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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 97 - 106, 01.03.2007


  • Abe. H., Okajima, K., Okabe. H., Takalsuki, K., Binder, B.R (1994). Granulacytc ease and hydrogcn pc. rexide synergislically inaelive thrombomodulin ol en· octnene cens in vilro. J l ab Clin Med, 123, 874-881.
  • Baglin, T. (1996). Dıss emrnate nt asc uta coagulation : Diagnosis and treatment. BMJ, 3 12, 683· 667
  • aevnecqua. M., Pober, J.S., Majeau, G.R , Fiers, W" Cotran, R S., Gimbrone, MA (1986). Recombinanl nccrcse cıor induees procoagulant aetivily in human vascutar noc uıcuu charecteneucaucn and comparison with the ecuone ol mterrcukm-t . Prcc Nail Aead Sci USA, 83, 4533-4537.
  • Biemond, B.J., l evi, M., ten ceıe H. (1995). Endctcxin - mduced ecuveucn and inhibition ol the librinolytic system: Eflects ol various interventions in the cytccine and coaçuteuco easeade in expenmerüal endctcxemre in ehimpanzees. Clin Sei, 88, 587-594 .
  • Bokoch, G.M. (1995). Chemcattractant signaling and le· ukocyte acüvaton. BloOO, 1649·1660.
  • Bradley, J.R., Wilks, D., Rubensrein, D. (1994). The vascular endolhelium in septic shoeh. J lnfect. 28,1 ·10.
  • Camussi, G., Bussoline, F., Salvido, G., agl ionı C. (1987). Tumor neerosis laetor/caeheetin urncıar es peritoneal macrophages, ly rp on Cıe a neulrophils and vascutar endothelial ceus to synthesize and reıase plet elt-activatinq taeter. J Exp Med, 166, 1390-1404.
  • c esseteüe. MA (1995). The production ol cytokines by polymorphonuclear neulrophils. Immunol Today, 16,21 - 26
  • Conway, E.M., Roscnberg, R.O. (1988). Tumor crosıs taeter sucpresses transcription ol the thrombomodulin gene in endcthelial cene. Mol Cell Biol, 8, 5588-92.
  • crutctııe y. D.J., Conanan, L.B., Toledo, A,W., setemen. D.E., Que, B.G. (1993). Elfects ol prcetecvcno anelogues on human erdcınenar ceu tissua taeter expreselen. rı te se Thrcm Vas, 13, 1082·1089.
  • eı, R., Durgun. Z. (2002) sl aı düzenlenmesini saglayao lı mekanizmalar, Vet.Bil.Durq.. 18, 1·2, 5 - 14.
  • ceı R., Durgun, Z. (2004) vş endotoksin Ilc u ş rula n dissemine in ıravasküler koagulasyon üzerine vitamin E ve prednisolon'un etkileri, Vet Bil Dcrg, 20. 1, 29 - 38.
  • öı. R" Keskin, E., Alalay, B. (2005) Etlect ol Pentoxilylline 00 Endoloxin-Induced Hemostanc Dlslurbances in Rabbits, Aeta Vet Hung, 53, 3, 325·335.
  • Dale, D.C., Ules , C., Summer. H.(1995). Review: a -aoulocyto colony-stimulaling taeter- role and relalionships in o tecucue diseases. J Inlect öıs 172, 1061-1075.
  • Demplle, C_E., Pfitzner, SA , penman. M., Huck, K., Stohle, G., Hceoe. D.L. (1995). Comparition of imn o og ea and fuoctional assays lor measurernent ol soluble l ibrin. Thromb Haemcs tce. 74, 673-679.
  • Doobber, T.W., Wu, M.S., Robbins, J.C., Choy, B.M., Chang, M.N., Shen, T.V. (1985). Pıeıeıe aelivehng taeter (PAF) Involvement io nccıcxın ıoccceo hypotension lo rets. Studies with PA rocepıor anıogonisı kao- surcone. Bicchern Biophys Res Commun. 127, 799-808.
  • Eisele, B., l amy. M. (199B) Clinical experience with Annthrcmbin iii ccncentretes in criticaUy pcuenıs with sepsis and multiblo crqan tailure. Seminars In Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 24,1, 71-BO.
