.amnh."'9InyceplpaYtinovipaYtinov.pdI)." />gy and EvoIı.rtion. State universityor New York. Stony Brook. NY llJ9.4·5245." />
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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 83 - 95, 01.03.2007


Bu çalışma karşılaştırmalı olarak üç tür rodent (kemirici) üzerinde yapıldı. On adet ergin ağaç sincabı (Sciurus
anoma/us, 5 erkek, 5 dişi), on adet ergin yer sincabı (Spermophi/us xanthoprymnus, 4 erkek, 6 dişi) ve on adette 60
günlük Rat-Sprague Oawley (Rattus norvegicus, 5 erkek, 5 dişi) kullanıldı. Çalışma içinde sağ mandibula'ların (çene
kemikleri) lateral yüzleri kullanıldı. Araştırmadaki ağaç, yer sincabı ve ratın mandibula'ları "makro-anatomik" olarak kar-
şılaştırıldı. Rallar, sincaplarla kıyaslandığında en belirgin olarak; lateral yüzde incisura mandibula'nın rostro-ventralinde
kemiksel bir çıkıntı mevcutlu ve proc. coronoideus daha kısa ve düzd ü. Medial yüzdeki fossa pterygoidea oluşumu yer
sincaplarında daha derin, ratta ise daha sığdı. Memelilerden farklı olarak her üç türde de fossa masseterica'yı dorsal
ve ventral olarak sınırlayan masseterik çizgiler rnevcuttu, Çene kemiği üzerinden alınan bazı metrik ölçümler bakımından
(Sd, Sv, Ad, Td), yer sincabı ve rat çok benzerdi. Ayrıca üç türe ait mandibula kemiğindeki çiğneme kaslarının
"mekanik avantajları hesaplandı Genelde ağaç sincabındaki çene kaslarının mekanik avantajları, yer sincaplarından
yüksek bulund u. Buna karşın ağaç sincabı, ralla karşılaştırıldığında sadece iki çene kasının (Sd, Sv)
yüksek , bir kasın (Ad) düşük, diğer iki kasın (Tv, Td) ise benzer mekanik avantajlara sahip oldukları belirlendi . Rallar
ise yer sincapları ile kıyaslandığında, genelde çene kaslarının mekanik avantajı (Sd, Ad, Tv) yüksekti veya bazıları (Sv,
Td) benzerdi. M. temporalis'in dorsal fibrilleri (Td)'nin mekanik vantajı ise her üç türde de aynıydı Bu araştırmada üç
kemirgen türüne ait mandibula şekilleri "Geometrik Morfometrik" metoduyla tür ve cinsiyet farklılığı bakımından da kar-
şılaştırıldı Bu amaçla çene kemiğinde 16 adet homolog landmark noktası tespit edildi. Elde edilen şekiilere ait veriler
Geometrik Morfometrik yöntemiyle analiz edildi. Ilk iki temel bileşen -TB (PC-RW) ile türler ayırt edilebildi. Ilk iki TB, şekillere
ait toplam varyansın % 71 ini açıkladı (TB1:%37 , TB2:%34). Deformasyon ağ ızgarası çizilerek örneklerdeki
landmark'ların hareket yönlerine ait farklılıklar belirlendi. Şekil bakımından orthogonal karşılaştırmalar sonucu sadece
tür faktörünün istatistiki olarak önemli olduğu gözlendi.


  • Adanıs D.C., Slice, O.E. and RohIl. F.J. (2006). The Geomelric Morphomelrics Workshop. 12-16 June, Dep. Biology, METU , Ankara, Turkey.
  • Adam s. D.C., snee. O.E. and RoM. F.J. (2004). Geomelric Morphomelrics: Ten Years ol Progress oı­ Iowing the 'Revolution'. Itaı. J. Zooi., 71, 5-- 16.
  • A1bayrak.l. and Arslan. A. (2006). Contribulion to the Ta - xooomical and BioIogicaJ Charaeteristics of seerus snomaıus in Turkey (Mammalia: Rodanlia). Turk. J. Zooi. 30 , 111·116.
