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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 7 - 17, 01.03.2007


  • Afonso A. SUva Jer And Gomes S (2003) Lactococcus çsrvteao trou t in leCı ons in Portugal: A new challenge on lish vaeeinology. tnsutcte ter Moleculer and Geli Biology. IBMG News leb03; " 10.
  • Alim SR. Anvnr Hossain M, Ghowdhury EK and Kusuda R (2001) Gl antigen: a celf-surtace unopro ec 96 kOa glycoprotein lrom the virulontlish pathagen En· terococcus seriolickJa, its purilication and cneractenzauon. Adv Appl Microbiol 32. 357-367.
  • Austin B and Austin DA (1999) Bactertat ısh pathogens disease in larmed and wild usrı, Seeond Edition Elhs Ncrwood ltd. London.
  • Bachrach G, Zlolkin A. Hurvitz A, Evans O and Eldar A (2001) Recovery of Strep:ococcus iniae lrom diseased fiSh previously vaccinated wilh a Streptococcus vecene. Appl Environ Mictobiol 67(8): 3756-3758.
  • Bascomb S and Manali M «19981 Use of enzyme e s in cberactenzauon and iconüncanon of aerobic and lacultatrvely anaerebiç Bram-pczitive cocci. Clin Microbio! Rev. 11(2): 318·340.
  • Belton D (2002) lmport risk assossmont: juvonile yollcwtail kinglish -rcıa la!ancJi) trcm spencer gulf aqueculture, Soulh Austrana. NIWA cüeot Aeport 1·58.
  • Betzl D, Ludwing W and Schleiter KH (1990) ldennncatıc ol Loetoeoce; and Enunococci by eolony hybri· cucucn wilh 23S rO NA ıa rgeıed oligonucleolide Probes. Appl Environ Microbiol, 56 (9): 2927-2929.
  • Blaioua G. Pcpc O. Maurietlc G, ViIIani F, Andolli R and Moscheıli G (2002) 16S-23S rDNA inlergenic spacer region polymorphism of ıecrcccccc garvieae. Lae· tococeus tettiratec is and cccrccccccs tsctis as revearee by PCR and nucteotido sequcnce analysis . Appl Mc - rcbiol 25, 52Q.527.
  • Chang PH, Lin CM ve Plarre (2002) tactococcus gar· vleae Intection ol eullured rainbow trout. Oneorhynehus mykiss. in taiwan and associated biophyslcal charactenstcs and histopalhology. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Palbol. 22(5): 3 19·327.
  • Chen SC, Un VD, Liaw LL and Wang PC (2001) ı.a tococcus garvioae mrecucn in be gaint lreshwat er prawn ac obra nc rosenbergii conlirmcd by polymcrase ehain reacucn and 16S rDNA scquencing. Dis Aqual Org 45: 45·52.
  • Cheng W. Juang FM, Li JT, Un MC. Uu CH and cnen JC (2003) The immune resporise ol giant freshwat er prnwn Maerobrachium rosenbergii and us susceptibility to z.ectccccccs garvieae in retalien to moult slage . Aquacuuure 218, 33·45.
  • Çagırgan H (2004) Biotyping ol Laetococcus garvioa6 tsctate d from Turkey. E U Journal of Fıs e ne and Aquete scıences 2 1(3-4): 267- 269.
  • öner Ö, Altun S. Adiloglu AK, Kubilay A and ıklı B (2002) First occınrence of ıro ıococcost allecling farmed rainbow trout in TUrkey. Bull Eur Fish Pathol 22: 2 1- 26 .
  • Eldar A, Ghillıno C, Asanla L, Bozzella E and Goria M (1996) Enlerococcus serioficida is a junior synonym ol Laclococeus garvicae, a eausalive agent ol soptieemia and meningooneephalıtis in lish. Curr Microbiol 32: 85' B6.
  • Eldar A, Gloria M, Ghiltino e . Zlotkin A. Bereovier H (1999) Bıodi ve rsily ol Laelococcu5 garvieao strains iso· lalod Irom l ish in Europe, Asia. and Auslralia. AppL. Environ. Microbio!. 65: 1005-1008.
  • Ellioll JA and Facklam RA ( 1996) Antimic robial sus· ecplibililies ol LEJ c/ococcus /actis and /acloeoccus gM' v/eae and a proposed method To dıscriminale between Them. J Clin Microbio!. 34 (5): 1296·1298.
