994). Flies and Water as ges ervclrs for Bacterial Enteropathogens in Urban and Rural Areas in and Around tanere. Pakistan. Epidemiol. ıntect. 113, 435-444.
  • Koutsotoli, A.D., Papassava, ME , Maipa, V.E., Alamanos, Y.P. (2006). Comparing Shigella Waterborne Outbreaks in Four Dillerent Areas in Greece: Common Features and Diflerences. Epidemiol. ıntect., 134, 157· 162.
  • lampel, KA" Maurelli, A.T. (2002), Shigella. In "Foodborne Dlseases", 200 Edition, Eds., 0. 0. enver and H.P. Riemann, pp. 69-77, Acadernic Press, l ondon.
  • Lichnevski; M. (1996). Shigella dysentery and Shigella lnfections. East. Mediterr. Health J., 2, 102-106. Molinero, M.E., Femandez, 1., Garcla-Calabuiq, MA,
  • Peiro, E. (1998). Investigation ol a Water-Bome Salmonella Ohio Outbreak. Enlerm. Infeec. Microbiol. Clin., 16, 230-232.
  • 0 0, K,N., Han, A.M., Hlaing, T., Aye, T. (1991). Bacleriologic Studies ol Food and Water Consumed By Children in Myanmar: 1. The Nalure of Contamination. J, Diarrhoea l. Dis. Res., 9, 87-90.
  • Schuster, C.J., Ellis, A.G., Robertson. W.J., Charron, D.F., Aramini, J.J., Marshall, B.T., Medeiros, D.T. (2005). Inleclious Disease Oulbrea ks Related to Drinking Water in Canada, 1974-2001. Can. J. Public. Health., 96, 254- 258.
  • Swaddiwudhipong, W., Kanlayanaphotporn, J. (200 1). A Common-Source water-eome Outbreak ol Multidrug' Resistan Typhoid Fever in a Rural Thai Community. J. Med. Asscc. Thai., 84, 1513-1517.
  • Tavechio, A.T" Ghilardi, A,C.R., Peresi. J,T.M., Fuzihara, T.O., Yonamine, EK, .Iakabi, M., Fernandes, SA (2002). Salmonella Serolypes Isolated from Nonhuman Sources in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 1996 through 2000. J. Food Protect., 65,1 041·1044.
  • Theron, J., Morar, O., Du Preez, M., ar özeı, V.S., venler, S,N. (2001). A Sensttive Senı ne ad PCR Method lor the Detection of Shigella in Spiked Environmental Water Sampl es. Wat. Res., 35, 869-874.
  • Tosun, M. (2005) . Içme ve Madcn Suyu Sektör Ar ş­ ırma SA-05-01·0 1, aştırma Müd ürlüğü Ankara. s. 3.
  • Wu, F.M., Doyle, M.P., Beuchat , l.A., Wells, J.G., Mintz, E.D., Swaminathan , B. (2000). Fate of Shigella sonnei on Parsley and Methods of Disintecticn J. Food Protect., 63, 568-572.

Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian well waters Used for Drinking in Bursa