  • Alkan, B. (1965). Türkiye'nin AQaç ve Tarla Sincaplan (Mammalia-SOuridae) Uzerine Baz Incelemeler. Bilki Koruma Bulten;, Ankara, S, 4. 151· 162.
  • Alalar, O. and Yı lmaz S. (2004). Analamy of Skelelon Axiale ol 8quirrel. Indian Vel. J., 81, 305- 311,
  • Balı S.S. and ROlh, V.L (1995). Jaw Muscles of New World Squirrels. J. Morph., 224. 3. 265-291.
  • Bodner, L , Gabor, D. and lsreet, K. (1998 ). Cha· ractenstcs ol the Aging Ral Mandible. Atchv. Geronlology and Gerialrics, 27, 147- 157.
  • Bookslein, F.L (199 1). Morphomelric TooI5 LOt" landmaf1< üete. Cambrid University Pres., Cambridge, U.K.
  • Cardini, A. (2003). The Geomeıry ol the Marmot (Re> dentia: Sciuridae) Mandible: Phytogeny and Panems ol Morphological EvoIution. SysL BioI., 52, 2, 186-205.
  • Cardini, A. and Tongiorgi, P. (2003). YellOW-Bellied Mar· 10015 (Marmota f!avivenıris) 'In the Shape Space' (Rooenue. Sdur1dae): Sexual Oimorphism, Growth and AI· \ometry ol the Mandible. Zoomorphoiogy, 122, 11·23.
  • Cardini. A (2004). Evolubon ol MarmolS (Rodantia, sciundae]: Combining Inlormalion on Labial and Lingual sıoes ol the Mandible. Aeta Thetiologica, 49, 30 1·318.
  • Cardini, A. and O'Higgins P. (2004). Patterns ol Morphological Evolution in Mannola (Rode nlia, SCiundae): Geome lric Morphometrics ol the Craniu m in the Conle xt ol Marmol Phylogeny. Ecology and Conservalion. 8 iol. J. Unn . Scc., 82, 385- 407.
  • Cardini, A. and Slice O.E. (2004). Mandibular Shapo in Ihe Genus Marmola (Radenlia. Sciuridae): A Preliminary Analys is Using OuUines. aı. J. Zooi., 71, 1, 17·25.
  • Chiasson, A.B. (1980). Laboraıory Analomy Series . tn ~LaboraıOf)' Analomy ol the White Rar , Ed., Booth E.S., Chiasson, RB., Brown Comp. Pub., USA.
  • Oikmenli, M. (1996). Türkiye'de Yaşayan Yer Sincabı SpermophiJus ei ellus (Umaeus, 1n6) (Mammalia: Re> denlia). A1tlürlerinin Taksonomisinde Baş Iskeleli ve Diş Köklerinin Onemi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, S.O. EOitim Fak. Fen Bil. nsı. Biyoloji Anabiümdah, Konya.
  • Dikmenli, M. ve Kaya , MA (2000). Türkiye'dekl Yer Sincabı, Spermophilus citeJlus (Linnaeus. 1n6) ('Mammalia:Rodentia) Anlürlerinde Diş Köklerinin Var· yasyonu. S.O. El}jtim Fak. Fen Bil. Dc r., 8. 1,65-71.
  • Doğramacı S., Kelelioğl H. ve Gündüz, I. (1994 ). TOrklye Spermophilus (Mammalia: Rodenlia) Cinsinin KaryoIoiik Analizi. Turk. J. Zooi.. 18, 167-170.
  • Duarte, LC.• Monleiro, LA., Von Zuben , F.J. and Dos Reis. S.F. (2000). Variation in Mand ible Shapo in Thtic· homys Apereotdes (Mammalia: Rodonlia): Geomelric Analysis of a Complex MorphoIogical Slrueture. SysL BioI. Sep, 49, 3, 563-78.
  • DüzgOneş, O., Kesici. T., Kavuncu. O. ve Gurtlüz, F. (1987) Araş ırma ve Deneme eloıı rı (I ıat islik Metotlan ll). Ankara 000., Ziraal Fak.. Yay., No: 1021. Ders Kitabı No: 295, Ankara.