  • Enis AE (1988) Fish vaccina lion. Aeadomic Press. London.
  • Eyngor M. Zlolkin A, Ghillino C, Prearo G, Douet DG. ehilmonczyk S and Eldolr A (2004) elonalily and djversity ol Ihe lish patheçen Lactocoef.:us garvieae in Me· diterranean Coun tries. Appl Envırcn Microbiol 70 (9): 5132·5137
  • Facklam R and Ellictt JA (1995) cıe nuücauc cıas sınceücn. and clinical retevence ol teıase-neçanve çre rn-pcaıu ve cccc. exeluding the sır pıocc and Enooocc Clin Microbiol Beviews. 6(4): 479-495.
  • seter JJ. Aatzan KA. Sharp SE and Saiz E (1998) Leetococcus garvieae endocarditis: report ol a case and revicw of the literature. Diagn Microbiollnlect Dis. 32: 127· 130.
  • Fihman V. Raskine L. Barrou Z, Killcl e. Riahi J. Berçot B and Sanson-Le Pors MJ (2005) Loctococcus garvioa.o cnocceroıus: identilicalion by 16S rANA and sodA sequence analysis. J fntect. (Arlicle in press)
  • Heppel! J and Davis HL (2000) Applicatron ol ONA veecine technology to aquacultu re. Adv Drug Deüv Rev. 43: 29·43.
  • Holl JG (t997) Group 17 'Gra -Pcsıtıve Coccr 'Bergesy's Manual o, üe te mınanve Oaclcriology'Ed by JG Hen 9 Edilion 540. Williams and Wilkins USA.
  • James PA. Hardrnan SMC and Pall erson DLH (2000) Ostoomyelihs and pcssible end caroıtıs secondary lo Laclococcus garvieae: a ürst case report. Postgrad Med J 76: 301-303.
  • Malta AI, Gibello A, casamaver A, Blancc MM, Dominguez L and Femandcz ·Garayzabal JF (2004) Mu!· tiplex peA assay for oe ıecücn ol bacteneı pathogenes c ssocteteo wilh watm-wate r Streptoeeccosis in tish . Appl Environ Microbicl 70 (5): 3183-3 187.
  • Okada T, Minami T, Ooyama T. Yasuda H and vcst aoe T (2000) Capsular and non-cepserer anligen locanzation on t.ecrccccccs garvieae tscrated from yenc ıaü (Serio/a nq era aı Fisherios Serence. 66(5):992-994.
  • Ooyama T Hirokawa Y Minam; T Yasusa H Nakai T Endo M Ruangpan L and Yoshida T (2002) Cell-surfaee propertics o, Laclococcus garvieae strains and their immunogenity in Ihe yello ıail sorio/a quinqueradiata Dis Aq aı Org, 51:169- 177
  • Ravclo C. ~agarino B, Romald e JL, tom nzo AE (200 1) Conventionaf versus iaturiı ed syslems lor Iha pheoıypic characlerizalion or Lactoccus garvioae strains. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Palhol. 2 1(4) 136-144
  • Ravelo C. Magorinos B. Romalde SL, Toranzo AE and JL Romalde (2003) Molecular tingerprinting ol hsha~ho /acloeoecus garvieao slrains by mndom amp· Wed polmorphic DNA Analysis. J Clin Microbiol, 4 1(2): 751·75 6.
  • Robertson PAW, O'Dowd co, BUHells C, Williams P and Austin B (2000) Use ol Carnobacte rium sp. As a probiotic 'or la nt salmon (Salmo salar L ) and minbow Irout (Oneorhynehus mykiss, Walbaum). Aquacullure 185: 235-243.
  • Romalde Jl, Alvarez AL. aeveıo C. Tereoac AE and Mcndez JB (2004) Orat rmmuntzanon usıng alginale mctopartiCles as a use ıcı ıratcgy 'or booster veecinatm aga ın hsh Laetococco5is Aquacullurc. Aquacuüure, 236. 119-129.
  • Sneam P.H.A (1986) Seenon 12. Gram-Posilive Cocci. Ed by PHA Sneath ·Bergoy's Manual ol Syslema1ic Bactenology' (2) 1070 Williams and Wı kı USA.
