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Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 31 - 35, 01.03.2007


  • Abdel-Wahhab MA, Nada SA, Khalil FA (2002) Physiological and oxic olog cal responses in rats led at- tatoxln - cc mıneı ec eıe with or witnoc t sercent materials. Animal Feed Sci. 'rtec. 97: 209-21 9.
  • Akkuş i. (1995) Serbest radikaller ve fizyopat olojik etkileri. Mimoza ayınevi, Konya. 129-132.
  • Arawind KL, Patil V.S., Devegowda G.• Umakanlha B.. Ganpule S.P. (2003) elliciaey ol eslerified glucomannan lo counteract mycctcxccsıs in natural1y conlaminated teeo on performance and serum biochemical. ha- emalological paramelers in broilers. Poullry Sel. 82: 571· 576.
  • Ban\ora W, Bintvihak A, Kumag ai S. (2005) Immunohistochemical study ol prolilerating cen nuelear antigen (PCNA) in duclding liver ted with aüatoxm B1 and estentec glucomannan. Toxicon, 46, 954-957.
  • Beuı er E., Dubon Q ., Kelly B.M. (1963) lmproved meı­ had fort he determinalion of biood glutathione. J. Lab. Cün. Med. 61, 882·888.
  • Choodhary A., Verma RJ. (200 5) Amelioralive eH9C1s ol black tea extrect on allaloxin·induced lipid pero.ıtidation in the liver ol mice. Food Chem. Toxicol. 43 (1), 99--104.
  • Çelik 1., O{ı H., Demet O.• Boydak M., Dönmez H.H., Sur E., NizamhOOlu F. (2ooo) a Embryotoxicily Assay ol Al1aloxin Produced by Aspergillus parasilicus NAAL 2999. British Poullry seeeee. 41, 401-409.
  • Çelik I., O{ıuz H., Dem Dönmez H.H., Boydak M. Sur E. (2ooo)b Ell icacy ol Potyvinylpotypyrrolidone in Reducing the mm noıo xicity ol Al ıat oxin in Growing areners. British Pouttry Science, 41, 430-439.
  • Çelik. 1., eme ıO DOnrnez H.H.. O{ı H., Boydak M. (1996) Allat oksin ve Allatoksin Ba !:j:layıc ısı Olan Polivinil Polipirolidon (PVPP) Verilen BrOyferlerde Periteneel Makrofajların Fagosilik ve Mikrobisidal Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 12.1,145-151.
  • Erealan G., Liman B.C., Güçlü B.K., Ate sever., Koç A.N., Beyaz L. (2004) Evaluali on ol atratoxın Icxicrty in Japanes quails given vertcus doses ol hidrated sodium ceı­ clum alurninosilicata. Bull. Vet. ı. Pullawy. 48: 51, · 517.S
  • Erenal G., Erbaş O., ncıoğlu A. (1992) Serbest radikaller ve antioksidan sıstemler Gazi ıp Dergisi. 3: 243·250.
  • Harvey RB., Kubera L.F., Phi1l ips T.D., Cornier D.E., ı. lisade M.H., Hutf W.E. (1991) Oirnunition ol analolcin toxicity lO growing lambs by dietary supplementalion wilh HSCAS. Am. J. Vet. Res.. 52: 152·156.
  • Koçaci T., H., KurtOOlu V., De rnet Ö. (1998) Ettec ol polyviny1polyprolidone, synthetic zecnte and bencnne on serum btochemical and haemalological characters of broiler chickens during anaıcxccs British Pooltry Science. 39. 452-458.
  • Kı hnç K. (1986) Oxygen recceıs Iheir production, lunclion and tcxıc efleets. Biyokimya Oergisi. 9: 3, 59·76.
  • Klein P.J., van Vleel T.R.. Haıı R.A., Coulombe Jr. (2003) Elfets ol dietary bulylated hydroxytoluene on aflaıoxin BL relevant metebere enzymes in turxevs. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 41: 671-678.
  • Kubena LF., Harvey R.B.,Philips T.D., Clemenl B.A. (1993) Ellects ol hydrate sodium cacium elurrvnosacare on growing enetcxıcosıs in breiter cbıcks Poullry Science, 72: 651-657.