  • Ellerman , J.R. and Morrison-Scolt, T.C.S. (1951). Check· list ol eıe en and Indian Mammals. 1758-1946. Bnt. Mus. (Nal. Hist.). l ondon, 1·810.
  • Emry, R J. and horingıon R W. (1982). escectıv and Comparative Osteology ol the Oldesi Fossil Squirrel, Prolasciurus (Aodenlia: SOundae). Smithson ian Contribul ions LOPaJeobioIogy, 47, 1·35.
  • Greene, E.C. (1963). Anatomy of the Rat. Transactions ol the American Philosophical Socieıy Vd.. XXVıı. Hatner ı.b Comp., New York and london.
  • Hurov, J., Henry·Ward, W., Phillips, L and German, R (1988). Growth A11ome1ry ol Craniornandibufar Muscles. Tendons, and Bones in the Laboratory Rat (Rattus norvegicus): Relaıionships to Oromotor Maluralion and Bi· ornechanics ol Feeding. Am. J. AnaL , 182, 381-394.
  • Kaısercs C., Berg R and Kiliaridis S. (2002). Inlluerıce ol Masticalory Muscle Function on Transverse Skull Dimensions in the Growing Ral. J. Orolac. Oı1hop.. 63, I, 5-13.
  • Kliogenbarg, C.P and leamy, U . (200 1). Ouantitative Genetics ol Geometric Shape in the Mouse Mandible. Evolution, 55, 1, 2342 -2352 .
  • Konuk, M. ve Kaya , MA (1998). Konya ve Karaman leri Kemirici (Mammalia: Roden lia) Faunası S.O. Eg. Fak.., Fen BiL. Derg., 1, 7'a, 31·38.
  • l osken, A., Maaney, P. and Siegel, M.I. (1992). A cemparative Study of Mandibular Growth Pattems in Seven An maı Models. J. Oral MaxiOofae. Surgery., 50, 49().495.
  • Maran, R (2000). Comparative Cranlal Analomy ol Rat· lus noıvegicuS and Proechimys trinitatus. Horıors Theses, Weissman school ol Ar1s and Sciences, Baruch College, 7 lexington Ave. New York. NY 10010.
  • Monteira LA., Ouarte Le., and Dos Reis S.F. (2003). Environmental CoRetates of Goographical Variaıion in Skul and Mandible saka of The Puna re Rat Thrichomys apereoides (Rodentia: Echimyidae). J. Zooi., l and. 261, 47-57.
  • Nomina Anaıomica Velerinaria (2005). Internalional Commitlee on Veleıinary Grou Anaıomical Nomendalure. SCh ed., P1.tı by the Ed. com. HaMover. CoLırnbia. Gent., Sapparo, USA.
  • Nowak" R.M. and Paradiso. J.L. (1963). Wafke('s Mam- ınajs of the WOl1d. Vobne ll. -4lh ed., The Johns Hopiuns Urwersıty Press _ 1307 pp.
  • 01iiggins. P. (2000). The Sıudy of MorphoIogica! Variabon Inlhe Homiııiıd Fossi Record: 8k:ıIogy, L.ar'ıGmatkS and Geometry. J. Anat 197, 103-120.
  • onet. A. ve Temizel, i. A. (2005). EJaz Enncan ve Malatya SOurus anomaius (Güldenstaedl.. 1785). Populasyon&annın Moı10'0iik ve Baıı Biyometriı. Ozelilderi. F. U. Fen ve Mühencisfik Bil. Oerg., 17, 1. 205-215.
  • Pavtinov, I.V., (2001). Geomelnc Morphometrics, A New AnaIYtıCaI Approach 10 Corr1>rıwon ol Digitized lmages (hl1p1"e.ea<d>.amnh."'9InyceplpaYtinovipaYtinov.pdI).
  • Richt.srneiel, J.T.. DeLeon V.B. and Leıe S.R. (2002). The Pnmise of Geometril: Morphome1ric1 Phys. Anthlopol. 45, 63-91.