  • Esmon, C. T. (2003) rnuemmettco and thrombosis. J Thı Haemost, 1: 1343-1348
  • Esmon, C.T. (2005). The in ıe racucns berween Inllammalion and coagulation. Br J Haematol, 131, 417- 430
  • Gamdo, A.G., Pch do Figueirodo, l.F., Silva, R.M.(2004) Experimenla! models of sepsis and septic shock: an overvrew. Acta Cir Bras - Vol 19 (2),B2-B8.
  • Gavina, J.M., Dale, D.C., Root, RK (199B). Neu ıroph ils Function ..nd role in sepsis syndrome. Sepsis, 2, 107· 117.
  • etaser. C.B., Morser, J., Clarke, J.H., aıaskc. E., Mclean, K., Chango R.J., lin. JH., Vilander, l., Andrews,
  • W.H.. Ughl, O.R. (1992). Oxidalion ol a specilic meto hionine in lhrombomodülin by actlvated neutrophil prcducts blocks cctactor activitv. J cün tnveet. 90, 2565- 2573.
  • üc Jım e nee. J., Salgado, A., Mcurelle, M" Martin, M.C., egur:ı., R.M., Peracaula, R., Moncada, S. (1995). Nitnc oxide palhway in endotoxemia and human sectc shock. Crit Care Med, 23. 253-257.
  • egoıy SA , Morrissey, J.H., Edgington, T.S. (19B9). Rcgulalion ol ussue taeter gene xcrcssıcn in the moccvıc prcccaçutan response Lo endoloxin. Mol Cell Biol, 9, 2752·5.
  • Hack, C.E. (1993). lnhibitor substition in sepsis. lntensive Care Med, 19, 1·2
  • Hack, C.E.. zeerrccer. S. (200 1). The encctbeüum In sepsis : s curcc ol and a targel lor üam maıto ıi Care Med, 29 (7). 21·27.
  • Han, S,J., Choi, J.H., Ko, H.M., Yang, HW ., Choi, I.W., lee ,H.K., lee, O.H., Im, S.Y. (1999). Glucocorticoids prevent NF-_B activaticn by inhibiring Ihe early releaso ol platclet-activatinq lactor in ıespo nse to upopolysaccharide, Eur J Immunol, 29, 1334-2341.
  • Hanna, N.F. (2003). Sepsis and Septic Shcck. Top Emeıg Med, 25 (2), 158-165.
  • Hopper, K., Baleman, S. (2005) An upceteo viewol hest sıs mechamsms of hemcstatic dysfuntion assoctatec ılh sepsis. J Vet Emerg Cril Care 15(2), pp 83-91
  • 1ım ak K., en, i.. öı R., Birdane, F.M.. GOzolbekles. H., Ciyelek, T., Yı A.. Turgut. K. (2006) The Evalualion ol Coagulation Proliles in Calves with Suspecled Septic Shock, Vet Res Commun. 30(5), 497-503.
  • Jansen. P.M., Boermoester, MA, Fischer, E. (1995), Contribulion ol inlerloukin-l to aclivalion ol coaguıahon and fibrlnolysis, lo neutrcphil degranulalion and the release ol sPLA2 in sepsis. l ood, 86, 1027-34.
  • Keskin, E., Özlekin (Menevse), E.. Çöı R., Sivrikaya. A., Üney, K., Yazar, E. (2005) Elfect ol PentoxifyUine on Anlioxidant Status ol Healthy and nootcx mıc New l eeıen White Rabbits, Acte Vet. Brno, 74: 17-21.
  • Kobold, A.C.M., Tulleken, J.E., lijlstra, J.G., ıuite W., Hermans, J.. Kallenberq, C.G.M., Cohen rcrveen. J.W. (2000). leukocyte acüvaıion in sepsis: cneıatıcn with disease staıe and mcrtahty. J lntonswe Care Med. 26.883- 892.
  • levi, M., Van der Pcn. T., en c ate. H., van Deventer. S.J.H. (1997). The cytokine-mediated imbalance between coagulant and an ticoagula mechanism in sepsis and ondotoxaemia. European Journal of elinical inYestigation, 27, 3-9.