  • Teixerra LM, MerqulOr Vt, Vianni MC, Carvalho MG, Fracalanna SE, Sıcigerwall AG. Brenner DJ and Facklam RR (1996) Phenolyptc and gonolypic cha ac tenzaıc ol aıypıcal Lacrococcus garviedS uaıns tsoıa ted from water bullalOS ıth $ubcfıntcal masl ıbs and eonfinnalion ol L garvic.:ı .u n scn ior subtective synonym of Enterococcus soriolicıd.ı. Inı J Syst Eval Mierobiol. 46: 664- 668.
  • Toranzo AE, Beatriz M and Romalde Jl (2005) A review 01 the main beeıe nar lish diseases in manncuıtur systams. Aqu8cul1uro. (Article in press).
  • veıe AI, Vazquez J, Gıbello A. bıancc MM, Moreno MA, Ucbana P, Albenclea C, Alcala B. !"'eodez A. Oominguez L and Garayzabal JFF (2000) Plıenolypic and genetıc cneracteezeucn ol Lactococcus g;JfVl(Jae iso la ıed in spain 'rom Lactococcosis ou1break.s and comparison ıl isotates ol other countries and scurces. J Clin Mic- '00101,38(10): 379 1·3795.
  • Vın.lnanthara S (2001) Immunological methccs of ı· sease control. Aquatic Animal Heall Division . Alphanna lne. 10J. 109.
  • Ztotkin A, Ek1a, A. Gh nıno and C Bercovıer ( 1998) Idenliticalien ol Lac:ococus gaMea~ by PCR. J cin Mie· robiol. 36(4): 983-985 ,

Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 7 - 17, 01.03.2007


  • Afonso A. SUva Jer And Gomes S (2003) Lactococcus çsrvteao trou t in leCı ons in Portugal: A new challenge on lish vaeeinology. tnsutcte ter Moleculer and Geli Biology. IBMG News leb03; " 10.
  • Alim SR. Anvnr Hossain M, Ghowdhury EK and Kusuda R (2001) Gl antigen: a celf-surtace unopro ec 96 kOa glycoprotein lrom the virulontlish pathagen En· terococcus seriolickJa, its purilication and cneractenzauon. Adv Appl Microbiol 32. 357-367.
  • Austin B and Austin DA (1999) Bactertat ısh pathogens disease in larmed and wild usrı, Seeond Edition Elhs Ncrwood ltd. London.
  • Bachrach G, Zlolkin A. Hurvitz A, Evans O and Eldar A (2001) Recovery of Strep:ococcus iniae lrom diseased fiSh previously vaccinated wilh a Streptococcus vecene. Appl Environ Mictobiol 67(8): 3756-3758.
  • Bascomb S and Manali M «19981 Use of enzyme e s in cberactenzauon and iconüncanon of aerobic and lacultatrvely anaerebiç Bram-pczitive cocci. Clin Microbio! Rev. 11(2): 318·340.
  • Belton D (2002) lmport risk assossmont: juvonile yollcwtail kinglish -rcıa la!ancJi) trcm spencer gulf aqueculture, Soulh Austrana. NIWA cüeot Aeport 1·58.
  • Betzl D, Ludwing W and Schleiter KH (1990) ldennncatıc ol Loetoeoce; and Enunococci by eolony hybri· cucucn wilh 23S rO NA ıa rgeıed oligonucleolide Probes. Appl Environ Microbiol, 56 (9): 2927-2929.
  • Blaioua G. Pcpc O. Maurietlc G, ViIIani F, Andolli R and Moscheıli G (2002) 16S-23S rDNA inlergenic spacer region polymorphism of ıecrcccccc garvieae. Lae· tococeus tettiratec is and cccrccccccs tsctis as revearee by PCR and nucteotido sequcnce analysis . Appl Mc - rcbiol 25, 52Q.527.
  • Chang PH, Lin CM ve Plarre (2002) tactococcus gar· vleae Intection ol eullured rainbow trout. Oneorhynehus mykiss. in taiwan and associated biophyslcal charactenstcs and histopalhology. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Palbol. 22(5): 3 19·327.
  • Chen SC, Un VD, Liaw LL and Wang PC (2001) ı.a tococcus garvioae mrecucn in be gaint lreshwat er prawn ac obra nc rosenbergii conlirmcd by polymcrase ehain reacucn and 16S rDNA scquencing. Dis Aqual Org 45: 45·52.