  • RohI, F-J. (1998). on _bono ol Geometri< uo<phomelrics Lo Studıes ol Onlogeny and Phytogeny. Syst. Biol, 47, I, 1·41·158
  • RohI, F.J. (2003). "TpsSmat '1.1.20" by F. James ~. _ ol Ec:cIogy .... E_ Sıaı lkWe<soly ol New York, Slony Brook.. NY 11J94..5245.
  • ROhII. F.J. (2004). "'TpsSpIine '1.1.20" by F. James Rohr. Department ol Eook>gy and EvoIı.rtion. State universityor New York. Stony Brook. NY llJ9.4·5245.
  • Rohlf, F.J. (2005). "'TpsReg '1.1.31- by F. James RohIr, Departmenl of EeoIogy and Eyoluhon, S1ale University of New York. Slony Brook., NY 11794·5245.
  • RoM, F.J. (2006). "'TpsDIg '1.2.05- a nd "TpsAelw v. 1.44- by F. Jamos oh Depa rt me ol Ecology and Evolution, State Univorsity ol New York, Slony Brock, NV 11794·5245.
  • RoM, FJ. and Marcus, LF. (1993). A RevoIution in MorphOmelricl. Trend in Ecology and EvolUlion, 8, 4. 129-1 32.
  • Rolh. V.L (1996). CraniaI ınıegralion in the 5c:iıı.nıae Am8I. ZooL, 36, 14·23.
  • RUa.SeI. A.P.. Pereschtz, R M. and Powei, G.L (200 11. The CıaNaI Osıeology ol Speflnoptıilus richardsc:ri (sa-- _, 1822) (_', Ground 5<>-01) ("""""""'. Aodenba: Sciuridae). Ann.. ZooL. SI, I, 117·131.
  • SPSS 10.0 (2000). SPSS lor Wndows.
  • widıefski, D. (2003). sepaıatng Size hem AIOmetrY: An.atysis ol L.oweı Jaw MOrPhOIOgY in the Fox Squirrel. SCiUIUS niger. J. MammaIogy, 84. 3. 86 1-876.
  • Thorington. R.W. and Danaw, K. ( 1996). Jaw Musdes ol old WOltdsquilTeis. J. Morph., 230. 145-165
  • Velhagen A.V. and Rolh, V.L (1997). ScaHıng of the MandIbIe in Squlrrels. J. Moıph., 232, 107'132.
  • Wejs, W. and Danturna. R. (1975). EJeclromyography and ee:::harıics of Masticalion in !he Abno RaL J. MOIPh.. 146, 1-34.
  • ıiiam P.W. and sheni J.H. (1993). BiOmeChaniıCaJ An.atysis ol Mastica tion in !he FossiI Aodenl: lSdıYTOmYS and lls Beamg on ee rigıin of 5eiuromoıptıs. TecMiıcaJ Reporl. N.P. SeMce, Paieonto6ogy Rese.vd'ı. 2. 21 .
  • WILSOn, D.E. anel ReedeI. DM (1993). MammaI spec:ie:s of the WOltd. 2nd edtion. Washi1gIon OC, 5n'ithsorian InsbIution P ress. 1207 pp.
  • Ventur&, J ., l.opez·Fusteı M.J.• Salazar, M. ...ı Pe-ezHemandez, M.R (2000). Morptıometric AnaIYSiS ol some Venezue&an Akodontine Rodents. Ndh. J. ZooL. 50,4, -487·501 .
  • ValÇın. H., Aralan, A. ve S. ıpudamaZ (2003). ğaç Sineabının (Sciurus anomalus) (GuIdonstaed. 1785) (Mam· malla: Rodentia) Kaslan Üzerinde MakroAnatomik Araşt rmalar Vel. Bil Derg., 19, 3·4, 83-88.
  • Vtgl, N., Çolak, E. and Sözen, M. (2000). A Study on the Hitlernalion ol 8permophilus xanlhoprymnus (Bennet. 1835) (MammaJia: Rodanlia) in Turkey. Tut1(. J. Zoo&., 24, 87·93.

A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 83 - 95, 01.03.2007


This study is carried out comparatively on three rodent species. There were ten matured three squirrels (5
male and 5 female), ten matured ground squirrels (4 male and 6 female), and ten 60 dayold rats (5 male and 5 female).