  • levi, M.. ten çete . H. (1999). Dissem ina ıed inuavascutar coagulalion: current ccnccpt. N Engl J Med. 341, 586- 592.
  • Mchie, H.R., Manogue, K.R., Spriggs, D.R. (1988). Detoction ol circulating tumor nccrcse taeter alter enocıcxıo cı mınlstreuco N Engl J Med, 318, 14B1-1486.
  • Nawrcth, P.P., Stern, O.M. (1986). Modulalion of endothelial cell hemostatic properyies by tumor necr sıs taeter. J Exp Med, 163, 740-5.
  • Newman, W., Beal, L.D., çarson. C.W., Hunder, G.G., Graben, N., Randhawa, z.t.. Gopal T.V.. Wiener-Kronish, J.. Matthhay, MA (1993). Solublo Ecselcctin is lound in supomatarus of aclivaled cıh eneı cells and is elevaled in the serum ol peue nıs with seetıc sbocx. J im' munol, 150, 644·654.
  • Nussler, A.K., Willel, U.A., Nussler, N.C., Beçer. H.G. (1999). Leukccytes. the janus eclis in inllamalory disease. langonbeck's Arch Surg, 384, 222-232.
  • Okajima. K. , Wang, V.P., Okabe, H., Inoue. M., Ta- ısukl K. (1991). Role ctıeukccytes in the acuvuncn o, inuavascutar coagulalion in pauenıs septicemia. Am J He meıeı. 36, 265·271.
  • OkDjima, K. (1999). The cıc ol leukoeytes in disseminated iruravascular coagulation asscciated wrth sepsis. Sepsis, 3, 135-142.
  • Peters, K., Unger, R.E., Brunner, J., Kirkpatnck. C.J. (2003}Molecular basis ol nd ıhelia oysruncücn in sepsis. cs roıcvas Res GO, 49-57.
  • Pixley, R.A., de La Cadona, R., Page, J.D., Kaulman, N.• Wyshock. E.G.. Chang, A., Taylor, F.S., Colman. R.W. (1993). The conlaet system con lı ibut e s to hypotens bul nol s e aı cd intravascular coagulalion in letal bacleremia: in vivo use ol a monoclonal anl·laclor Xii anlibooy to black conlacl activalion in baboons. J Clin In· vest, 92, 61·68.
  • ob eı, J.S., Cotran, R.S. ( 1990). Cytokines and endolhelial cell biology. Phsiol Rev, 70, 427-451.
  • Salvcmiru, D., Cuzzocrea, S. (2002), xıdatrv Stress In Seetre Shock And Drsaermn ated Intravascular Co- ıı Free Hadc Biol Med, 33, 9, 1173-1185.
  • Schade, F.U., Buemaister, ı.. Engel, R. (1987). lncreased 13·hydroxyoctadecadienoic acid ccnten in lipopcıyeeccbcndc-snm utatcd macrcpbaçee. Biochem Biophys Res Comn, 147, 696-700.
  • Semrad. S.O. ( 1993) Comparison ol lIunixin, prcdnisolone, dimethl suucxrce. and e lazarold (U743B9F) lor Ireating endotoxernic neonalar caıves Am J vet Res, 54, 9. 1517-1522.
  • Shasby, O.M., Yorec. M., Shasby, 5.5. (1988). Exogenous oxldants «uuatcs hydrclysis ol endethelial ceu ocsu phcsphclipids. Blood, 72, 491-4 99.
  • Sissons , S.O., oına reuc. CA (1988). Production of IL-1_ and LL- I _ and tumor necrosis taeter by human mononuclcar celts stnmuratec with granu lacyte. macrophagc colony-sitimulaling taeter. Blood, 72, 1368· 1374.
  • Spiıznagel, J.K. (1990). Antiblotic prol eins ol human neutrocnns. J Clin ro vesı. 86, 138 1· 1386.
  • Taniguchi, T., Kanakura, H., 'rekemoto. V., Kindani, Y., vamamcıc. K. (2003). Etlect ol ketarnine and pro pctc r on Ihe ratio ot lnterleukin-S lo mterleu kin-t O during en - oc tcksemıa mis, Tohoku J.Exp . Med., 200, B5·92.