  • McKean C., Tang L, Billam M., Theodorakis C.W., Kencan R.J., Wang J.S. (2006) Comparalive ecute and combinative Icxicity of aflaıox BL and T-2 xln in enimals and immortilazed human cen lines. J. Appl. 'r xtccı., 26 (2): 139-47.
  • Meki A.MA, Esmail E.E.F., Husscin AA, Hassanein H.M. (2004) Caspase- 3 and heat shock protein-70 in rat liver lreated with atlatoxin B1: llec ol metatenin. Toxıccn. 43: 511-517.
  • Oğuz H., Keçeci T., Birdane Y.O., Önder F., urtoğlu V. (2000) Effect ol clinoptilolile on serum biochemical and haematological characters ol broiler chickens during atretexeesis . Research in Veıerinary Science. 69, 89·93.
  • aı1a S.S., Özcan M., Oğuz H. (2001) Biological suppressen ol eüatoxccsıs in Japanese cuan (Columix co- ıumıx japonica) by dietary addition ol yeast (Seccharomyces cerevisiae]. Research inVe ıerinary Sci. 71: 207-211.
  • Raju MVLN., Devegowda G. (2000) Influence of esterified glucomannan on perlormance and organ morphology, serum biochemistry and haeınalology in broners expcsed lo individual and combined mycoıoxicosis (al- !aıoxin, cchratoxin and T-2 tcxin]. Br. Pouü. SCi. 41, 640.- 650.
  • Rasıogi R., Snvastava AK., Rastogi KA. (2001) long lerm eflect of eüetcxe BL on lipid peroxidalion in ratliver and kidney: cffect ol picroliv and silymarin. Phytotherapy Research. 15,307-310.
  • Rosa CA, Miazzo R., Magnoti C., Salvano M., Chriac S.M., Fertere S., Saenz M., cerveıhc E.C.. Oalcero A. (2001) Evalualion ol the efficiacy ol e n nıt Irom the South Argentina lo ameliorate the toxic eftects of ettaıc xin in ereners. outıry Sci. 80: 139-144.
  • Slater TF. (1984) Overwiev ol et cıs used for dedecting lipid pe xıda nc n. Methods in Enzymotogy. LOS, 283·305.
  • Soliman KM., Ei- Faramawy AA, Zakaria SM., Mekkawy SH. (2001) Manitaring the reventıve eflecl of hydrogen peroxide and gamma-radiation of aneıoxccsıe in growing rabbits and the eüect of cooking on allatoxin re· sidues. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49(7), 3291·5.
  • Yousef ML, Salem MH., Kamel KI, Hassan GA., EINouly FO. (2003) Influence ol ascorbic acid suppIemenlation on the haemaıological and clinical bi-- ochemistry pererneters of male rabbils exposed ıo at- !atoxin Bl . J. Environ SCi. Health B. 38 (2), 193-209.

The effects of aflatoxin and glucomannan on some antioxidants and biochemical parameters in rabbits

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1, 31 - 35, 01.03.2007


  • Abdel-Wahhab MA, Nada SA, Khalil FA (2002) Physiological and oxic olog cal responses in rats led at- tatoxln - cc mıneı ec eıe with or witnoc t sercent materials. Animal Feed Sci. 'rtec. 97: 209-21 9.
  • Akkuş i. (1995) Serbest radikaller ve fizyopat olojik etkileri. Mimoza ayınevi, Konya. 129-132.
  • Arawind KL, Patil V.S., Devegowda G.• Umakanlha B.. Ganpule S.P. (2003) elliciaey ol eslerified glucomannan lo counteract mycctcxccsıs in natural1y conlaminated teeo on performance and serum biochemical. ha- emalological paramelers in broilers. Poullry Sel. 82: 571· 576.
  • Ban\ora W, Bintvihak A, Kumag ai S. (2005) Immunohistochemical study ol prolilerating cen nuelear antigen (PCNA) in duclding liver ted with aüatoxm B1 and estentec glucomannan. Toxicon, 46, 954-957.