Study material was lateral side of right mandible . Mandibles of tree and ground squirrels and rats were compared
macro-anatomically. Comparing to squirrels, rats had a bone tip on the lateral side of rostro-ventral of mandibular
notch, coronoid process was short-and plain, and in the medial side, pterygoid fossa was deepper in the
ground squirrels but not in the rats. Unlike mammals, three species had masseteric ridge that frames masseteric
fossa dorsally and ventrally. In terms of some metric measurements (Sd, Sv, Ad, Td) taken on mandible, ground squirrel
and rat were very similar. In additi on, mechanical advantageous of masticatory muscles on the mandible of three
species were calcula ted. In general, comparing to ground squirrel, tree squirrel had more mechanical advantageous
of jaw muscles. However, comparison of three squirrelto rat showed thattree squirrel had more advantageous in two
jaw muscles (Sd, Sv), had disadvantageous in one masticatory muscles (Ad), and had no differences for the 'other two
jaw muscles (Tv, Td). Comparing rats to ground squirrels, in terms of jaw rnuscles, showed that rats had more advantageous in three jaw muscles (Sd, Ad, Tv), but had no differences for the other two (Sv, Td). In terms ol dorsal fibers of the temporal muscles (Td), there were no differences for three species. In this study, three rodent species
were compared for species and sex factors via Geometric Morphometrics methods . For this purpose, 16 homologous
landmarks, on the mand ible, were used. it is found that the first two principle components (PC1 and PC2) were able to
separate three species clearly. The first !WO principle components were able to reveal71% of the total shape variation
(PC1: 37%, PC2: 34%). In addition, movemen ts of landmarks in different species were analysed by means of deformation
grid. Orthogonal comparison of shape data showed that three species differs statistically significanlly


  • Adanıs D.C., Slice, O.E. and RohIl. F.J. (2006). The Geomelric Morphomelrics Workshop. 12-16 June, Dep. Biology, METU , Ankara, Turkey.
  • Adam s. D.C., snee. O.E. and RoM. F.J. (2004). Geomelric Morphomelrics: Ten Years ol Progress oı­ Iowing the 'Revolution'. Itaı. J. Zooi., 71, 5-- 16.
  • A1bayrak.l. and Arslan. A. (2006). Contribulion to the Ta - xooomical and BioIogicaJ Charaeteristics of seerus snomaıus in Turkey (Mammalia: Rodanlia). Turk. J. Zooi. 30 , 111·116.
  • Alkan, B. (1965). Türkiye'nin AQaç ve Tarla Sincaplan (Mammalia-SOuridae) Uzerine Baz Incelemeler. Bilki Koruma Bulten;, Ankara, S, 4. 151· 162.
  • Alalar, O. and Yı lmaz S. (2004). Analamy of Skelelon Axiale ol 8quirrel. Indian Vel. J., 81, 305- 311,
  • Balı S.S. and ROlh, V.L (1995). Jaw Muscles of New World Squirrels. J. Morph., 224. 3. 265-291.
  • Bodner, L , Gabor, D. and lsreet, K. (1998 ). Cha· ractenstcs ol the Aging Ral Mandible. Atchv. Geronlology and Gerialrics, 27, 147- 157.
  • Bookslein, F.L (199 1). Morphomelric TooI5 LOt" landmaf1< üete. Cambrid University Pres., Cambridge, U.K.
  • Cardini, A. (2003). The Geomeıry ol the Marmot (Re> dentia: Sciuridae) Mandible: Phytogeny and Panems ol Morphological EvoIution. SysL BioI., 52, 2, 186-205.
  • Cardini, A. and Tongiorgi, P. (2003). YellOW-Bellied Mar· 10015 (Marmota f!avivenıris) 'In the Shape Space' (Rooenue. Sdur1dae): Sexual Oimorphism, Growth and AI· \ometry ol the Mandible. Zoomorphoiogy, 122, 11·23.
  • Cardini. A (2004). Evolubon ol MarmolS (Rodantia, sciundae]: Combining Inlormalion on Labial and Lingual sıoes ol the Mandible. Aeta Thetiologica, 49, 30 1·318.