  • Todd, C. Dufly, T:C:, Kirby, R.. Audioil, E. (2004). -ı­ uce role of the vescular ncctncue ecu In health and di· scase: a revtew anicle. J ver Emcrg Cril Care, 14(2): 84-99)
  • Uchiba, M., Okajima, K., Mura kami, K., Okabe, H., Takalsuki, K. ( 1992). Attenualion ol enoc toxln-lnd uced pulmonary vascuıar injury by anhlhrombin III. Am J Physlc t, 270, 921·930.
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  • van der Poll, T" levi, M., Hack. C.E. (1994). Eliminalion of mterleukin 6 euern ceıes eoagulalion acuvaucn in expenrnental enoctc xemıc in chimpanzees. J Exp Med. 179,1 253'9.
  • van dcr Poü. T.. Levi, M., Buller, H.R., van Devander, S.J.H.• de Boer, J.P., Hack, C.E. (1991). Fibrinolylic res- ponse to lumor nccrosis taeter in healthy subjec t. J Exp Med, 174, 729·33.
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  • Yazar, E., Çöl, R., Kony l i S" Birdane , V.O.. Elmas. M.. A.l. (2004) Eüects ol Vitamin E and Prednisclc ne on Biochemical And Haema tcloqic al Parameters In Endotoxae mic New Zoaland White Rabbüs. Bulletin ol The Veterinary Institute In Pulawy, , 48, 105 -108.
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Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 97 - 106, 01.03.2007


  • Abe. H., Okajima, K., Okabe. H., Takalsuki, K., Binder, B.R (1994). Granulacytc ease and hydrogcn pc. rexide synergislically inaelive thrombomodulin ol en· octnene cens in vilro. J l ab Clin Med, 123, 874-881.
  • Baglin, T. (1996). Dıss emrnate nt asc uta coagulation : Diagnosis and treatment. BMJ, 3 12, 683· 667
  • aevnecqua. M., Pober, J.S., Majeau, G.R , Fiers, W" Cotran, R S., Gimbrone, MA (1986). Recombinanl nccrcse cıor induees procoagulant aetivily in human vascutar noc uıcuu charecteneucaucn and comparison with the ecuone ol mterrcukm-t . Prcc Nail Aead Sci USA, 83, 4533-4537.
  • Biemond, B.J., l evi, M., ten ceıe H. (1995). Endctcxin - mduced ecuveucn and inhibition ol the librinolytic system: Eflects ol various interventions in the cytccine and coaçuteuco easeade in expenmerüal endctcxemre in ehimpanzees. Clin Sei, 88, 587-594 .
  • Bokoch, G.M. (1995). Chemcattractant signaling and le· ukocyte acüvaton. BloOO, 1649·1660.
  • Bradley, J.R., Wilks, D., Rubensrein, D. (1994). The vascular endolhelium in septic shoeh. J lnfect. 28,1 ·10.
  • Camussi, G., Bussoline, F., Salvido, G., agl ionı C. (1987). Tumor neerosis laetor/caeheetin urncıar es peritoneal macrophages, ly rp on Cıe a neulrophils and vascutar endothelial ceus to synthesize and reıase plet elt-activatinq taeter. J Exp Med, 166, 1390-1404.
  • c esseteüe. MA (1995). The production ol cytokines by polymorphonuclear neulrophils. Immunol Today, 16,21 - 26
  • Conway, E.M., Roscnberg, R.O. (1988). Tumor crosıs taeter sucpresses transcription ol the thrombomodulin gene in endcthelial cene. Mol Cell Biol, 8, 5588-92.
  • crutctııe y. D.J., Conanan, L.B., Toledo, A,W., setemen. D.E., Que, B.G. (1993). Elfects ol prcetecvcno anelogues on human erdcınenar ceu tissua taeter expreselen. rı te se Thrcm Vas, 13, 1082·1089.
  • eı, R., Durgun. Z. (2002) sl aı düzenlenmesini saglayao lı mekanizmalar, Vet.Bil.Durq.. 18, 1·2, 5 - 14.
  • ceı R., Durgun, Z. (2004) vş endotoksin Ilc u ş rula n dissemine in ıravasküler koagulasyon üzerine vitamin E ve prednisolon'un etkileri, Vet Bil Dcrg, 20. 1, 29 - 38.