  • Beuı er E., Dubon Q ., Kelly B.M. (1963) lmproved meı­ had fort he determinalion of biood glutathione. J. Lab. Cün. Med. 61, 882·888.
  • Choodhary A., Verma RJ. (200 5) Amelioralive eH9C1s ol black tea extrect on allaloxin·induced lipid pero.ıtidation in the liver ol mice. Food Chem. Toxicol. 43 (1), 99--104.
  • Çelik 1., O{ı H., Demet O.• Boydak M., Dönmez H.H., Sur E., NizamhOOlu F. (2ooo) a Embryotoxicily Assay ol Al1aloxin Produced by Aspergillus parasilicus NAAL 2999. British Poullry seeeee. 41, 401-409.
  • Çelik I., O{ıuz H., Dem Dönmez H.H., Boydak M. Sur E. (2ooo)b Ell icacy ol Potyvinylpotypyrrolidone in Reducing the mm noıo xicity ol Al ıat oxin in Growing areners. British Pouttry Science, 41, 430-439.
  • Çelik. 1., eme ıO DOnrnez H.H.. O{ı H., Boydak M. (1996) Allat oksin ve Allatoksin Ba !:j:layıc ısı Olan Polivinil Polipirolidon (PVPP) Verilen BrOyferlerde Periteneel Makrofajların Fagosilik ve Mikrobisidal Aktivitelerinin Belirlenmesi. Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi. 12.1,145-151.
  • Erealan G., Liman B.C., Güçlü B.K., Ate sever., Koç A.N., Beyaz L. (2004) Evaluali on ol atratoxın Icxicrty in Japanes quails given vertcus doses ol hidrated sodium ceı­ clum alurninosilicata. Bull. Vet. ı. Pullawy. 48: 51, · 517.S
  • Erenal G., Erbaş O., ncıoğlu A. (1992) Serbest radikaller ve antioksidan sıstemler Gazi ıp Dergisi. 3: 243·250.
  • Harvey RB., Kubera L.F., Phi1l ips T.D., Cornier D.E., ı. lisade M.H., Hutf W.E. (1991) Oirnunition ol analolcin toxicity lO growing lambs by dietary supplementalion wilh HSCAS. Am. J. Vet. Res.. 52: 152·156.
  • Koçaci T., H., KurtOOlu V., De rnet Ö. (1998) Ettec ol polyviny1polyprolidone, synthetic zecnte and bencnne on serum btochemical and haemalological characters of broiler chickens during anaıcxccs British Pooltry Science. 39. 452-458.
  • Kı hnç K. (1986) Oxygen recceıs Iheir production, lunclion and tcxıc efleets. Biyokimya Oergisi. 9: 3, 59·76.
  • Klein P.J., van Vleel T.R.. Haıı R.A., Coulombe Jr. (2003) Elfets ol dietary bulylated hydroxytoluene on aflaıoxin BL relevant metebere enzymes in turxevs. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 41: 671-678.
  • Kubena LF., Harvey R.B.,Philips T.D., Clemenl B.A. (1993) Ellects ol hydrate sodium cacium elurrvnosacare on growing enetcxıcosıs in breiter cbıcks Poullry Science, 72: 651-657.
  • McKean C., Tang L, Billam M., Theodorakis C.W., Kencan R.J., Wang J.S. (2006) Comparalive ecute and combinative Icxicity of aflaıox BL and T-2 xln in enimals and immortilazed human cen lines. J. Appl. 'r xtccı., 26 (2): 139-47.
  • Meki A.MA, Esmail E.E.F., Husscin AA, Hassanein H.M. (2004) Caspase- 3 and heat shock protein-70 in rat liver lreated with atlatoxin B1: llec ol metatenin. Toxıccn. 43: 511-517.
  • Oğuz H., Keçeci T., Birdane Y.O., Önder F., urtoğlu V. (2000) Effect ol clinoptilolile on serum biochemical and haematological characters ol broiler chickens during atretexeesis . Research in Veıerinary Science. 69, 89·93.