  • Cardini, A. and O'Higgins P. (2004). Patterns ol Morphological Evolution in Mannola (Rode nlia, SCiundae): Geome lric Morphometrics ol the Craniu m in the Conle xt ol Marmol Phylogeny. Ecology and Conservalion. 8 iol. J. Unn . Scc., 82, 385- 407.
  • Cardini, A. and Slice O.E. (2004). Mandibular Shapo in Ihe Genus Marmola (Radenlia. Sciuridae): A Preliminary Analys is Using OuUines. aı. J. Zooi., 71, 1, 17·25.
  • Chiasson, A.B. (1980). Laboraıory Analomy Series . tn ~LaboraıOf)' Analomy ol the White Rar , Ed., Booth E.S., Chiasson, RB., Brown Comp. Pub., USA.
  • Oikmenli, M. (1996). Türkiye'de Yaşayan Yer Sincabı SpermophiJus ei ellus (Umaeus, 1n6) (Mammalia: Re> denlia). A1tlürlerinin Taksonomisinde Baş Iskeleli ve Diş Köklerinin Onemi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, S.O. EOitim Fak. Fen Bil. nsı. Biyoloji Anabiümdah, Konya.
  • Dikmenli, M. ve Kaya , MA (2000). Türkiye'dekl Yer Sincabı, Spermophilus citeJlus (Linnaeus. 1n6) ('Mammalia:Rodentia) Anlürlerinde Diş Köklerinin Var· yasyonu. S.O. El}jtim Fak. Fen Bil. Dc r., 8. 1,65-71.
  • Doğramacı S., Kelelioğl H. ve Gündüz, I. (1994 ). TOrklye Spermophilus (Mammalia: Rodenlia) Cinsinin KaryoIoiik Analizi. Turk. J. Zooi.. 18, 167-170.
  • Duarte, LC.• Monleiro, LA., Von Zuben , F.J. and Dos Reis. S.F. (2000). Variation in Mand ible Shapo in Thtic· homys Apereotdes (Mammalia: Rodonlia): Geomelric Analysis of a Complex MorphoIogical Slrueture. SysL BioI. Sep, 49, 3, 563-78.
  • DüzgOneş, O., Kesici. T., Kavuncu. O. ve Gurtlüz, F. (1987) Araş ırma ve Deneme eloıı rı (I ıat islik Metotlan ll). Ankara 000., Ziraal Fak.. Yay., No: 1021. Ders Kitabı No: 295, Ankara.
  • Ellerman , J.R. and Morrison-Scolt, T.C.S. (1951). Check· list ol eıe en and Indian Mammals. 1758-1946. Bnt. Mus. (Nal. Hist.). l ondon, 1·810.
  • Emry, R J. and horingıon R W. (1982). escectıv and Comparative Osteology ol the Oldesi Fossil Squirrel, Prolasciurus (Aodenlia: SOundae). Smithson ian Contribul ions LOPaJeobioIogy, 47, 1·35.
  • Greene, E.C. (1963). Anatomy of the Rat. Transactions ol the American Philosophical Socieıy Vd.. XXVıı. Hatner ı.b Comp., New York and london.
  • Hurov, J., Henry·Ward, W., Phillips, L and German, R (1988). Growth A11ome1ry ol Craniornandibufar Muscles. Tendons, and Bones in the Laboratory Rat (Rattus norvegicus): Relaıionships to Oromotor Maluralion and Bi· ornechanics ol Feeding. Am. J. AnaL , 182, 381-394.
  • Kaısercs C., Berg R and Kiliaridis S. (2002). Inlluerıce ol Masticalory Muscle Function on Transverse Skull Dimensions in the Growing Ral. J. Orolac. Oı1hop.. 63, I, 5-13.
  • Kliogenbarg, C.P and leamy, U . (200 1). Ouantitative Genetics ol Geometric Shape in the Mouse Mandible. Evolution, 55, 1, 2342 -2352 .