  • Cheng W. Juang FM, Li JT, Un MC. Uu CH and cnen JC (2003) The immune resporise ol giant freshwat er prnwn Maerobrachium rosenbergii and us susceptibility to z.ectccccccs garvieae in retalien to moult slage . Aquacuuure 218, 33·45.
  • Çagırgan H (2004) Biotyping ol Laetococcus garvioa6 tsctate d from Turkey. E U Journal of Fıs e ne and Aquete scıences 2 1(3-4): 267- 269.
  • öner Ö, Altun S. Adiloglu AK, Kubilay A and ıklı B (2002) First occınrence of ıro ıococcost allecling farmed rainbow trout in TUrkey. Bull Eur Fish Pathol 22: 2 1- 26 .
  • Eldar A, Ghillıno C, Asanla L, Bozzella E and Goria M (1996) Enlerococcus serioficida is a junior synonym ol Laclococeus garvicae, a eausalive agent ol soptieemia and meningooneephalıtis in lish. Curr Microbiol 32: 85' B6.
  • Eldar A, Gloria M, Ghiltino e . Zlotkin A. Bereovier H (1999) Bıodi ve rsily ol Laelococcu5 garvieao strains iso· lalod Irom l ish in Europe, Asia. and Auslralia. AppL. Environ. Microbio!. 65: 1005-1008.
  • Ellioll JA and Facklam RA ( 1996) Antimic robial sus· ecplibililies ol LEJ c/ococcus /actis and /acloeoccus gM' v/eae and a proposed method To dıscriminale between Them. J Clin Microbio!. 34 (5): 1296·1298.
  • Enis AE (1988) Fish vaccina lion. Aeadomic Press. London.
  • Eyngor M. Zlolkin A, Ghillino C, Prearo G, Douet DG. ehilmonczyk S and Eldolr A (2004) elonalily and djversity ol Ihe lish patheçen Lactocoef.:us garvieae in Me· diterranean Coun tries. Appl Envırcn Microbiol 70 (9): 5132·5137
  • Facklam R and Ellictt JA (1995) cıe nuücauc cıas sınceücn. and clinical retevence ol teıase-neçanve çre rn-pcaıu ve cccc. exeluding the sır pıocc and Enooocc Clin Microbiol Beviews. 6(4): 479-495.
  • seter JJ. Aatzan KA. Sharp SE and Saiz E (1998) Leetococcus garvieae endocarditis: report ol a case and revicw of the literature. Diagn Microbiollnlect Dis. 32: 127· 130.
  • Fihman V. Raskine L. Barrou Z, Killcl e. Riahi J. Berçot B and Sanson-Le Pors MJ (2005) Loctococcus garvioa.o cnocceroıus: identilicalion by 16S rANA and sodA sequence analysis. J fntect. (Arlicle in press)
  • Heppel! J and Davis HL (2000) Applicatron ol ONA veecine technology to aquacultu re. Adv Drug Deüv Rev. 43: 29·43.
  • Holl JG (t997) Group 17 'Gra -Pcsıtıve Coccr 'Bergesy's Manual o, üe te mınanve Oaclcriology'Ed by JG Hen 9 Edilion 540. Williams and Wilkins USA.
  • James PA. Hardrnan SMC and Pall erson DLH (2000) Ostoomyelihs and pcssible end caroıtıs secondary lo Laclococcus garvieae: a ürst case report. Postgrad Med J 76: 301-303.
  • Malta AI, Gibello A, casamaver A, Blancc MM, Dominguez L and Femandcz ·Garayzabal JF (2004) Mu!· tiplex peA assay for oe ıecücn ol bacteneı pathogenes c ssocteteo wilh watm-wate r Streptoeeccosis in tish . Appl Environ Microbicl 70 (5): 3183-3 187.
  • Okada T, Minami T, Ooyama T. Yasuda H and vcst aoe T (2000) Capsular and non-cepserer anligen locanzation on t.ecrccccccs garvieae tscrated from yenc ıaü (Serio/a nq era aı Fisherios Serence. 66(5):992-994.