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 79 - 82, 01.03.2007


  • Andrews. W.H.• Hammack, 1.S. (1998). Salmone/fa In: Food and Orug Administration, Bacleriological Analytical Manual ttı Edilion (Revision A), AOAC Inlernational, Gaithersburg, MD.
  • Andrews, WH., Jaeobson, A (2000). Shigella. In: Food and Drug Adminis ıratio aac encıcçıce Analytieal Manual. a1h Edition (Revision A), AQAC International, Gaithersburg, MD,
  • Anonymous. (2005). Türk ıda Kodeksi. Insani Tüketim Amaçlı Sular Ha kınd Yönetmelik. Resmi Gazete, 17.02.2005, Sa 25730 .
  • Arias, C., Sala, M,R., Dominguez, A., artokıme, R., Be· nıe. A., veetane. P" Pedrol, A , Hoyo. G. Oulbrea k Working Group. (2006). Watelborne Epidemie Oulbre ak ol Shigella sonnet Gastroenteritis in Santa Maria de Palautordera, Catalonia Spain. Epidem iol. tntect., 134, 598· 604.
  • Azanza, M.P.V., Comago, D.F. (2005). Estimation ol Human Exposure to Baeterial Pathogens in Drinking Water of Philippine Passenger Ships. Food SeL Technol. Res.. ll, 332-338.
  • CDC. Centers for Disease Control, mvrsıcn of Baeterial and Myeotie Dlseases. Salmonellosis, available at hllp :11 www.ede .gov/ne dodldbmdldiseas fOı salmonellosis_t.htm. Aeeessed March 29.
  • CDC. Centers lar Disease Control and Prevention. (1996). Shigella sonnet Outbreak Assoeiated wilh conina ed Drinking Water-Island Park, Idaho, August 1995. Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep., 45, 229-231.
  • Ceylan, A , Aeemoglu, H., Hosoglu, S., Gul, K , ncın E., Ele, M. (2003). Typhoi d Fever Epidemie in Ahmet li Village, Diyarba kir-Ergani. MikrobiyaL. BuL., 37, 41-47.
  • Chen, K.T., Ohen, C.J., Chiu, J.P. (2001). A School Wa· terborne Oulbreak Involving Both Shigella sonnet and Entamoeba histolytica. J. Environ. Health., 64, 9- 13.
  • Egoz, N., Shmilovitz, M., Kretzer, B. tucıan, M., Porat, V., Raz, A. (199 1). An Outbreak of Shigella sonnet infeciian Due to Contamination of a Munieipal Water Supply in Northem tsrael. J. nt ct., 22, 87-93.
  • Erdem, B., Ercis, S., Hascelik, G., Gur, D., Aysev, A.D. (2005). Antimicrobtal Resistance of Salmoneıla enterica Group C Strains Isolatecllrom Humans in Turkey, 2000- 2002. lnt. J. Antimicrob. Ag., 26, 33-37.
  • Ford, T.E. (1999). Microbiological Safety ol Drink ing Water: United States and Global Persoecuves. Environ. Health Pe rspect., 107 (Suppll), 191-206 .
  • 81A. (1998). Drinking Water in Developing Countries. Annu. Rev. Energy Environ., 23, 253-286.
  • Gouws, PA , vısse r, M., Brözel, V.S. (1998). A Pclymerase Chain Reaetion Procedure for the Dalection of Salmonella sp. wilh 24 Hours. . J. Focd Prctect., 61, 1039-1042.
  • Grover, P.S., Thakur, K (2001). Shima Drinking Water-A Baeteriological Analysis. J. Commun . Dis., 33, 44-52.
  • Hasoe, M., Oğur, A., Tekbaş O.F. (2002) . Anka ra II Merkezinde Bulunan Askeri Birliklerdeki Kuyu Suların ın Pohmeraz Zincir Reaksiyon Sistemi Ile Mikrobiyolojik Analizlerinin ap ıl sı Gülhane Tıp Derg., 44, 373-377.
  • Hemandez, T., Sierra, A., Rodriguez-Alvarez, C., Terres. A., Arevalo, M.P., Calvo, M., Arias, A. (2005). Salmonella emertes Serotypes Isolated from Imported Frozen Chicken Meal in the Canary sıan cs. J. Food Protect., 68, 2702-2706.
  • Ho, KC., Chow, Y.L , Yau, J.T.S. (2003). Chemical and Microbiological Qualilies of the East River (Dongjiang) Water, with Particular Reference to Drinking water Supply in Hong Kong. Chemosphere, 52, 1441·1450.
  • Khalil, K., Lindblom, G.B., Mazhar, K , Kaijser, B. (1994). Flies and Water as ges ervclrs for Bacterial Enteropathogens in Urban and Rural Areas in and Around tanere. Pakistan. Epidemiol. ıntect. 113, 435-444.
  • Koutsotoli, A.D., Papassava, ME , Maipa, V.E., Alamanos, Y.P. (2006). Comparing Shigella Waterborne Outbreaks in Four Dillerent Areas in Greece: Common Features and Diflerences. Epidemiol. ıntect., 134, 157· 162.
  • lampel, KA" Maurelli, A.T. (2002), Shigella. In "Foodborne Dlseases", 200 Edition, Eds., 0. 0. enver and H.P. Riemann, pp. 69-77, Acadernic Press, l ondon.
  • Lichnevski; M. (1996). Shigella dysentery and Shigella lnfections. East. Mediterr. Health J., 2, 102-106. Molinero, M.E., Femandez, 1., Garcla-Calabuiq, MA,
  • Peiro, E. (1998). Investigation ol a Water-Bome Salmonella Ohio Outbreak. Enlerm. Infeec. Microbiol. Clin., 16, 230-232.
  • 0 0, K,N., Han, A.M., Hlaing, T., Aye, T. (1991). Bacleriologic Studies ol Food and Water Consumed By Children in Myanmar: 1. The Nalure of Contamination. J, Diarrhoea l. Dis. Res., 9, 87-90.
  • Schuster, C.J., Ellis, A.G., Robertson. W.J., Charron, D.F., Aramini, J.J., Marshall, B.T., Medeiros, D.T. (2005). Inleclious Disease Oulbrea ks Related to Drinking Water in Canada, 1974-2001. Can. J. Public. Health., 96, 254- 258.
  • Swaddiwudhipong, W., Kanlayanaphotporn, J. (200 1). A Common-Source water-eome Outbreak ol Multidrug' Resistan Typhoid Fever in a Rural Thai Community. J. Med. Asscc. Thai., 84, 1513-1517.
  • Tavechio, A.T" Ghilardi, A,C.R., Peresi. J,T.M., Fuzihara, T.O., Yonamine, EK, .Iakabi, M., Fernandes, SA (2002). Salmonella Serolypes Isolated from Nonhuman Sources in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 1996 through 2000. J. Food Protect., 65,1 041·1044.
  • Theron, J., Morar, O., Du Preez, M., ar özeı, V.S., venler, S,N. (2001). A Sensttive Senı ne ad PCR Method lor the Detection of Shigella in Spiked Environmental Water Sampl es. Wat. Res., 35, 869-874.
  • Tosun, M. (2005) . Içme ve Madcn Suyu Sektör Ar ş­ ırma SA-05-01·0 1, aştırma Müd ürlüğü Ankara. s. 3.
  • Wu, F.M., Doyle, M.P., Beuchat , l.A., Wells, J.G., Mintz, E.D., Swaminathan , B. (2000). Fate of Shigella sonnei on Parsley and Methods of Disintecticn J. Food Protect., 63, 568-572.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69YM28SS
Bölüm Araştırma