  • aı1a S.S., Özcan M., Oğuz H. (2001) Biological suppressen ol eüatoxccsıs in Japanese cuan (Columix co- ıumıx japonica) by dietary addition ol yeast (Seccharomyces cerevisiae]. Research inVe ıerinary Sci. 71: 207-211.
  • Raju MVLN., Devegowda G. (2000) Influence of esterified glucomannan on perlormance and organ morphology, serum biochemistry and haeınalology in broners expcsed lo individual and combined mycoıoxicosis (al- !aıoxin, cchratoxin and T-2 tcxin]. Br. Pouü. SCi. 41, 640.- 650.
  • Rasıogi R., Snvastava AK., Rastogi KA. (2001) long lerm eflect of eüetcxe BL on lipid peroxidalion in ratliver and kidney: cffect ol picroliv and silymarin. Phytotherapy Research. 15,307-310.
  • Rosa CA, Miazzo R., Magnoti C., Salvano M., Chriac S.M., Fertere S., Saenz M., cerveıhc E.C.. Oalcero A. (2001) Evalualion ol the efficiacy ol e n nıt Irom the South Argentina lo ameliorate the toxic eftects of ettaıc xin in ereners. outıry Sci. 80: 139-144.
  • Slater TF. (1984) Overwiev ol et cıs used for dedecting lipid pe xıda nc n. Methods in Enzymotogy. LOS, 283·305.
  • Soliman KM., Ei- Faramawy AA, Zakaria SM., Mekkawy SH. (2001) Manitaring the reventıve eflecl of hydrogen peroxide and gamma-radiation of aneıoxccsıe in growing rabbits and the eüect of cooking on allatoxin re· sidues. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49(7), 3291·5.
  • Yousef ML, Salem MH., Kamel KI, Hassan GA., EINouly FO. (2003) Influence ol ascorbic acid suppIemenlation on the haemaıological and clinical bi-- ochemistry pererneters of male rabbils exposed ıo at- !atoxin Bl . J. Environ SCi. Health B. 38 (2), 193-209.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA69YD24VG
Bölüm Araştırma

Nurcan Dönmez Bu kişi benim

Ercan Keskin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 23 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Dönmez, N., & Keskin, E. (2007). The effects of aflatoxin and glucomannan on some antioxidants and biochemical parameters in rabbits. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 23(1), 31-35.
AMA Dönmez N, Keskin E. The effects of aflatoxin and glucomannan on some antioxidants and biochemical parameters in rabbits. Eurasian J Vet Sci. Mart 2007;23(1):31-35.
Chicago Dönmez, Nurcan, ve Ercan Keskin. “The Effects of Aflatoxin and Glucomannan on Some Antioxidants and Biochemical Parameters in Rabbits”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23, sy. 1 (Mart 2007): 31-35.
EndNote Dönmez N, Keskin E (01 Mart 2007) The effects of aflatoxin and glucomannan on some antioxidants and biochemical parameters in rabbits. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23 1 31–35.
IEEE N. Dönmez ve E. Keskin, “The effects of aflatoxin and glucomannan on some antioxidants and biochemical parameters in rabbits”, Eurasian J Vet Sci, c. 23, sy. 1, ss. 31–35, 2007.
ISNAD Dönmez, Nurcan - Keskin, Ercan. “The Effects of Aflatoxin and Glucomannan on Some Antioxidants and Biochemical Parameters in Rabbits”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences 23/1 (Mart 2007), 31-35.
JAMA Dönmez N, Keskin E. The effects of aflatoxin and glucomannan on some antioxidants and biochemical parameters in rabbits. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23:31–35.
MLA Dönmez, Nurcan ve Ercan Keskin. “The Effects of Aflatoxin and Glucomannan on Some Antioxidants and Biochemical Parameters in Rabbits”. Eurasian Journal of Veterinary Sciences, c. 23, sy. 1, 2007, ss. 31-35.
Vancouver Dönmez N, Keskin E. The effects of aflatoxin and glucomannan on some antioxidants and biochemical parameters in rabbits. Eurasian J Vet Sci. 2007;23(1):31-5.