  • Ooyama T Hirokawa Y Minam; T Yasusa H Nakai T Endo M Ruangpan L and Yoshida T (2002) Cell-surfaee propertics o, Laclococcus garvieae strains and their immunogenity in Ihe yello ıail sorio/a quinqueradiata Dis Aq aı Org, 51:169- 177
  • Ravclo C. ~agarino B, Romald e JL, tom nzo AE (200 1) Conventionaf versus iaturiı ed syslems lor Iha pheoıypic characlerizalion or Lactoccus garvioae strains. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish Palhol. 2 1(4) 136-144
  • Ravelo C. Magorinos B. Romalde SL, Toranzo AE and JL Romalde (2003) Molecular tingerprinting ol hsha~ho /acloeoecus garvieao slrains by mndom amp· Wed polmorphic DNA Analysis. J Clin Microbiol, 4 1(2): 751·75 6.
  • Robertson PAW, O'Dowd co, BUHells C, Williams P and Austin B (2000) Use ol Carnobacte rium sp. As a probiotic 'or la nt salmon (Salmo salar L ) and minbow Irout (Oneorhynehus mykiss, Walbaum). Aquacullure 185: 235-243.
  • Romalde Jl, Alvarez AL. aeveıo C. Tereoac AE and Mcndez JB (2004) Orat rmmuntzanon usıng alginale mctopartiCles as a use ıcı ıratcgy 'or booster veecinatm aga ın hsh Laetococco5is Aquacullurc. Aquacuüure, 236. 119-129.
  • Sneam P.H.A (1986) Seenon 12. Gram-Posilive Cocci. Ed by PHA Sneath ·Bergoy's Manual ol Syslema1ic Bactenology' (2) 1070 Williams and Wı kı USA.
  • Teixerra LM, MerqulOr Vt, Vianni MC, Carvalho MG, Fracalanna SE, Sıcigerwall AG. Brenner DJ and Facklam RR (1996) Phenolyptc and gonolypic cha ac tenzaıc ol aıypıcal Lacrococcus garviedS uaıns tsoıa ted from water bullalOS ıth $ubcfıntcal masl ıbs and eonfinnalion ol L garvic.:ı .u n scn ior subtective synonym of Enterococcus soriolicıd.ı. Inı J Syst Eval Mierobiol. 46: 664- 668.
  • Toranzo AE, Beatriz M and Romalde Jl (2005) A review 01 the main beeıe nar lish diseases in manncuıtur systams. Aqu8cul1uro. (Article in press).
  • veıe AI, Vazquez J, Gıbello A. bıancc MM, Moreno MA, Ucbana P, Albenclea C, Alcala B. !"'eodez A. Oominguez L and Garayzabal JFF (2000) Plıenolypic and genetıc cneracteezeucn ol Lactococcus g;JfVl(Jae iso la ıed in spain 'rom Lactococcosis ou1break.s and comparison ıl isotates ol other countries and scurces. J Clin Mic- '00101,38(10): 379 1·3795.
  • Vın.lnanthara S (2001) Immunological methccs of ı· sease control. Aquatic Animal Heall Division . Alphanna lne. 10J. 109.
  • Ztotkin A, Ek1a, A. Gh nıno and C Bercovıer ( 1998) Idenliticalien ol Lac:ococus gaMea~ by PCR. J cin Mie· robiol. 36(4): 983-985 ,
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69YB65VD
Bölüm Araştırma

Kürşat Kav Bu kişi benim

Osman Erganiş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kav, K., & Erganiş, O. (2007). Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(1), 7-17.
AMA Kav K, Erganiş O. Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2007;23(1):7-17.
Chicago Kav, Kürşat, ve Osman Erganiş. “Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus Garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus Mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, sy. 1 (Mart 2007): 7-17.
EndNote Kav K, Erganiş O (01 Mart 2007) Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 1 7–17.
IEEE K. Kav ve O. Erganiş, “Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 23, sy. 1, ss. 7–17, 2007.
ISNAD Kav, Kürşat - Erganiş, Osman. “Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus Garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus Mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/1 (Mart 2007), 7-17.
JAMA Kav K, Erganiş O. Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:7–17.
MLA Kav, Kürşat ve Osman Erganiş. “Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus Garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus Mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 23, sy. 1, 2007, ss. 7-17.
Vancouver Kav K, Erganiş O. Isolation, Identification and Phenotypic Characterization of Lactococcus garvieae from Rainbow Trout (Onchyrnus mykiss) Fisheries in Konya Region. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(1):7-17.