  • öı. R" Keskin, E., Alalay, B. (2005) Etlect ol Pentoxilylline 00 Endoloxin-Induced Hemostanc Dlslurbances in Rabbits, Aeta Vet Hung, 53, 3, 325·335.
  • Dale, D.C., Ules , C., Summer. H.(1995). Review: a -aoulocyto colony-stimulaling taeter- role and relalionships in o tecucue diseases. J Inlect öıs 172, 1061-1075.
  • Demplle, C_E., Pfitzner, SA , penman. M., Huck, K., Stohle, G., Hceoe. D.L. (1995). Comparition of imn o og ea and fuoctional assays lor measurernent ol soluble l ibrin. Thromb Haemcs tce. 74, 673-679.
  • Doobber, T.W., Wu, M.S., Robbins, J.C., Choy, B.M., Chang, M.N., Shen, T.V. (1985). Pıeıeıe aelivehng taeter (PAF) Involvement io nccıcxın ıoccceo hypotension lo rets. Studies with PA rocepıor anıogonisı kao- surcone. Bicchern Biophys Res Commun. 127, 799-808.
  • Eisele, B., l amy. M. (199B) Clinical experience with Annthrcmbin iii ccncentretes in criticaUy pcuenıs with sepsis and multiblo crqan tailure. Seminars In Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 24,1, 71-BO.
  • Esmon, C. T. (2003) rnuemmettco and thrombosis. J Thı Haemost, 1: 1343-1348
  • Esmon, C.T. (2005). The in ıe racucns berween Inllammalion and coagulation. Br J Haematol, 131, 417- 430
  • Gamdo, A.G., Pch do Figueirodo, l.F., Silva, R.M.(2004) Experimenla! models of sepsis and septic shock: an overvrew. Acta Cir Bras - Vol 19 (2),B2-B8.
  • Gavina, J.M., Dale, D.C., Root, RK (199B). Neu ıroph ils Function ..nd role in sepsis syndrome. Sepsis, 2, 107· 117.
  • etaser. C.B., Morser, J., Clarke, J.H., aıaskc. E., Mclean, K., Chango R.J., lin. JH., Vilander, l., Andrews,
  • W.H.. Ughl, O.R. (1992). Oxidalion ol a specilic meto hionine in lhrombomodülin by actlvated neutrophil prcducts blocks cctactor activitv. J cün tnveet. 90, 2565- 2573.
  • üc Jım e nee. J., Salgado, A., Mcurelle, M" Martin, M.C., egur:ı., R.M., Peracaula, R., Moncada, S. (1995). Nitnc oxide palhway in endotoxemia and human sectc shock. Crit Care Med, 23. 253-257.
  • egoıy SA , Morrissey, J.H., Edgington, T.S. (19B9). Rcgulalion ol ussue taeter gene xcrcssıcn in the moccvıc prcccaçutan response Lo endoloxin. Mol Cell Biol, 9, 2752·5.
  • Hack, C.E. (1993). lnhibitor substition in sepsis. lntensive Care Med, 19, 1·2
  • Hack, C.E.. zeerrccer. S. (200 1). The encctbeüum In sepsis : s curcc ol and a targel lor üam maıto ıi Care Med, 29 (7). 21·27.
  • Han, S,J., Choi, J.H., Ko, H.M., Yang, HW ., Choi, I.W., lee ,H.K., lee, O.H., Im, S.Y. (1999). Glucocorticoids prevent NF-_B activaticn by inhibiring Ihe early releaso ol platclet-activatinq lactor in ıespo nse to upopolysaccharide, Eur J Immunol, 29, 1334-2341.
  • Hanna, N.F. (2003). Sepsis and Septic Shcck. Top Emeıg Med, 25 (2), 158-165.
  • Hopper, K., Baleman, S. (2005) An upceteo viewol hest sıs mechamsms of hemcstatic dysfuntion assoctatec ılh sepsis. J Vet Emerg Cril Care 15(2), pp 83-91
  • 1ım ak K., en, i.. öı R., Birdane, F.M.. GOzolbekles. H., Ciyelek, T., Yı A.. Turgut. K. (2006) The Evalualion ol Coagulation Proliles in Calves with Suspecled Septic Shock, Vet Res Commun. 30(5), 497-503.