Figen Çetinkaya Bu kişi benim

Recep Çıbık Bu kişi benim

Ece Soyutemiz Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetinkaya, F., Çıbık, R., & Soyutemiz, E. (2007). Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian well waters Used for Drinking in Bursa. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(1), 79-82.
AMA Çetinkaya F, Çıbık R, Soyutemiz E. Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian well waters Used for Drinking in Bursa. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2007;23(1):79-82.
Chicago Çetinkaya, Figen, Recep Çıbık, ve Ece Soyutemiz. “Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian Well Waters Used for Drinking in Bursa”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, sy. 1 (Mart 2007): 79-82.
EndNote Çetinkaya F, Çıbık R, Soyutemiz E (01 Mart 2007) Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian well waters Used for Drinking in Bursa. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 1 79–82.
IEEE F. Çetinkaya, R. Çıbık, ve E. Soyutemiz, “Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian well waters Used for Drinking in Bursa”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 23, sy. 1, ss. 79–82, 2007.
ISNAD Çetinkaya, Figen vd. “Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian Well Waters Used for Drinking in Bursa”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/1 (Mart 2007), 79-82.
JAMA Çetinkaya F, Çıbık R, Soyutemiz E. Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian well waters Used for Drinking in Bursa. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:79–82.
MLA Çetinkaya, Figen vd. “Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian Well Waters Used for Drinking in Bursa”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 23, sy. 1, 2007, ss. 79-82.
Vancouver Çetinkaya F, Çıbık R, Soyutemiz E. Investigatlon of the Presence of Salmonella and Shigella in Artesian well waters Used for Drinking in Bursa. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(1):79-82.