  • Konuk, M. ve Kaya , MA (1998). Konya ve Karaman leri Kemirici (Mammalia: Roden lia) Faunası S.O. Eg. Fak.., Fen BiL. Derg., 1, 7'a, 31·38.
  • l osken, A., Maaney, P. and Siegel, M.I. (1992). A cemparative Study of Mandibular Growth Pattems in Seven An maı Models. J. Oral MaxiOofae. Surgery., 50, 49().495.
  • Maran, R (2000). Comparative Cranlal Analomy ol Rat· lus noıvegicuS and Proechimys trinitatus. Horıors Theses, Weissman school ol Ar1s and Sciences, Baruch College, 7 lexington Ave. New York. NY 10010.
  • Monteira LA., Ouarte Le., and Dos Reis S.F. (2003). Environmental CoRetates of Goographical Variaıion in Skul and Mandible saka of The Puna re Rat Thrichomys apereoides (Rodentia: Echimyidae). J. Zooi., l and. 261, 47-57.
  • Nomina Anaıomica Velerinaria (2005). Internalional Commitlee on Veleıinary Grou Anaıomical Nomendalure. SCh ed., P1.tı by the Ed. com. HaMover. CoLırnbia. Gent., Sapparo, USA.
  • Nowak" R.M. and Paradiso. J.L. (1963). Wafke('s Mam- ınajs of the WOl1d. Vobne ll. -4lh ed., The Johns Hopiuns Urwersıty Press _ 1307 pp.
  • 01iiggins. P. (2000). The Sıudy of MorphoIogica! Variabon Inlhe Homiııiıd Fossi Record: 8k:ıIogy, L.ar'ıGmatkS and Geometry. J. Anat 197, 103-120.
  • onet. A. ve Temizel, i. A. (2005). EJaz Enncan ve Malatya SOurus anomaius (Güldenstaedl.. 1785). Populasyon&annın Moı10'0iik ve Baıı Biyometriı. Ozelilderi. F. U. Fen ve Mühencisfik Bil. Oerg., 17, 1. 205-215.
  • Pavtinov, I.V., (2001). Geomelnc Morphometrics, A New AnaIYtıCaI Approach 10 Corr1>rıwon ol Digitized lmages (hl1p1"e.ea<d>.amnh."'9InyceplpaYtinovipaYtinov.pdI).
  • Richt.srneiel, J.T.. DeLeon V.B. and Leıe S.R. (2002). The Pnmise of Geometril: Morphome1ric1 Phys. Anthlopol. 45, 63-91.
  • RohI, F-J. (1998). on _bono ol Geometri< uo<phomelrics Lo Studıes ol Onlogeny and Phytogeny. Syst. Biol, 47, I, 1·41·158
  • RohI, F.J. (2003). "TpsSmat '1.1.20" by F. James ~. _ ol Ec:cIogy .... E_ Sıaı lkWe<soly ol New York, Slony Brook.. NY 11J94..5245.
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Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69YR86DB
Bölüm Araştırma

Hakan Yalçın Bu kişi benim

Seyit Ali Kayış Bu kişi benim

Atilla Arslan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yalçın, H., Kayış, S. A., & Arslan, A. (2007). A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(1), 83-95.
AMA Yalçın H, Kayış SA, Arslan A. A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2007;23(1):83-95.
Chicago Yalçın, Hakan, Seyit Ali Kayış, ve Atilla Arslan. “A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, sy. 1 (Mart 2007): 83-95.
EndNote Yalçın H, Kayış SA, Arslan A (01 Mart 2007) A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 1 83–95.
IEEE H. Yalçın, S. A. Kayış, ve A. Arslan, “A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 23, sy. 1, ss. 83–95, 2007.
ISNAD Yalçın, Hakan vd. “A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/1 (Mart 2007), 83-95.
JAMA Yalçın H, Kayış SA, Arslan A. A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:83–95.
MLA Yalçın, Hakan vd. “A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 23, sy. 1, 2007, ss. 83-95.
Vancouver Yalçın H, Kayış SA, Arslan A. A Comparative Macro-Anatomic, Mechanical and Geometric Morphometrics Study on Tree and Ground Squirrel and Rat. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(1):83-95.