  • Jansen. P.M., Boermoester, MA, Fischer, E. (1995), Contribulion ol inlerloukin-l to aclivalion ol coaguıahon and fibrlnolysis, lo neutrcphil degranulalion and the release ol sPLA2 in sepsis. l ood, 86, 1027-34.
  • Keskin, E., Özlekin (Menevse), E.. Çöı R., Sivrikaya. A., Üney, K., Yazar, E. (2005) Elfect ol PentoxifyUine on Anlioxidant Status ol Healthy and nootcx mıc New l eeıen White Rabbits, Acte Vet. Brno, 74: 17-21.
  • Kobold, A.C.M., Tulleken, J.E., lijlstra, J.G., ıuite W., Hermans, J.. Kallenberq, C.G.M., Cohen rcrveen. J.W. (2000). leukocyte acüvaıion in sepsis: cneıatıcn with disease staıe and mcrtahty. J lntonswe Care Med. 26.883- 892.
  • levi, M., Van der Pcn. T., en c ate. H., van Deventer. S.J.H. (1997). The cytokine-mediated imbalance between coagulant and an ticoagula mechanism in sepsis and ondotoxaemia. European Journal of elinical inYestigation, 27, 3-9.
  • levi, M.. ten çete . H. (1999). Dissem ina ıed inuavascutar coagulalion: current ccnccpt. N Engl J Med. 341, 586- 592.
  • Mchie, H.R., Manogue, K.R., Spriggs, D.R. (1988). Detoction ol circulating tumor nccrcse taeter alter enocıcxıo cı mınlstreuco N Engl J Med, 318, 14B1-1486.
  • Nawrcth, P.P., Stern, O.M. (1986). Modulalion of endothelial cell hemostatic properyies by tumor necr sıs taeter. J Exp Med, 163, 740-5.
  • Newman, W., Beal, L.D., çarson. C.W., Hunder, G.G., Graben, N., Randhawa, z.t.. Gopal T.V.. Wiener-Kronish, J.. Matthhay, MA (1993). Solublo Ecselcctin is lound in supomatarus of aclivaled cıh eneı cells and is elevaled in the serum ol peue nıs with seetıc sbocx. J im' munol, 150, 644·654.
  • Nussler, A.K., Willel, U.A., Nussler, N.C., Beçer. H.G. (1999). Leukccytes. the janus eclis in inllamalory disease. langonbeck's Arch Surg, 384, 222-232.
  • Okajima. K. , Wang, V.P., Okabe, H., Inoue. M., Ta- ısukl K. (1991). Role ctıeukccytes in the acuvuncn o, inuavascutar coagulalion in pauenıs septicemia. Am J He meıeı. 36, 265·271.
  • OkDjima, K. (1999). The cıc ol leukoeytes in disseminated iruravascular coagulation asscciated wrth sepsis. Sepsis, 3, 135-142.
  • Peters, K., Unger, R.E., Brunner, J., Kirkpatnck. C.J. (2003}Molecular basis ol nd ıhelia oysruncücn in sepsis. cs roıcvas Res GO, 49-57.
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Toplam 67 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69YT92UH
Bölüm Araştırma

Ramazan Çöl Bu kişi benim

Zafer Durgun Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çöl, R., & Durgun, Z. (2007). Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(1), 97-106.
AMA Çöl R, Durgun Z. Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2007;23(1):97-106.
Chicago Çöl, Ramazan, ve Zafer Durgun. “Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, sy. 1 (Mart 2007): 97-106.
EndNote Çöl R, Durgun Z (01 Mart 2007) Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 1 97–106.
IEEE R. Çöl ve Z. Durgun, “Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 23, sy. 1, ss. 97–106, 2007.
ISNAD Çöl, Ramazan - Durgun, Zafer. “Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/1 (Mart 2007), 97-106.
JAMA Çöl R, Durgun Z. Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:97–106.
MLA Çöl, Ramazan ve Zafer Durgun. “Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 23, sy. 1, 2007, ss. 97-106.
Vancouver Çöl R, Durgun Z. Sepsis, Leukocytes, Cytokines and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(1):97-106.